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Hi, All!

I've been absent (but lurking)... I was sick last week & didn't weigh in officially. However, I did step on the scale last week and was down several pounds... actually, on Friday, my home scale even dipped below 200 for the first time in over a decade!!!


However, that didn't last, as it was 202.6 this morning. WW weighin was not as good -- exactly the same as my last weigh-in two weeks ago.



Oh, well, at least it wasn't up.


I have been eating more, which has offset the increased activity I've had. Since starting my at-work Wednesday yoga classes, I've been able to add a 1x a week cardio or yoga video session at home. Not much, but a giant improvement over the past several months!! Actually, yesterday's yoga session was intense, and I'm a little sore today. I'm gonna blame my no-loss today on that; maybe my muscles are retaining fluids! :rolleyes:


My vacation goal looks just about kaput, as I'd have to lose 8 lbs my next week, :eek: but I'll just keep plugging along. Now I'm hoping to drop 2.6 lbs by next week and get my 9th 5lb star for a total of 45 lbs lost. Wish me luck!! (And will-power!)


Thin thoughts to you!


SW: 246.2

CW: 203.8

GW: 154

miniGoal: 196.2/195 by 4/15

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Hi Kelly, I have brought up WW site but really never have spent much time looking at the recipe builder. I am going to give it a look over this week and see if I can adjust some of my favorite recipes. Thanks for the tip.


Just wanted to mention that if you don't have access to eTools and the recipe builder (I'm an at-work participant, so eTools isn't free for me), Sparkpeople.com has a recipe calculator http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-calculator.asp. Just input the ingredients, the number of servings and it gives you the nutritional info. In some cases, I've been able to tweak favorite recipes by cutting fat or increasing veggies, in some cases I've kept the recipe the same and just determined what a sensible portion is (or figured out how many flex points certain dishes are worth to me!!:D).


Great tool. Good luck!

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Hi Social, Yes I tried the Cheese snacks last week for the first time. I really liked them. I also love the pizza flavor pretzel thin snacks as well. I have not tried the WW wheat thin snacks yet. As far as the WW bagels, I agree, too doughy. I buy the Natures Own Whole Wheat Thin bagels. Very good and only 1 pt too. I have not seen the brand that you are talking about, are they new?


Also, contrats on your loss this week. You seem to have a lot of will power and are doing very well and staying on plan. I had a little setback with some Easter leftovers. I need to recognize my "trigger" foods and stay away from them. I don't weigh until Fri and will be happy if I just maintain this week. I did try on some cute summer skirts yesterday at Khol's and really had a reality check. I need to stay focused and keep the scale moving in a downward direction again. I have 23 more pounds to go.


Have a great Wed. Cari.



Here's the link for the Western Bagels. The 1 pt bagels are called "The Alternative Bagel". I really like them!



I was looking at buying the pizza pretzel snacks. I have the cheese twists and really like them. I'm starting to find more things at the grocery store for snacks and am trying not to go crazy buying WW snacks. I'm also trying to eat more fruit and veggies. LOTS of berries lately. Mmmm I love berries. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries... yummy! I'm fortunate that I live in Los Angeles and we have good produce year round.


I also have approx. 23 lbs to go! It's a slow race but I keep reminding myself that it IS working. As long as the scale isn't consistently going up, then you've got nothing to worry about :)

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Had my WW weigh-in this morning and was down .2. A lot better than I expected considering my nasty chocolate binge this week.




They gave out a sample of the new " Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chip" 2pt bars today at the meeting. All I can say is OMG !!!! They are like a chocolate chip granola bar but the chips are really BIG and the whole bar is covered in this peanut butter type icing. They are the best thing. I can actually say that it was better than a lot of candy bars that I have had. I am going to buy a box or two next week. I love anything with frosting and these hit the mark for sure.



Have a great weekend everyone. Cari. :)

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Had my WW weigh-in this morning and was down .2. A lot better than I expected considering my nasty chocolate binge this week.




