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Royal Champions


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Let me make this clear.


CC did not pick who was invited on the inaugurall cruise and did not pick RC members.

I was invited and I am not a Royal Champion.


CC did not even know the two were connected then. The RC designation came later.


CC did not know any expectations from RC members, and either did they.


We seem to be going round and round on this.


CC has stated the facts. Royal Champions have stated the facts.


No one and I mean no one has ever been offered a gift to post anything. No one was ever told what to post. It was looked at as a "thank you" from a cruiseline. Something special like a plate of fruit in your cabin - nothing more.


He said, she said, they said - whatever. The truth is simple and has been stated over and over.


Just my personal opinion here (not that of CC) - it seems that this has blown way out of per portion. Some of you that are coming out of left field with these allegations and assumptions have never paid any attention to the RCCL board before.


They are questions from my standpoint not accusations.

I cannot speak for anyone else.

But it is posted that CC has continued their practice of notifying mbrs as recent as 3 months ago.

I do not understand why they have done so. Perhaps I have missed some threads but do they plan on remaining involved in contacting CC members for the RC program?


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I've posted my thoughts previously and just watched on and off the last two days to see how this evolved. Here is the summary of where I am with this after reading the last few days comments:


1. Admittedly, I did chuckle when I read the Royal Chump statements but have had mixed feelings. On one hand, I hate to see this denigrate (which I haven't yet) into any personal ridicule of individuals as I have witnessed and experienced from some RC members myself. On the other hand, a good thumb on the nose wave at RCI I think is good and in order.


2. Although appreciating Kathleen Tucker's post, it doesn't wash with me. Clearly I had suspected all along this site did not have an "arm's length" relationship with the cruislines. Allowing the CC business to be a pawn by forwarding a message on behalf of any cruiseline and then saying we didn't know what they wanted besides inviting folks to a pre-inaugural is at best, weak. Where is the line drawn on such requests (rhetorical). Can any business, now that CC looks to be easy pickens, request the same and be treated in kind. Or, once again, if the answer is no, where is the line in the sand where no and yes is drawn.


3. CC has posted guidelines on advertising including the following:


"Cruise Critic has strict guidelines prohibiting blatant advertising, commercial sales and solicitation posts on all of our message boards."


a paragraph further states:


"Cruise Critic defines advertising as an individual or company's attempt to generate business or other commercial enterprise, either directly or indirectly, by using our Cruise Board."


If CC didn't know at the inception that this was indeed a campaign by RCI to use current CC members as agents in their viral marketing campaign, it could not have been clearer what the intention was by the time the Liberty preinaugural was complete. And let me take it one step further, if CC says they still didn't know after the inaugural, they know now. Is this type of advertising, using CC members as agents in a viral marketing campaign permissable under the no advertising rules. If you say yes, at least I know where the company stands. It is very unclear based on your stated guidlines and what we now know has occurred.


4. As much as the RCers themselves want to play the total innocent victim of fellow RCers, this doesn't wash either. For those who remember the well orchestrated attacks of those writing concerns about the fuel surcharge, or piling on of a writer who is critical of something on RCI, or witnessed an RC member resorting to name calling an individual or group to devalue the others in disagreement, or witnessed RC members starting threads that are dismissive of those who would write a concern here (the most recent an RC member's Stamp Out Whining Thread that many RC members wear so proudly in their signature), the complicity is quite clear.


I have stated before that I never understood the blind loyalty to a cruiseline. I am now trying to formulate an opinion around all of this.


Additional to RC integrity, they are the first to jump in the wolf pack syndrome to defend one another against a fellow CCer outside of the group. They have been telling all that will hear, their integrity has been challenged by other posters. But when RCI says, in affect, the RC group is a bunch of sheep that can be influenced, not one, at least not one that I have seen, has stepped up to denounce this statement. Regardless of whether they thought the statement was true or not (it appears, subsequently, to be true), no one step up to challenge RCI on this statement. It makes it very hard not to believe, on this one point alone, the group is indeed a bunch of sheep that can be influenced and their hypocritical failure to address this RCI statement, as opposed to "attacks" on this board, speak for themselves. I'm looking for concrete evidence to point otherwise.


I have this feeling the email lines may have been burning last week. This is not an argument that can be "won" by the RCers and they know it. I'm sure most will stay away from this thread because of this.


5. RCI??? I could write a book on how not to do PR based on the actions I have seen this group invoved with. I'll just leave it with the latest example of RCI trying to CYA, poorly at that, at the expense of RCers and CC.

