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Review: SD2 - March 6 to 15, 2009


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Just put the silver goblets from our wedding, which we took with us to toast our 25th wedding anniversary and vow renewal, in their normal resting place in the dining room.


They now hold an even more special place in our heart as they were used during our vow renewal on SD2 March 7 off the waters of St. John and then again to toast the end of our cruise in Gorda Sound as the sunset over Virgin Gorda on Saturday.


I have 12 plus pages of notes from this cruise, as well as those all important menus, that I will use to write this review.


But first off let me say that this 9-night cruise was our longest on any line as well as our longest vacation since our honeymoon.


Even though Mother Ocean and Mother Nature behaved again this year, although not as bad as last year, we had an incredible time ...There were so many surprises, not just for DJ's DH and me but for jbcjtc and Frequent Traveler, that the nine nights flew by ...


And yes I did cry again when I disembarked yesterday. Capt. T even had box of tissues on the gangway railing waiting for me.


It will probably take me a few days to get everything written ... and I will probably cut and paste and edit some previous postings ... It's one of the cures for SD withdraw ... along with booking another cruise which I did.


Since Peter and June aren't here to serve me dinner and Frank and Zoltan aren't here to prepare cocktails and DJ's DH will be leaving the office soon I best close for now.


I hope that other CCers who were on the voyage with us, lurkers and posters alike, will add their comments and observations.

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Here is a photo from our reception dinner on Deck 4 aft with dear friends who traveled with us. They aren't making an appearance in this photo.


DJ's DH and I are seated. Playing the guitar is the wonderful Rey who serenaded us.


Presenting a special cake to us are waiter June, pictured left, and maitre'd Peter, right.


Notice the Kenny Chesney inspired outfits to go with the theme of our renewal and dinner. Talk about attention to detail!



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Keep writing, DJ. We loved your posts and the other CC posters. Sounded wonderful. Cant wait to hear all the details and see the pictures.

Thanks again,

Jim & Lois


Will do Jim:D


DJ's DH just got home and took a quick peek at what I wrote ... he caught a typo already:rolleyes:


It should read ...


"Even though Mother Ocean and Mother Nature MISbehaved again this year, although not as bad as last year, we had an incredible time."


Instead of getting dressed and heading to the Main Salon for cocktails and those tasty treats we are sitting at the kitchen table with a martini and sorting through the mail:eek:

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This was our fourth cruise with SeaDream Yacht Club. DJ’s DH and I have sailed twice on SeaDream 1 and once before on SeaDream 2.

We have sailed multiple times on Royal Caribbean and Holland America. We have sailed once on Disney, Princess and Seabourn.


We are in our late 40s and we are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary this year. We decided to renew our vows on this voyage. Friends of ours (Dr. and Mrs. jbcjtc and Frequent Traveler and zqvol) also joined us on this voyage. While we did not have a formal Cruise Critic Roll Call for this cruise we did learn that some CCers would be joining us as well.


Pre-Cruise: Thursday, March 5 (parts of this were posted before but I have added more detail)

As we did last year, we booked our flights to San Juan (SJU) on USAirways. While there is an airport that is closer to our home we like the direct flight to SJU from Charlotte (CLT) as it minimizes the risk of lost luggage as well as being more reasonable.


We have an uneventful drive from home to the Charlotte airport. We arrived around 9:30 a.m. and met one of the couples, who live in another state than we do, in the USAir Club where we caught up before boarding our 11:45 a.m. direct flight to SJU.


The four of us were seated in first class and toasted our good fortune with a pre-departure Bloody Mary. The flight pushed back early and we were on our way to SJU. The flight was relatively smooth with a little chop … although most of us (including me) slept thought it.

San Juan welcomed us with gray skies, a cool wind and some rain. We grabbed a taxi to the Caribe Hilton while our friends headed off to their hotel.

Once again we stayed at the Caribe Hilton on HiltonHonors points. This year our room was in the Hilton Honors Tower. We had a king room on the 18th floor with a view of the water and the city lights. The room was recently renovated and had a large beautiful bathroom.

The downturn in the travel industry was obvious at the Caribe Hilton. One of the two Executive Lounges was closed. A continental breakfast was no longer offered in the Executive Lounge but we were given coupons for breakfast.