They gave out a sample of the new " Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chip" 2pt bars today at the meeting. All I can say is OMG !!!! They are like a chocolate chip granola bar but the chips are really BIG and the whole bar is covered in this peanut butter type icing. They are the best thing. I can actually say that it was better than a lot of candy bars that I have had. I am going to buy a box or two next week. I love anything with frosting and these hit the mark for sure.



Have a great weekend everyone. Cari. :)

We had those bar samples today, too. They are very good. But, Fiber One makes a peanut butter chip 90 calorie bar that is so very good, bigger than the WW one and only 1 point, and less expensive. Sam's has 20 of them for $6.88.


I am down .6 this week :)


We're going dancing tonight. I didn't plan well for dinner and will be eating at the bar, and drinking. I'll have to do a heck of a lot of dancing to not eat into my weekly points too much. I only have 5 points left for today. Fridays are so busy and I really need to plan better.


SW: 250

CW: 187.6

GW: 145

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Congrats hoosier and kleo on your weight loss! Way to go!

Hoosier, my WW buddy coworker had a bad weekend for chocolate too but was down as well. Must be something special in those Easter chocolates!


I also got the free sample. It was good; however, FiberPLUS (not Fiber One), makes an even better peanut butter granola bar. They have antioxidants. I used to buy the big boxes of regular Fiber One bars, which are 2 pts each but they're not soft enough for me. I tried these FiberPlus bars which were also 2 pts each and fell in LOVE! They are so soft and SOOOO delicious. They have 3 flavours. I've tried the peanut butter and the dark chocolate with almond. Loved them both. My husband is definitely not on a diet or trying to eat healthy and he loves them as well. I think they were 2/$5 or 2/$4 at Ralphs grocery store.

Here's the link for them. Mmmmm now I'm hungry for one!




Have a great weekend everyone!

I will be resting all weekend. My husband gave me his cold :( blaaaahhhh

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Congrats hoosier and kleo on your weight loss! Way to go!

Hoosier, my WW buddy coworker had a bad weekend for chocolate too but was down as well. Must be something special in those Easter chocolates!


I also got the free sample. It was good; however, FiberPLUS (not Fiber One), makes an even better peanut butter granola bar. They have antioxidants. I used to buy the big boxes of regular Fiber One bars, which are 2 pts each but they're not soft enough for me. I tried these FiberPlus bars which were also 2 pts each and fell in LOVE! They are so soft and SOOOO delicious. They have 3 flavours. I've tried the peanut butter and the dark chocolate with almond. Loved them both. My husband is definitely not on a diet or trying to eat healthy and he loves them as well. I think they were 2/$5 or 2/$4 at Ralphs grocery store.

Here's the link for them. Mmmmm now I'm hungry for one!




Have a great weekend everyone!

I will be resting all weekend. My husband gave me his cold :( blaaaahhhh

Socialcruiser, I hope you feel better.


I'm going to look for those FiberPLUS bars, too.


Fiber One does make a 90 calorie 1 point bar. Looks like they are trying to compete with FiberOne. Gotta love a delicious 1 point snack :)




So we went dancing last night and I danced the night away. I also ate about 1/5 of my husband's garbage nachos and had 4 shots and 2 drinks. Way more points than I planned. But I'm going to put that behind me and keep on going today. I did have a great time though.

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Goodmorning WW friends, Here we are for the weekend. :)


Kelly, it sounds like you had a great time last night. Don't feel guilty, all that dancing probably cancelled out the shots and nacho's. LOL

thanks for the tip on the Fiber One PB chip bar, and Social, thanks also for the tip on the Fiber Plus bars. I am going to Super Walmart to pick-up some allergy meds today so I will buy a box of each and try them out.



