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Celebrity Cruise (Nightmare)


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I can not even begin to imagine how you both dealt with such a disappointment! I really hope, based on your very detailed letter, that you are given the courtesy of a phone call back and generous compensation.

I can feel your exasperation! I would have gone totally off. I hope they can offer you a free cruise for your time & trouble. I would make it known to them that you are also a cruise critic member, with the power to influence others when it comes to picking out a cruiseline.

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I disagree...I always pack duplicate meds in my suitcase and in my carry-on. Things happen....pills fall out during security search, bag gets left behind..though spouse was watchng, etc. Better safe than VERY sorry. Agree on taking extra meds


Celebrity insurance DOES cover pre-existing conditions that are stable...and they do cover medical evacuation insurance up to $25K. Read the policy. No, they don't cover transportation back to the hospital of your choice....I doubt any plan will. If you are in South America, they will fly you to Miami or equivalent. If you want to go to the Mayo Clinic, good luck.


And no other policy lets you just cancel and gives you a 75% credit towards a future cruise. Big $$ deal comes up, you might just want to cancel (I have).



I stand with my advice. If you have special needs, research and buy insurance that fits your personal needs. A person covered under medicare certainly needs more medical coverage than the $10,000 while traveling out of the country. $25,000 in med evac is so minimal that depending on where you are...won't pay half. You can read many tales of woe and shock from cruisers on these boards. We prefer NOT to be taken to the nearest/suitable hospital if we are traveling in certain areas of the world. Yes, we always pay for the luxury of being taken to the hospital of OUR choice. There are several policies that cover that. Cancelation insurance "for any reason" that just offers a 75% credit that has to be used within a year with blackout dates, is not worth too much to us. You can purchase a rider on some and some include the "any reason" cancelation coverage. And you will get your cash back, not just credit.

When young families with children ( or anyone) purchase this kind of insurance, not knowing what it covers and what they could purchase privately that includes all the kids and with not too much research, it is a shame. There are many policies and triple A companies I'd at least look at before agreeing on the one offered by the cruiseline. Just depends on what is of value to the individual cruiser. If the traveler has no particular needs and wants a pretty basic policy, then it will work.


We purchase travel insurance more for the comfort of coverage while we are on the trip. Not for cancelation.

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I must be getting flexible in my old age. I honestly do not see this as a horrible experience.


Losing a loved one on a cruise is a horrible experience.


Yourself, dying on a cruise, is a horrible experience.


Getting norovirus on the first day of your cruise and having to be quarantined for the rest of the cruise is horrible.


Being robed at gunpoint and losing all of your money and your passport is somewhat horrible.


Losing your luggage for a cruise, irritating.

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I can feel your exasperation! I would have gone totally off. I hope they can offer you a free cruise for your time & trouble. I would make it known to them that you are also a cruise critic member, with the power to influence others when it comes to picking out a cruiseline.


This is probably the worst advice I've seen on Cruise Critic. Just present your situation without all the histrionics and you'll have a better response.


I do think the situation would probably have gone better if this had been the case while on board. A little less drama always gets better results.

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I can feel your exasperation! I would have gone totally off. I hope they can offer you a free cruise for your time & trouble. I would make it known to them that you are also a cruise critic member, with the power to influence others when it comes to picking out a cruiseline.

This post has got to be a joke. (Where's the winking smiley?)

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My daughter went on the same cruise. Luggage slipped under the converyor in Miami. It was retrieved when they returned. (She at least did not tip the porter.)

She reports that on board staff were more than helpful and that credits were made available readily. Bills submitted from a speed shopping trip in Key West were paid promptly.



Yah - about 100 years ago (as a teenager) I flew to Europe. Airline lost my luggage permanently! Stupidly, I had my travelers checks in my luggage (hey I was a teen). The airline gave me $50 to cover and not a penny more until the luggage was declared a 'loss'; they had a 5 day rule on baggage loss. Ditto Amex wouldn't replace the checks until the airline declared the buggage gone. Problem was... I had a three week camping trip departure scheduled beginning day 3 (fortunately those expenses were covered by my hosts; sort of like a cruise). So - off I went camping with $50...


It was possibly the greatest trip of my life!


