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oh ladies, its almost here. almost here. btw, is anyone crusing the feb 27th cruise to the caribbean? that's my cruise :)


i have been struggling this week :( but i hope to make my goal -- gotta make my goal. and thanks for inspiring me everyone.


i was just thinking about how addicted i have become to tracking and meetings. what will i do while im on the ship? before i get there i will be spending time in miami for a week....i hope to go to a meeting over there. im officially addicted to this :eek:




(updated 1/28/10)

Goal: lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks

Wks to go: 4 weeks

Lbs to go: 3.2

Hey there!! I will be on that cruise! Getting sooo excited! Are you on the Roll Call forum for our cruise??

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oh ladies, its almost here. almost here. btw, is anyone crusing the feb 27th cruise to the caribbean? that's my cruise :)


i have been struggling this week :( but i hope to make my goal -- gotta make my goal. and thanks for inspiring me everyone.


i was just thinking about how addicted i have become to tracking and meetings. what will i do while im on the ship? before i get there i will be spending time in miami for a week....i hope to go to a meeting over there. im officially addicted to this :eek:




(updated 1/28/10)

Goal: lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks

Wks to go: 4 weeks

Lbs to go: 3.2



Once you make your goal you will be fine, lots of pressure is gone, that is the way I felt. I only weigh in once a month but jump on the scale twice a week at home. I am also addictied to tracking my points daily and planning. I never did get much out of the meetings though, could have been the specific leader I had. On the ship I take a break from tracking on paper or on line. I mentally keep a check on the points and exercise a lot. I think you will be fine as you have worked too hard to have the weight creep back on.

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Went to my weigh in this morning and down 4.5lb :):) I am also going to a gym. In August i'm doing a charity trek at Mont Blanc raising money for Diabetes and i want to increase my stamina. I'm going on a free 7 day pass but plan to join in a couple of weeks.

SW 254

CW 214.5

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hi oakrod :) i got so excited when you said you were on the same cruise. but silly me -- i looked at your ticker, and then i got sad :( im on the ncl pearl -- i forgot to add that. so no, we arent on the same cruise. (sigh) . maybe the next one :)


melaniausa, thanks for the advice :) i go to meetings once in a while, my leader is great!! but there is a target across the street -- so, u know :p


i was wondering if anyone had the menus for the ncl pearl... i have heard they have a cooking light section...and if they do - i would love to know about it.







(updated 1/28/10)

Goal: lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks

Wks to go: 4 weeks

Lbs to go: 3.2

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oh ladies, its almost here. almost here. btw, is anyone crusing the feb 27th cruise to the caribbean? that's my cruise :)



(updated 1/28/10)

Goal: lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks

Wks to go: 4 weeks

Lbs to go: 3.2


I'm on the Summit Feb 27th from San Juan .....

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weighed in last night and stayed the same as last week, so at least didn't gain. Did very well with temptation at work. Started the 30 day shred again tonight, oh boy I can feel it in my arms!!! I've decided, in six weeks, we go to the city for son's dentist appt, going to try and lose 8-10 by then and buy myself a snazzy little two piece bathing suit and a sexy little black dress to celebrate my 40th while on the cruise. Those are my two motivating pieces right now, I don't know if that's the right way to go about it as in having things as a goal but I'm going to try my hardest! Keep up the hard work everyone! Good luck!

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Hello Fellow WWS!!


I am Carolyn, 61 years young, and joined WW again on Feb 18, 2009 after a 2 week SA Cruise. In 1988 I became a lifetime after losing 35 lbs and to celebrate my 40th b'day as a healthy, sexy woman. Life happens and I regained that weight plus more. I was on a yo yo for many years and went back to WW 3 times. I would lose 20 and quit, regain, buy bigger clothes, etc. After the SA cruise, I hit the scales at 217.6. My BP was high and my back and knees hurt like the dickens. I made a one year commitment to myself to attend WW meetings for 52 weeks and see if I could lose 52 lbs. Yesterday I weighed in at 168, down 49.6. I will be on the Constellation on Feb 18th and will weigh in on the ship. I have changed my habits and fall off the wagon at times, but I know that this is a way of life for me now. I was on a 2 week cruise in Aug last year and was able to enjoy the food by watching and exercising. Keep a positive attitude and enjoy life!!