Last night I made some really good and low point soft tacos. WW has a frozen meal, " Santa-Fe salsa chicken" It is only 2 pts for the entire box. It is big chuncks of white meat chicken blended with lots of veggies, black beans, bell peppers, onions and cubed zucchini. I found these low carb tortillas, " Smart and Delicious " 1 pt each. they have 3 net carbs, 50 cal, 2g fat and 7g fiber. They are medium size. Very tasty. Anyway, I heat up the Santa Fe chicken and divide it between two tortillas and make either soft tacos or roll it up like a burrito. I then top it with lots of lettuce, tomato, onion and a little FF sour cream. They are so good and filling too. The best part is that the entire meal was only 4.5 pts. I had 2 of the soft tacos with the filling and a little ff sour cream( I counted .5 of a pt for this) The lettuce and stuff was free. Oh, I did have a bottle of MGD-64. They are only 1pt each BTW. I add a wedge of lime to the bottle and it tastes really good. The beer is not heavy tasting at all. So the entire meal plus the beer was 5.5..


I found the tortillas at my local Meijer grocery store in the Taco Shell/Mexican food asile. They are the best low carb tortillas that I have tried.




Have a great weekend everyone....We are going to a few garage sales today. I will pack a 2 pt bar, an apple and a few bottles of water with some Crystal Light for my lunch. Rick says he doesn't like rummage sales but he is the first one out of the car and looking through all of the good stuff for a bargain. LOL




******** WELCOME BACK lKAKERS** we've missed you :)**********

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Hoosiercouple ~ That sounds like a fabulous meal. I am going to have to try that. Please let us know which of the bars you like. I saw the FiberPlus ones today at Giant Eagle, but didn't pick them up since I just bought the FiberOne bars at Sam's yesterday.


I wish the dancing canceled out the food and drinks. I had 24 points worth of drinks and probably 15 points worth of nachos to my measly 5 or 6 points of activity points I earned. But that's OK. I'll keep earning some APs this week and not eat them. At least I have all the way until Friday to hopefully work it off.

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Cari, that taco idea is fantastic! I will have to find some of those low-carb tortillas.


Did my first strength training workout at the Y today - already feeling it; I know my muscles will be screaming by tomorrow morning. But at least now I know how to work all the machines, and I have a routine all charted out for me.


Fixing white chicken chili for dinners/lunches this week. Need to put it through the recipe builder to get the exact pointage. Last time I made it I fudged and used the points for a turkey chili that I've made before.


Weigh-in is tomorrow for me. I'll check back in. Heading over to the Bermuda board for some research. 11 weeks until our cruise - amended my goal to 15 pounds. That will get me into "One-derland"! Have a great weekend everyone!

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Hoosier, great idea with the santa fe chicken. I'm somewhat of a picky eater and didn't think I'd like the santa fe chicken, but I liked it a lot. What a great idea to put it in tacos! I've been staying away from Mexican food since I've joined WW. Living in Los Angeles has made it difficult to do. The santa fe tacos sound delicious and I can't wait to make them. I have a santa fe smartones in my freezer right now!


I had the smartones orange chicken & rice for dinner last night and I'm not a fan. I microwaved it so the breaded chicken was a bit mushy. Might have been better in the oven. I've liked most of the smartones I've tried so far, but definitely won't buy the orange chicken again. I liked the ravioli florentine, but it wasn't a big enough meal. I was still hungry after.


My favourite smartones is still the Santa-Fe style Rice & Beans. It has a delicious sour cream sauce on top and I love it! It's very filling too.


Thanks kleo, I'm feeling much better today! I'm hoping to go for a 5k walk around the Pasadena Rose Bowl tomorrow. Apparently it was a location for the WW 5k walk last year. Since I haven't been feeling well I haven't been getting any activity points in *gulp*


Have a great weekend everyone :D

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Hi WW friends, I need some helpful advice from other members out there. Here is the situation; My BF cooks Sunday dinner each week. He does all of the planning, shopping and preperation for it. Some weeks it is really healthy and fits into my plan just fine and other weeks it is a real struggle to " eat-around " what he has made. Since I plan and cook the meals for the other 6 days, this is his day to feed what ever craving he is having and get creative in the kitchen. He does not like for me to restrict his foodie creativity.