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Interesting that this got un-stickied.


In any case, I wonder how RC's feel about being used because the most telling aspect of all of this - to me anyway - is the last sentence of the first paragraph of the customer insight group blog that seems to sum it all up: http://www.customerinsightgroup.com/loyaltyblog/?p=46%E2%80%9D






What I found most interesting is the last sentence:

Posts from Royal Champions are carefully monitored during events and on a regular basis to ensure that posts remain positive and frequent.



So what happens to a "Royal Cheerleader" if they post something negative or they don't post frequently enough? Are they kicked out of the club?


Personally I think the whole thing sounds ridiculous. I'm just not that easily influenced by a bunch of anonymous people on a message board. I make reasoned decisions based on a variety of factors and I would hope most people do the same.


One good thing about the Royal Cheerleaders is that some of them are well informed, and can answer questions that other posters don't know, or even RCI reservations has a hard time with. Then again, you don't really need to be a Royal Cheerleader to do this. I would think having the time to make all those posts is the real issue. Simply put, most of us just don't have that kind of spare time on our hands.



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Let me make this clear.


CC did not pick who was invited on the inaugurall cruise and did not pick RC members.

I was invited and I am not a Royal Champion.


CC did not even know the two were connected then. The RC designation came later.


CC did not know any expectations from RC members, and either did they.


We seem to be going round and round on this.


CC has stated the facts. Royal Champions have stated the facts.


No one and I mean no one has ever been offered a gift to post anything. No one was ever told what to post. It was looked at as a "thank you" from a cruiseline. Something special like a plate of fruit in your cabin - nothing more.


He said, she said, they said - whatever. The truth is simple and has been stated over and over.


Just my personal opinion here (not that of CC) - it seems that this has blown way out of per portion. Some of you that are coming out of left field with these allegations and assumptions have never paid any attention to the RCCL board before.


Mike, quite frankly, I think you are missing the point.


Most of us know who picked the RC people. By the way, could you please forward my request to 10 of the RCers. I want their email. I want to invite them on a cruise? Is the point getting any clearer?


CC knows the expectations now. Is this viral marketing with CC members within CC guidelines?


No one has been offered a gift. But if it were within the CC guidelines, I would link a site where current RC members were encouraging others to answer the email in hopes of an Oasis pre-inagural. These were folks who had already been on the Liberty inaugural.


You're darn right we're going round and round with this. But who is pushing the merry-go-round?


You can play the, it's all been stated before let's move on. It's easy to move on if you guys want. Stop the thread, delete the messages. Move on!

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Odd, not one of you fussed when the first group of RCs was chosen, the part of the group that actually got invited on the 2 day cruise if they paid their way to NYC or Florida. Why didnt any of you object to the program then or question it. Why just now after more were chosen. Had you cared enough then to voice your objections, then the second group probably wouldnt have been chosen.


As far are "getting past this", those of you not chosen who cant seem to accept anything less than total destruction of the program before YOU can get past this and move on..... Most of us have moved on,.... quite easily. It is clear some of you are so fixated here, it's like a train wreck, and you cant move on.


"Why dont some have signatures". not hiding, just don't read others, so why should I expect them to have to read mine.


If this is so important to some of you, maybe you need to rethink your online life, so that you can move on. Some of you seem to have too much to complain about here and do need to find a way to move on. I guess its a valid question, if you have to post it on a message board that you are having trouble moving on.


Didn't I see a post by you -- could be wrong -- about not going to post on this thread anymore. You've moved on kinda, sorta???


I don't know how many times we have to say -- at least some of us -- that we did not know about the viral marketing campaign until just about a week ago. You don't have it in your sig line, because you don't look at sig lines - neither do I, I block them -- but everyone should have known about it at the inception because??? We hang out here so often that every thread that ever makes the homepage before it sinks, is deleted, or locked, maybe, we should have caught? Talk about not having a life!


I, for one, have repeatedly, over days now, asked ocean boy for the thread he posted on at the inception of this -- where supposedly the champs clustered to inquire what this was all about -- but he has, yet, to find it for me. Easier for him to find it than me, we never posted on it, and wouldn't have a clue to it's title.


Finally, considering many RC's have said they didn't have a clue that they were being used in a viral marketing campaign, considering CC has said they were clueless about it because RCCL never told them about it -- somehow, we CHUMPS were supposed to divine the purpose and functioning of the whole thing, and raise our questions in the summer of 2007?


