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What was the nicest thing a crew member did for you?


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On my daughters first cruise on the Carnival Holiday, she quickly made friends with our waiter Vikktor and asst Ne (?). But she became especially close to our cabin steward, Barrett, from India. She's a very friendly child, asking lots of questions of people about themselves, waving and hugging when she sees them. He shared with us that he was going home after this cruise for his vacation and that it had been several months since he'd seen his family. He made sure she had towel animals that he'd decorate with things from our cabin (he didn't go as extravagently for my parents room.) He gave her gifts of a stuffed teddy bear with its own t-shirt with the Holiday ship logo on it, a stuffed puppy dog in a little carry purse, a tin of hard candies, and the book of how to make your own towel animals. He also wrote her a very sweet letter of how she reminded him of his children, how sweet of a little girl she was, and how she would always have a friend in India. She cried on the last night and all the adults, Barrett included, teared up too. He went well above and beyond what was expected, establishing a very personal relationship with our family. It's been several years, and she still talks about him. That's just one more thing that makes us loyal to Carnival!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was formal night on our first cruise and my husband wanted to buy me some flowers. The guy selling the flowers asked my husband what our room number was, he realized that our cabin steward was his fiance. The guy gave my husband 6 roses for the price of 3 and told him to leave them in the room at the end of the cruise for his fiance. When husband told me the story I thought it was really sweet.



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  • 2 months later...

On my Coral Canal Cruise, I went to one of the lounges for the game one night. I was a bit early and had a seat at the bar which was at the edge of the lounge. The bartender asked what I wanted to drink and I told him that I didn't because of the bitter aftertaste. He had just made two Pina Coladas in one blender and had some left over. He gave me the rest (almost 2/3 of a glass) to try for free. It tasted great.

Edited by GreySkies
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On my daughters first cruise on the Carnival Holiday, she quickly made friends with our waiter Vikktor and asst Ne (?). But she became especially close to our cabin steward, Barrett, from India. She's a very friendly child, asking lots of questions of people about themselves, waving and hugging when she sees them. He shared with us that he was going home after this cruise for his vacation and that it had been several months since he'd seen his family. He made sure she had towel animals that he'd decorate with things from our cabin (he didn't go as extravagently for my parents room.) He gave her gifts of a stuffed teddy bear with its own t-shirt with the Holiday ship logo on it, a stuffed puppy dog in a little carry purse, a tin of hard candies, and the book of how to make your own towel animals. He also wrote her a very sweet letter of how she reminded him of his children, how sweet of a little girl she was, and how she would always have a friend in India. She cried on the last night and all the adults, Barrett included, teared up too. He went well above and beyond what was expected, establishing a very personal relationship with our family. It's been several years, and she still talks about him. That's just one more thing that makes us loyal to Carnival!


Great story--I bet you tipped him very well!!!

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When on the NCl-STAR in 2006 there was one of the drink servers that my group really took a liking to. She was fun and also filipino as were a few others I was traveling with so there were some common interest.


When I was in the casino one night I asked her to rub my hands for luck and ordered a "Banana Yum-Yum" (what we were calling the Banana daquari). When she came back with my drink my machine was ringing and flashing and I hit $1500! That lucky hand rub earned her a nice large tip.


After that I felt like I had a personal server assigned to us the rest of the cruise. LOL I really regret not getting her contact info to stay in touch. She definitely made our cruise an exciting one.

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A few years ago, Mother Nature made an unexpected visit. It was the first year that RCCL stopped leaving them in the public restrooms. We had not thought to bring anything. The shops were about to close and the clerk explained that they were OUT :eek:. We went to Guest Relations to ask what to do. The very nice young woman told us to stay put. We assumed she was getting someone from one of the shops to re-check. We were not very hopeful. She quickly came back with a small brown bag. She had gone to her cabin and raided her own supply and brought her half full/half empty box. There are always lovely stories about a waiter or cabin steward that you develop a relationship with, but we were so impressed with the length that the RCCL staffer exhibited that we've been Loyal to Royal ever since. She had never laid eyes on us before.

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On our last trip, I came down with a bad case of bronchitis. After asking for a pot of chamomile tea with honey a couple of times, our waiter just began bringing it for me right away when we sat down to eat, B L and D. It was so helpful and kind.