A week before leaving home we have made reservations for the four of us to have dinner at Morton’s Steakhouse at the Caribe Hilton for dinner at 7:15 p.m.


After checking in at the Hilton we sat on our covered balcony and watched rain storms sweep over the island. I also kept an eye on the ocean which seemed a little more agitated than it did when we were here last year.


After freshening up we met our friends for a wonderful dinner at Morton’s. After a good two hours of wonderful food, great conversation and lots of laughter we bid adieu. We all were excited that we would board SD2 the next day!


All in all a relatively uneventful and enjoyable travel day.

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The scheduled itinerary for this voyage was:


Friday, March 6 – Embark San Juan, Puerto Rico

Saturday, March 7 – Cruz Bay. St. John

Sunday, March 8 – Marigot, St. Martin

Monday and Tuesday, March 9 and 10 – Gustavia, St. Barthelemy

Wednesday, March 11 – Anguilla, British West Indies

Thursday, March 12 – Anegada, British Virgin Island

Friday, March 13 – Jost Van Dyke, British Virgin Island

Saturday, March 14 – Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Island

Sunday, March 15 – Disembark San Juan, Puerto Rico

One of the many things that we love about SeaDream is the flexibility the captain has to make changes to the itinerary based on weather and sea conditions. Larger cruises lines have to stick to a rigid schedule which means there are times when the passengers may have a bumpy ride because ports have to be made in a certain order and at a certain time.

DJ’s DH and I are of the mindset that the yacht is the destination for us and not so much the ports of calls. While there are islands that we like more than others we don’t necessarily choose our SD voyages based on itinerary other than embarkation and disembarkation ports. I would say that we are in the minority of cruisers/yachters in terms of this philosophy.

One of the suggestions that I made on my comment card as well as directly in a note to Club and Activities Director Mary Murrin is that SD list and market its itineraries as a “Suggested” itinerary. I know for a fact that she sent my comments, along with those from Frequent Traveler to the office in Miami as Mary shared feedback from Bob Lepisto, SD president. I was quite impressed with the response time … especially since it was shared on a Saturday.

Living on the East Coast means that we can reach the Caribbean with relative ease. We have been fortunate to spend a lot of time in the Caribbean on land vacations as well as cruises. On average we visit the island of the Caribbean two to three times a year.

This is the fourth time that we have visited this area of the Caribbean on boats/ships (twice on SD and twice on a 38-foot sailboat) in March during a 10-year period. DJ’s DH and I agree that we will probably go back to a late November-early December boating/yachting schedule in the Caribbean as we have found the winds and seas to be more predictable than in March.

I am a self-declared weather geek and I admit that for two weeks leading up to our cruise I was checking the NOAA site for wind and wave conditions as well as reading every warning posted (e.g. small craft advisory). I know that there isn’t anything I can do to change these conditions, although I joke with DJ’s DH that an offering of jewelry to Mother Nature’s designate (who would be me :D) would help.

Before we boarded I made an educated guess that the seas and winds would impact our cruises but it didn’t concern me as I knew that Capt. Johannes Tysse (aka Capt. T) would consider safety and comfort when making decisions on where and when we sailed.

When we arrived in our suite, we found a copy of this letter from Capt. T to all passengers:

“Welcome on board SEADREAM II on this Caribbean voyage. Like all of our guests, I have been looking forward to this voyage for a long time. Regrettably, the weather has been a bit uncooperative with elevated seas and windy conditions.

“Due to the present weather conditions and the forecast for the next few days, we have decided to change our itinerary as we would not be able to call on St. Martin, St. Barth and Anguilla on the days scheduled. We will of course monitor the forecasts and, should sea conditions improve, we are flexible and will try to fit in Anegada toward the end of the week.

“The above changes have been made with your comfort and safety as top priority. As well, we will only sail from port after all guests have enjoyed their dinner in the Restaurant each night.

“The new sailing schedule is as follows:


Saturday – Cruz Bay, St. John, USVI

Sunday – Charlotte Amalie and Honeymoon Beach, St. Thomas, USVI

Monday – Roadtown, Tortola and Peter Island, BVI

Tuesday – Gustavia, St. Barth

Wednesday – Gustavia, St. Barth

Thursday – Marigot, St. Martin

Friday – Jost Van Dyke, BVI

Saturday – Virgin Gorda or Anegada, BVI

Sunday – San Juan, Puerto Rico

“We look forward to a nice voyage together with you.