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kelbre -- YES!! there is nothing wrong with having clothes as motivation. After 8 mos and 44 lbs lost, i still gravitate to the XL clothing because i have done that all my life. now that i am a small Large and a large Medium (ya'll understand :), i tend to buy small sized MEdiums, becuase I WILL GET THERE. thats part of my incentive to keep losing. so buy that swimsuit and that dress, hang it up somewhere where you see it everyday, and keep going - you CAN do it :)


2many2count - thank you, thank you for the inspiration. i still have 33 more pounds to shed. I've lost 44 in 8 in mos and yes - my life and my eating habits have changed. i even look forward to hoping on my bike for 45 min (which i never did before) go figure. congratulations to you and keep it up :)

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Hi, all,


Watching the beautiful snow through my window...it's beautiful because I don't have to go anywhere today! And we are not receiving nearly as much here in Ohio as those on the eastern seaboard. Best of luck to anyone there!


WI today, down 0.6. It's definitely harder at age 52 than it was in my early 40's, but I'll take anything in the right direction!


Good luck to all, think happy cruising thoughts!




SW 200

CW 190.2

GW 160

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Looks like I forgot to post after my weigh-in on Thursday... but that's probably because I was up (1.6 at WW, only 1lb at home). I had been down more than I expected the previous week, so I'm trying not to be too depressed about it, but it does make it harder for me to reach my agressive mini-goal. Especially since Super Bowl Sunday when I ate way more junk than I should have (after going out for a buffet + mimosa brunch... dumb!!). :o


Oh well, back on that horse... after going over on points both day one and two of my week (Saturday and Sunday), I think I was 2 points under yesterday, so I'm only a handful of points over my 35 flex points for the week! If I get a few treadmill days in and stick to points the other days this week, I could finish the week OP for the first time in months!! :rolleyes:


Sounds like the rest of you are doing really well.... and I can relate to the clothes motivation... on the Regent cruise I took last year, I bought a polar fleece jacket in the largest size they had, which is a pretty small XL (looks more like a regular L)... I could get it zipped last May but it was snug. It fits better now, but is still a little on the snug side, but I'm hoping it fits even better by the time my upcoming cruise rolls around. It's a plain black jacket with a black embroidery logo on it (very subtle), so it'd be a versatile jacket for lounging on deck when the breeze is a little chilly.


Also, I bought a pair of trouser jeans a few months ago that were too snug to wear, but I didn't want to buy the larger size, as I knew they would be way too baggy pretty quickly (they were loose as it was). I wore the smaller ones for the first time at the end of January; I wore them (along with a structured jacket that fit me perfectly -- so slimming) at a birthday party which was attended by people I went to college with (and back then I always thought they were way cooler than me... and so did they!), and I received stunned reactions of, "you look TERRIFIC!!... you just look so FANTASTIC!" So satisfying! :cool:


Lastly, I also have a pair of Hawaiian surf-type shorts that I bought, oh, probably 8-10 years ago that have never fit. The store was a little import boutique and the snotty woman (who clearly must have known they would not fit me), made sure to emphasize that all sales were final, so I probably wouldn't want to buy them, right? Well, that just pissed me off, and of course, even though I got the XLs, which were the largest ones they had, I couldn't even wedge my behind into them. And my behind has never been the largest part of me! I tried them a few months ago and still way too small... I tried them on this weekend, and I could suck my breath in enough to get them closed! Victory!! Well, partial... they're still too small to wear, but soooo much closer than I ever have been before. :D


I hope you all soon fit into your inspiration clothes!!


SW: 246.2

CW: 209

GW: 154

mini-goal: 190 by 4/15/10 (need to lose an average of 1.9 lbs/week. Eek! :eek:)

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Hi, all,


Watching the beautiful snow through my window...it's beautiful because I don't have to go anywhere today! And we are not receiving nearly as much here in Ohio as those on the eastern seaboard. Best of luck to anyone there!


WI today, down 0.6. It's definitely harder at age 52 than it was in my early 40's, but I'll take anything in the right direction!


Good luck to all, think happy cruising thoughts!




SW 200

CW 190.2

GW 160


I'm in the Mid-Atlantic - where I expected to be having milder winters than when I grew up in NY. So much for that theory this winter!


