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Never Cruising Carnival Again - PLEASE read and give me a chance !


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I really feel you deserve something from Carnival. I was lucky and discovered this board before my first cruise and learned to always spend a little more on a hotel and few meals and fly in the day before my cruise. I didn't get to read your first thread but did you ever receive your luggage and were you able to enjoy any part of your cruise?

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First of all I am so sorry for your expereince. I will be taking my 12th Carnival cruise this fall & never expereinced anything like this. Of course, I never booked air with them. We have had delayed luggage that didn't reach us till the end of the first port. Luckily it was only one piece & DH's clothes. They gave him a care package & T'shirt and a few other things. I do remember asking what would happen if the luggage didn't arrive by formal night & getting a formal wear voucher.

Thanks for posting this info. to warn others before they make the same mistake.

I can't believe Carnival did not even offer a small token to return.

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I can't believe they blew off every opportunity they had to try and ease the pain of the situation, (and make some attempt to keep you as a customer).


But they made no attempt at any turn.



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I have had different issues on different cruises with Carnival, however none were as stressful as your's. I'm not cheerleading for Carnival, I'm cheerleading for all companies. I realize major, and even minor issues, can put a damper on any type of experience. When I look for a resolution to a problem I try to add both the good and the bad. I try to compliment what they did do right (I'm sure in your case there was some things that were enjoyable), then I address the problem areas. Most occasions I recieve some type of resolution favorable to me. I wish you much luck in this case.

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Your links worked fine for me.. and I agree with Kurb- no way would I book again with them


Their replies are insulting!..I would try one more time... Contact Bertha Espinosa Director of Guest Relations

her assistant, Lori Rice

Lori Rice

Administrative Assistant to

Bertha Espinosa, Director of Guest Relations

305-599-2600 x87405


Be firm... you are in the right....





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Race, I haven't had a chance to read your letters and have no clue as to what your issues were. People will undoubtedly label me a Carnival "cheerleader" and I think that's okay, cause frankly I am. The point I'm trying to make is: Are you sure that what ever you experienced would have been handled any differently on any other cruise line? And if the answer to that is yes, then what brings you to that conclusion.


I spend quite a lot of time reading reviews on every cruise line listed here on CC. And they all seem interchangeable. There are 1 star and 5+ star reviews regardless of which line you are reading about.


Additionally, and this isn't meant to be disparaging towards you or other new cruisers, but I think in all vacation venue's these days the proprieters have raised their expectations of us the consumer. I think the amount of money they put into advertising their product (be it a cruise line, an all inclusive resort, independent tours) comes with some expectation on their part that we've all done our due diligence. Even though there are novice cruisers (in this case) out there. The ability to educate ourselves about the customs and the process is ours to attend to. They provide the "opportunity" for the experience, we "create" our own experience. I think that's true with Carnival or any other cruise line.


I'm sorry that you had issues that you feel were not adequately addressed. Carnival (as well as RCCL, NCL, Celebrity.....) are hosting 50 to 60 thousand people per week. There are going to be things that fall through the cracks. I think Carnival (as well as the others) do an excellent job of helping new cruisers to get the most out of their experience. They have purser's, publications, and any number of shore excursion, welcome aboard oportunities of a person to learn the ropes.


I hope you get those links fixed. I really would like to see if your issues were handled in a way that some of us more experienced cruisers would also agree could have been better.

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Here is another example of Carnival's great customer service to fix their mistake...




Race, I haven't had a chance to read your letters and have no clue as to what your issues were.


Then how can your assessment of his situation be relevant ?? And true, you must be one of the cheerleaders.


As with too many large corporations, customer service to fix issues which they created is pretty much non-existent..

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I read both of your letters. They were very well written and clear.


Carnival on the other hands sucks out loud in your case. They did not address your issues and basically thought a general "sorry" letter would work.


I hate that this happened to you and hope it never happens to me.


Thanks for sharing and I do not blame you one bit for kicking Carnival to the curb, I would too! I mean that with all sincerity.