Tonight he has informed me that he is making Hot Turkey sandwiches served over top of mashed potatoes and gravy. I am really not into this but on the other hand don't want to hurt his feelings either. He knows that I am on WW but I truely believe that he doesn't understand the struggle of how hard it is to plan my points out each day. I only get 20 pts and I covet each and every one of them. Should I just eat the turkey w/o the gravy and pop a small potato into the microwave or just eat a much smaller portion of what he is making? He will probably make some type of a vegetable as well, so depending on what it is I may be able to work this in too. I realize that I have to be assertive; I just don't want to hurt his feelings after going through all the trouble.




In addition, he got up this morning and made, from scratch biscuits, sausage gravy and eggs. I think that he was aware that this was high in points so he did not push it on me. I just had a bowl of Whole Grain Cheerios with half a sliced banana and some skim milk. I don't think he realizes that mashed potatoes with butter and milk, gravy and things of this nature are dangerous for me. I have even offered to take him to one of my meetings so he can get a better grasp of KISS " keep-it-simple-silly" In other words, the less processed the food is the better.



Does anyone else have this problem with their spouse or significant other? How do you handle it? What about other family members that mean well also? Like MIL-SIL, coworkers, etc...... I am usually a very nice nonconfrontational person that would really like to assert myself to gain more control over my weight loss and success.



I know I am rambling here but I just needed to vent. I'm open for suggestions. Thanks. Cari

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Does anyone else have this problem with their spouse or significant other? How do you handle it? What about other family members that mean well also? Like MIL-SIL, coworkers, etc...... I am usually a very nice nonconfrontational person that would really like to assert myself to gain more control over my weight loss and success.



I know I am rambling here but I just needed to vent. I'm open for suggestions. Thanks. Cari

Cari, when I'm in a social situation or going to the in-laws or whatever, I ask what they are planning on serving and then plan my day and weekly points around that.


Really mashed potatoes aren't that bad. 1/2 c. mashed potatoes is 2 points.


The WW Food Companion has these for gravy:

1/4 c. brown gravy 2 points

1/4 c. cream gravy 4 points

1 c. canned turkey gravy 1 point


If it were me, I'd eat a small serving of mashed potatoes (2 points) and 1 or 2 T of gravy (1/4 a cup is a lot) and count it for 1 point, a few points or turkey and then veggies and fruit.


Can you take a salad or some fruit and fill up on that more than the other?


I am really trying to make WW fit my life instead of my life fit WW. Some meals are going to be higher point for less volume, but not on a daily basis, ya know?


I'd also eat less points for other meals and concentrate on the green diamond foods.


Breakfast: saute mushrooms, onions, peppers (whatever veggies you like) in 1 tsp. of olive oil until tender; stir in 1/2 c. Egg Beaters and cook. You have a nice amount of eggs for 2 points, and have had lean protein and 1 healthy oil. Have you ever measured out 0 points of strawberries? It's a nice serving. And then a Better Start Thomas English muffin for 1 point. A nice, filling breakfast for 3 points. I'm about to make this very thing for my breakfast :)


I make a soup that is 2 points per cup and very good and easy and mostly all veggies.


Saute chopped onion and garlic in a little olive oil until tender. Add 32 oz. vegetable stock, 1 can diced tomatoes with juice, 9 oz. frozen cheese tortellini and a couple handfuls of frozen spinach. Have that with a salad or some fruit or whole grain crackers and you can have lunch for just a few points and be satisfied and meet a few healthy guidelines.


I have a recipe blog with nearly 200 WW point included recipes. http://www.cookingfortheguys.blogspot.com


Anyway, I hope you have a great meal, enjoy not having to cook or plan, and are able to work it in. Let us know what you do.

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Kelly, I agree with you about fitting WW into life, and not the other way around. Also agree about just eating less of what BF cooks (in your case, Cari). Yes, it may slow you down for the week, but IMO these are the types of situations we have to learn to deal with forever. I'm not comfortable bringing my own food to eat when I go to a friend's (although I will snack healthy before so I'm not so hungry). But maybe you can gradually get BF to be creative in more healthy, WW-friendly ways. Keep working on him! :)


My DH doesn't cook, and he's more than happy to eat in my WW style (just more of each item for him), but occasionally he wants some good ol' meat and potatoes. I fixed us steak and eggs with hash browns for brunch this morning. That racked up 14 points for me, but it was worth it (granted, I get 26 per day so I don't have to ration so much - and that was breakfast + lunch).