“Thank you for your understanding.”


Your Captain, Johannes.

Having major itinerary changes during last year’s cruise on SD1 in March we appreciated the heads up from Capt. T. Last year we would learn about the ever-changing itinerary through announcements by Captain Berg or CAD Richard.

So you may wonder what our itinerary finally looked like.

For those keeping score, here it is:

Saturday – Cruz Bay, St. John, USVI – 9

Sunday – Charlotte Amalie and Honeymoon Beach, St. Thomas, USVI

Monday – Roadtown, Tortola and Peter Island, BVI

Tuesday – Gustavia, St. Barth

Wednesday – Gustavia, St. Barth

Thursday – Marigot, St. Martin

Friday – Peter Island and Jost Van Dyke, BVI

Saturday – North Sound, Virgin Gorda, BVI

Sunday – San Juan, Puerto Rico

We ended up missing two ports … Anegada and Anguilla. While we were looking forward to those ports, DJ’s DH and I weren’t too disappointed as we have been lucky enough to have visited those islands on other trips.

Time for me to wrap up this post and get back to work (laundry and the treadmill).:eek:

I am having an issue with the camera so when DJ’s DH arrives home from work this evening I will ask him to troubleshoot it so I can post the next section with photos.

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I'm sure more detailed postings will follow, but I have to add, its a first - we did drink all the bottles of a certain type of champagne on board. Couldn't believe it! I'm not sure if they've been able to restock, but if you like Pomeroy -- SD II was out when we left. :D




We did indeed go through the stock of Pommery champage ... thank goodness we had those 15-percent off coupons as SeaDreamers:eek:


I think we made a pretty good dent in the stock of house champagne (Piper Heidsieck Brut).

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DJ's DH called at lunch so I was able to find the adapter to transfer the photos:p


Here are two photos from our room at the Caribe Hilton:




Note the sea conditions off in the distance to the right. The next day we would learn that both SD1 and SD2 had a bumpy sail into San Juan overnight because of the seas and wind.



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We ended up missing two ports … Anegada and Anguilla. While we were looking forward to those ports, DJ’s DH and I weren’t too disappointed as we have been lucky enough to have visited those islands on other trips.


Technically, we missed a third -- White Bay at Jost Van Dyke. While the Captain was wonderful in bringing us back at the end of the day so that the disappointed could still make a run to the Soggy Dollar and Foxy's, C&C was held on Peter's Island (I'm sure more details will follow). I can't emphasize again how great it was to be able to have dinner every night in relatively calm waters as the ship was relocated to hide in a bay or away from the swells. I was one of those disappointed by the misses at Anegada and Anguilla . . . oh well, another SD cruise in the future should cure that, but like DisneyJen, it won't be in March.



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We ended up missing two ports … Anegada and Anguilla. While we were looking forward to those ports, DJ’s DH and I weren’t too disappointed as we have been lucky enough to have visited those islands on other trips.


Technically, we missed a third -- White Bay at Jost Van Dyke. While the Captain was wonderful in bringing us back at the end of the day so that the disappointed could still make a run to the Soggy Dollar and Foxy's, C&C was held on Peter's Island (I'm sure more details will follow). I can't emphasize again how great it was to be able to have dinner every night in relatively calm waters as the ship was relocated to hide in a bay or away from the swells. I was one of those disappointed by the misses at Anegada and Anguilla . . . oh well, another SD cruise in the future should cure that, but like DisneyJen, it won't be in March.




As usual, you are right FT!!


How could I have forgotten missing White Bay:eek:

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Friday, March 6


After a fitful night of sleep, DJ’s DH was up and on the balcony by 6:30 while I slept in until 8:30. DJ’s DH headed out for breakfast and then brought me a bagel.


This morning the skies seemed to be clearing and the ocean seemed to have settled down a bit.[/font]


We taxied from the Caribe Hilton to the Sheraton Old San Juan around noon to meet up with the Cruise Critic gang at a luncheon arranged by Frequent Traveler, half of the other couple who we were traveling with on this voyage. A group of 12 very excited SeaDreamers gathered and introduced themselves … and yes there were tiaras for all the women.