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Traveler ... appology accepted .... I am not sure if it was you or someone else initally but they made a sarcastic comment about a first time poster being negative ... I have been reading these boards off and on for some time now but felt with ZERO experience who was I to comment on anything.


YES we did get our luggage a day and a half later and the rest of the cruise was amazing ... like I said when we first got home ... HORRIBLE beginning to a GREAT cruise.


All I have ever asked with this is for Carnival to admit they should not have booked us so late of a flight and that small gestures on board, mostly the formal dinner issue, would have changed this whole story from


Look what Carnival SHOULD have done to Look what they DID DO !


With all the competition out there you think they would want to keep a customer .... like someone else said ... another cruise line deserves our money on the next trip ... NOT Carnival.



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RaceMedic, I agree that Carnival totally had an opportunity here to make things right and they didn't. A few courtesies would have made all this so much easier. I am severly disappointed that they handled this so poorly.


On the other hand, although I know this was a new experience for you, please let this serve as a lesson. NEVER book air through any cruise line (all of them have the same issues).

Also, if at all possible try to fly in to your port a day in advance. Air travel is so unpredictable these days and flights are seldom on time. Heck, in most cases you're lucky if they aren't cancelled altogether.


and most importantly....how could you of all people, being a paramedic, travel without your prescriptions in a carry on??? Dang!! Please make sure that whenever you travel in the future that you have your meds with you.



I don't know if your correspondence with CCL has been via email or not, but if it wasn't direct mail to their corporate offices in FL, I would try that route. I don't know if it will make a difference, but it's worth a shot.


Sorry about your horrible experience. Before you cruise again on any line, be sure to read up a bunch of stuff here. It may make things easier for you next time.

Better luck in the future :)

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Folks .....


First THANK-YOU for commenting about my personal info being on the letters ... STUPID me ... didn't even think of that.


For those who MAY want to read my story ... feel free to.


The purpose of this post is for new cruisers to learn from our mistake ... that is all.


ALL I AM SAYING IS THIS .... I trusted Carnival to take care of a first time, inexperienced cruiser.


We feel that they did not ... could have made some simple gestures to keep us as a future client and it simply appears that THEY DON'T CARE.


Here are my letters …..







Letter 1 & 3 are from myself …. Letter 2 & 4 are their response.




That's too bad. I wish you had asked on this board about your flights. Being a fellow Canadian I would have begged you to pay a small deviation feee to Carnival and fly the day before. I do not understand why Carnival thinks flying Canadians in the same day is a good idea. It isn't. This is why we ALWAYS book our own air and fly in 2 days early. Best case scenario we get a full day and a half to enjoy Florida pre-cruise. Worst case we have 2 days to make arrangements should a storm brew up. Oh, the other thing. I NEVER EVER fly Air Canada. They dont give a crap about anyone which is why they are in the shape they are. We drive to the US and fly. Cheaper anyway.


I don't blame you for being pissed.

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Race, I haven't had a chance to read your letters and have no clue as to what your issues were. People will undoubtedly label me a Carnival "cheerleader" and I think that's okay, cause frankly I am. The point I'm trying to make is: Are you sure that what ever you experienced would have been handled any differently on any other cruise line? And if the answer to that is yes, then what brings you to that conclusion.


I spend quite a lot of time reading reviews on every cruise line listed here on CC. And they all seem interchangeable. There are 1 star and 5+ star reviews regardless of which line you are reading about.


Additionally, and this isn't meant to be disparaging towards you or other new cruisers, but I think in all vacation venue's these days the proprieters have raised their expectations of us the consumer. I think the amount of money they put into advertising their product (be it a cruise line, an all inclusive resort, independent tours) comes with some expectation on their part that we've all done our due diligence. Even though there are novice cruisers (in this case) out there. The ability to educate ourselves about the customs and the process is ours to attend to. They provide the "opportunity" for the experience, we "create" our own experience. I think that's true with Carnival or any other cruise line.


