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"The Suite Life of the Dawn Queen on The Dawn Fool's Cruise 3-28-09"


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JW (and vicariously, Jerome):

It's me, the bearded bald piano player himself :D I'm hoping that you'll include at least one reference to leather in your next chapter...I believe we're coming up to the cocktail party in your Suite, non? ;)

I think I recognize a few names here; if not names exactly, then at least some references that sound familiar! I promise you that it's no stretch for me to say that the CC gang truly helped make my experience on the Dawn even more wonderful than it already was :)

I do so hope that the powers that be come to terms, as it were, and that I will be cruising with y'all sooner than later!

Looking forward to the rest of your review, and very much looking forward to seeing the two of you again sometime this year.

Wishing you good health and blessings,



Hello Piano Man, I was part of the Dawn Fools CC group and want to say thanks for the Howl At The Moon; you three put on a great show! Here is hoping NCL makes you part of the regular entertainment. Would love to see you on the Dawn on June 7 to Bermuda; there is another CC group on this cruise: The King's Wharf Rats. :)


JW and Jerome have said they will be back on the Dawn for next spring break! :eek:

CC Roll Call Link for March 26, 2010: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=906451

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Hi Ben! Good to see you on here. Hope you are doing well. This is Marnie (and Hunter) from Destin..we still need to go to Howl in Fort Walton and sai hi to your friend...what was his name again? I think it was Tim but not sure. Hope everything works out and you guys will be on NCL again..it was great! Take care and it was great meeting you!

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Hi Marnie and Hunter :)

My friend (and first real mentor at this gig) is named Chris Roberts. He's the Director of the Howl in Ft Walton, and if memory serves I think Hunter said that he knows Chris and his wife from the bank..? Something to that effect ;)

Chris has one of the greatest voices in our industry, if not the flat out best, period. Fantastic musician, and an overall great guy; it'd be a real kick for me if you guys go in and say hello to him!

I hope to see you again on the high seas, or if you're ever in Charlotte, please let me know as well. All my best to the both of you.


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I am loving all this!! Makes me home sick for the Dawn. PEE PEE PANTS----LOL


I can't wait to hear more. I am bumming I missed the infamous cocktail party in the suite. I was busy being a MOM...darn it. Keep up the good work JW.



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I am loving all this!! Makes me home sick for the Dawn. PEE PEE PANTS----LOL


I can't wait to hear more. I am bumming I missed the infamous cocktail party in the suite. I was busy being a MOM...darn it. Keep up the good work JW.




Laura did you see the picture I have of you and your daughter at the white party?? She looks so cute and it was so nice to see you 2 having fun together!

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OK JW, you are not getting back as much as you wanted on your taxes, no matter how much you try to play with the numbers!!! Send the darn thing already!! :p


You can't keep your audience waiting like this!!!! LOL


We demand a new chapter from the Dawn Queen!!!

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I am loving all this!! Makes me home sick for the Dawn. PEE PEE PANTS----LOL


I can't wait to hear more. I am bumming I missed the infamous cocktail party in the suite. I was busy being a MOM...darn it. Keep up the good work JW.



I missed it too for the same reason!
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It took way too long and much longer than I thought. I will be posting tonight and will catch ya'll up...


Hi Ben!


I am running late tonight as as you all know, my hotel is building a habitat for humanity home and we are on day three....the roof is on!!! Anyway, I have to complete the next few chapters and they will be on in by 9pm EST....UP All Night!!!!


Love ya.

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Well, remember, I had not had enough sleep. Probably about two hours worth, when Jerome, just like Eva Gabor (or was it Za Za?) in the Green Acres opening number tears open the curtains and says “New York Is Where I Rather Live!” pulls one of those……Flings opens all the curtains….opens the front deck door to Hurricane Force Winds blowing me out of bed (I said OUT of….dirty minds).


We were beginning our arrival into St Thomas Charlotte Am. Harbor for docking. As I am stumbling around the room….with a fresh Heavenly Hangover….the Announcement Bells go off, and Anoop was used to us not answering the door, so in he came with breakfast….and there I was, looking like a mess, in my skivvies!


Well Gooooooood Morning!


Jerome was out on deck and did not realize that Anoop came in...Anoop was sooo used to us and my antics by the end of the cruise…Jerome is yelling…”JW come out here, here’s the Marriott (The beautiful Marriott signature property at Frenchman’s Reef). Without thinking, I went on to the deck. Now what did I just tell you in the last paragraph….what did I have on?


Yes I did, without realizing it….there I was in my skivvies on the front deck…..Heavenly Hung and (Hungover). Well I kept forgetting that there was the next deck above us overlooking our deck, then the Bridge after that, and then the Upper Deck where it was packed with early risers.

