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Royal Champions


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Here's the link where it all got started for the Liberty pre-inaugurals...........though there are many others.


People selected from CC had no idea why they were selected or that they were going to become Royal Champions prior to stepping foot on board the ship.




And, before anyone says......."well I see Royal Champions in their signature before they stepped onto Liberty"..............remember that when you edit your signature.............your new signature will be reflected from the first post you made here on CC.


You may also notice that not everyone has RC in their signature...............because many of these folks were invited either because of the D+ status or for some other reason.

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You may not like my referencing other threads, but I ask that you keep in mind that several previous threads, some deleted, some locked, had truly vicious and nasty things posted on them about RC's collectively and individually. It has been a cumulative "piling on" and you are seeing the reaction only on this thread.


Since you did not specify from which thread your quotes came, I am not sure they are from THIS thread, but, unless clarified I will assume they are. I really didn't recognize them from here, but remembering over a 1,000 posts is tough, and my brain isn't as young as it once was.


I do appreaciate your last paragraph. Yes, others have pointed out, and I have referenced that they have, that they may be carrying over their angst from things said in other threads. I have called them "lucid" for having the insight to understand that, and I have said that their feelings are understandable because of it. Maybe you missed my post regarding same.

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Well, then, why not just compare RCCL's loyalty program to other venues loyalty programs?


This RC thingy doesn't appear to be a loyalty program that can be compared to programs such as the programs you're throwing out here.


My original post was pointing out that the psychological influence aspect that seems to be getting people all riled up was actually common to all "highlighted customer" programs, and that the primary differentiator for RC was the selection criteria, not the motive.

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Personaly I do not believe for one moment that the RCs nominated for this programme knew that they were to be part of a marketing group. I also suspect some of them are feeling pretty betrayed by RCL at this moment.


However I do wish that it could have been discussed without the personality issues that have surfaced, which only seem to have clouded the issue.


Anyway Scotland are about to stop Ireland gaining the Grand Slam in the 6 Nations Rugby, and that is what you call an important issue !!




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I was sitting thinking before i go to work - what is the BIG picture here why all of a sudden was a discussion allowed on this subject its unheard off !!


Is this discussion part of - When bad news is 'good news' 1150 posts - nearly 24,000 views


Were the Champs the seeds in a very very clever marketing ploy by RCCL - blogs/websites all talking about one cruise company ????



'Go forth and multiply' - get the Royal Caribbean name out there !!



The Truth is out There !!





I, for one, have never bought that all news is good news, unless one's bsuiness is being a celebrity. The time, energy, and expense, it takes for a company, or a politician, to put out fires and do damage control takes it away from the focus of getting one's "good" message out. So I really don't think that this is what it is all about. I believe this sticky was part of damage control by CC -- a good idea on that front -- and a benefit to RCCL so that they could see how viral this may become, and evaluate continuing the program.


Google Royal Caribbean and viral marketing and see how many hits there are out there now. While many are repeats of the original couple of articles, with their own comment sections, it is only one indication of the spread -- into travel sites and marketing sites. This thread gives another indication of anger, and word of mouth spread.


Look at the pols -- our President and his primo ad man, Axelrod, are some of the best I have ever seen in damage control, so they make good studies. First, avoid -- buying time to see if it lights fire. (this will mean nothing except to die hard politcal watchers, ex: refusing to meet with Chicago reporters for 15 months, literally ducking out the back door with Carol Marin in chase) This is what CC poorly attempted at first with locking, deleting, etc. It is what RCCL did with denying the program existed, and way last summer refusing to comment to a travel reporter. Refusing to comment, is time tested until the ducks are in a row and you know what the plan is for dealing with damage, but attempted cover ups will always back fire, because they nearly always are outed.

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Are the RC's members of WOMMA which might then suggest that disclosure should have occurred?


