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~WeightWatchers Support~


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:D:D:DWoohoo!!! I am down 2.4 lbs this week! I was expecting that so I'm very happy. I tracked, ate well and exercised a LOT. I actually took it upon myself to drop my daily points allowance by 1. I was at 20 daily points and made it 19 because I just wasn't seeing the results I wanted. A friend who was on weight watchers in the past tried this when she plateaued and it worked.

Now I am 1.2 lbs away from goal since I readjused my goal weight to 127. My original goal when I started was 127.4 (exactly 30 lbs total) but then I adjusted it to 125 to make it an even number, but I'm so happy where I am now that I've moved it back up. 127 is a good weight to maintain I think. 125 might be a struggle. This week I am going to work my absolute hardest so I reach goal. Here I goooooooo!


Good luck to everyone! Happy losing!


SW: 157.4

CW: 128.2

GW: 127

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:D:D:DWoohoo!!! I am down 2.4 lbs this week! I was expecting that so I'm very happy. I tracked, ate well and exercised a LOT. I actually took it upon myself to drop my daily points allowance by 1. I was at 20 daily points and made it 19 because I just wasn't seeing the results I wanted. A friend who was on weight watchers in the past tried this when she plateaued and it worked.

Now I am 1.2 lbs away from goal since I readjused my goal weight to 127. My original goal when I started was 127.4 (exactly 30 lbs total) but then I adjusted it to 125 to make it an even number, but I'm so happy where I am now that I've moved it back up. 127 is a good weight to maintain I think. 125 might be a struggle. This week I am going to work my absolute hardest so I reach goal. Here I goooooooo!


Good luck to everyone! Happy losing!


SW: 157.4

CW: 128.2

GW: 127


Congrats & Good Luck with the last tiny bit!

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Hi, I'm Regina. I pulled a ligament in my knee two months ago and nursed it too much by not exercising. Now I am dealing with a post trauma arthritis.

I joined WW four weeks ago. My first weigh-in I lost 3 pounds then went on vacation and fell into bad habits. Never went back to weigh in. I am going tomorrow to face the awful scale.

I did begin water aerobics (deep water only) on Monday and am returning tonight. Gradually, with a knee brace, icing and Advil I am seeing slow improvement. Hoping the gradual exercise will improve and keep me motivated.

I have a major cruise coming up in May to Alaska and need to be able to do a lot of walking.

Anyone out there had knee problems? Advice?

I need tons of support to get my WW program on a steady course. I'm pathetic when it comes to self-discipline. I welcome all you buddies and I will support you as well!

Here's to happy cruising!:o

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Hello all,


I'm going to join your group. A little about me and my journey. My name is Cori. I'm 35, married with 2 beautiful daughters ages 6 and 2. I have been following WW for just about 12 years now. I lost the weight with WW after college and lost weight again after baby #1 in 2004. I have been struggling with losing the baby weight from baby #2 for 2 years now. I have no problems with exercise because I love to work out but my issue is with sticking to the points. I know what my problem is I just don't have the will power that I used to have. I was doing pretty good before the summer, I was down to 137 but I sidetracked over the summer and gained 12 lbs back hence the SWof 149.4. I started back last Friday so I get weighed in tomorrow. I did pretty good. I have tracked everything except for the 3 Oreo cookies I ate yesterday. I think I'm really determined to loose these last 25 lbs. Even if I'm not down to that by my cruise in February even if I'm a few lbs away I will be happy.


SW: 149.4

CW: 149.4

GW: 125

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Hello all,


I'm going to join your group. A little about me and my journey. My name is Cori. I'm 35, married with 2 beautiful daughters ages 6 and 2. I have been following WW for just about 12 years now. I lost the weight with WW after college and lost weight again after baby #1 in 2004. I have been struggling with losing the baby weight from baby #2 for 2 years now. I have no problems with exercise because I love to work out but my issue is with sticking to the points. I know what my problem is I just don't have the will power that I used to have. I was doing pretty good before the summer, I was down to 137 but I sidetracked over the summer and gained 12 lbs back hence the SWof 149.4. I started back last Friday so I get weighed in tomorrow. I did pretty good. I have tracked everything except for the 3 Oreo cookies I ate yesterday. I think I'm really determined to loose these last 25 lbs. Even if I'm not down to that by my cruise in February even if I'm a few lbs away I will be happy.