The thing I love about WW is that you CAN work it into your lifestyle. I have fallen off the points wagon many times since re-joining this year, but I'm still averaging a 1.4 pound loss per week. And I don't feel like it's running my life. Yes, I do give it a lot of attention, but I don't feel like I'm denying myself. That's important to me.


Okay, sorry for the long ramble. Today was my WI - down 1.5 pounds. Adding in more exercise is really paying off for me. Here's my updated stats. I forgot to put earlier that I'm 5'6".


SW - 229

CW - 210

GW - 145


Sometimes I think I'm never going to hit that 10% mark - 4 pounds to go!

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Thanks Kelly and Andy for the suggestions.


I joined WW in 2003 and made lifetime in 2004 with a total wt loss of 41.8 lbs. I maintained until 2 years ago when I went through a divorce and put back on 33 lbs. I committed myself again to WW last month and have lost about 8 lbs so far. I am just having a difficult time with the last 25.


Rick and I have been dating for over a year but have only lived together a few months and it is just going to be a learning process on both of our parts as far as our eating habits and lifestyle. We have discussed marriage, so I guess this is something that we will have to come to terms on. He is 6'4 1/2" and fairly thin. He can eat just about anything and not gain and ounce. It is probably just as difficult for him as it is for me. He loves to have doughnuts and snacks in the house and this is something that I have never had to deal with. I do have a shelf in the pantry that is stocked with my 2pt snacks as well as a fruit bowl on the table. I work out of my home office a few days a week and this is the first time in my life where I have been overwhelmed with temptation. If you read my posts from last week then you know that I ate half a pan of fudge brownies. No one to blame but me for that. I just want to get back on the wagon and stay there so I can get these last 25lbs off before summer gets here.



I talked with Rick earlier and told him just how difficult this journey was for me. He agreed to help me as well as eating and cooking a little healthier for himself.



Thanks everyone, I just had a bad day and needed to vent. Thanks for listening. Cari. :)

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Kelly, I agree with you about fitting WW into life, and not the other way around. Also agree about just eating less of what BF cooks (in your case, Cari). Yes, it may slow you down for the week, but IMO these are the types of situations we have to learn to deal with forever. I'm not comfortable bringing my own food to eat when I go to a friend's (although I will snack healthy before so I'm not so hungry). But maybe you can gradually get BF to be creative in more healthy, WW-friendly ways. Keep working on him! :)


My DH doesn't cook, and he's more than happy to eat in my WW style (just more of each item for him), but occasionally he wants some good ol' meat and potatoes. I fixed us steak and eggs with hash browns for brunch this morning. That racked up 14 points for me, but it was worth it (granted, I get 26 per day so I don't have to ration so much - and that was breakfast + lunch).


The thing I love about WW is that you CAN work it into your lifestyle. I have fallen off the points wagon many times since re-joining this year, but I'm still averaging a 1.4 pound loss per week. And I don't feel like it's running my life. Yes, I do give it a lot of attention, but I don't feel like I'm denying myself. That's important to me.


Okay, sorry for the long ramble. Today was my WI - down 1.5 pounds. Adding in more exercise is really paying off for me. Here's my updated stats. I forgot to put earlier that I'm 5'6".


SW - 229

CW - 210

GW - 145


Sometimes I think I'm never going to hit that 10% mark - 4 pounds to go!

Woo Hoo!! You are doing so great. I'm the same height you are and we have the same GW. You'll get that 10% before you know it!