I did pull out of the stock market when the DOW was at 13,000 -- I do have a little intuition. Not all that good, or I would have waited to pull out when it hit 14,000 and gotten back in for a few days for all the sucker rallies -- BUT I am NOT psychic!

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Let me make this clear.


CC did not pick who was invited on the inaugurall cruise and did not pick RC members.

I was invited and I am not a Royal Champion.


CC did not even know the two were connected then. The RC designation came later.


CC did not know any expectations from RC members, and either did they.


We seem to be going round and round on this.


CC has stated the facts. Royal Champions have stated the facts.


No one and I mean no one has ever been offered a gift to post anything. No one was ever told what to post. It was looked at as a "thank you" from a cruiseline. Something special like a plate of fruit in your cabin - nothing more.


He said, she said, they said - whatever. The truth is simple and has been stated over and over.


Just my personal opinion here (not that of CC) - it seems that this has blown way out of per portion. Some of you that are coming out of left field with these allegations and assumptions have never paid any attention to the RCCL board before.

Mike...you made a great post. But no matter how many times the FACTS are stated, the rumor mill and misinformation continues to rule and some people will never open their eyes to the truth. At some point I'm expecting to find out who really shot Kennedy. It's maddening how this issue has become a folk tale and it gains more misinformation with every telling.


If members here are going to base their entire opinion of Cruise Critic on wrong information then we may not be able to change that. But you're cutting off your nose to spite your face. The truth has been stated. The rest is just gang mentality to create a problem where none exists.


My disclaimer...I'm a Diamond Level cruiser with RCI. I was once given a free excursion in St. Maarten because of my Diamond Level status. I've also attended Cruise Critic gatherings on NCL where I received TWO free drinks because I was a Cruise Critic member. Oh, and I got an invitation from Direct Buy in the mail on Thursday. It's an exclusive club for people who want to save money on items for their house, etc. when you decorate or remodel. I've been given a free pass to visit the showroom but I'm skepticle about being involved with something that may label me biased towards Direct Buy.

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No one and I mean no one has ever been offered a gift to post anything. No one was ever told what to post. It was looked at as a "thank you" from a cruiseline. Something special like a plate of fruit in your cabin - nothing more.



As I pointed out pages ago, this is probably true. It does not negate the fact however that the company had other purposes than thanking their champions. And it is the constant denial of this fact that annoys me to death. Whatever you all THOUGHT was going on, the company had very specific aims, and feels that they have been successful at this. They aimed to influence postings. They made a plan and carried it out. And no amount of saying I didn't feel influenced, I posted what I thought, etc, changes that fact. It simply confirms that they were good at it. Until it all unraveled.

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Fabulous post Mike.


I can recall when I first started on this board, I was critical of RCI.


A board Nanny immediately swooped down and let me know that she was one of the Queen Bees and that I had better watch my step.:D O ther posters regularly fawn over her and other of the "elite" on this RCI board. Sometimes it is down right nauseating.


And now we know why. I now know why when some cruise, they are treated like royalty and why they are constantly posting, even if it is blather. They are always trying to increase their value to RCI so they can continue to get perks that other posters and pax don't get. :p


Mikes post makes total sense. RCs and CC had to know what was going on. Either that or they are all fools who were taken in by it all. I doubt that. I think they knew exactly what was going on.


I agree about the "pack mentality" of the Rcs. They would protect RCI no matter what and I believe they fully expected to be compensated in some way for their loyalty.


The whole episode smells like a tub of dead mackeral.


RCI and CC need to explain their roles in this, now. I doubt if any RCs will come forward and own up.

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I have stated before that I never understood the blind loyalty to a cruiseline. I am now trying to formulate an opinion around all of this.


I agree completely. How boring would it be to sail on only one cruise line over and over again?? I have to admit Royal Caribbean and Celebrity are favorites, but I also cruise on Silversea, Cunard, NCL, Carnival, Princess, HAL, etc. etc. I love the variety and every cruise line has their strongpoints and something unique about them.





5. RCI??? I could write a book on how not to do PR based on the actions I have seen this group invoved with. I'll just leave it with the latest example of RCI trying to CYA, poorly at that, at the expense of RCers and CC.



I can only imagine that RCI is regretting this entire marketing decision. It has totally backfired in their face and when it's all said and done, it will probably harm them more than it has helped. If I were in RCI's shoes at this point, I would quietly thank the Royal Cheerleaders for their time and advise this particular marketing strategy has been dissolved. Eventually it will all just blow over and lesson learned.