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In January of 2008 our then 14 year old daughter cruised out of Galveston on Voyager with us. DD was a first time cruiser and felt seasick the 2nd day. Bianca, our beautiful stateroom attendant suggested seabands, however when we went to purchase them the ship had run out due to encountering very high seas.

Bianca noticed DD still ill and took her seabands off and insisted DD wear them. It helped alot. Bianca the next morning was very pale and seasick. My entire family was overwhelmed by how gracious this young lady was. We insisted she take the bands back but she refused over and over. Bianca received a enormous tip, an amazing review on the comment card and a letter of high recommendation direct to headquarters. We have never had the pleasure of running into her again but think of her often.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On a Silversea cruist in the Baltic, our luggage was delayed, so we had to sailed with no cloth and first night was a semiformal night.. my cabin steward came to us and asked me if I would not get offended she could lend me one of her dresses to go to the restaurant that night. I accepted and thanked her 100 times, she went out of her way to help and I very much appreciatted it.

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Many years ago after a major surgery, we had sailed on The Granduer of The Seas for the first time. We were able to book a H.A.R.( special size room), because of this.

I did spend so much time in the cabin since I did not have much energy at the time to do much of anything but walk to the balcony. When our room stuart Anna came each morning to tidy the room, she noticed I had not left the room often. Each day she would bring me a magizine or some special treat from the dining room and spend a few extra minutes just to visit and chat.

On the last day, she asked if I wanted anything special from the gift shop for myself or perhaps a gift for my husband and offered me the employee discount she could get. Well a bottle of perfume at the special price was never forgoten by me, it was so nice of her to do. Since that trip we have seen Anna three more times on voyages and we always make sure we take special care of her now some way in return.

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When I was 6 or 7 my parents took us on a cruise, cant quite remember the location or ship, but it was Carnival. My mom had bought me a handmade doll from the first port. I carried it everywher! On the last night in the MDR i left it at the table. We went home and I could not find it. My mom called Carnival and they in turn asked our waiter if he had picked it up. They couldn't remember. About two weeks later my mom got a package in the mail. Our waiter had bought me another handmaid doll when the ship went to that port again. The doll was in a different dress, so I know it wasn't the same one. I still have that doll and think of the waiter every time I look at it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Family Cruise, Disney - table of 13. My DD was 3 plus a the time. Dinner, in the MDR - everyones order was placed, and my DD had a crazy melt down, over tired, picked up a cold, the works. Because it was my husbands side of the family, I took her back to the cabin, and leaft him to enjoy his dinner with the family.


About 20min later a knock on the door - it was our waiter - with my DINNER from the MDR!



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Several years ago on a Celebrity ship we spent some time visiting with the MD. He was from Turkey and we had many interesting conversations with him. One day while in port we stopped for a quick bite in a fast food place. It was very crowded so there we stood with our tray and no place to sit. We soon saw someone waving to us from the corner, and it was the MD in street clothes! He offered to share his table with us! (actually he was going to get up to give us his table, but we insisted he stay) Nothing like sharing a little McDonald's!!

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  • 1 year later...

When my family and I were on the Fascination in 1996, I was 11 and my sister was 8. My sister's favorite dessert is cheesecake. She was very disappointed the first night of the cruise when cheesecake wasn't on the menu. Our waiter overheard her and made sure she had a different kind of cheesecake made special for her each night.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On my cruise last summer, I was walking along 7 mile beach in Grand Cayman with my camera taking pictures. I noticed one of my waiters was there with his friends from the ship. I waived to him, he waived back, and I kept walking. I heard someone running up behind me, I turned to look & it was him. He walked with me probably almost a mile down the beach and back, just talking and joking around. I thought it was incredibly nice of him since it was his day off & he was with his friends. He could've just waived & let it go at that, but instead he chose to spend 45 minutes of his break time talking to me. He was definitely the nicest crew member i've ever met!

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Last November we were on the Equinox over my birthday.


After enjoying a nice dinner and a birthday cake in the MDR, we returned to our Suite to find a much nicer chocolate cake and bottle of champagne which had been sent up by the Assistant Head of Housekeeping. so we drank the champagne on the balcony and saved the cake for the next night after dinner.