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Hey all,


I too would like to join the group. A little about myself- I am 25 year old wife and mother of two, 21 months and 7 1/2 months. I have completely let myself go since we married 7 years ago not to mention all the self-medicating with food we've been through several major events that I did not handle in the best of ways (infertility, death of brother, adoptions and quiting smoking, which has it's positives and negatives). I have now began taking control of my life and eating habits again and am now holding myself accountable. I have long since said that my will power is the issue when really that was just another excuse. I have more than 150 lbs to lose, but I am trying to focus on the smaller goals, as I do not want to be overwhelmed. This past Tuesday was my first weigh-in, I'm anxious to see how much I've lost. I can definitely feel it. I'm planning on doing the Walkathon, which has given me a reason to get out an walk daily. Sorry, for all the rambling, I am just so excited to get to talk with others that are plugging along on this journey.

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Hey all,


I too would like to join the group. A little about myself- I am 25 year old wife and mother of two, 21 months and 7 1/2 months. I have completely let myself go since we married 7 years ago not to mention all the self-medicating with food we've been through several major events that I did not handle in the best of ways (infertility, death of brother, adoptions and quiting smoking, which has it's positives and negatives). I have now began taking control of my life and eating habits again and am now holding myself accountable. I have long since said that my will power is the issue when really that was just another excuse. I have more than 150 lbs to lose, but I am trying to focus on the smaller goals, as I do not want to be overwhelmed. This past Tuesday was my first weigh-in, I'm anxious to see how much I've lost. I can definitely feel it. I'm planning on doing the Walkathon, which has given me a reason to get out an walk daily. Sorry, for all the rambling, I am just so excited to get to talk with others that are plugging along on this journey.

Hi Ashley. I'm sorry to hear about all the stressful things you've been through. But good for you to realize that you've made bad habits and are now taking control! You go girl.

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Hey all,


I too would like to join the group. A little about myself- I am 25 year old wife and mother of two, 21 months and 7 1/2 months. I have completely let myself go since we married 7 years ago not to mention all the self-medicating with food we've been through several major events that I did not handle in the best of ways (infertility, death of brother, adoptions and quiting smoking, which has it's positives and negatives). I have now began taking control of my life and eating habits again and am now holding myself accountable. I have long since said that my will power is the issue when really that was just another excuse. I have more than 150 lbs to lose, but I am trying to focus on the smaller goals, as I do not want to be overwhelmed. This past Tuesday was my first weigh-in, I'm anxious to see how much I've lost. I can definitely feel it. I'm planning on doing the Walkathon, which has given me a reason to get out an walk daily. Sorry, for all the rambling, I am just so excited to get to talk with others that are plugging along on this journey.




Hi Ashley, Welcome to the WW group. Yes, we are on the same journey and glad to have you along with us. It is really nice to be able to check in here each day or a few times a week and share successes, talk about WW issues or ask for help if you are having a rough day.


I gained a lot of weight with my first child and didn't quite lose it all before getting pregnant with my second child. After he was born I was at my highest Wt. of 205 lbs. I started taking diet pills and did lose 48 lbs but became very sick as the medication did not agree with me and I realized that there was no quick-fix. My doctor suggested WW and I joined back in 2003. I did lose the extra weight that I wanted to and maintained for several years but stopped going to my meetings and following plan when I had some stressors in my life ( a divorce) I have just recently started back to my meetings and started following plan again. I have had a rough start though, but along with my meetings and the nice folks here on this thread, I am back on my wagon.


Attending your first meeting is the first step. The WW plan really does work. You will have your good days and your bad days but just hang in there and take it in small goals a few pounds at a time. WW has some great recipes to try. I especially like the garden vegetable soup. I make a double batch of it sometimes and have it for lunch with some whole grain crackers, or with a sandwich for a quick dinner as well. You should have received the recipe with your new member info, if not it is at WW.com Check out some WW cookbooks from your library too and try some new recipes. For me it is variety that keeps me going.


Just to let you know, we have a lady at our meeting that has lost way over 100 lbs. She took it off a few pounds at a time. She looks wonderful. Our local newspaper did an article on her. There is a pic of her holding up a pair of her old pants. She could fit into one leg of them now. Just hang in there, you can do it !!!


If you have any questions you can ask at your meeting or just post here. Everyone here is nice and we are all in the same boat.