I'm sorry that you had issues that you feel were not adequately addressed. Carnival (as well as RCCL, NCL, Celebrity.....) are hosting 50 to 60 thousand people per week. There are going to be things that fall through the cracks. I think Carnival (as well as the others) do an excellent job of helping new cruisers to get the most out of their experience. They have purser's, publications, and any number of shore excursion, welcome aboard oportunities of a person to learn the ropes.


I hope you get those links fixed. I really would like to see if your issues were handled in a way that some of us more experienced cruisers would also agree could have been better.


You really ought to read the letters. I'm willing to bet you will change your tune.

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Racemedic, I am so sorry about your experience on the cruise. I am really sorry how you were treated on the ship. But I am shocked at the letters you received from Carnival. Your letters were very detailed and though out. There letters did not address all the issues and were just a brush off. I am very disappointed in Carnival. I hope this thread gets attention from some Carnival executives.


Also what kind of Race Medic are you?

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I have had issues in the past with Cruise lines .If you only share the bad and the ugly they will see you as a complainer and not deal with you

Perhaps you could write again and try to find some positive in your cruise stress that FIRST then share your problems in a polite fashion.

Go higher up .

When I have done as I said I always got positive response Request or suggest a compensation Do stress the fact you still enjoyed your cruise IN spite of your problems

I missed my ship on Costa .They too sent me flying with little compensation .I did not get refunded for 2 days I missed .I too booked with the cruiseline

Unfortunately things happen .Now out of Florida I try to leave the day before mORE PRUDENT!!!Especially since cruises out of FLorida leave at 4 or 5 pm WAy too early when you live in snow country


I too recently came back from a cruise on which I had certain issues .I wrote my letter exactly as I said .Stressing the Good first then explaining the bad .I hope they compensate me as well ...time will tell.

In these hard times however my expectations are diminished .

As far as air issues cruise lines do not usually help that much in my experience even if you book with them as I did with Costa .Same window as you and we missed the boat.


Good luck .Flaming Carnival here will not help you .TRy the other route

Good Luck



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Race, I haven't had a chance to read your letters and have no clue as to what your issues were. People will undoubtedly label me a Carnival "cheerleader" and I think that's okay, cause frankly I am. The point I'm trying to make is: Are you sure that what ever you experienced would have been handled any differently on any other cruise line? And if the answer to that is yes, then what brings you to that conclusion.


I spend quite a lot of time reading reviews on every cruise line listed here on CC. And they all seem interchangeable. There are 1 star and 5+ star reviews regardless of which line you are reading about.


Additionally, and this isn't meant to be disparaging towards you or other new cruisers, but I think in all vacation venue's these days the proprieters have raised their expectations of us the consumer. I think the amount of money they put into advertising their product (be it a cruise line, an all inclusive resort, independent tours) comes with some expectation on their part that we've all done our due diligence. Even though there are novice cruisers (in this case) out there. The ability to educate ourselves about the customs and the process is ours to attend to. They provide the "opportunity" for the experience, we "create" our own experience. I think that's true with Carnival or any other cruise line.


I'm sorry that you had issues that you feel were not adequately addressed. Carnival (as well as RCCL, NCL, Celebrity.....) are hosting 50 to 60 thousand people per week. There are going to be things that fall through the cracks. I think Carnival (as well as the others) do an excellent job of helping new cruisers to get the most out of their experience. They have purser's, publications, and any number of shore excursion, welcome aboard oportunities of a person to learn the ropes.


I hope you get those links fixed. I really would like to see if your issues were handled in a way that some of us more experienced cruisers would also agree could have been better.



Holy crap...before you post an opinion, don't you think you should have read the letters and gotten an idea of what the Op's problems were? :eek: :confused: :rolleyes: The links are fixed now....


Not only have other lines been nicer in situations like this, CARNIVAL themselves have been nicer in situations like this. On this particular sailing, for this particular cruiser, they were anything but accomodating. It wouldn't have been difficult for them to offer this guy a tux rental.

On one of my CCL cruises, my BIL and SIL arrived to port on time, but their luggage did not. CCL offered them vouchers for stuff from the gift shop...fortunately they didn't need it. The ship was delayed sailing and the airline got their luggage to the ship prior to sailing.