From our table we could see SD2 and SD1 berthed next to each others.



We also spied Paul Allen's yacht, "Octopus."


Anticipation was growing as we shared SD stories as well as cruising stories over lunch. Many in the group kept checking their watches, wishing that time would move faster so we could board SD!


Around 1:45 we collected our luggage from the Bell Staff and took a very short walk to the pier. I’ll admit I have never moved as fast as I did while towing two rolling suitcases because I couldn’t wait to be back on SD2.


A few minutes after arriving at the pier we placed our luggage on the belt for the security screening (think clearing security at the airport) and were permitted to board SD. As we came out of the terminal building we spotted Capt. Johannes Tysse (aka Capt. T) at the top of the gangplank. With a quick walk (okay more like a run) up the gangplank we asked for and were granted permission to board (something we always joke about with Capt. T). There were handshakes and hugs as we finally were on board after many months of anticipation.


We were then introduced to Stephane Carriou, our hotel manager for this voyage, and Mary Murrin, our Club and Activities Director.


We were given a cool towel and a perfectly chilled glass of champagne. After a few brief minutes, we then were shown to the Main Salon where we waited, per the new procedure, to be shown to the lobby where our photos were taken for our boarding cards. We were then shown to our cabin, 203/205.


A few weeks ago I decided that I needed to plan a surprise or two of my own … so I purchased an upgrade to a Commodore Cabin to celebrate our anniversary … actually I knew that we would need the extra room for all the clothes and shoes packed by DJ’s DH. The upgrade also meant that we would be across the hall from the other two couples who were traveling with us.



The living room side of the Commodore suite with fruit, flowers and champagne.


While sipping on a glass of champagne we unpacked our suitcases as they were delivered to a room.


We headed to the TOY Bar for a celebratory glass of champagne and to listen to some music. While sitting at the bar one of the two ladies sitting to the right of me said “Excuse me for easy dropping but are you Disney Jen from CC.” My girlfriends who were at the bar with me chuckled and we all introduced ourselves. These two fun ladies, who are lurkers and hail from California, kept us laughing all week. We dubbed them “The Sistahs.”


Before we knew it we had to head on up to Deck 5 for the boat drill. Looking ever stylish in our orange Coast Guard approved life vests we efficiently completed the drill on an overcast day. The six of us were assigned to the same lifeboat along with other folks from Deck 2.


For the life of me I couldn’t understand why DJ’s DH was hurrying me along to get to the TOY Bar. When we arrived at the TOY Bar there was a card board stand up Kenny Chesney center stage in front of the TOY Bar. DJ’s DH and FT told me that they had asked the REAL Kenny to join us but this stand in would have to do.


One of my favorite Kenny Chesney’s CD was playing, the sun was shining and the champagne was flowing. Life surely doesn’t get better than this!


But believe it or not it did …


Little did I know that word had somehow gotten around that there would be a special event at the TOY Bar right after the boat drill.


So there in front of Capt. T, our CC friends old and new as well as other members of the SD family the great love of my life my beloved husband dropped to one knee and read a poem he had written and presented me with a beautiful diamond and sapphire engagement ring.


One of our favorite songs, “After All These Years” by Jim Brickman and Anne Cochran, was played and DJ’s DH and I danced.


I must say in the almost 30 years that we have been together this was the most romantic thing DJ’s DH has ever done.


He had been working with FT as well as Capt. T, CAD Mary and HM Stephane for several months to pull off this surprise.



Sunset while docked in San Juan while overlooking SeaDream 1


We celebrated with friends old and new. Before we knew it we were heading off to a lovely dinner at a special table for the six of us. We were waited on by June and Maître’d Peter. Both of these fine gentlemen, along with the tag team of Frank the sommelier and Chief Bartender Zoltan took excellent care of us at dinner every night.[/font]


DJ’s’ DH and I started with a Caesar Salad with Croutons and Grate Parmesan Cheese (if you stick through this long and rambling trip report you will notice a few trends … and the salad is one of them ). While we both love this salad we wish that the croutons had a little more flavor to them … perhaps baked with some garlic or rosemary instead of just plain toasted bread.