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Last year on the Dawn we dropped our carry on luggage at( ? suggested place) and then went to main dinning room for lunch; when we finished we went to gather our lugguage and ( Blank) could not remember where the location was; A sweet young lady must have seen us looking confused as she asked if we had a problem: she knew just where our lugguage was and walked with us to the area: not leaving us until we had our carryons in hand: As she was departing she said.. "and i will see you in the casino later: " Sure enough, after seeing the show, i went down to check out the casino and she spoke to me usiong my first name: needless to say.. when it came to filling out the cards for service beyond the call of duty.. we greatly praised our young lady and told them how much we appreciated her remembering my name too: ( We are an older couple... little things do mean alot) :)

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On our most recent cruise, I had forgotten to pack my card reader for my camera's memory cards. Consequently, I had no way to download pictures to my computer so I could "play" with them. Two or three days after the cruise start, I took a photography class from one of the sweetest girls. I happened to mention to her that I had forgotten my reader card and asked if she knew whether or not I could buy one on ship. She informed me that there were none to be had in the shops but she would be happy to let me borrow her card reader. Each afternoon, when I knew she would be in the classroom, I would find her and she would quickly grab the reader to give to me as soon as she saw me. Very gracious of her and certainly not required of her.


One thing I remember most about her: One afternoon as I was downloading pictures, using her card reader, a gentleman (I use the term loosely!!) asked her to do some task on his computer which she informed him was something she was not allowed to do. Liability, of course, if she screwed up his computer. She very nicely explained that it was policy that she not do the task he was asking and why. He insisted over and over again and became quite irate with her. To put it frankly, he was being a jerk. She very calmly stuck to her guns, remaining very professional and patient with him. He finally stormed out of the room, mumbling to himself after giving her a hard time. She never lost her cool for a second. I watched her day in and day out as she was asked rather "stupid" questions and answered people's queries many times when it was obvious that they simply were not paying attention. She was always very kind, patient, and professional. I loved that girl. She was a gem!! I made sure she got special mention on my comment card at the end of the cruise.

Edited by Shebba
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Last year on the Dawn we dropped our carry on luggage at( ? suggested place) and then went to main dinning room for lunch; when we finished we went to gather our lugguage and ( Blank) could not remember where the location was; A sweet young lady must have seen us looking confused as she asked if we had a problem: she knew just where our lugguage was and walked with us to the area: not leaving us until we had our carryons in hand: As she was departing she said.. "and i will see you in the casino later: " Sure enough, after seeing the show, i went down to check out the casino and she spoke to me usiong my first name: needless to say.. when it came to filling out the cards for service beyond the call of duty.. we greatly praised our young lady and told them how much we appreciated her remembering my name too: ( We are an older couple... little things do mean alot) :)



I know what you mean about little things meaning a lot. My husband loves the casinos and I HATE them, so I am never to be found in one. We were on an HAL cruise to Mexico about ten years ago and I was wandering through the dreaded casino looking for said husband. All of a sudden a cute little dealer says, "Hello Mrs. Keem! Mr. Steeeeve just left!" I'll never know how the heck she knew my name or what I looked like. But she was very special to me after that....I loved walking through there hearing the "hello Mrs. Keem!"

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  • 11 months later...

A few years back, Mother nature made an unscheduled visit to my daughter's friend, in the middle of the night. Gift shops were closed and none of us had brought any "supplies" from home. I went to guest services to ask if there was any way they could open the gift shop and offering to pay double, extra..anything. The young woman asked me to please wait at the desk. She came back shortly with a package from her cabin, of her own supplies. I tried to pay her but she refused. I sent the cruise line a very nice letter. The following year, my elderly parents and I were sitting at the Promenade Cafe prior to us leaving on an excursion. I wanted to take them back to their room and order room service for them because they have a difficult time walking and sometimes finding their cabin. They wanted to be able to sit at the Promenade Cafe and do a little people watching before going back to the cabin. I had decided I wasn't going to leave on the excursion because I worried about them getting safely to the cabin on their own. One of the crew tapped me on the shoulder. He explained that he would be at Guest Services for the next few hours and that my parents should signal him when they were ready to leave and return to their cabin and he would personally escort them there and make sure they were safe and secure and had everything they needed before he left them. Both were on Royal Caribbean.

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