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Royal Champions


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I think the issue is that RCI wasn't candid about what the RC program was or what they expected to gain out of it.


They clearly want positive posts and plenty of them, in their own words. Unless they are total idiots they would make certain that those chosen would produce exactly those results.


Nothing is better than than to make people believe that someone else is getting something better than the next guy is. They created this program knowing that those chosen wouldn't be able to resist calling attention to their membership. Even nicer would be the "mystery" surrounding the chosen ones. Who knows how they were chosen. (Not giving specifics of criteria makes everyone believe they have a shot at getting in)


Posters would assume that in order to get in you had to make nice..nice to RCI. Wannabees would then post often and try to call attention to themselves to get noticed.(Have you noticed that some need to put "charter" in order to distinguish themselves from the johnny come latelys??):p


This is marketing at its best. RCI gets CC members to do the work for them and they throw perks around to keep the masses happy. Meanwhile they are getting positive posts from members...positive posts from those longing to be noticed and invited.




Yes, I noticed...... I'm one of the Johnny come latelys in the second group to the RC program:D I thought about adding charter just to see what they'd do! lol Well I added RC it to my sig when I came home from my cruise after I received the invite and it was on the main board then as everyone was saying how they received the invite and because the first group had it we added it too without the CHARTER of course! lol

Well all I can tell you is you'd have to read my posts as I have NO idea why they picked me as I am probably the renegade of the bunch as far as being someone that loves the traditional style of cruising. The fashion police dislike me intensely! lol

I think the tone of my posts are positive that is true because that's just how I am but the words may tell a different story at times as I am brutally honest if I do not agree with something RCCL is doing and I'm not shy about saying it either. When RCCL used the term "positive" in the article and if you look at the posts of any RC that I can think of, you do notice no one is nasty or sarcastic toward others. It's unclear if RCCL is saying in that article if they want positive things said about RCCL or they are looking for people to respond in a positive tone. I've looked at many RC posts in the past few days and we are all so different in many way but that is the one thing we do have in common, our posts are not negative in tone although they are in words at times.

I definitely agree 100% that the whole concept of being " chosen" is a huge plus about the program as people are always curious how they can be chosen for something also and RCCL definitely used that to their advantage. In this case it seems to me we were chosen to be invited to things to spend OUR money!

Really, think about it. My email I received the other day says I will be invited to things but I have to pay my own expenses. Gee thanks RCCL:D Sure it's nice to be one of the first ones to see a new ship with the thousands of TA's and members of the press that would be standing right next to me:eek: if I ever do get an invite to something but it would be a lot nicer if I didn't have to pay to feel special too:D

Bottom line is I really like to cruise RCCL. I live an hour from port, I could drive another 15 minutes to 1/2 hour to sail on any ship out of NYC but I like the ship, I like the crew, The port is easy, and we always have a great time on every cruise and I said that on CC many times long before I was a RC. If I didn't like RCCL I wouldn't be D plus as I would have just sailed another cruiseline if I was unhappy with it and that's the truth and I've posted that many times on CC long before RCCL thought up the RC program.

I rarely used my sig before on CC because I don't really think its neccassary as many know me on CC but I feel i

I HAVE to use it now because I do not want to be accused of HIDING the RC. Silly isn't it?

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But sure Kathleen you know the members who were picked by RCCL - just highlight them to bring impartiality back to the boards.


JJ -- we know who we forwarded invitations to. We don't know who contacted Royal Caribbean and accepted. We don't know who was contacted on other cruise forums, blogs or usenet groups and may be posting here as well. I think most RCs do identify themselves in their sigs or at least at one time in threads here on the boards shortly after the Liberty of the Seas inaugural. For privacy reasons, we can not identify someone for you.






Did they just think they'd won the lottery when they were asked to join pre-inaugural sailings ?


You'll have to ask them that.




YES it was CC responsibility to disclose what Royal Caribbean was doing with its Royal Champion’s program to show there was impartiality on the boards


I will be happy to disclose what Royal Caribbean is doing as soon as I know what it is exactly. I'm still trying to figure it out. Whatever it is, it's so subtle, it's not clear to me. I'm not an RC. They haven't told me the details, nor have they told the RC's apparently. They haven't told them to do anything. So, I really don't understand what their viral campaign is all about.


Didn't CC think to ask why RCCL wanted members details - or are you saying RCCL refused to reveal all the details ?


RCCL told us they wanted to invite them on Liberty of the Seas.






Well i think that somes it up - NOT a Mention OF THE THOUSANDS of other members that provide contributions to this site !!


Totally unintentional and my apologies! Thank you as well to those of you who contribute on the Cruise Critic forums and help share your cruise experiences!!!

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I doubt we'll see a show of hands on that one. No one seems to have any problem with the Loyalty Program especially the CL perk so just give the RC title to Diamond plus as a perk.