This weekend has been rough on me, because the snow started in time to cancel my Saturday WI and meeting, and being snow-bound made me feel 'snack-y'. I was prepared for the weather with plenty of healthy choices in reach, but kept on wanting to munch on tortilla chips instead of carrots. Now we're looking at another snow hit starting tonight. At least shoveling is good exercise!


Sue, not only is it harder at 52 to lose than in the early '40's, it's even harder at 54!:rolleyes:




SW 182.8

CW 172.2

GW 150

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Hi, all... feeling like Eeyore as I'm blue again about my (negative) progres... I'm up 1.6 this week. Ugghh. :( My own fault, I've just not been able to stay OP. That's my goal for this week. Actually, I want to try to come in UNDER total points (but this includes activity & flex points) -- even with a Valentine's dinner coming up and a dinner out to Melting Pot next Friday. Somehow, I have to make it work!


Not only have I not been sticking to points, but I've been really slacking on activity. I've been trying to go with the "when I get around to it" or "when I feel like it" plan, but that is a bust. I'm now going to shoot for 5 days a week, and see if that doesn't get me off my behind! Thirty minutes just isn't that much -- I can squeeze that in if I make it a priority!

Last year, our leader gave out, at random, trinkets with a little saying in each one; mine said "You have time for whatever you decide to make time for." I'm going to keep that in mind, and decide to make time for activity.


Alas, I will have to amend my mini-goal -- was trying to get to 190 before my cruise in April, but I'd need to lose 2.3 lbs per week and I just don't see that happening! However, with 9 weigh-ins to go, I could lose 15.4 lbs (still extremely agressive for me), and I'd be a total of 50 lbs down, so that's my new mini-goal. Wish me luck and pray for my strength! :p


Hope you are all going the "right" direction!! Thin thoughts to you!


SW: 246.2

CW: 210.6

GW: 154

mini-goal: 196.2 by 4/15/10

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Hi, all... feeling like Eeyore as I'm blue again about my (negative) progres... I'm up 1.6 this week. Ugghh. :( My own fault, I've just not been able to stay OP. That's my goal for this week. Actually, I want to try to come in UNDER total points (but this includes activity & flex points) -- even with a Valentine's dinner coming up and a dinner out to Melting Pot next Friday. Somehow, I have to make it work!


Not only have I not been sticking to points, but I've been really slacking on activity. I've been trying to go with the "when I get around to it" or "when I feel like it" plan, but that is a bust. I'm now going to shoot for 5 days a week, and see if that doesn't get me off my behind! Thirty minutes just isn't that much -- I can squeeze that in if I make it a priority!

Last year, our leader gave out, at random, trinkets with a little saying in each one; mine said "You have time for whatever you decide to make time for." I'm going to keep that in mind, and decide to make time for activity.


Alas, I will have to amend my mini-goal -- was trying to get to 190 before my cruise in April, but I'd need to lose 2.3 lbs per week and I just don't see that happening! However, with 9 weigh-ins to go, I could lose 15.4 lbs (still extremely agressive for me), and I'd be a total of 50 lbs down, so that's my new mini-goal. Wish me luck and pray for my strength! :p


Hope you are all going the "right" direction!! Thin thoughts to you!


SW: 246.2

CW: 210.6

GW: 154

mini-goal: 196.2 by 4/15/10



I can totally commiserate with your feelings. I've been up and down so much over the last few years - getting close to goal, and then giving up as soon as I hit a plateau (or the worst for me - thinking I know it so well that I can add the points in my head).


DON'T give up on all the hard work you've put in so far. You must already look and feel so much better than you did before.


Also, make sure to not go under your points allowance. You'll be telling your body to go into starvation mode, and it will hang on to everything. Use every point, but gravitate towards fruits and veggies and filling foods.


Enjoy the Valentine's Day dinner. Enjoy some scrumptious seafood course - shrimp, lobster, etc - doesn't need any sauces on it. For valentines chocolate I plan to find the biggest, juiciest strawberries, and dip them in a bit of the best dark chocolate...just enough for the taste of it.