We then asked to have one of main dishes split in two as our middle course, which was of course no problem! We enjoyed the Grilled Veal Saltimbocca with Fresh Sage Herb Linguine and Marsala Sauce. This was an outstanding dish.


We then ordered the Mignon of Beef Tenderloin on Truffle Infused Veal Demi-Glace with Duck Liver Herb Crust and Anna Potatoes. Our filets were cooked perfectly. We enjoyed the house pour of red wine with our main course and it was very good.


For dessert we had the Grand Marnier Soufflé with Sauce Anglaise. This is one of our absolute favorite dessert in the world (the other being crème brulee). It was sheer perfection as all the deserts were during the voyage.[/font]


Just a general comment about portion sizes … We all agreed that the portions were perfectly sized that you could enjoy four or five courses and be more than satisfied but not overly stuffed.


After a lovely dinner we headed to the Piano Bar where the talented Edgardo tickled the ivories while Zoltan, the Hungarian mix master, served after dinner drinks. Time once again flew (maybe not for those subjected to our attempts at singing) and we were underway … and as Capt. T had warned we definitely felt the motion in the ocean as we slipped off our dock and headed to St. John.


Before retiring for the night we found our SD pajamas sans our names. Seems the embroidery machine was broken so no personalized jammies this trip.


Sleep would come but we found ourselves awake every once in awhile because of the movement of the ship.

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I think people are reading this as I see the post count increasing:p


Let me know if I am giving too much detail and if you want me to shorten up the posts.


I am working on my write up for Saturday which includes the vow renewal. Is there any interest in my posting the vows which were led by Capt. T?

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Keep it coming! The more detail the better. When do we get to the dirt on FT????


Thanks for the feedback Jim ... knew I could count on you:p


Actually today is FT's REAL BIRTHDAY!!!


The festivities for her birthday started on Sunday the 8th and continued up until disembarkation:D

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… actually I knew that we would need the extra room for all the clothes and shoes packed by DJ’s DH...


For the record, I repeat "I only took 2 pair of shoes", and I will now add "and wore almost every piece of clothing I packed"


...I must say in the almost 30 years that we have been together this was the most romantic thing DJ’s DH has ever done.


He had been working with FT as well as Capt. T, CAD Mary and HM Stephane for several months to pull off this surprise...


Thank you, Dear...but wasn't your 30th Birthday in the honeymoon suite at the Grand Floridian "up there" on the list?

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Thanks JJ:D


If I miss something (which probably will happen) feel free to fill in the gaps:p Give my regards to my favorite Doc:)


I am checking on you too, but some book is preventing me from adding my 2 cents. Hopefully this weekend I can get my blog and pictures done.

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I have been lurking and reading but felt I must respond to ensure that you keep writing all the details so that all of us can feel like we were actually there with you. SeaDream continues to be one of our favourite lines and I wish we had been onboard your cruise. The description of the ship, staff, food, and fellow passengers is exactly why we loved our cruise. What a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary!

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For the record' date=' I repeat "I only took 2 pair of shoes", and I will now add "and wore almost every piece of clothing I packed"


Thank you, Dear...but wasn't your 30th Birthday in the honeymoon suite at the Grand Floridian "up there" on the list?[/quote']


Okay it wasn't the shoes that made me crazy it was the 18 shirts:eek:


I must admit that this 25th anniversary extravaganza and my 30th birthday at Disney's Grand Floridian are the top two ... remember I am DisneyJen ... but I am considering a name change to SDJen:D


Seriously, both are etched into the memory book that is my life.


I am checking on you too, but some book is preventing me from adding my 2 cents. Hopefully this weekend I can get my blog and pictures done.


You keeping working on that book zqvol so we can celebrate your publication (and the resulting royalties) on another SD cruise:D


Looking forward to your update ... although I do get right of first refusal (okay may second to FT) in term of publishing the pictures.;)


I have been lurking and reading but felt I must respond to ensure that you keep writing all the details so that all of us can feel like we were actually there with you. SeaDream continues to be one of our favourite lines and I wish we had been onboard your cruise. The description of the ship, staff, food, and fellow passengers is exactly why we loved our cruise. What a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary!


Thank you for delurking mariners and sharing your thoughts.