[i'll admit dealing with luggage issue was exasperating, but that isn't 'the trip'...]

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I just got back 2 weeks ago. My girlfriend and I went on a 5 day cruise with Celebrity Century. This was my first cruise. It turned out to be rough. The cruise ship lost my girlfriends luggage. We didnt get it back until we got off the ship. The only compensation we got was a $200 ship credit and free laundry service on the 2 outfits my girlfriend had to wear for 5 days. The luandry service didnt happen until Wednesday. We boarded on Monday. The concierge kept giving us the run around. Please give us a day it usually shows up. We waited and waited and finally Thursday came aorund and they told us they found the luggage in Miami. What kind of crap is that?


We couldnt do any of the dinners because she didnt have the proper attire. No matter what my GF refused because she had no make up nothing at that time. I'm sure you ladies can understand that regarding a formal dinner.


The swim suit was a huge issue. Once we got to Keywest we had to rush and get a swimsuit on the island. We had an excursion at 10:45am. It wound up being 2 small and her tots were all over the place. She had to wear one of my t-shirts because she felt uncomfortable.


I had to spend over $400 in Key West just in toilettry and basic necessities for her and I. Now corporate is giving us a hardtime stating regading the reimbursements. We had to fill out all sorts of paper work on the cruise ship. We spent 2 hours each day battling with the front desk people trying to get answers. It's tough to understand a lot of people that work on the ship. A lot of them are from different countries. They're programmed to say specific things.


Theres much more I can say, but I feel this was the main down fall of the trip.


I feel like I need another vacation


Mike, I took this cruise last year and I believe everything you say regarding Celebrity and their Customer Service both on the ship and in "Miami". You can read my detailed review on CC. I did give the cruise line 5 stars for having a pretty and clean ship and a great value etc.


Btw, I would not give up on cruising and second, I ALWAYS carry both my makeup, one bathing suit and a change of clothes in my carryon.


Did you purchase any insurance that would help you with the lost luggage costs? I would have bought new make-up on the ship but you are in a tough position because you don't know if the bags will show up or if you will get reimbursed. The basics will be $100 plus on the ship.


I wrote a letter and I received a phone call that made me feel worse. I never received compensation but a "I'm sure your next cruise on Celebrity will be better". My issues were not as bad as yours but worth my time to write to corporate.


Btw, I think if they lost the luggage this one warrants an entire free cruise. They have the space, they need to make up for this mess.

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I'm working on trying to setup a 3 day cruise with another cruise line. Along with that I want to propose to her. I'm glad I didnt plan for that cruise.


Well, that will fix it. Ok, make sure the make-up, change of clothes, oh and the cell phone chargers and bathing suit are in your carryon....

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My daughter went on the same cruise. Luggage slipped under the converyor in Miami. It was retrieved when they returned. (She at least did not tip the porter.)

She reports that on board staff were more than helpful and that credits were made available readily. Bills submitted from a speed shopping trip in Key West were paid promptly.



Did your daughter lose everything or just one of two bags?

Another point to the OP. Remember to cross pack your clothes in your luggage.

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Sorry to hear about your lost luggage - I would have felt the same way, especially considering how important the dress code is to most Celebrity passengers.


I have often been concerned that my luggage might get lost on a flight on my way to a cruise, but it never occurred to me that it could also get lost after I give it to a porter at the cruise terminal.

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I can feel your exasperation! I would have gone totally off. I hope they can offer you a free cruise for your time & trouble. I would make it known to them that you are also a cruise critic member, with the power to influence others when it comes to picking out a cruiseline.

Wow! Yeah, that'll work..........not! :cool:

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I can feel your exasperation! I would have gone totally off. I hope they can offer you a free cruise for your time & trouble. I would make it known to them that you are also a cruise critic member, with the power to influence others when it comes to picking out a cruiseline.

More threats will certainly make an impression on Celebrity. icon13.gif

Btw, I think if they lost the luggage this one warrants an entire free cruise. They have the space, they need to make up for this mess.

The ones on our Hawaii Radiance cruise roll call who stayed at the S.D Hyatt and didn't get their luggage did get compensated in the form of a future cruise credit voucher described as for a minimal amount and they were without their luggage for six nights and seven days of a ten night cruise.