The same goes for Cruise Critic. This should be a lesson to them not to get involved with *any* cruise line marketing strategies that involve profiling members, however innocent it might seem. In a way CC has endorsed this RCI marketing strategy by becoming the middle man. They should have never done that. Royal Caribbean has a huge Crown & Anchor database full of information on people that love Royal Caribbean. They could have contacted members of their club without assistance from Cruise Critic.






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... Oh, and I got an invitation from Direct Buy in the mail on Thursday. It's an exclusive club for people who want to save money on items for their house, etc. when you decorate or remodel. I've been given a free pass to visit the showroom but I'm sceptical about being involved with something that may label me biased toward Direct Buy.


(Sorry, OT) DirectBuy used to be known as UCC Total Home and before that United Consumer Club. You may want to read the reports on the CBC Marketplace about them before considering the invitation. http://www.cbc.ca/consumers/market/files/services/ucc/index.html

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Imagine the chuckles within the marketing group when the first group of "invitees" added the word "Charter Member" to their RC designation when "newbees" were asked to join the group! This is exactly what this type of marketing is supposed to accomplish. Another thing, I'm starting to think that marketing campaigns like this are often designed to divide and conquor a group that might have been starting to have too much influence, rather than encourage subliminal positive word of mouth about a product. Just my opinion. But none of this is going to keep me from cruising Royal Caribbean, or coming to Cruise Critics for answers to questions I might have about an upcoming cruise. Questions like whether or not the balcony dividers open on the Independence are more important to many of us here rather than what you felt about the table conversation on your last cruise to Nassau. That doesn't mean that that's not an important part of your cruise review or experience, but the subjective always has to be taken for what it's worth. And while your subjective views won't keep me from choosing a particular cruise, your objective facts might. Sorry, was getting frustrated reading this thread and not throwing this in the mix.

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Mike...you made a great post. But no matter how many times the FACTS are stated, the rumor mill and misinformation continues to rule and some people will never open their eyes to the truth. At some point I'm expecting to find out who really shot Kennedy. It's maddening how this issue has become a folk tale and it gains more misinformation with every telling.


If members here are going to base their entire opinion of Cruise Critic on wrong information then we may not be able to change that. But you're cutting off your nose to spite your face. The truth has been stated. The rest is just gang mentality to create a problem where none exists.


My disclaimer...I'm a Diamond Level cruiser with RCI. I was once given a free excursion in St. Maarten because of my Diamond Level status. I've also attended Cruise Critic gatherings on NCL where I received TWO free drinks because I was a Cruise Critic member. Oh, and I got an invitation from Direct Buy in the mail on Thursday. It's an exclusive club for people who want to save money on items for their house, etc. when you decorate or remodel. I've been given a free pass to visit the showroom but I'm skepticle about being involved with something that may label me biased towards Direct Buy.


I'm sure not everyone had ALL the information. I still cannot believe that CC would have participated and aided RCI with something they had no clue about. Did you trust RCI THAT much to potentially hurt this board and its membership? If that is the case then I have to say that bothers me more than anything. CC is supposed to be impartial. If you are making deals with cruise companies behind the scenes then you aren't impartial, no matter how much you want to argue that you are.


If those at CC were truly ignorant about what was happening then they should demand an apology from RCI. If RCI did this on their own then they are the ones to blame for this mess.


I'm sure many here will carry on as before but more than likely many posters will take whatever is said with a grain of salt, especially when it is said by one of the "elite".


RCI and CC created an atmosphere that tempered jealousy, anger and hurt. Is that what this site was created to do?

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Let me make this clear.


CC did not pick who was invited on the inaugurall cruise and did not pick RC members.

I was invited and I am not a Royal Champion.


CC did not even know the two were connected then. The RC designation came later.


CC did not know any expectations from RC members, and either did they.


We seem to be going round and round on this.


CC has stated the facts. Royal Champions have stated the facts.


No one and I mean no one has ever been offered a gift to post anything. No one was ever told what to post. It was looked at as a "thank you" from a cruiseline. Something special like a plate of fruit in your cabin - nothing more.


He said, she said, they said - whatever. The truth is simple and has been stated over and over.


Just my personal opinion here (not that of CC) - it seems that this has blown way out of per portion. Some of you that are coming out of left field with these allegations and assumptions have never paid any attention to the RCCL board before.




CC have stated the facts but why don't you tell us what you're views are given what has happened and how we can more forward - i have emailed Laura and the boards with some ideas.




Would CC enter into the same sorry mess again - ie would CC ask cruiselines to disclose fully why they want members details before asking members do the want their info given out.



