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"The Suite Life of the Dawn Queen on The Dawn Fool's Cruise 3-28-09"


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CC, is VERY addictive. As you can see, I dont post often...I am more of a "lurker" lol, as you would call it..But, I really am very happy to have found CC, it provided much information prior to our cruise, and much enjoyment, since our cruise has ended. We are now, in beginning stages, of trying to plan our next cruise.


Ahoy Matiee...come on over to the CC over 100 pages Dawn Cruise Critic Board Dawn Fool's 3-28-09........soon to be renamed and re-established as the Dawn (Name Yet To Be Determined, I am kinda partial to Dawn Queen's and Fool's myself) 03-26-10!


Congrats on your Marriage.........good for you two!

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Day Three:


This was by far the funniest moment between Jerome and myself on the cruise:


As a side note: I do have to work today, for real, so this is the last post for me until Monday Evening when I get home from work….have a ball…remember, It’s Samana Day and almost everyone was on a Shore Excursion! Just pretend now will ya?


I was sound asleep and was startled by Jerome in the huge Bathroom saying “What a Mess!”….”Jay Double UUUUU!”

I had come home from the Casino, shed my clothes, as usual, all over the floor of the bathroom, (remember, my butt was soaking wet from Pee Pee Pants the night before in the Casino) and all I could do was stumble into bed and have at least a couple of hours sleep.


I grumble and mumble at Jerome’s loud voice, pulling the sheets over my head.


There goes that friggin Announcement Bell again….or crap, I mean Doorbell. It was, as usual, Anoop with Breakfast.


Anoop found out , through the Genie (Blabber mouth) Anchumann, that I loved Smoked Salmon (Lox to you New Yorker’s) and brought 3 plates full! I still had the sheets over my head as Anoop laid out the crisp table cloth, napkins, silverware, LEMONS (Boca Cocktail….oh, I had free soda, forgetaboutit!)


when Jerome emphatically exclaimed….


(By the way, Lox and Vodka, except in maybe Russia, are not a really good combination when you are Heavenly Hung Over!…….though I think that may be Caviar in Russia???!)


“What smells like P*ss?” “JW did you miss the toilet?”


Well you could have heard a pin drop in the Suite Dining Room with Anoop there…….you just had to laugh….I knew what Jerome was getting at but refused to uncover my head from the sheets…laughing tooo hard...


Again….”JW your pants smell of P*ss” . “

What the hell happened???” He says....


Jerome continued….”Do We Need To Get You Depends?”

By this time, Anoop and I were laughing hysterically. I had to get up and tell them both the story of the “Pee Pee Pants” Lady in the Casino.


A perfect beginning to a perfect Day-At-Sea for both of us, as almost Everyone was getting off the boat to Samana…………….We had the ship, or as we preferred to call it that day, “The Really Big Yacht” to ourselves….well almost…………Hee, Hee....Now you thought all you "Lurkers" were safe....just wait.....

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Hi guys,

Just had to check in this morning for the latest installments! Sounds like you had a super group that week. Reading your past cruises I was wondering how you would like NCL and the Dawn. My question is being answered through your marvelous funny review!


Anshuman is the consummate professional and we are looking forward to seeing him later this month.


Howl at the Moon sounds like loads of fun. Hope NCL goes through and hires them for a longer contract. A breath of fresh air! Would love it if they come back for the Bermuda run!


Would love to hear about your dining adventures, too!


Hugo, Alain and the team are the very best, aren't they?!:D

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Maybe he is actually working right now! :)


I know he took some extra days to travel somewhere with Jerome when they first got back. I guess we have to wait until tonight :o He did say he was going to post to match the time last week things really happened...let's see....Monday we were in Samana,...I am trying to remember what happened Monday night..?? I will have to look at my pictures to remember!!

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a fabric topped stool....


filled with a warm liquid that came shooting out from everywhere!!!!!




what the frig is that????


I soon realized what it probably was, I knew why the gal never got up to use the bathroom…………..


OK, I'm hooked! I was reading your review this weekend and couldn't wait until I got home tonight, so I thought I'd get in a quick peek at work. This is hysterical! I started laughing out loud and looked up to see my boss looking at me. He's learned not to ask, just shook his head and continued on.


I'm a fan! Keep up the good work!