I have no problem with your idea about D+, but obviously, the intention was to have those included who would not be readily identifiable as a cheerleader. I am not using the term in a negative way, because if you have spent the kinds of money a D+ would represent with the hign number of cruises it represents, you are one heck of a huge fan of the line, ie cheerleader, and could be called a Royal Champion without the designation having ever been invented. But the beauty of the program would take a hit -- the aspiration to be a Champ could not be realized without lots of bucks, and mega time for vacations. While in the present form, one can aspire just by copious fawning.


Jaxon -- Royal Chump, charter member

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...Buzz Metric used the posts, to select the RC, was CC unaware of this process or was Buzz Metrics given access to the database....


Just to note, I don't think that Buzz Metrics needed access to any database. They, like Google, HotBot, AltaVista and other search engines just probably had a robot go through the pages to collect the entire website. I don't think you even need to register to gain access to reading CC. Which is why it's a good idea to never post in public information that you wouldn't want to be seen by others.. ever. The same is true of what you may decide to post in this thread between Google, CC and the Way Back Machine, it might be around forever.


I was looking through the rules and I don't see any rules that forbid the harvesting of the information on the website for marketing purposes. In fact, there are no rules of disclosure on CC at all. All I see, in regards to T/A is this "you are welcome to sign your name and note your professional business."

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You misunderstood. We DO NOT give out e-mail addresses.


I do indeed fully believe that CC did not give out email addresses to anyone - I'm 100 percent certain of that. On the other hand, I also believe that CC management did something for Royal Caribbean that they would not have done for just anyone who had asked nicely. There's at least an economic slant to this.

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The REASON you have earned those free drinks is easily understood by all...on all levels. Anyone can achieve it. Not so this mysterious program called Royal Champion.


And that is why I have suggested several times on this thread to give the RC title to D pluses:) Then there would be no mystery of how and why people were selected, D pluses are certainly seasoned cruisers capable of giving an opinion on a ship or a cruise related event, everyone would know they will be a RC too someday if they keep cruising RCCL so they will not feel excluded. Simple right? UNLESS people start attacking D pluses for all the perks we get and for being biased as we sail RCCL all the time. Are D plus members biased because we have cruised so much on RCCL and get a lot of perks? How bout those Diamond members drinking for free too with the D plus everynight in the CL? Better make them put warnings in their sigs too so people are aware they may be influenced! :D

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Heres what I don't understand then...if you DON'T want to contribute to page hits here, and you can't in good conscience recommend this joint to anyone --- what in the heck are you still doing here?? As you say, there are other sites, plenty of em out there. Find one that fits you better.


If you have read all 1,000 plus posts, you know the answer to that, and I do post there. I know about the viral marketing going on here, so it is not going to infect me, but I am not going to give an hour's dissertation on it to someone who is new to cruising to innoculate them.


I said I don't like it when I have to give page hits to political sites where I need to go for op research, I don't believe I added any other site or category of sites to that statement.

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And that is why I have suggested several times on this thread to give the RC title to D pluses:) Then there would be no mystery of how and why people were selected, D pluses are certainly seasoned cruisers capable of giving an opinion on a ship or a cruise related event, everyone would know they will be a RC too someday if they keep cruising RCCL so they will not feel excluded. Simple right? UNLESS people start attacking D pluses for all the perks we get and for being biased as we sail RCCL all the time. Are D plus members biased because we have cruised so much on RCCL and get a lot of perks? How bout those Diamond members drinking for free too with the D plus everynight in the CL? Better make them put warnings in their sigs too so people are aware they may be influenced! :D


I don't believe I've personally seen any instances where members have been attacked or slighted for their status - Diamond, Elite, whatever - and I doubt very much that you'll receive much flak for being a Royal Champion after this all blows over (and it will).

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Suppose I have a class of 40 children. One morning I arrive and give five of the children brand new bikes. I announce that they may call themselves the Champion Children on all their classwork now. No explanation or rationale offered.


I invite the Champion Children alone to special parties at my home and they return and tell their classmates about all the special treats I provided. The rest of the class watches and wonders. What is teacher's criteria? How can the unchosen child behave so that all these great things come to him? I, the teacher, am mysterious about my criteria. HMMM, what should the unchosen students do? What is human nature that they will do?


The simplest strategy is to copy or mimic the behavior of the chosen few If they sing my praises...sing them too. If they attack another child who questions my grading...attack her too. Others will draw attention to themselves...always in a way that they guess might be what I want. THERE ARE NO OTHER GUIDELINES! The other children want bikes and parties too...so they fall in line and model themselves after teacher's pets.


THAT is an artificial enviroment, certainly not condusive to honesty and exchange of real ideas. That's the viral marketing that was practiced here.


the dilemma of trying to get chosen sucks all the air ...and reality out of the place.




Jaxon -- Royal Chump, charter member

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Just to note, I don't think that Buzz Metrics needed access to any database. They, like Google, HotBot, AltaVista and other search engines just probably had a robot go through the pages to collect the entire website. I don't think you even need to register to gain access to reading CC. Which is why it's a good idea to never post in public information that you wouldn't want to be seen by others.. ever. The same is true of what you may decide to post in this thread between Google, CC and the Way Back Machine, it might be around forever.