I highly doubt it. I highly doubt that they knew of any ethical codes or federal regulations which would relate to this. That is one reason why I have agreed with them being innocent, until now, of course. I don't think CC would necessarily know, either, although I think given their business, and articles I have found going back to 2000 about such kinds of advertising, they should have known. In my opinion, RCL definitely knew -- heck, they attended a conference and proudly spoke out on it within the marketing community (denigrating their champions -- throwing them under the bus -- and CC under the bus in later comments.) Their legitimate marketing programs have won awards, even -- there is no way in hades that I think that they didn't know exactly what is expected.

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Even after these many posts... a Royal Champ asks “What are your concerns?” I am a patient person: I’ll keep trying.


Merion Mom quotes “attacks” on the Champs on this and other threads. The gist of the “attacks” are a variety of words like “cheerleader” “dupe” “shills” etc. Most of these "words" indicate some degree of blind loyalty. Now WHERE did the idea that Champs possess any blind loyalty originate? Who is the source?


Why just the Loyalty Marketing Manager of RCCL herself! Address the origin PLEASE!


One would suppose that someone with THAT job title, working in that area could speak with authority on the subject of the Royal Champion program. This was not the VP of catering or the Manger of Retail Services. And speak SHE did , at an industry conference…about the concept of the Royal Champ program. She is mighty pleased with it!


Yes, the Loyalty Manager was pleased to report its success! Studies had identified a group of posters for certain qualities that set them apart. At the very least was their loyalty to RCCL. But she said more. She said that that the intent was to “subtly influence” these Royal Champ posters…so that THEY would influence the other…um-m-m Royal CHUMP posters like me. A Royal Chump is a sheep to be led by these more dominant posters and led to their brand by the same SPECIFIC QUALITIES the marketing study recognized.


1. It's "viral" marketing...like a virus. I am one of the Chumps to be infected.



2. So…as a Royal Chump, I am indirectly responsible for some Royal Champs getting those first free cruises.



3. Without the need to influence, cajole or (by evidence on this thread by the Champs posting) drive non-conforming Chumps off the Board…there would have been no need to reward you or give you special status.


As evidenced on this thread...Non-conforming Chumps are made to feel that their posts are jealous, or invalid, or worthless, or nefarious, or anything …to discourage questioning of an RCCL “concept.” JUST A CONCEPT! Yes, this seems to be done freely…with swarming by supportive fellow Champs…all terribly concerned about the feelings of themselves but allowing themselves the freedom of NOT caring about what THEY have directed at the non-conforming Chumps. GOOD Lord! We've been accused by these Chosen of RCCL of wanting to "shoot" others.


Yet…a Royal Champ cannot exist without Royal Chumps to “influence.”


Now I take exception at a program that REWARDS others to influence ME. That is a concern. I do not trust programs that attempt to do that influencing (as theLoyalty Marketing Manager stated) in a way that none of us know it. That’s another concern. I don’t care to be accused of a being some Internet wildcard because the Champs don’t like my point of view. Memo to the Champs: bullying does not inspire admiration or loyalty to the Brand you espouse. You are poor ambassadors when you employ such tactics!


Furhermore, NO one at RCCL has refuted the Loyalty Marketing Manager’s statements; they have “regretted” them (as IMO they well should.)


Most all the “attacks” that Merion Mom describes are only variations on the RCCL’s Marketing Manager’s OWN words. Yet her words or RCCL’s intent and methods have rarely been addressed here by the Champs. Why not?That is a VERY interesting manifestation of the program itself. ALL those thoughts ORGINATED with words by RCCL! For example, the concept that you were "paid" to "shill." Said in another smoother way...some Were "rewarded" with cruises ....with the intent to have you "influence." Same concept...smoother words.


But, and this is important…if RCCL SAYS the "smoother words...SAME CONCEPT..…MOST of you don’t consider that an attack at all! Only ONLY..if another poster says the same thing! They just complain about the words of the Chump posters…the secondary targets of this stealth operation. Amazing loyalty!


NOTHING the Loyalty Manager said, NOTHING...concerns any of you? Is it the hope to get more 'rewards?" Is it the desire to stay "special?" Is it the need to protect the concept of Royal Champs because it gives you some special status? Are you too loyal or "subtly influenced" to see any validity in ANY Chump concerns?