If you can't motivate yourself to exercise, try something new. I just picked up a new Wii game - 'Just Dance'. It isn't really geared to be an exercise program per se, but I have so much fun laughing at what a dork I look like that I don't notice after 1/2 hr that I've gotten a decent workout.

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I can totally commiserate with your feelings. I've been up and down so much over the last few years - getting close to goal, and then giving up as soon as I hit a plateau (or the worst for me - thinking I know it so well that I can add the points in my head).


DON'T give up on all the hard work you've put in so far. You must already look and feel so much better than you did before.


Also, make sure to not go under your points allowance. You'll be telling your body to go into starvation mode, and it will hang on to everything. Use every point, but gravitate towards fruits and veggies and filling foods.


Enjoy the Valentine's Day dinner. Enjoy some scrumptious seafood course - shrimp, lobster, etc - doesn't need any sauces on it. For valentines chocolate I plan to find the biggest, juiciest strawberries, and dip them in a bit of the best dark chocolate...just enough for the taste of it.


If you can't motivate yourself to exercise, try something new. I just picked up a new Wii game - 'Just Dance'. It isn't really geared to be an exercise program per se, but I have so much fun laughing at what a dork I look like that I don't notice after 1/2 hr that I've gotten a decent workout.


Thanks for your support! And I'm not giving up; I'm just a little frustrated with myself. I haven't been doing the "right" things, and I keep still hoping I'll lose. On the plus side, I've been vigilant enough that I haven't gained it all back, so I think part of me thinks, "I haven't totally splurged like I wanted to, I just overdid it a little... I did use some restraint... so shouldn't I be rewarded with a loss??" Of course, it doesn't work like that, I just need to really get myself to say NO when I'm tempted to blow my points out of the water.


Except for a few carefully selected weeks here and there (vacation weeks & a couple of holiday weeks), I have continued to track faithfully, so the beauty is I know exactly where I've gone wrong, and that's probably why I've been successful at basically maintaining the weight I acheived a few months ago. And don't get me wrong -- I do applaud myself for at least (more or less) maintaining... I do realize that is a huge thing for an (former?) overeater like me, and simply by maintaining, I'm at least training myself to eat way less than I did before... and slowly learning to forget eating (gorging) like I did before. It makes me much more confident of my eventual success, and that by staying vigilant I will be able to keep weight off.


And I think you misunderstood me... I'm by NO means going to go under my daily points allowance -- starvation will NOT be an issue. :rolleyes: I haven't been able to even stay AT my DPA. :o My problem is that I start my week on Saturday, and by Saturday night or Sunday night, I've blown through all my weekly FLEX points (or more), so I have no flex points to use during the week on the weekdays when I overdo it a little. My goal this week is to end with a few activity or Flex points still on the table. That hasn't happened for MONTHS.


As for Valentine's Day, my meal choice is out of my control, I must make due with portion control and/or get some extra activity. My generally-non-cooking DH decided a month ago or so that he wanted to cook Beef Wellington for Valentine's dinner. We love beef Wellington, but have never made it ourselves. He is so sweet, and his intentions so pure that I cannot deny him on this -- he would be crushed if I suggested we not do it. On the plus side, except for the puff pastry, it's a pretty lean dish, the bulk of it being very lean tenderloin and mushrooms. Will probably pair it with a nice salad and something chocolate, but yes, I will make sure it's an intense chocolate so a little goes a long way (sweets are not generally my downfall anyway; though I cannot say the same for DH! :p).


In the past, I had been getting activity somewhat regularly --- not as often as I should, but I was more or less steadily getting 30-60 minutes of activity 2-4 days a week. I was having a lot of fun on the Wii Fit, but kinda hit a wall. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that as I had approached a plateau I got sick of the Wii telling me in a sad voice that I had gained a tiny bit of weight (often within the 2-pound daily fluctuation it tells you can happen) and then demanding to know why!! :o DH and I got a treadmill last year that was using fairly regularly before I took up with the Wii, and I recently stepped back on her. I've just gotta bite the bullet and get back to both, or maybe unwrap those fitness DVDs I bought last year... :rolleyes:


Thanks for letting me vent my frustrations...


Stick with it people -- think thin!