Guest services bent over backwards to help my BIL and SIL out, and they didn't even book their air throguh CCL! THIS is the kind of service the OP should have received and I can't understand why he didn't get it.

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Just from curiosity, What cruise lines do you have in your portfolio to make the "prices are so cheap" comment.


Every cruise on Carnival has met or exceeded my expectations....I realize that events happen that may alter my oppinion, however, when something was wrong, it was corrected ASAP


I am not high maintenance and just go with the flow...maybe that is why I enjoy myself


1st cruise, 1964. Last criuise 2007


I made no mention that I don't get what I pay for with Carnival.


In my opinion, other Cruise lines don't deliver much more for the extra cash they want, but they do a better job of fixing their mistakes and sometimes those which they didn't create. Carnival does not do this very well, but it's my opinion. And I am almost always satisfied with my past cruises, Carnival and the others.


Can you answer my question to you? See above. Nothing wrong with posting, I just want to get a feel for the different cruiselines you have been on
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Could it be possible that the live 'conversations' the OP had with Carnival employees had anything to do with their response? Carnival has a good idea of how that part went, we do not have an inkling how that transpired. Am I saying the OP is wrong? NO! Carnival could be 100% off base in their response to the OP. But we do NOT know either way.

We do KNOW the cruise contract 'Fly Aweigh" program clearly states that CCL in in no way responsible for the airlines performance. CCL is acting as the passengers agent ONLY for their convenience. And had the OP found this site BEFORE the cruise [not his fault] he would have been able to see hundreds of recommendations to do it by himself and to arrive a day early. Especially arriving from Canada in the winter.

We cannot make the wisest judgements without a fair trial.



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This is not directed to you, since you are done with Carnival, but I hope others reading this will learn the importance of buying travel insurance with lost/delayed luggage coverage, and always flying in the day before - or at least giving yourself a large cushion of time for unpredictable air travel.

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I would try to get something back thru insurance, if you had travel insurance most will give you something for a delay in luggage. I am traveling on Carnival for the first time in June. We are driving down!:p

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I too would like to know if you received your luggage at the first Port as promised. We've seen quite a few close calls on flying arrangements through Carnival. Some folks read here and still book on their own for arriving on the day of. These are folks who have to cross over the winter states and layover in them yet they still book for that day. I'm in Missouri, if I ever book a winter cruise I would definitely be leaving a day early !!! I've done this every since our 2nd cruise and we always go in the Summer. The first one, like you a newbie booked through Carnival. Luckily nothing went wrong it was summertime and nonstop to San Juan. We didn't know anything about that area so we let them handle it. As a previous poster mentioned, was everything else OK other than the clothes and luggage issue. I know it's gonna take some time to calm down. Maybe try a different avenue of Carnival's connections because many folks have gotten discounts such as the one you requested. You could have had the same problem had you booked yourself and not had insurance. Carnival would not have waited for you or given you options. Sulk for a while and come on back. Keep reading and you'll be well prepared by the time you book another cruise;)

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Could it be possible that the live 'conversations' the OP had with Carnival employees had anything to do with their response? Carnival has a good idea of how that part went, we do not have an inkling how that transpired. Am I saying the OP is wrong? NO! Carnival could be 100% off base in their response to the OP. But we do NOT know either way.

We do KNOW the cruise contract 'Fly Aweigh" program clearly states that CCL in in no way responsible for the airlines performance. CCL is acting as the passengers agent ONLY for their convenience. And had the OP found this site BEFORE the cruise [not his fault] he would have been able to see hundreds of recommendations to do it by himself and to arrive a day early. Especially arriving from Canada in the winter.

We cannot make the wisest judgements without a fair trial.




oh c'mon Dan. No matter what, Carnival could have let this guy rent a tux for free. It wouldn't have killed them and it would have made everything 100% different in the eyes of the OP. They offered him NO help with anything. I find this wrong when I know people in similar situations on CCL ships have had better treatment. I think the OP needs to write a letter and send it via snail mail to get some satisfaction. Emailing CCL is useless.

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