When new “status titles” are given, NOW the Chumps will know why RCCL did this! When special invitations come to Champs…we will know that we Chumps are being targeted again. If free cruises are given…it will be more about needing more CHUMPS to be “persuaded” or driven off…than the need for Champs’ themselves.


Yes, that’s a nice deal for the Champs. No wonder you do not want to ruffle any RCCL feathers by addressing the Chumps concerns or…the very words RCCL spoke about YOU that generated this thread.



Good Lord, your excellent, reasoned, posts just keep on coming! Royal Chump! You need to be RCL's ad person -- how clever! Ok, I'm in. I will now sign off with Royal Chump. I think the Champs need to give the Chumps a bennie -- without us, they couldn't exist.


Jaxon -- Royal Chump.

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I know this is my first post, and my spouse who posts here frequently tells me, I will get flamed.


I have personally asked Royal Corporate about the Royal Champion program and we told that there was no program. I forwarded several posts and was told that "posters" make up things on the internet to make themselves look important and that there was no Royal Champion Program.


When I followed up with a link with pictures to the Liberty Champion cruise, they stopped denying that such a program existed. But then repeated advised me not believe information on internet and these Royal Champions were chosen randomly.


Then someone posted the Insight Article...I feel RCCL was dishonest to me. This was a very calculated move and they also misinformed me a Diamond Member! I only put my Diamond Status to let you know I have enjoyed my cruises on RCCL and have been loyal to Royal.


RCCL is in the business of making money by providing a great vacation, why did they have to lie to me numerous times. Why did RCCL tell me that their was no RC program and posts on the internet are meaningless.


This issue to me is not about the individual RC but a program that RCCL feels that they need to deceive me about the program. If they have to hide something so trivial what else are the concealing?


Royal Chump


OMG -- it just keeps getting worse!


Jaxon -- Royal Chump

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Thanks. The Champs feel no need to reply to this poor Chump so at this point I'm content to have my posts here for other Chumps to read.


After all, many more READ here than post. No reply from the Champs does not equate with no audience elsewhere. I will not be bullied.


I compliment you and many others on your perserverence as well. This is quite an experiment in psychology. In my case, that the over-the-top response to my few comments on a marketing program have ignited my zeal to stand my ground.



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No reply from the Champs does not equate with no audience elsewhere.



Could be they have been advised by RCL not to inflame the issue any more ???





Scotland are doing really really well !!

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I highly doubt it. I highly doubt that they knew of any ethical codes or federal regulations which would relate to this. That is one reason why I have agreed with them being innocent, until now, of course. I don't think CC would necessarily know, either, although I think given their business, and articles I have found going back to 2000 about such kinds of advertising, they should have known. In my opinion, RCL definitely knew -- heck, they attended a conference and proudly spoke out on it within the marketing community (denigrating their champions -- throwing them under the bus -- and CC under the bus in later comments.) Their legitimate marketing programs have won awards, even -- there is no way in hades that I think that they didn't know exactly what is expected.


Well it sure is one fine mess.

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No, I disagree. The purpose of the frequent flyer programs is to bring the individual back to the airline. These are loyalty programs designed to ensure loyalty. That is very different than a program which is designed and intended to influence others. You notice the RCCL has not ended its frequent cruiser program- this had another intent. And I would not be in the least bit shocked about the formulating that goes into other programs. Or into advertising in general. But once in a while you try to draw some lines. I draw a line with this one. Just as I draw a line with attempts to use children to influence their families. And using subliminal advertising on TV.


Did you know there is a child RC -- now 14, maybe recruited at 12 if he were an original -- a writer of incredible ability for 14. I think I should know as I used to have classrooms full of 14 yr olds. (But then, this is an anonymous board ?????) I have thought that maybe this should be a topic in itself, but it's a whole different line of research/argument that really needs to wait until the adults have more time and inclination. Just wondered if you knew?