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The hoots and hollers started, , whistles, cat calls, I am totally oblivious ( I thought they were cheering St Thomas!!!) Jerome looks around, up above, and at all the other Balcony’s around us (Everyone was out) then at me, and mouth wide open…”JW, I don’t know if you realize it or not, you probably are still so trashed you don’t, but you have no clothes on”! I know someone has a picture of that! (I had my Skivvy "Wear" on...)


Very gracefully I turned around and waved at everyone and casually strutted back into the Suite. Mortified, I turned to Jerome “I am soo embarrassed….”. Jerome said that “Well now they ALL know the Teenie Weenie thing is NOT true!” Forgetting that Anoop was still setting up breakfast….you could hear him chuckling, but where was he??? He had opened the other Balcony door and set up Breakfast on the side outdoor dining table…..Too Too Fabulous! Breakfast while we docked. Specially made for us…Eggs Benedict! Of course Lox (Smoked Salmon) and instead of toast…Toast Points! He even made us both cappaccinos.

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The hoots and hollers started, Jerome looks around, up above, and at all the other Balcony’s around us (Everyone was out) then at me, and mouth wide open…”JW, I don’t know if you realize it or not, you probably are still so trashed you don’t, but you have no clothes on”! I know someone has a picture of that!


Very gracefully I turned around and waved at everyone and casually strutted back into the Suite. Mortified, I turned to Jerome “I am soo embarrassed….”. Jerome said that “Well now they ALL know the Teenie Weenie thing is NOT true!” Forgetting that Anoop was still setting up breakfast….you could hear him chuckling, but where was he??? He had opened the other Balcony door and set up Breakfast on the side dining table…..Too Too Fabulous! Breakfast while we docked. Specially made for us…Eggs Benedict! Of course Lox (Smoked Salmon) and instead of toast…Toast Points!


We had made prearrangements with SILC to tour St Thomas with her. Jerome and I have been so many times and since she had never been “In town”, we wanted to bring them with us to Charlotte. SILC called on the phone at 9:30AM…our prearranged departure time…..oh my gosh….rush rush around….I sang Happy Birthday to her in the phone….hoping to buy some time…..”We’ll be there in 20 minutes!!!” (I lied, it was more like 40, but I still had a date with my six armed shower!)


Finally ready, we were out the door when the phone rang again..guess who it was? Silc! We are on our way down the stairs now. Forget the elevator, we ran down the five flights….and there the Birthday Girl was….WAITING! Kiss Kiss, we got off the ship to the "Pirate and the Photographer". He had a fake pirate gun, and told me to “RRR”.


Well just as the picture was being taken, I took the gun and put it…well got to keep this clean….up to my (the place where words come out of). Picture snapped…but needless to say, it never made it onto the viewing walls…wonder why? It was certainly better than half of the one’s I saw up there….we tried to have them locate it, but they couldn’t…yeah right…I wonder why?


Anyway, there the rest of the group was.. SILC’s adorable Hubby, Mr and Mrs Music and Jerome and I. We got into a taxi that took us to town…..

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Not just “got” into a Taxi comfortably, but…


The “Taxi was a four door Ford something or other… and had those fold down seats to get into the very back. You know the kind, the kids love them…but have you ever tried to squeeze adults back there? It was a sight to see and really a memorable moment…


Silc goes in first…..I am at the other side watching…like I am going to be of help. This is a true crawl and brawl getting in…grunts and moans, she literally was almost on her stomach just to get to the back…(.I had bit my lips so hard, that later when I had a salad with vinaigrette dressing for lunch, they burned)…it was so funny!!!


Finally she’s in… and she is the BIRTHDAY GIRL…. Happy “Climb all over the place BIRTHDAY!” Then it is time for Mrs. Music….same struggle, only she has half of the room as SILC is in the other seat. Grunts, groans, ooops, lost my shoe….yikes, "hey that’s my boobie!" Finally in.


The rear seat goes back up to position and Mr. SILC climbs in, I then get in. Mr. Music takes the front seat then I close my door…well this is comfortable, I thought,…laughing to myself with the girls in the back all scrunched up….then I hear….”JW”…I turn….oh shyte….I closed the door and forgot all about Jerome….(I am in the Soup now…after 16 years? I forgot SHYTE!) I mean, I left him on the street and I was all comfortable and in the car then I forgot about him…..(I was Heavenly Hung..not responsible!)I scooted over….NOW I AM ON THE HUMP. Thank gawd I don’t have hemorrhoids! Jerome mumbled to me…”I can’t believe you left me behind…now you’re on the hump, paybacks are a biotch…..” Bumpty Bump Bump all the way into town…..