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Even though our cruise isn't for eight weeks (gee, can you tell the kids & I are counting down, lol?) I had the urge today to dig out the summer stuff and see what fits right now and what I need/want to fit into before we go. The to fit into pile is bigger than the fit pile but if I stick to my goal I should be able to do it. I have totally fallen off the wagon this week as in two school cupcake sales and a FEW too many little chocolate hearts consumed!!! However, after trying on a couple dresses that I KNOW I want to wear, I hopped on my eliptical and had a kick butt workout and burned off my five choc. hearts I ate today. I also taped a picture of a two piece bathing suit I like to the pantry door. Tomorrow I am opening up my Wii fit plus and trying that.

I can do this, even if I slip up for a few days, I HAVE to get back on that wagon!

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Hi, all, from snowy Ohio! Still not up there with the eastern seaboard this year, but we have had over 20 inches in the last 10 days, including about 8 yesterday. And it's all still here. I will admit it's pretty, but it makes me think about luxuriating on a beach!


Weigh-in this morning, down 0.8, which means I am into the 180's! That's great, but I have to admit I am still wrapping my head around how much harder it is to lose weight for me than it was even 8 years ago. But as long as the scale is moving "south", I know I just need to keep doing what I'm doing!


Lani, I could have written so much of what you wrote, about trying to balance feeling good about the changes I DO make, and beating myself up over bad choices or not being able to totally commit to the changes I know I SHOULD make.


One thing I am totally determined NOT to do this time is to have a "bad" or indulgent week derail the whole process. The test for me will be that although my cruise is not until June, I have a spring break trip with my daughter at the end of March to visit friends and spend a few days at a beach condo with them. I won't kid myself that I will relax that week (gotta have New Orleans beignets!), but in my half-hearted attempts over the past few years to get back on the WW wagon, a week like that would have stopped me in my tracks completely. So this time I WILL get right back on track when I get home, to get as close as I can to goal before the cruise with my wonderful DH. And no, I am not doing it for him (he loves me however I look), I am doing it for ME. I want to feel good about myself and be active and have a great time.


That's what I like about posting on this thread - now that I have written that down it's one more motivation to do it!


Good luck to all, keep up the good work!




SW 200

CW 189.4

GW 160

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weighed in last night and down 1.2 which I was happy with considering I indulged a little this past week. Got in a good workout Sat and last night. My main goal this week is track, track, and track again! Out of town hockey tournament this weekend, so I have to be prepared! Have a great day everyone!

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Congrats on the losses, Sue & Kathy! And thanks for letting me vent... I can only hope my whining is helpful for someone else out there, as reading other people's issues can be so helpful for me.


SO, this week has gone MUCH better... actually DID have a few days where I went under my daily points -- I know this isn't kosher, but I was able to eat filling foods, and then there I was late at night, with points left but was not hungry. I decided to listen to my body.... besides, I definitely had overindulge days either right before or after and that surely balanced it out. All in all, I still have about 20 flex points, which I will need as tomorrow is day 7 of my week, and we'll be going out to dinner at the Melting Pot (mmmm fondue!) tomorrow night.... I will surely spend a fair sum of points on cheesy fondue!


Weigh-in at home was better (down 2.2 points since last week) than weigh-in at my noon WW (down 1.4), but I'll take it either way. Still slow going, but I'm determined to be 15 lbs lighter by mid-April!!


Oh, and I also came up with a theory --- I definitely have found that I really want to eat more in the evening no matter what, so a key for me is to try to get filling, low-point breakfast/lunches in (lots of veg for lunch!), because if I've eaten a lot during the day, my evening eating blows my points away (not every time, but I'm prone to that). My WW leader (the region's Leader of the Year for 2009!), has to eat most of her points early in the day (particularly for breakfast) to give her the stamina she needs. She's a morning person... I'm a night person. I'm thinking whichever you are (morning or night person) may tell you how to budget your points. Thoughts? I'd love to hear if this trend has any evidence!


Thin thoughts to you -- have a great week!


SW: 246.2

CW: 209.2

GW: 154

Mini-goal: 195 by 4/15 (in time for cruise!)