SW: 149.4

CW: 149.4

GW: 125


What I did with the habit of cookies, etc is that I replaced them with the sugarfree chocolate Jello pudding. 60 calories and it satisfied my sweet/chocolate craving. Try that.

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I did it!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

I reached goal! It took me about 33 weeks to lose 31.6 lbs. It wasn't easy at times, but I did it. I LOVE WEIGHT WATCHERS! I could not be happier with the program. Now I'm on a 6 week maintenance plan. I have to add an extra 4 points to my daily allowance. I think this might be tricky because 4 points is a LOT. I just have to make sure I keep up my exercise and add more fruits and veggies. Luckily I am obsessed with Chinese mandarin oranges and they're out in the groceries stores now. I could honestly go through a box a day. Yay for the holidays!

Good luck to the rest of you! Keep on losing :-)


Final stats :)


SW: 157.4

GW: 127

CW: 125.8

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I did it!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

I reached goal! It took me about 33 weeks to lose 31.6 lbs. It wasn't easy at times, but I did it. I LOVE WEIGHT WATCHERS! I could not be happier with the program. Now I'm on a 6 week maintenance plan. I have to add an extra 4 points to my daily allowance. I think this might be tricky because 4 points is a LOT. I just have to make sure I keep up my exercise and add more fruits and veggies. Luckily I am obsessed with Chinese mandarin oranges and they're out in the groceries stores now. I could honestly go through a box a day. Yay for the holidays!

Good luck to the rest of you! Keep on losing :-)


Final stats :)


SW: 157.4

GW: 127

CW: 125.8


You are an inspiration!

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My name is Nancy and I've been doing WW since January. I lost 5 lbs before I joined and have lost 20.6 since January.I'm 59 yrs old and I agree it is hard to loose when you get older.We are cruising in January and I hope to be down at least 7 more lbs. before we go.I try to walk alot and also do pilates. I lost .6 last week. Its nice to talk with others and get more support, I think we need all we can get.



SW 215

CW 189.8

GW 170

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Hi everyone, my name is Pam. I did weight watchers a couple years ago with great success but got married and got to comfortable. Its time for me to get back on the diet and exercise routine not only for our cruise in May but for the sake of my health, DH health, and our pocket book. I'M NOT BUYING NEW CLOTHES.


Sorry but I really don't want to read through 110 pages of what goes on here so if someone can give me a quick update I would love it. ex. do you do weekly weigh in's, share recipes stuff like that.


I am hoping my DH will do this diet with me that way I will have support and not worry about making two meals cause he wont like the low calorie/fat dinner I make.


A little about me, I just turned 42, right now I am at 184 lbs and hope to be at 160 by May I think that is keeping it realistic. Was married last May to the most amazing man, between the two of us we have 9 adult children and 18 grandchildren with one more on the way, I am a secretary during the day and love to relax at night. I plan on using the wii fit for exercise as its getting to cold outside to walk.


I rambled on enough, I am glad to be here and look forward to losing weight with the rest of you.

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After 9 months with WW, I met my first goal....I have lost 50 pounds! 23.4 to go :D To celebrate, my husband, brother and I went on a 5 mile hike!!! This feels SO good! Can't wait to get to goal :)...oh, and its 200 days until I leave for my cruise!!!!


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My name is Nancy and I've been doing WW since January. I lost 5 lbs before I joined and have lost 20.6 since January.I'm 59 yrs old and I agree it is hard to loose when you get older.We are cruising in January and I hope to be down at least 7 more lbs. before we go.I try to walk alot and also do pilates. I lost .6 last week. Its nice to talk with others and get more support, I think we need all we can get.



SW 215

CW 189.8

GW 170



Hi Nancy and welcome! I am 49.5 and IT IS HARD to lose as we get older...body just doesn't seem to respond...I guess it likes "fluffy"! I decided to take up walking and now walk about 20 miles a week! I struggle and if I can lose .5 a week I count it as a very good week :) We don't sail until May 28th, so hopefully I'll be able to lose another 23.4 pounds by then! Hang in there and congratulations on the weight loss!

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Hi everyone, my name is Pam. I did weight watchers a couple years ago with great success but got married and got to comfortable. Its time for me to get back on the diet and exercise routine not only for our cruise in May but for the sake of my health, DH health, and our pocket book. I'M NOT BUYING NEW CLOTHES.