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OK' date=' I'm hooked! I was reading your review this weekend and couldn't wait until I got home tonight, so I thought I'd get in a quick peek at work. This is hysterical! I started laughing out loud and looked up to see my boss looking at me. He's learned not to ask, just shook his head and continued on.


I'm a fan! Keep up the good work![/quote']


Travelin'Brown, are you leaving for Bermuda before the rest of us? Your signature says 6/2 and the King's Wharf Rats do not leave until 6/7 :D:D


Silc says thank you for your compliments about her review.

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Yes I am here reading.....teary eyed I might add as I read your impecable recap of our fabulous, wonderful, spectacular, marvelous experience (a million adjectives are not enough). It all happens so fast as you are experiencing it ...... the memories last a lifetime.

Hey JW/Jerome...Of course, Debbie and I are reading too! We got a little behind but are finally catching up!! I find myself wanting to chime in and say "I was there. That's me he is talking about! :D

What a great cruise! We were all fortunate to have been able to share the experience! I am certain it will happen again! ;)

Charles & Deb

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Monday: Port of Call Samana:


Jerome and I were so happy to be able to enjoy the ship with almost everyone getting off on a tender to go to the many Shore Excursions in Samana.


There is an Associate at my work who is from Santo Domingo, when finding out that this was one of our Ports of Call told me “Don’t Go!”.


We wanted to relax this day anyway, and so we did. However after hearing about the wonderful sights in Samana from all our buddies upon their return, we did have a few regrets about not going with them….but we were able to do so much on the ship, (like drink), so either way, we made our own fun….


You know, those Poolside tall Purple NCL Souvenir Glasses filled with Windex and Scope colored drinks are addictive, especially because the only reason I started to buy them was to get a set of 4. Needless to say, after we got home….we have a huge set.


Jerome and I ventured out on the pool deck and were completely surprised to see just about everyone left onboard was at the pool….more oiled up bodies, but there were plenty of chaise lounges available. We snagged two of them at poolside (something that you would have to normally get up at 3 o’clock in the morning to do on any other day) and dragged over a cocktail table (I guess I could have said small table, but I like the word Cocktail so much better, don’t you?) Jerome and I then became two of those oiled up bodies and began to soak up the sun.


Now, I had to get up to go to the smoking area to “Light Up” (Yes I suck on cigarettes) and as I made my way across the pool area, all I heard was “There’s Teenie Weenie!” Hey isn’t that “Teenie Weenie?” “Yo“Teenie Weenie!” I heard it, but had no idea that they were referring to ME. I just looked around and then a chorus of College Spring Breakers in the pool started singing….”He’s got a Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie”….oh crap, they are talking about me! All of these Samana Left-Behinds just happened to All go to Howl at the Moon the Night before…..


See, what did I tell you about Reputation and Facial Recognition associated with Teenie Weenies….

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To make matters worse (in a fun way, of course) the Cruise Director Shona video records all of the day’s events and plays them on a loop on the intra-channel and broadcasts them on your in state room television……So triple the people all know by now that I supposedly have, (I SAID SUPPOSEDLY!) have a Teenie Weenie.


I need another one of those Windex drinks please, this is going to be a very long morning…..As I was walking back to the chaise where Jerome was, from the next level of lounge chairs above us….now very older ladies cackle out “Hey aren’t you the guy from last night with the Teenie Weenie?” I said, “Were you at Howl at the Moon last night?” They said “No, we saw you on TV”. Geez I thought, you are on friggin vacation….turn the TV off!!!!


Gosh, is it time yet for another Windex? I am going for a set of 4 glasses today! Then I found out….see no one told me, that if you give your glass back to the waiter, it’s cheaper if they just refill it……who cares, I wanted a set……


Hey “Hunglow!” (That’s my affectionate term for all the Cocktail Waiters in the Casino, at the pool, wherever) They all answer to it….try it sometime, it’s a lot of fun when you really are tying one on….Can you please bring me a Scope! Even the Waiter….”I saw you on stage last night….can you tell me meaning of Teenie Weenie?” If you could have seen my face….don’t go there I said to myself, I just could not answer him, especially one who may have actually had one!…..I said to him that he should try to find Ray Ray and he would explain it. It was like mom saying "Go ask your Father!"


Time for my fourth one, now I have a complete set and I am totally set….who wants to have a drinkie with me????

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JW....we are both sitting here reading, I should say reliving, this trip all over again....thank you!!!