I often read trip reports to live vicariously through others ... I am hoping to pay it forward if you will and offer others that same opportunity.

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After a fitful night of sleep we anchored off Cruz Bay, St. John along with SD1.




We had breakfast in the area by the TOYBAR that we fondly refer to as “The Office.” We would breakfast in this spot each morning as it offers a lovely view. Christoph from Germany was our waiter for all of our breakfast and lunches in the Office and he took excellent care of us no matter the size of our group. Some mornings it would be just the two of us while others it might be four or more.


At lunch we would sometimes be two or four or six … no matter Christoph made sure that our sparkling water, coffee, mimosas, or whatever… were always topped off.


After breakfast DJ’s DH held board meetings in the Office with whoever stopped by. I headed to my Bali Bed where I soaked in the Caribbean sun and Christoph and Clint (a most excellent young bartender) made sure I stayed hydrated.


FT had made arrangements for a private boat to take the six of us snorkeling around the island (and I suspect to look for a certain Caribbean cowboy) but the seas and winds were too high to make it a comfortable outing.


This left the afternoon open for relaxing. There is something special about lounging on a Bali Bed under a perfect Caribbean sky and seeing the mirror image of a SD yacht.





Around 4 p.m. DJ’s DH and I headed to our stateroom to prepare for our vow renewal which was to be held at 5:30 on deck 6 fore. A last minute move to Deck 4 aft was made as it was just too windy on the fore of the ship which was appreciated by all in attendance.


Over the last few months and weeks we had worked with Capt. T on the vows while DJ’s DH had worked with CAD Mary on the order of the ceremony and the musical selections.


Our dear friend FT took care of the reception and dinner as her gift to us. I knew little to no details about the festivities (and for those of you who know me in real life I know you find it hard to believe that I would give up that control). FT started planning with Capt. T, Stephane and Mary during the fall crossing.


Invitations were sent to our guests who included RaySan, MarDav as well as FT, zqvol and the jbcjtc’ers.


At 5:30 DJ’s DH and I headed up to the Library where we were met by Stephane and I was given a gorgeous bouquet of my favorite flowers … red roses, stargazer lilies as well as some other lilies. Stephane had a perfect red rose boutonnière for Andy. It was absolutely perfect!


After our guests were in position on Deck 4 aft, which had been roped off, Stephane led us down the main staircase to the outside staircase to Deck 4 on the starboard side of the ship. After we made our way up the stairs to Josh Groban’s “You Raise Me Up” my breath was taken away by the beauty of the scene … a sun set low in the sky, a slight breeze and the gorgeous islands of St. John, St. Thomas and Tortola in view.


Capt. T was waiting for us and made sure that we had the best view of the island we love most, St. John, in sight. Our CC friends along with a special guest (cardboard Kenny who was once again standing in for the real cowboy) were in attendance along with Mary and Stephane.


After the music faded, Capt. T started the ceremony by saying …


"Friends, we are gathered here today at this time and this place to celebrate the Renewal of DJ’s DH and DisneyJen’s weddings vows.


Okay he actually said our real life names although DJ’s DH wanted his to use our CC names.


Capt. T then continued …


“The waters that surround the Virgin Islands, especially St. John, hold special meaning for our couple as they have sailed these waters as a young couple on a sailboat, splashed in them as their family has grown and sailed them yet again on their beloved SeaDream.


As Captain of SeaDream II and a friend of DJ’s DH and DisneyJen’s, I am very pleased and honored that they have chosen this time and this place to celebrate their first 25 years of marriage and to renew their vows for the next 25 years.


“DJ’s’ DH and DisneyJen, those of us who are gathered here serve as witnesses as you declare your love for each other and the willingness to continue on a life-long journey of mutual trust, commitment and love.


In the ever changing ocean of life, the vows that you are about to reaffirm, represent a sincere desire to extend a lasting bond between you. The words of your mouths will echo the hopes, dreams and love of your hearts, and I am sure that all of us who are here and privileged to share these very special moments with you, will want to wish you happiness for your next chapter in life together.


“Before I ask you to make your vows, I would like to read some inspirational words, which I think, are very appropriate on this occasion. I know these words are familiar to DJ’s DH and DisneyJen as they were read at their wedding ceremony 25 years ago:


“Taken from the Old Testament:


“Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud.