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The First Dinner:


Jerome and I arrived 10 minutes late for our seating to find everyone there. The party was now in full swing. There is an extensive Sake menu but I still ordered a Martini, Jerome ordered Sake. By the way, it’s no wonder I remember any of this as the cruise was one big gigantic Martini from start to finish!


The dinner presentation, or show, was lots of fun, artful and we both chose the Steak and Chicken combo. Lots of Veggies, plenty of food and it was good…if you like Bennihana’s, it is exactly like eating there.


Our Butler Anoop and another couple’s Butler, Ravi, stopped by to see us at dinner, which was thrilling to see them, then the Legend himself stopped by and checked on our dinners. Anchumann wanted to know our plans for the evening, and everyone was going to go to the Piano Bar after. I went to the casino instead, part of what became my daily ritual, and I am glad I did.


Jagermeister bombs flowed at the Gatsby's Piano bar, boy I am glad I went to the casino. See why next.


Just wanted to say Hi and that I am enjoying your trip. I was there also... loved my 1st cruise! I was part of the other party at Teppanyaki.... not the stuffy 2. We enjoyed the fun you guys were having!!( at least I did!) ;) I was just happy that I was having an adult dinner with the kids safely tucked in at the kids crew! can't wait to read more! Keep up the f=good work! Oh I also Joined your FB last week! I need to post photos!

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We began our Journey from the ship through the mini shopping mall they constructed years ago so people, who would not normally venture into town that wanted to stay on ship, could wander and spend their money very close by. Great place, not to start, but to finish. Or, if you have a shore excursion, you can hit this place in the last hour or so, as really, every shop here has a shop in town……(Yacht Haven Center right next door is Brand New and Fabulous, we’ll talk about that later….but don’t miss it!…very chee chee faaa faaa.)


From the back of the taxi I hear…from SILC “There’s Bliss!”. “What’s Bliss I said?” That is where I am going to buy my Birthday Present!” (Or should we say…MR. SILC is. There is always something about a man that happens to him when a woman says something about an upcoming jewelry purchase….that squirm…Gal’s you know…) I only digress, and that’s not true about the wonderful Mr SILC….this was a most excitable destination for them, and a pre-planned excursion to that store and we were looking forward to eventually getting there with them….that happened later.


Well it was a quasi-dismal day in St Thomas. It was cloudy, drizzly, and friggin’ hot. Girl, if you got Jeri Curls, they be comin’ undone right about now….it was abysmally hot.


We come around the bend getting into town, bumper to bumper traffic…then we see all the other Cruise Passengers pointing to a grouping of small trees and bushes…..then sirens, the ambulance….and then the Coroner’s vehicle following…it seems that a Homeless person has not made it through the night….”Welcome to St Thomas”. I wonder what was going thru our heads right about then. The taxi driver says…”Yep, there’s the Coroner, he didn’t make it!” Lovely, how nice to start the Day….I need a Bloody Mary damnit!

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Just wanted to say Hi and that I am enjoying your trip. I was there also... loved my 1st cruise! I was part of the other party at Teppanyaki.... not the stuffy 2. We enjoyed the fun you guys were having!!( at least I did!) ;) I was just happy that I was having an adult dinner with the kids safely tucked in at the kids crew! can't wait to read more! Keep up the f=good work! Oh I also Joined your FB last week! I need to post photos!



I remember the 8 of you...as I have an incredible mind for detail recollection, where were you sitting.?....Half of the table was fabulous, the other half, well, they belonged in a place where Oatmeal is the daily special....you did have a better presentation chef though....did you see all the guys in the suits watching him....it was his first audition for his job....lucky devils....you had a great performance!

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You mean you saw me on deck in St Thomas in my skivvies.?...my close to thong...undies????? Biotch....now I know you have a pic....I saw the racy pics that miss nikki had...and I about died.



Lesson learned everyone: Never do something that someone has a camera now a days that you don't want published worldwide....if I win Lotto or the Powerball....I will owe Nikki big time for the rest of my life...the pic of me in a very compromising position is flawless....


Thank gawd I have no plans to run for public office!!!!!

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We arrived at the Taxi “Drop and Shop” location and Jerome, myself, Mr SILC and Mr. Music had no trouble getting out of the taxi….on the other hand….it was hysterical to see the two girls in the back get out….it was priceless!…Mr. SILC was such the gentleman…even he could not help but stifle a laugh…held his hand out for Mrs. Music….she grunts, “Oh my gosh’s” but the best was the Birthday Girl….by the time she got out, it was adorable how the adjustments had to begin….you know girls…tee shirt, bra etc…the lady-like contortions….I thought at that moment….SILC is a real lady! Adjusted with pure class…on the side of the road no less!