Jaxon -- Royal Chump -- should I shorten this Haze -- to chum -- isn't that the bait thrown to the sharks?

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hazence raises some very good valid points.

I, too, am joining the Royal Chumps.


When I first began posting on CC's RCL threads, I was appalled by the flaming received by those who were even slightly critical of RCL. I spoke out against it in a few threads in defense of those who had issues with RCL.


Well, now all those flames make sense. I initially thought these people were just rude and mean. I honestly came to the conclusion that CC was one of the most meanspirited sites I had ever been on. Now I see that they were being rewarded for their behavior. Shame on you.


And shame on RCL. Businesses need to know where they can make improvements and where their business model is failing. How about subtly influencing your customers by addressing their concerns? Or do they no longer teach that in MBA courses?


RCL has a very good product. Why would you want to sully it w/ an underhanded marketing ploy? Your marketing people s/b fired. This is not Facebook.... we are not 19 y/o (at least I am not :)).

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How do you know






That doesn't mean they can't drop you - do you really think you're untouchable with regards this program ?



This was going to be my next point - can you Imagine a Champ making a complaint onboard a ship and stating i'm a Royal Champion the ship would bend over backwards incase something was said on a forums !!





I suspect it would carry about as much weight as someone saying...... Hey, I am a member of Cruise Critic...... who cares? You are making my point which is that this whole RC thing is no big deal. That is what I have been saying all along.

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All Champion-type programs have both objective and subjective factors. The objective factors might include how much posting someone does. The subjective would include the nature of those posts, and how broad the readership is. These are almost certainly NOT the only factors considered.


Another factor, independent of the individual "candidates" is that the number of participants is usually limited to a certain target, so most everyone who meets the objective factors won't make it in, and only the tip-top of the subjective folks.


While, over time, you can get a feel for the subjective factors, very rarely are they explicitly published. Again, this isn't unique to RCCL. The United Global Services and Microsoft MVP programs both keep their subjective factors close to the vest.


Thanks for the glimpse into the data mining -- haven't had time yet, but it is one area of interest I hope to learn more about.


Jaxon -- Royal Chump, getting a Royal education

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hazence raises some very good valid points.

I, too, am joining the Royal Chumps.


When I first began posting on CC's RCL threads, I was appalled by the flaming received by those who were even slightly critical of RCL. I spoke out against it in a few threads in defense of those who had issues with RCL.


Well, now all those flames make sense. I initially thought these people were just rude and mean. I honestly came to the conclusion that CC was one of the most meanspirited sites I had ever been on. Now I see that they were being rewarded for their behavior. Shame on you.


And shame on RCL. Businesses need to know where they can make improvements and where their business model is failing. How about subtly influencing your customers by addressing their concerns? Or do they no longer teach that in MBA courses?


RCL has a very good product. Why would you want to sully it w/ an underhanded marketing ploy? Your marketing people s/b fired. This is not Facebook.... we are not 19 y/o (at least I am not :)).


Ever step in something without realizing it and can't quite figure out where that smell is coming from? Well since CC and RCCL stepped in it big time, I can imagine that all week CC and RCCL have been scraping the bottoms of their shoes and wondering what that smell is.


Google "Royal Caribbean Viral Marketing" and see what pops up. Here's just one example:


"The key to success in viral marketing is to subtly influence the influencers without them overtly realizing they are being influenced," Royal Caribbean's manager for loyalty marketing, Rachel Hannock, told the audience, according to a blog on loyalty marketing written by the Customer Insight Group.

The Customer Insight Group blog quotes Hannock as saying the Royal Champions "are regularly leveraged for ongoing marketing initiatives" and "produce ample word of mouth and exert sufficient influence to make the investment worthwhile."

The blog also quotes Hannock as saying online posts from Royal Champions "are carefully monitored during events and on a regular basis to ensure that posts remain positive and frequent."