Does CC understand why members feel that posts made now by RC might not be seen as impartial ?



Does CC feel no matter what you status we are all equal and valuable to our fellow members ?



Has CC any ideas on how we can move forward from this sorry mess and draw a line under ?








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"My disclaimer...I'm a Diamond Level cruiser with RCI. I was once given a free excursion in St. Maarten because of my Diamond Level status. I've also attended Cruise Critic gatherings on NCL where I received TWO free drinks because I was a Cruise Critic member. Oh, and I got an invitation from Direct Buy in the mail on Thursday. It's an exclusive club for people who want to save money on items for their house, etc. when you decorate or remodel. I've been given a free pass to visit the showroom but I'm skepticle about being involved with something that may label me biased towards Direct Buy. " Admin Cecelia "


This is disappointing. I think many others, even those not posting can see the genuine concern here on this thread. To have a host belittle it seems to mimic dismissive tactics that discourage folks from posting their honest opinions. This is a GREAT Board but those HONEST OPINIONS are your most valuable resource. You would want to protect the enviroment that nourishes them, one would think.


Making us feel like we are claiming to have seen Elvis on the Monarch is not helpful. Answering the important questions might end this thread.


Do you honestly feel that this program has had ZERO effect on this Board? Then why is RCCL monitoring it...and what to they claim to be so pleased about?


Maybe we are going round and round because the hard questions are always ignored or avoided and therefore are posted over and over.


Ask RCCL to post the entire presentation made by their Loyalty Manager about this program (AND US!) at that Marketing Seminar. Let's all be enlightened. I like to know what people say about me when I'm not around.


Cruising Mike...outstanding post! Maybe we ALL should assemble a list of important questions. Would that help clear things up?




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Do you honestly feel that this program has had ZERO effect on this Board? Then why is RCCL monitoring it...and what to they claim to be so pleased about?




I'm not sure they are so pleased about it any longer. It's absolutely had an impact, although a negative one at this point which I'm certain was not the desired result. Whether deserving or not, I think the RC program has zero credibility at this point. The best thing RCI could do now is quietly dissolve the program and let the whole thing blow over. Hopefully they and CC will also have learned some lessons along the way.



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"My disclaimer...I'm a Diamond Level cruiser with RCI. I was once given a free excursion in St. Maarten because of my Diamond Level status. I've also attended Cruise Critic gatherings on NCL where I received TWO free drinks because I was a Cruise Critic member. Oh, and I got an invitation from Direct Buy in the mail on Thursday. It's an exclusive club for people who want to save money on items for their house, etc. when you decorate or remodel. I've been given a free pass to visit the showroom but I'm skepticle about being involved with something that may label me biased towards Direct Buy.


This is disappointing. I think many others, even those not posting can see the genuine concern here on this thread. To have a host belittle it seems to mimic dismissive tactics that discourage folks from posting their honest opinions. This is a GREAT Board but those HONEST OPINIONS are your most valuable rsource. You would want to protect the enviroment that nourishes them, one would think.




Admittedly, I have the same uneasy feeling about an Admin and those comments. Whether the Admin states so or not, the Admin title comes with it a status within this group. Whether the Admin speaks for themselves or the company, it reflects on both regardless. I don't think I'm going to need much more to conclude if CC is in complicty with the RC folks when it comes to trying to get out of this topic.


To the point, it is not the individual posters on this site who need to move on. It is the CC organization. You, as a group, need to decide where the business goes from here. You need to be clear in your guidelines. If you haven't sensed it, it's a betrayal of what you have stated up front:


"Cruise Critic's Cruise boards, as well as the information you read in our Member's Cruise Review Library, and our Cruiser's Choice Poll are designed to help cruisers obtain unbiased cruise-related information and discuss ways to make cruising more enjoyable, and perhaps even offer you a money-saving tip or two!"


If the policy goes hand-in-hand with allowing CC members to be agents of one of your revenue making advertisers, just be clear about it. The conflict is too obvious and a CC Host or Admin can cry the blues about this being discussed over and over again, but I for one see these folks doing the same dance as the RC group. Maybe I'm a consipiracy theorist also and one of the hosts or Admin could clue me in on that also.

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Why didn't Kuki disclose that he works for a Cruise Critic competitor? Also that he has received perks from cruise lines?


Because as this board has repeatedly said -- we don't require it, because we can't monitor it.