“Love is not ill mannered or selfish or irritable.


“Love does not keep a record of wrongs.


“Love is not happy with evil, but is happy with truth.


“Love never gives up, and its faith / hope and patience will last forever.


“And now a musical interlude by Journey which speaks to love … 'After All These Years.'"


DJ’s DH worked with Mary so that she had our iPods for the music. It was really quite lovely … and I admit at this point my eyes were welling up with tears. I think DJ’s DH had tears in his eyes as well although when I asked him he said that the bright sun was making his eyes water.


Capt. T continued …


“Now, after 25 years of marriage, DJ’s DH and DisneyJen, we ask you to join hands and declare your love for each other before this assembled group.


We then made our vows which did not include the word “obey.” The word didn’t appear in our original vows made 25 years ago. DJ’s DH and I exchanged rings … he gave me a beautiful sapphire and diamond band that matches my new engagement ring and I gave him his original wedding band since I had given him a sapphire and diamond ring on our 10th wedding anniversary.


Capt. T then concluded …


“You have declared your love and commitment to each other before this group of friends. May God in his goodness strengthen you and fill you both with his blessings. All of us on board the SeaDream II add our best wishes for your future life together.


“You may kiss the bride.”


And with that we started the next chapter in our marriage.


We were toasted by friends and Capt. T with Pommery champagne (thank you FT). We had brought our engraved silver goblets that we used to toast each other at our reception 25 years ago.


Capt. T then presented gifts to use on behalf of SD (this was part of the vow renewal package that was gift from FT and zqvol). We were then served some wonderful canapés and it was then I noticed the gorgeous arrangement of roses and stargazer lilies … again that wonderful attention to detail!


The ceremony … the setting … the fellowship … were all perfect until the Cardboard Cowboy decided to crash the party … literally … and knock over the champagne bucket!


Not to worry though, Stephane saved the day and the champagne.


Capt. T excused himself after wishing us well so he could reposition us to Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas for dinner and a calm night of sleep.


We had a glorious sunset sail over to St. Thomas. DJ’s DH and I made our way to the fore of the ship and toasted our past and our future. The early evening sail served as a perfect reminder of all the days and nights we have spent on the beautiful waters of the USVI and BVI.


Okay that's it for today and tonight ... more to follow!

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Hello all my new friends!!


Just returned home 3 hours ago to snow and rain, took 2 days to return to Idaho. Took off from St. Thomas yesterday, Monday, and had a great view of SeaDream 2 anchored off Crown Bay. Yes, DJ, I cried on Sunday at our final breakfast and went around hugging all the crew and finally asking Capt Bjorne if I could hug him too!! This is truly a wonderful experience. What great friends we have made. Since the pax count is so small, after 9 days you know everyone as well as the crew and it is so hard to say good-bye. We had the great opportunity to meet all these fun CC'ers on SeaDream 2 as well.


Just a quick mention on why I think SD is so great----We had dinner one night with the Captain at his table. My DH who became great friends with him due to all the questions he loves to ask...asked why we moved in St. Martin from the dock to the other side of the island that evening. The Captain said that the atmosphere at the dock with the big tankers, etc. was not condusive to a wonderful SeaDream dinner up top, so he relocated to the beach area on the other side of the island so guests could watch the planes landing and the full moon. This would never happen on the big ships, I am sure!


Will write about SD 1 when I recover from this jet lag!!!


Good night All!!!

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Disney Jen..........

The review has been wonderful. These days when I wake up in the middle of the night, (mature moments) instead of tossing and turning, I get up and dash to to the computer to catch up with your daily reports. Keep 'em coming. The more detail and pictures, the better. I have only one question...........Where's the picture of the ring??? We jewelry addicts want to see it!

I'm leaving Thursday night to join up with my best friend, then we'll begin our SD 1 experience out of San Juan Friday morning. Hope the Weather God's have lightened up on the weather, but like you, we don't really care which ports we may miss. It's all about the yachting and champagne.........Right?

Did you see my earlier post on snorkeling? Do you know anything about that? I'm torn whether to bring along my fins and mask, as it will only add to the luggage weight.

Once again, thanks for all the great posts and information. :)

Warm regards,


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