In an interview with USA TODAY this week, Royal Caribbean associate vice president Bill Hayden acknowledged that the Royal Champions exist and have been getting perks from the line including invitations to free, two-night preview cruises. "


Champs or chumps, you be the judge? Either way, my faith in both CC and RCCL has been shaken.

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hazence raises some very good valid points.

I, too, am joining the Royal Chumps.


When I first began posting on CC's RCL threads, I was appalled by the flaming received by those who were even slightly critical of RCL. I spoke out against it in a few threads in defense of those who had issues with RCL.


Well, now all those flames make sense. I initially thought these people were just rude and mean. I honestly came to the conclusion that CC was one of the most meanspirited sites I had ever been on. Now I see that they were being rewarded for their behavior. Shame on you.


And shame on RCL. Businesses need to know where they can make improvements and where their business model is failing. How about subtly influencing your customers by addressing their concerns? Or do they no longer teach that in MBA courses?


RCL has a very good product. Why would you want to sully it w/ an underhanded marketing ploy? Your marketing people s/b fired. This is not Facebook.... we are not 19 y/o (at least I am not :)).

I have been slapped around myself when I have had some criticisms to make. And I have posted many times about how I like the RCI product. So even being mostly positive does not always save you when you bring up a negative issue on these boards. I don't think that you should be so quick to try to blame it on the RC group. It just seems to be the name of the game.


And you are correct. RCI does have a great product. That is why I sail the line and also why most of what I have to say about the product is quite positive. However, some corporate decisions do at times leave me shaking my head also.

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Did you know there is a child RC -- now 14, maybe recruited at 12 if he were an original -- a writer of incredible ability for 14. I think I should know as I used to have classrooms full of 14 yr olds. (But then, this is an anonymous board ?????) I have thought that maybe this should be a topic in itself, but it's a whole different line of research/argument that really needs to wait until the adults have more time and inclination. Just wondered if you knew?


Jaxon -- Royal Chump -- should I shorten this Haze -- to chum -- isn't that the bait thrown to the sharks?


I had read that. They had no shame.

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Ever step in something without realizing it and can't quite figure out where that smell is coming from? Well since CC and RCCL stepped in it big time, I can imagine that all week CC and RCCL have been scraping the bottoms of their shoes and wondering what that smell is.


Google "Roal Caribbean Viral Marketing" and see what pops up. Here's just one example:


"The key to success in viral marketing is to subtly influence the influencers without them overtly realizing they are being influenced," Royal Caribbean's manager for loyalty marketing, Rachel Hannock, told the audience, according to a blog on loyalty marketing written by the Customer Insight Group.

The Customer Insight Group blog quotes Hannock as saying the Royal Champions "are regularly leveraged for ongoing marketing initiatives" and "produce ample word of mouth and exert sufficient influence to make the investment worthwhile."

The blog also quotes Hannock as saying online posts from Royal Champions "are carefully monitored during events and on a regular basis to ensure that posts remain positive and frequent."

In an interview with USA TODAY this week, Royal Caribbean associate vice president Bill Hayden acknowledged that the Royal Champions exist and have been getting perks from the line including invitations to free, two-night preview cruises. "


Champs or chumps, you be the judge? Either way, my faith in both CC and RCCL has been shaken.


I am going to ask again. Who has had a bad cruise as a result of what they have learned from anyone here on this board?


That is my #1 Question.


The rest is are business issues that I don't think will be handled well by the two parties who you have noted as culpable.

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Did you know there is a child RC -- now 14, maybe recruited at 12 if he were an original -- a writer of incredible ability for 14. I think I should know as I used to have classrooms full of 14 yr olds. (But then, this is an anonymous board ?????) I have thought that maybe this should be a topic in itself, but it's a whole different line of research/argument that really needs to wait until the adults have more time and inclination. Just wondered if you knew?


Jaxon -- Royal Chump -- should I shorten this Haze -- to chum -- isn't that the bait thrown to the sharks?

Thank you im proud of what i have dont on CC over the last 2 years. I was not an original member so i was 14 when i got the invite. :D

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