Don’t hate me…SILC…it was purely a grand observation…you are truly fabulous!


Then came the payout. $4.00 each…..Silc: ”Do you have change of a ten?” No ‘mon (it’s a woman, but everyone is ‘Mon”)….hmmm, None of us have change…we all have tens and twenty’s….he played us….typically expected, so the cab ride was five bucks a head…..carry exact change if you can.


Side note: When the cruise ships come into town, which is every day in St Thomas….it is Christmas to them EVERYDAY. REMEMBER THAT WHEN TIPPING. In restaurants, THE ISLAND STANDARD IS, GRATUITY INCLUDED. Read your bill before you pay.


Okay, so we’re walking, we’re walking and we are in front of the Emancipation Hall….well drop my drawers, it looks like a statue of Mr. President Obama….ears and all….I crossed the street in amazement, how did they get a Bronze Sculpture of him so quickly….I am a Doofiss!…It’s of a founder of St Thomas 100 years ago…..oooops….hey I am Heavenly Hung okay!!!


We are walking. We are walking….then the spectacle, the first (Main) shopping street in St Thomas….Packed, Hot, Humid, Drizzling, yuck…..it was one Jewelry store after the next, with a sprinkling of gift boutiques or clothing shops…..they were actually “Hocking” in front of every store, like really bad Used Car Salesmen.. I had not been to Charlotte AM. in years, but I never remembered this….tourists, tourists everywhere…..hockers on the street, when you have you ever been to a store in the USA where you were accosted by every sales person in there…

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I want to see you in your undies and your precarious poses...thats great! Close to thong????? Really???????? Are you going to wear a speedo next cruise?


Nikki sent them to me via private on my email.....I will show you them as a bribe to get you and Hunter to visit!!!!

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My favorite was SILC, after being bombarded by three sales reps in one store….”Hello Miss, let me show you something“ and then, “Come look at this“ and, “What do you want today, beautiful?"…..she replied…like a true lady..”Hello, How are You?” She said then “There is nothing of your’s that interests me today?” Well drop my drawers, and theirs…that shut them all up! Flawless and Happy Birthday To HER!


Then I got caught up in some sales shtick in a used car jewelry store and this guy makes me try on a ring…...It was , $85,000 dollars gorgeous!...I tried it on, Platinum, and Diamonds, and Safire’s (Oh My! from the Wiz of Oz…)….but spent the next ten minutes, with hand lotion and spit trying to get it off!!!!!, “Jerome!” I screamed out on to the street…“Help!!!“ I was trying to get this $85,000 dollar ring off my finger!….It kind of had a death latch on it….“Oh!”, the salesman said “now you can’t get it off! You Buy Now!“, I thought, you buy or we cut your finger off!….“HELLLLLP! Jerome!“


Finally, he heard me and came from across the street thinking,…“What has he gotten himself into now…?“ “Get me outta here!!!!!” It took three guys pulling my finger….hee hee, and I didn’t fart….but I do wish with all that attention, I had put the ring on somewhere else….(badda bing!) Off it came, and off I ran out of the store…where's SILC, Mr Sild, MUSIC, Mrs Music????....There they are.....whew...saved at last!

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Oh, we hit this store, then that store, then this store, then that….jeez it was cruel and unusual punishment! I thought, “SILC is gonna kill me“… I dragged her here on her birthday, when all she wanted to go to was Bliss back at the mall at the ship!


“Hey I know, lets find someplace to get a Birthday Cocktail….that will fix it, she can‘t be mad at me inebriated!" 'Plus, I need a friggin‘ Bloody Mary."' "We‘z hung!!"


Jerome bought cologne, I bought cigarettes…….


St Thomas….IT’S ONE GREAT, BIG, DIVE OF A SHOPPING MALL, FOR JEWELRY!!!!…..WAY TOO OVERWHELMING!! Especially in the drizzly, hot humid overcast weather with wall to wall Cruise Ship Funny People.


They (the Cruise Ship Funny People) were obviously NOT from the Norwegian Dawn… they all had "matching outfits" that looked like 1970's draperies. ("Honey, I have redocorated the house and the old drapes in the Rumpus Room are now our Carnival Cruise St. Thomas Matching Shirts, Pants and Hat Outfits!!"). Yes, there were two other “C” ships there. Something American like Freedom and Valor…very US Marine’s like names, but honey….they were not the Marines! They waz T O U R I S T S! In matching outfits....OMG.

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