Again, welcome. Cari.

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Welcome, Ashley!


I just joined this group a few days ago, and they've already made me feel very welcome. It's great to have support on this journey - people who understand how hard it is and what struggles you're going through. I've struggled with weight my whole adult life, and turning 45 last December I was at my heaviest ever. I have about 85 pounds to lose (well, 65 now! :)). WW is the best way to do it, even if you're a "repeat offender" (or maybe especially if).


My approach this time is to focus on my health, and not just on the pounds. My doctor put me on blood pressure medicine last year, and I really don't like it!! And my blood glucose level is high and has me right at the level of being diabetic - manageable by diet at this point, and I want to keep it that way. I have an 8-year-old son, and my main goal is to be healthy and see him grow up (and then enjoy the "last third" of my life as a healthy person)!


It's good that you'll be walking - best way to get yourself active! I'm convinced that exercise has made a big difference for me, even the little bit's I've been able to do so far. So keep checking in, tell us how you're doing - before you know it you'll be shedding those pounds and feeling better than ever.



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Goodmorning WW friends, hope everyone had a great weekend. Back to the work week once again.


Thanks again to Andy and Kelly. I am embarrased that I had such a really bad day yesterday. I really needed to vent and your advice was right-on. Appreciate it.


Rick and I went to our Super Walmart and did some grocery shopping together. We purchased a lot of fresh vegetables. I am planning on making a double batch of the WW garden vegetable soup tonight. This way I can eat it for lunch during the week or as an app. prior to dinner. I think the fiber will really be a big help to me. I also picked up a loaf of Aunt Millie's lite 5 grain bread. 1 pt for 2 slices. I usually buy the store brand light bread, but decided to add a little variety and try something new. Stocked up on some lean lunch meat and 1% cottage cheese as well. As far as yogurt I really LOVE the Yoplait Whips but they are 3 pts. I still buy them because they are soooo good. I use them as a treat but really need to find one with lower pts that I can incorporate into a meal. I have a problem with the fat free ones that have that funny after taste. If anyone can recommend another light or FF yougurt that would be great.


As far as the sweet tooth problem, this is what I came up with; I figered if I am going to have dessert it might as well be a healthier choice than brownies, Oreo's or doughnuts. I bought a 4 pk of the WW chocolate ice-cream sandwiches. ( those suckers are expensive) and a box of the choc PB Fiber One 90 cal bars. They are in my pantry on "My" shelf.

BTW, I did try one last night, and for only 1 pt they were really good. They also carried the Fiber Plus PB bars. I will try this brand next week.



My daughter is flying in from California tonight and will be here a week for her spring break. ( She teaches 6th grade and for some reason their break is this week????) Anyway, she loves to go to her favorite places when she visits so this week I have the following on my list. Chili's, Johnny Corino's, and Buffalo Wild Wings. I will have to look up their menus on the computer and go with a plan of action. I know for sure that Chili's has some good choices but it has been a while since I've been there so they may have had a menu change. As far as the others, I'm not sure. My daughter does not eat red meat so as far as cooking at home I will be OK. She loves chicken and seafood. I am planning on making some BBQ shrimp K-bobs for the grill. These are only 1 pt each. I use fresh pineapple chuncks, red pepper and onion. There are a lot of possibilities for the chicken as well. I need to get on a recipe site and find a good one using Balsamic Vinegar. I recently bought a good bottle of it and am anxious to try out a new recipe for some kind of glaze. I usually just put it over some strawberries. It does sound strange but is very, very good.



Have a great Monday everyone. Cari :)

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Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend.


Cari, I'm glad you were able to sit down with your boyfriend and have a talk. My husband doesn't cook, so I haven't run into your exact problem. But I have had to explain WW to him because he wasn't being supportive in the right way at first. He was skeptical because of the fact that you can eat what you want as long as you stay within your points. Now he gets it and is seeing the weight come off, so he's not so quick to judge WW anymore.