I was looking through the rules and I don't see any rules that forbid the harvesting of the information on the website for marketing purposes. In fact, there are no rules of disclosure on CC at all. All I see, in regards to T/A is this "you are welcome to sign your name and note your professional business."


Thanks for the information, scary how big brother is watching.

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You misunderstood. We DO NOT give out e-mail addresses.


I know you don't give out email addresses. I think you misunderstood my question or maybe I worded it wrong. You posted that "CC's involvement ended when they forwarded RCI's request for contact with some CC members to the CC members."


My question is will CC forward a contact request to a CC member' date=' if asked by another CC member?[/color']

Host Mick,

It's been almost an hour since I reworded my question and you still haven't answered me yet. :(

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Well, I surely appreciate that Ms. Turner.


While I continue to share my cruising experience with others here on Cruise Critic who need advice or candid comments on the ins and outs of cruising, I will in future never comment or cease to comment on any thread in which I see the call names of people(and they know who they are) who have made it a point to criticize, belittle, and aggresively stalk people who post here with Royal Champion in their signatures. I will no longer use it, not because I have anything to admit or deny, but because its' nobodies' business. I can be as transparent or as difuse as I care to, if you don't like it, stuff it!


Since one of your quotes way back on this thread was used in reponse to merionmom asking me to point out an RC who was nasty, please identify any poster who has been AGGRESIVELY STALKING you, or any RC you know.


Jaxon -- Royal Chump, charter member

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I have no problem with your idea about D+, but obviously, the intention was to have those included who would not be readily identifiable as a cheerleader. I am not using the term in a negative way, because if you have spent the kinds of money a D+ would represent with the hign number of cruises it represents, you are one heck of a huge fan of the line, ie cheerleader, and could be called a Royal Champion without the designation having ever been invented. But the beauty of the program would take a hit -- the aspiration to be a Champ could not be realized without lots of bucks, and mega time for vacations. While in the present form, one can aspire just by copious fawning.


Jaxon -- Royal Chump, charter member


I agree that the RC reward people who have lots of time to sit and post on the internet. Those of us who have family responsibilities and a job don't qualify.


Often when we cruise we book two rooms because we have adult kids. My cruising dollar would go farther with one cabin and no kids. But spending habits are not the criteria.


That is why I am a Chump not a Champ since I have to work.

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You misunderstood. We DO NOT give out e-mail addresses.


Best reread what was asked -- emails to you to be the go between, just like CC did in the viral marketing campaign. And If I am recollecting correctly, CC emailed the chosen ones, and asked for personal information and if they, CC, could forward it to the cruise lines. I distinctly remember the RC who said she did not hit reply because she was suspicious and went to CC to contact Laura. Correct me if I am wrong, but after permission was given, I do believe CC DID give out email addresses -- to RCCL.


Jaxon -- Royal Chump, charter member

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Thanks for the information, scary how big brother is watching.


The Way Back Machine stores over 85 billion pages. If you wondered what Cruise Critic's Board looked like on the 26th of June 2004 all you have to do is go to http://web.archive.org/web/20040626002628/http://boards.cruisecritic.com/


Not all pages are archived, though. Google's cache is much much larger. If you have never noticed there is a button next to the URL when you do a search called cached. That is literally a copy of that page on Google's web server.


Which is why I suggest that some people pull back on the rhetoric in here. It will be around for a long time. (And before someone puts me in either column... I'm in neither. So there!)

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I agree that the RC reward people who have lots of time to sit and post on the internet. Those of us who have family responsibilities and a job don't qualify.


Often when we cruise we book two rooms because we have adult kids. My cruising dollar would go farther with one cabin and no kids. But spending habits are not the criteria.


That is why I am a Chump not a Champ since I have to work.


I'd caution against using the term "reward". I might receive an offer from, say, a time-share outfit with the promise of free this or free that, and although their reward may have tangible value in a technical sense, I'm still likely to be paying something out of pocket. RCs have been offered invites to pre-inaugurals, and they'll probably have to fly/drive there, pay for a hotel, whatever.


I'm sure RCs come from various walks of life, they either work or they're retired, and they have family obligations just like you or I.

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My question to the administrators, Laura contact members for permission to for the RC programs, then Mike says no emails were exchanged. Buzz Metric used the posts, to select the RC, was CC unaware of this process or was Buzz Metrics given access to the database.


Charter Member Royal Chump


Fantastic question -- maybe they just have some data mining dohickey that they use -- you know, computer to computer. How have the feds been doing it -- oops make that did do it. I am not sure, exactly, as I am doing good to understand the basics of my PC, but the Bush admin had to have the phone companies -- ATT, etc -- give them access to the lines. Computers are different, maybe, the old computer FBI spy program "Carnivore" data mined our emails, but not sure how.

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