I'm going to print a copy of this out and stick it in our photo book, so we never forget! I can picture us sitting around at 80 reading about "pee pee pants" and laughing until we.....:D

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Still At The Pool:


See, what happens to me when I drink, is I become Chatty Kathy….Blah Blah Blah….Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah….then occasionally Blee Blee Blee Blee Blahh Blah Blahhhhh.


So while I was on my initial bake cycle in the full sun…getting crisp…(Honey with all that alcohol, I did not even realize how burned I was getting….I was havin’ a good ‘ol time!)


Just above us on the next level, I sat up and turned to see where the sun was and, who I could conversationally violate next… there in front of me sitting up….taking it all in, was this absolutely stunning young lady, she looked like a young Caroline Kennedy or Jackie O with fabulous strawberry red hair….


Her mom, overhearing so much of the Blah Blah Blah, kept chuckling as she laid in the lounge on her stomach, I could see it….so, well even they saw Howl at the Moon, but come to find out…..They Were Cruise Critic “Lurkers”. OOOOHH You Were, Were You????


Amazing, here these two were, Mom and Daughter, and had read all about ALL of us on our Roll Call….I quickly was taking an inventory of "ooh, what did I say on those Martini filled nights"….


Believe me, they memorized everything……EVERYTHING!


We ended up having a great conversation…don’t ask me what is was about, I waz drunk….but I do know it was a great conversation and they were so pleasant! Then….Big Hubbie strolls up….we said hello after the intros his wife gave us, and the Classic Guy response “Oh!” I know that “Oh!” ….(hey don’t worry, we like guys not girls kinda thing goin‘ on…not going for your beautiful wife and absolutely gorgeous daughter).


Thankfully he quickly figured that part out, but we did end up inviting them to our Cocktail Party….and they came!!!


But that’s tomorrow, this is today.

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JW....we are both sitting here reading, I should say reliving, this trip all over again....thank you!!!


I'm going to print a copy of this out and stick it in our photo book, so we never forget! I can picture us sitting around at 80 reading about "pee pee pants" and laughing until we.....:D



Pee our pan'ts ourselves????

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JW....we are both sitting here reading, I should say reliving, this trip all over again....thank you!!!


I'm going to print a copy of this out and stick it in our photo book, so we never forget! I can picture us sitting around at 80 reading about "pee pee pants" and laughing until we.....:D


Deb, call me, i need some info about Monday dinner.....I waz drunk!

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cruiseguys2009...Love, love, love the posts. I'm completely addicted! I even used some of my lunch hour at work to read. I'm actually contemplating changing our planned Pride of America Hawaii cruise in Febraury to join you guys in March on the Dawn :-)


Keep up the wonderful review...I'm hooked!!

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After The Pool:


Okay so it’s about 2 o’clock, I am fried…in more was than one…Loopy looped and Jerome says…in his usual stern tone “JAY DOUBLE UUUU” we have to get you out of the sun!” “Why? I having a grand time holding court at the pool?” I am, after all, the New Self Proclaimed Dawn Queen! (I unfortunately do not have the distinction of naming myself that….Debulicious must have the credit, thanks, thanks a lot!)


Okay….we turn our towels in, yeah like we are going to steal those blue stripped tacky things, and make our way, me, drunk as a skunk, to the doorway to go view (and make fun of) all the photos in the gallery…


Well, don’t you know it, the Calypso Band starts to crank up their first set with none other that “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie!”….and people began to wave to us as we are leaving the pool….how fun was that?


I of course gave a Royal Wave, like the Queen of England does as she passes by….I got applause from all the way up to the Bimini Bar…..Did I mention that I do NOT work for NCL?

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cruiseguys2009...Love, love, love the posts. I'm completely addicted! I even used some of my lunch hour at work to read. I'm actually contemplating changing our planned Pride of America Hawaii cruise in Febraury to join you guys in March on the Dawn :-)


Keep up the wonderful review...I'm hooked!!