It sounds like the two of you had a good shopping trip at Wal-Mart! I HIGHLY suggest the Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches. The regular vanilla ones are amazing and only 2 points. I prefer the vanilla than the chocolate. I've yet to try the WW ones. The Skinny Cow desserts were a lot cheaper. Have a fabulous time with your daughter. As for eating out, do you know about the website http://www.dwlz.com/ It's Dotty's Weight Loss Zone. She has a HUGE list of restaurants with point values. It can be a great help!


Welcome Ashley. This thread is great help. We're all in it together. Slow and steady. You'll do great :D Definitely explore the WW website. I have tried low-carb diets in the past and only had salad salad salad. It does get old quickly. There are so many yummy recipes on the site. AND the etools has a recipe builder so you can plug in the ingredients of your favourite recipes to find out point values. You can tweak ingredients to make them lower points too. It's a great tool!


One salad recipe that I've fallen in love with and threw together on my own is a taco salad type salad. I use iceberg lettuce, 1 crumbled up tostada, 2 tbsp light sour cream, 2 tbsp salsa, 6 black olives, green onion, brown onion, 1/3 cup no salt added black beans and WW Mexican reduced fat cheese (sometimes I leave this out). The tostada gives it that perfect crunch and no need for any dressing because of the salsa and sour cream. It usually works out to 6-9 points depending on amount of ingredients and meat or not. Last night I made it with ground turkey on top and left out the cheese. It's very filling and my husband likes it too!


Tomorrow is weigh-in for me. I've had a pretty good week so I'm hoping for the best! On Friday I'm doing a turn around trip to Vegas. I absolutely love Las Vegas... but it's going to kill me with points. I'm going to try to just drink light beer, but it's going to be tough. I hope we dance a lot so I can get some activity points in! And hopefully no 4am trip to McDonald's after the bar... yikes. This will be tricky.


Have a great week all! Happy losing :p

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I second the Skinny Cow sandwichs, I <3 the Strawberry Shortcake and the Mint Chocolate Chip, I pack these to all our family events as my personal safe dessert. Does anyone have any ideas for using the Sandwich Thins to make a really yummy sandwich?, I picked up some last night at the store.

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I would like to join in on all of the fun. I'm Karla...I turned 50 this year! :eek: I have 4 grown kids and 8 (almost...one is actually due next week) grandkids. I actually started with WW 3 years ago. I lost 84 lbs but my weight crept back up a little and then a year ago I stopped attending meetings and it has jumped back up another 35 lbs. So about a month ago I started attending meetings again and have lost about 11 lbs in the past month. I'm at the point of not believing I can actually get to the weight the charts say I should be....this fat has been a resident of my body too long to completely disappear, and I'm sure the excess skin (ICK) won't completely go away either. So for now, even though the charts say I should be 141, my goal is more like 155. We are going on a cruise in December and my girlfriend and I are going to try very hard to loose weight before then. She joined WW with me! I love sharing ideas, and I love cooking. Have you all tried the flat outs? My favorite way of using them is to spray with PAM, bake for about 12 minutes turning them over once, till really crispy. Then topping with refried beans or black beans, taco seasoned ground turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, fat free (or low fat) cheese, salsa. It makes a fantastic tostada. Mine come in at about 6-7 points and they are SUPER FILLING. Also, I will cut up the flat outs, spray with PAM, sprinkle with garlic bread sprinkle lightly and bake till crispy. I dip them in hummus or low fat dips. You get a bunch of chips for 1 point, depending on how large you cut them.


My stats:


SW 234

CW 183

GW 155 (for now)




Gosh, I almost forgot another of my favorites. Have you tried the black bean brownies??? Drain a can of black beans, fill the can (with beans still in it) back up with water. Blend them GOOD till they are pretty smooth. Add to a brownie mix (watch it, the FF mixes have more calories than regular mixes sometimes). DON'T add anything else. Mix well, bake as directed. If you cut it into 20 servings they are 2 points each. Or put them in mini muffin tins...makes 40 1 point brownie bites. They are extremely moist. YUMMY I have to freeze them so I don't eat them all when they come out of the oven.

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