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weighed in last night, up one. I did indulge in some chips this weekend but had worked out four times last week and still had all my flex points to use over the weekend for out of town hockey tournament. My leader mentioned though that potato chips can make you retain water because of the salt so hopefully next week will net better results! I really need to get my butt in gear and hopefully even lose 6-7 within three weeks if I can't get the 10

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weighed in last night, up one. I did indulge in some chips this weekend but had worked out four times last week and still had all my flex points to use over the weekend for out of town hockey tournament. My leader mentioned though that potato chips can make you retain water because of the salt so hopefully next week will net better results! I really need to get my butt in gear and hopefully even lose 6-7 within three weeks if I can't get the 10


Kelbre, good luck, sorry about the gain! So are you saying you did not use the flex points when you were out of town? It would surprise me if some extra sodium from several days ago would affect a weigh in. But the leaders usually know what they are talking about! I find that as long as I drink LOTS of water, it really helps, especially after higher sodium foods. It seems counterintuitive, but the water flushes things out, instead of being retained, at least for me.


I am really trying to get into the long-term mindset. I know I can really stick to this for the next five weeks, but then I have a series of trips for fun and work that will be a challenge. So my goal is to avoid getting into the trap of extending a few days of semi-indulgence into weeks.


Good luck to all!



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Oh, Kelbre, I have so been there... Salt can definitely be a factor, and do keep in mind that sometimes a "good" or "bad week" seems to show up a week or two later. Normal body fluctuations one supposes.


For example, I've had a pretty "on" week (or as close as I've been in a long while!), and yesterday morning at home my scale was 1.8 lbs lower than it was this morning. (Of course today is weigh-in day, so of course the scale would be up today... Sheesh.) Especially maddening, since I have had this "pretty good" week, and this morning's home weigh-in I showed a 0.2 lb gain... ughhh...


I was pretty disappointed with that, as you might imagine, and bordering on discouraged. My husband talked some sense in me, however... and I showed a 0.4 lb loss at WW weigh-in today (this makes sense to me, because for some reason, last week my WW weigh-in on Thursday was much higher than my home weigh-in that day... they're a bit closer today which is what I'm used to).


Anyhoo, I picked up a motto a while back that I've used off and on, to varying degrees of success... suppose I should brush that off and use it again: "Be more patient than your scale. Keep doing the right things and it will go down."


I'm having trouble with serial self-sabotage. I keep doing really well, then dig in with relative abandon to something I shouldn't eat a lot of. And I'm neglecting activity.


I have had some success this week with two things: really asking myself if I have physical hunger... as in our "weekly lesson" a few weeks ago talking about emotional/physical hunger. If you're physically hungry, you probably won't be hungry for a specific food or food type. So if I'm wanting something specific, I'll drink some water and try to wait it out. If I'm physically hungry, I'll either do a meal (if it's an appropriate time) or snack on some carrots or fruits. It's getting easier.


Another thing I'm trying is a paraphrased statement from one of Fall or Winter's weekly booklets: "Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now." I'm trying to say that to myself mantra-style, whenever I'm tempted to sabotage my efforts for a few bites of pleasure.


And I've been beating myself up mentally for some of my stupid slip-ups (snacks/meals that were not worth the points... and I kind of knew that before I did it!)... and I'm trying to remind myself of the immortal words of Homer Simpson who said, "You can't keep blaming yourself. Blame yourself once and move on." :D


Anyhoo, happy that I showed a loss of any kind, but disappointed it's not more. I will try again this week!


SW: 246.2

CW: 208.8

GW: 154

mini-Goal: 195 by 4/15 (looking less and less likely, but I will try!)

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Ooohhhhh, I have so fallen off the wagon today! Pot luck at work, one Tim hortons run for a french vanilla pickup for my SIL and decided I needed one too! Today and the rest of the weekend it's just my son and I for his hockey tourn. here and hubby and daughter are away for her hockey tourney, so we have indulged in pizza and chips this evening with my comfy pj pants! Oh, and did I forget I had angel food cake with fat free cool whip and strawberries??????? And now I wonder why I feel like I'm going to blow up! lol! Seriously, tomorrow is a new day, right?? I'll have to throw in a really good workout on my eliptical! Have a good night everyone!

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Two and a bit weeks 'till my cruise and my weight is not budging!!!:confused: I joined a gym at the beginning of this month and all the extra excercise is not making the weight shift, in fact last week i was UP 0.5lb.

I have been sorting out my summer clothes and two pairs of cropped trousers fell off me :D:D



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