I've been thinking about this. In our society we have books full of laws, requirements, if you will. We say you are not allowed to steal your neighbor's lawn mower, for example. We require a certain behavior in a civilized society. There will be some who will break the rules, steal that lawn mower, but we don't NOT have a rule because some will break it. We certainly don't catch all the rule breakers -- the authorities can't be everywhere, all the time, all knowing and all seeing -- but we have the rules, none-the-less. Maybe another neighbor sees that thief, knows of the theft, and tells the authorities, or maybe the authorities just get suspicious as to who the rule breaker might be and does some investigating -- and the rule breaker gets banned from civilized society (jail), at least for a time, because he broke the rules. He then becomes an example for those who don't want to get banned. We don't blame the authorities if they don't catch every rule breaker because we are realists.


I guess we have to note that for our system of laws to work, we need to know who, generally, gets banished, and why, from the authorities, and there has to be some discretion on the punishment, according to the seriousness of the infraction, so folks see the system as measured and fair. In our system, we don't throw minor offenders in jail. We often don't throw first time offenders in jail even if the offense isn't so minor. We give a warning, a heads-up.


When in any society, it appears that the authorities have been overzealous, or targeting only some, and not others, you can have an uprising. A poster here says he was banned for two days because he asked why threads on RC's were being deleted. We have just his side of the story. I questioned why his post was not just deleted with a PM to him as to the infraction and penalty for breaking the rule about not questioning why posts are deleted. To me, that would have been a more measured response.

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Because as this board has repeatedly said -- we don't require it, because we can't monitor it.


Yet there are those who have posted that the Royal Champions should have to disclose who they are. That was my point. On this board none knows who anyone truly is. I don't know who you are. You don't know who I am.



When in any society, it appears that the authorities have been overzealous, or targeting only some, and not others, you can have an uprising. A poster here says he was banned for two days because he asked why threads on RC's were being deleted. We have just his side of the story. I questioned why his post was not just deleted with a PM to him as to the infraction and penalty for breaking the rule about not questioning why posts are deleted. To me, that would have been a more measured response.


This is a web site owned by a company. It is not a country or state. The owners have the right to be delete posts, or ban people. Being a Cruise Critic member is voluntary. You or me, any of us can go elsewhere if we don't like how they operate the web forums.

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I guess one of the lingering questions is that if CC has allowed/encourage/been complicate in/ or however you might wish to characterize this RCCL experience, what else might be going on that has not come to light. I realize that this indeed does sound paranoid, and I don't think there are other things. But there is the lingering doubt. Are there other well thought out intrusions into the general chaos and melee that usually characterizes public forums like this one.


And for those wondering why folks from other areas on CC are so active here, please consider seriously whether or not there might be a real ethical concern. Is this same kind of thing happening with other lines? How far is viral marketing infiltrating other areas of the web? Just how suspicious do we have to be in or everyday interactions. How do we go about putting curbs on advertising? And don't say it can't be done- it has in fact been done. Ever notice the fine print in ads, and the disclaimers? Those are there because of laws written to try and control them.

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Admittedly, I have the same uneasy feeling about an Admin and those comments. Whether the Admin states so or not, the Admin title comes with it a status within this group. Whether the Admin speaks for themselves or the company, it reflects on both regardless. I don't think I'm going to need much more to conclude if CC is in complicty with the RC folks when it comes to trying to get out of this topic.


To the point, it is not the individual posters on this site who need to move on. It is the CC organization. You, as a group, need to decide where the business goes from here. You need to be clear in your guidelines. If you haven't sensed it, it's a betrayal of what you have stated up front:


"Cruise Critic's Cruise boards, as well as the information you read in our Member's Cruise Review Library, and our Cruiser's Choice Poll are designed to help cruisers obtain unbiased cruise-related information and discuss ways to make cruising more enjoyable, and perhaps even offer you a money-saving tip or two!"


If the policy goes hand-in-hand with allowing CC members to be agents of one of your revenue making advertisers, just be clear about it. The conflict is too obvious and a CC Host or Admin can cry the blues about this being discussed over and over again, but I for one see these folks doing the same dance as the RC group. Maybe I'm a consipiracy theorist also and one of the hosts or Admin could clue me in on that also.

It's unfortunate that you feel like only you and a few others can express their opinion and no one else can have a differing view. You continue to post the same misinformation over and over and it's quite maddening to continue to read things that you and others know isn't true. As I said, if you and others feel differently about Cruise Critic, that's unfortunate but completely your right. Nothing I say or do will sway that. You will only continue to use my differing opinion as ammunition for what you have to say. Eventually people that want to talk about cruising will do so and the rest can continue the fight on their own.
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