Good luck in getting that free cruise from Celebrity.

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After trying to get thru that complaint letter, I wouldn't expect anything soon. Might I suggest that you have someone who can write a complaint buisiness letter write it for you. The myriad of details do not belong in this kind of letter. Reading them all as a post here on cc is one thing. But a company that you want to respond, will ask you for more details if needed. The letter should be complete in less than 5 paragraphs. You want to get their attention, not put them to sleep. ;)


Start with X again. Yours is not a one of a kind problem, but it shouldn't turn you off to X. Can happen anytime you travel. It will be interesting to see what they come up with. I would not expect them to give you a whole cruise. You DID cruise. But what I think you will get is an offer to sail with them again at a discount. Or at most a partial refund. They'll try to keep you as a customer.


You have received a lot of tips about packing in the future. That's for land and sea vacations. We had a missing bag for 2 and a half days while vacationing in Mexico. Luckily I had a pair of shorts, sundress and swimsuit in my husbands bag. And I always carry personal items in my carry on. Some day you WILL be able to see some humor in this. Look at it as a test to see how you both handle difficult situations together. :)

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very sorry to hear about your problem and sorrier it ruined your cruise/vacation.


however,any kind of travel when your luggage is not in your hands entails a certain amount of risk that you will see it again. we have travelled extensively and fortunately my luggage has been misplaced only three times. it happens and you have to go with the flow and not let it ruin your trip. yes it is inconvenient and annoying (try playing golf for 3 days without your own clubs or shoes)but it happens.


as for the behavior of the X employees. NOT GOOD!! i would have thought they would have accomodated you in the dining room for dinner. i would also think they should absorb your costs incurred. after all it was their agent who misplaced your baggage.


if you travel, things will ultimately happen that you have no control over its part of the fun. maybe not when it happens but 10 yrs from now you will laugh about it.


if you really want a reasonable reponse from X i suggest you re-write your letter and pare it down to a few (very few) paragraghs, maybe 1 page. be factual not emotional.

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All kinds of things can happen with baggage. We got married in Las Vegas and arrived there 2 days before our wedding with my dress as a carry on but one of my bags did not arrive so I had no wedding shoes, undergarments, jewelry, wedding favors, etc. Very stressful, but luckily my bag did arrive the next day, one day before our wedding. You can never count on luggage.


My son flew away for Christmas a few years ago and got there with no luggage... It was found a few days later still at the Anchorage airport. It had evidently fallen off the baggage cart into the snow and was buried. Luckily, only clothes inside since they found it when they ran over it!

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IMO it was you and your boyfriend that ruined your own vacation with the way you carried on. Like I posted previously my bag didn't make it to the Century for our 14 night TA cruise last Dec. which we had to fly oversea on an overnight flight to get to. Bradley, Century's concierge was extremely helpful and I didn't hound him like you did. Sure I had to launder a few pairs of my underwear, but heck I was on a dream cruise and I didn't let that ruin my cruise. I wore the t-shirt Bradley gave me, had one other in my carry on bag and bought one other on board (at a much lower cost that any of the shirts you bought) that I didn't asks for payment for from Swiss Air even though Bradley offered me the form to send to them for compensation. They comped me a tuxes so I could go well dressed to the first formal night in the MDR and allowed me to keep it for the rest of the cruise even after my bag arrived late in the afternoon on the third day. I agree, as my DW said, it is better that the man's bag not arrive if such a situation should arise.

My point is that after you got 2 t-shirts from X, you went out and bought 3 more for about $56 plus tax saying that was just the basis needs if your bag should arrive the next (third) day on board a five night cruise.

During my discussion with Bradley he said mine was one of 80 pieces of luggage that he was following up on that didn't make it to our cruise. IMO this happens quite often.



On our Radiance Hawaii cruise last May there were quite a few folks who had stayed at a San Diego hotel booked through RC that didn't get their luggage because it was left at the hotel. RC were suppose to sent the luggage in a separate truck to our embarkation port, Ensenada. All passengers were bussed there from S.D. by RC. The first port on this cruise was Maui after five sea days and six evenings on board.