Sorry but I really don't want to read through 110 pages of what goes on here so if someone can give me a quick update I would love it. ex. do you do weekly weigh in's, share recipes stuff like that.


I am hoping my DH will do this diet with me that way I will have support and not worry about making two meals cause he wont like the low calorie/fat dinner I make.


A little about me, I just turned 42, right now I am at 184 lbs and hope to be at 160 by May I think that is keeping it realistic. Was married last May to the most amazing man, between the two of us we have 9 adult children and 18 grandchildren with one more on the way, I am a secretary during the day and love to relax at night. I plan on using the wii fit for exercise as its getting to cold outside to walk.


I rambled on enough, I am glad to be here and look forward to losing weight with the rest of you.


Hi Pam~welcome! We do share tips, recipes and weigh ins...really a very supportive bunch! Two of my favorite recipes were the turkey chili (2 pts per cup) and sprinkling popcorn with Splenda...well, really that is my DH's favorite, he does so almost every night :D I too use the Wii for excercise...I LOVE the rhthmic boxing...it wears me out but I feel like I've gotton a workout!


I am 49.5 and will be celebrating my 50th the day after we get off our cruise :) I've been married 24 years and have two grown children and three chauauhaus (who think they are my children). Going on my first cruise to celebrate our 25th anniversary! I can't wait! Enjoy the boards...


SW: 223.4

CW: 173.4

GW: 150

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After 9 months with WW, I met my first goal....I have lost 50 pounds! 23.4 to go :D To celebrate, my husband, brother and I went on a 5 mile hike!!! This feels SO good! Can't wait to get to goal :)...oh, and its 200 days until I leave for my cruise!!!!


Wow!! Way to go Janice! 50 lbs is a great success. I finally reached goal a couple weeks ago. It's slow going, but it's totally worth it isn't it? Congratulations and keep up the good work!

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Well I haven't posted since reaching goal because I had big gain the next week. I went up 3 lbs... eek :confused: I knew I would gain because of Halloween but I wasn't expecting that much. Adding 4 daily points is difficult! After my 3 lb gain, they dropped me down 2 daily points. It feels much more reasonable now. I'm not sure if I'll lose anything this week, but I sure hope I don't gain again. Otherwise I might have to go off maintenance and back to losing weight. My biggest challenge since I've reached goal is the BLT's (bites, licks and tastes). I find myself being wayyyyyyyy too lenient with that and not tracking them. But to stay positive, the one thing I'm still doing great with is the exercise. I haven't been slacking with that. I'm not pushing it as crazy hard as I was right before goal, but I'm still walking everyday and doing some ab workouts.

Is there anyone out there who's reached goal and faced similar problems? I would love some advice and/or motivating words to help me stay on track with maintenance.


Hope everyone had a great weekend. Happy losing! :)

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I am back from the 2 week cruise and one week of goofing off in the diet world. Just got back on the scale. I am up 4.5 pounds from the cruise and goof-off time. It is time for me to get back in the game of losing weight.


I want to lose 25 pounds plus the 4.5 that I gained for a total of 29 pounds by March 25th.


At least I am still down 25.5 pounds from Memorial Day, but the cruise photos showed that I need to take off the rest. I hope to have all the weight off by October 2011.


More shortly...



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I am back from the 2 week cruise and one week of goofing off in the diet world. Just got back on the scale. I am up 4.5 pounds from the cruise and goof-off time. It is time for me to get back in the game of losing weight.


I want to lose 25 pounds plus the 4.5 that I gained for a total of 29 pounds by March 25th.


At least I am still down 25.5 pounds from Memorial Day, but the cruise photos showed that I need to take off the rest. I hope to have all the weight off by October 2011.


More shortly...






Welcome back! Hope you had a great time! I am hoping that I too can gain less than 5 lbs on my cruise....Congrats on the 25.5 pounds since Memorial Day...that is FABULOUS!!!

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Welcome back! Hope you had a great time! I am hoping that I too can gain less than 5 lbs on my cruise....Congrats on the 25.5 pounds since Memorial Day...that is FABULOUS!!!


I am so glad that I gained less than 5 pounds on the cruise and the week after. I ATE and ATE and ATE the second week of the cruise. I did well with counting WW points for the first few days and then I just ate and drank frozen drinks...I did make myself walk everyday.



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