Oh please do...I will never change....promise!! Thank you for your post....how fun to interrupt someone at work..Hee Hee

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The Afternoon:


Okay, Iz drunk by this time. We go to the photo gallery, and I literally cannot focus….where are my glasses??? We finally find photos of ourselves, a lot of them, grouped together, and look!…they are out of sequence…but wait, they are all together, different days, different times, surrounded by all of the CC members photos as well….me thinks someone of our group (I know who it was, by the way) “cherry picked the pics” and grouped them all together… Hmmmm…...Needless to say, $189.00 later, (I waz really drunk), we bought them, or as Jerome reminds me every day since we have been home….”I Bought Them”. (Not he, but “I“)


Now, a week later, I really regret that decision…(“It’s all coming back to me now“…Thank you , very much, again, Celine NOW LEAVE!)…they are absolutely horrible……..and what about that Port Hole Picture Frame?…


Where did that come from? …I found it in the Suitcase along with the NCL Fabulous Plastic Outdoor Purple Pool Glassware Set……


Jerome wanted to hang it up and I said….“are you out of your mind?????”

"It belongs in the Bathroom, Behind the toilet“….“no“, “behind and underneath the toilet!”….I really must have been lambasted to buy that thang…..


We ended up going back to the room…..the Casino was NOT open, crap, and guess what I did…..I turned on the TV….yes I watched the TV. I WATCHED…..ME! Wrong, Shockingly wrong!!!!!


We saw a wonderfully funny skit Dave Heenan, the comedian on board did, entitled “9 to 5”. Hilarious. It was so very funny…..then saw the “Teenie Weenie” skit and yes, it was remarkable, and shockingly wrong, and I could not believe it was actually me, FAAAABULOUSSSS!….actually, I have no recollection of the event. Deb does, I don’t. Jerome does, I don’t, Everyone else does….I don’t. Okay!???


I eventually went into the comfy bed and fell asleep.. There is a photo of that on Face book……


I awoke to the Announcement Bells….The Doorbell….(I’ve got you this far, you know what I am talking about….Helllllooooo????)….

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JW, looks like you might need your own FAN CLUB!!!!! Hmmmm maybe I will start it LOL .....oh wait nevermind..... I was too offended by your Chatty Kathy remark LOL nahhhhhh just kidding still a fan..............

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There was Anoop, hor d’ourves in hand…..all he said was….”You look like a Lobster!”…..You look a tiny bit baked." Jerome shouts out from the Bathroom (just getting out the the Jacuzzi, the pea brain) "Thank You Anoop, you are the only one he will listen toooo!"


That was it…I am NOT going out tonight! I already had that dreaded “Afternoon Hangover”.....


when Anoop said, “How ‘bout a Bloody Mary?” (The Angels in Heavenly Hangover Heaven started to sing…"LAAAAAAAA")


It was almost as if he knew…..in his hand was a bottle of "Mr. and Mrs. T" Bloody Mary Mix (I am NOT advertising here...it's what he brought! NO censur!!) and a Lemon, and a jar of Olives. (Yummmy, Lunch!). I Bow down before the Butler Gawd!!! …..Well honey, that was truly Gawd saying “Happy New Year!”……Get over it...I waz Hung!!!


(Didn’t we invite another couple…"D n C"…. to dinner with us at Cagney’s tonight?…….)


I hear a ringing in my ears, a high pitched, piercing, ringing….it is NOT the door bell, what the heck is it?


Anoop says “Aren’t you going to answer the phone?”…………..Shyte, I forgot we had a Phone!

It was Debulicious….“Hey Baby!” (her classic hello line, I love it!) “Are you ready yet?”.... Ready for what?, I ponder….what is she talking about?….I don’t even know what Day it is..... “Oh yea", I mumbled …."we are getting ready right now“….(for what????)….."Oh Jay-ROOOOMMME?" "yoUUUU hoooo!"


"Why are you getting ready so soooon, honey?"...(I had to think quick as I had no frigging Idea what we were doing....ahhh a Bloody Mary...thank you Anoop....Now where was I...in Panic Mode!)


"Okay sweetie, we will be ready in half an hour", Debulicious extoled, "we have sooooo much to tell you about our ATV trip on Samana today"…"kiss kiss, see you soon, we will be at Wisteria Lane in half an hour"…."Bye!”

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JW, looks like you might need your own FAN CLUB!!!!! Hmmmm maybe I will start it LOL .....oh wait nevermind..... I was too offended by your Chatty Kathy remark LOL nahhhhhh just kidding still a fan..............


I just knew you would be offended.....I knew it!!!!



Chatty kathy....Chatty kathy......Na Na naaa Naaaa Na.....how do you spell a rasberry?


I love you KATHY and you are definately NOT Chatty, just well, you know...Boobiliciously Lucky on the "Slot Machines" wait.....that's tonight!!!!

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