There was one couple who showed up at the Captain's reception in their RC bath robes and t-shirts. He had been offered a tuxes but wouldn't go with it since DW didn't have anything fancy to wear so they had a real hoot with their situation. They were introduced to Capt. Andersen like that, who of course knew what had happened, so he nor any of the other staff in the reception line, didn't react any differently with them then any other guest although we weren't close enough to hear what was said. They also went to the MDR for the formal supper dress like that. It gave all of my group a laugh and I wasn't thinking quick enough as I didn't take a photograph of them with the captain with my camera I had with me.

Like I said , it's all a matter of your attitude.



Well, you're obviously not a female. I am, and not having my stuff would definitely ruin the cruise for me.

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The choice to not eat in the dining room was the poster's, not Celebrity's. I could find enough clothing on board to be able to go to dinner any time, even on formal night. They always have black pants or skirts and some kind of sparkly top. A few island tees for casual nights and no one would even notice that clothing was missing. It may not be young and fashionable, but it wouldn't keep me in my cabin.


It sounds to me as if the OP's girlfriend just moped around and didn't even try to enjoy herself. I've lost my luggage and been with many others who have. Where there's a will there's a way. It was only a five day cruise! I think most people would be upset but they'd probably get over it and even have a laugh about it later.

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Lost baggage is always annoying and can cause extra expenses.....that's what trip insurance is for; those unexpected things that come along.


According to Celebrity's terms and conditions/passenger contract' date=' they are not liable for your luggage....you agreed to this when you booked. You should feel lucky they gave you something because they didn't have to.


Here from their website:


[left']b. Liability for Loss of or Damage to Baggage. Unless negligent, Carrier is neither

responsible nor liable for any loss of or damage to Passenger’s property, whether

contained in luggage or otherwise. Liability for loss of or damage to Passenger’s

property in connection with any air or ground transportation shall be the sole

responsibility of the provider of the service and in accordance with applicable[/left]


Next time you cruise, buy insurance.




I have to disagree here. The key words are "unless negligent". I think bags falling under a conveyor belt and being left there constitutes negligence. When we turn our bags over at the port, we should have the expectation that they'll make it onto the ship.

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Well, you're obviously not a female. I am, and not having my stuff would definitely ruin the cruise for me.

My DW is definitely female and she knows to bring in her carry on bag the things she feels are absolutely necessary for a cruise and can put together outfits from very small amount of clothing like t-shirt when necessary. It not great that this should happen to the OPs or anyone but it's them and yourself that lets it ruin your cruise.

I did say in a earlier post that DW said " At least Swiss Air got it right which bag they should leave behind if this were to happen".

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MikeS3:Perhaps you may want to try contacting Dan Hanrahan-president of Celebrity. We ahd some concerns about a recent cruise we had on the Solstice. I e-mailed him & was contacted within a day about our concerns. Just give him the facts-it can't hurt. His e-mail address is:dhanrahan@celebrity.com

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Well, you're obviously not a female. I am, and not having my stuff would definitely ruin the cruise for me.


Are you a female or a child?


Because you place limitations on yourself and how you enjoy your vacation, does not mean that the entire gender does. Many women have fought long an hard not to be treated differently yet some of us still think we are entitled to be "special" when it's to our advantage.


As a female, I would have no problem enjoying my cruise with just the items I bring in my carry-on. I also appreciate all the folks giving logical, sound advice.


sorry to get off the original post.


I hope the OP comes back with any news.

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All kinds of things can happen with baggage. We got married in Las Vegas and arrived there 2 days before our wedding with my dress as a carry on but one of my bags did not arrive so I had no wedding shoes, undergarments, jewelry, wedding favors, etc. Very stressful, but luckily my bag did arrive the next day, one day before our wedding. You can never count on luggage.


We had a similar situation with our Vegas wedding... my veil and tiara were in my checked bags (silly) and it did not arrive. Fortunately we flew in 2 days before the wedding and it did arrive in time!


I can't understand why the OP didn't have room service from the dining room delivered to his stateroom and referenced the buffet when there is no evening buffet on Celebrity.


I also agree that it seems like quite a lot to spend on necessities for a 5 day cruise! Obviously it's a crappy situation but sometimes these things happen and you have to roll with it.

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