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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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Okay, I just spent hours reading this thread from beginning to end... Only been on one cruise to date, and that was a 3 day Disney for our honeymoon, needless to say no great stories. We are planning our next cruise with RC in Dec of 06' and I can't wait to see what happens!

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During formal night dinner aboard the Celebrity Zenith last fall a gay couple were celebrating their 25th anniversary. "He" wore a gold paper crown that he brought along from Burger King. "She" also wore a gold paper crown and a purple cape with a fuzzy collar and train. These two guys proudly wore this getup during the entire dinner and around the ship throughout the evening!


I would put that in the Sweetest think I saw category..not the craziest.:cool:

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A couple years ago my family and I went on RCCL Legend of the Seas to Alaska. They had a game one night called something "Gold Rush". Well anyways, it was a game where you made teams and they would call out something and you would have to do it and race up to the front and try and beat the other teams. So, it was me and a bunch of friends I met on the cruise, we were all around 17-20 years old, and a bunch of old people. One of the things they had us do was that a male from the group had to put on a bra, lipstick, and women's shoes. As soon as they said that, women were ripping off their bra's from under their shirts, men were putting them on and applying lipstick. And then the men all run up (attempting to run) in women's shoes. It was hysterical to watch AND play!!!!

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The funniest moment for me was on the Commador Enchanted Isle. We were on it's last cruise before being leased to the Russians to be tied to a Pier and become a Hotel in St. Petersburg.


On the 2nd night out, as on most ships, they held the Captains Cocktail Party. On this ship and on this cruise it was different. The Capt., A German, with broken english was a frustrated Stand up comic and was hillarious.


Instead of the usual quick Captains Remarks, he did a 10 minute stand up act of sea humor.


My favorite was when he ask an older lady on the front row if she knew the difference between a Boat and a Ship? She replied that she did not.


He said to her. Ok! I will explain you shortly. A Boat is what you get in when the Ship goes down!


10 minutes later everyone stopped laughing and he introduced the rest of the executive crew and we went to dinner.

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We were on the Elation in November of 2004 with a group of 30 crossdresser couples. Gotta' be the same group already mentioned. All were men during the day except the two who wore bikinis and posed for photos by the pool!


They became the passtime of the ship and a buzz would circulate around the pool/casino/whereever whenever a "sighting" occurred.


Of course the formal night photo on the staircase was the ultimate. The photo shop guy told me they had sold 70 copies of the group shot and he just didn't understand why folks not in this picture would want a copy. I took the photo and said to him "have you looked at this photo? - I mean REALLY looked at it?" I left him staring at the photo with the strangest look on his face.


Each evening they led the line dancing at the midnight deck party and everyone about died when out of the group 2 women (real ones) were introduced as the wardrobe consultants for that nights wear (about half the group were wearing oriental frocks) - these women were further introduced as the wives of two of the guys. On that note we all needed another drink!


I'll never forget that cruise. it was a blast.



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  • 2 weeks later...
My then-boyfriend (now husband) and I went on the Big Red Boat back in '98 - our travel agent sold it to us as a great cruise for people our age (we were in college), and we didn't find out until we were already on board that the BRB catered mainly to families and had Looney Tunes everywhere we went. But that's beside the point...


So, I was in the shower in our cabin one afternoon. I hear our cabin door open and assumed that it was my boyfriend coming back from the pool. I hear steps coming toward the bathroom and so I assumed that he was coming in to let me know that he was back. I open the shower curtain just as the bathroom door opens, only to expose myself to our cabin steward!! I scream and close the curtain, he drops his bucket of cleaning supplies right there, screams, and runs out of the room. I always thought I'd be mortified in a situation like that, but I couldn't stop laughing...I thought it was hilarious! So, we go to dinner later that evening. When we come back, our poor steward had left me a long apology note, along with a bottle of champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. After that, I couldn't help but laugh every time I saw the poor guy, and he turned as red as a tomato every time he saw me! :D


Thats HOT!!

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Gosh all of these are so funny,well here goes: One male guest aboard the Statendam HAL ordered all new clothes suits,tuxes, everything from the tailor; apparently his credit was denied for that amont and they entered his cabin taking all the clothes. For two days the guy walked around in shorts, a tux shirt and formal shoes. We laughed everytime we saw him. It turns out the office was calling the incorrect 800 # for the card. He finally got his clothes back but boy was he red.:p

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Gosh all of these are so funny,well here goes: One male guest aboard the Statendam HAL ordered all new clothes suits,tuxes, everything from the tailor; apparently his credit was denied for that amont and they entered his cabin taking all the clothes. For two days the guy walked around in shorts, a tux shirt and formal shoes. We laughed everytime we saw him. It turns out the office was calling the incorrect 800 # for the card. He finally got his clothes back but boy was he red.:p


Too funny! :)

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well, it was my partner in the cabin when it happened, i was in the piano bar and came back as they were leaving, i walked onto the balcony and asked what the smell was and he replied "oh, just four kids smoking some crack in the stairwell"

I couldn't do anything about it as they were all already gone.

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All of these are just too funny.


My story does not compare to a lot of these but here goes


My DH and I were on the Holiday and were at dinner. The table beside us had a family of 7 people. We had noticed them around parts of the ship being pretty loud and not very "refined" but hey it was their vacation too. Anyway one night at dinner the teenaged boy in the family had a can of Coke and a cup of ice. When he poured the Coke into the glass some spilled on the table and he proceeded to slurp the drink off of the table. Later I looked over and a few of them were using the table cloth as napkins. Before desert was served I looked over again and EVERYONE of them had their spoons on their noses. Needless to say - People watching became my very favorite dinner past time.


wow i had no idea that my fiance's family had even been on a cruise! glad to hear they had a great time though.:rolleyes:

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As the mother was getting off of the elevator she told her little girl, "Come on honey, let's take another elevator...all the heavy people are on this one...":(


and it's comments like that we can thank for the high aneorexia and bulemia rates in children aged 10-18.

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My ex and I were on the VOS for the second time (our businesses company company cruise) in 2002. We were always early to dinner bc we were always hungry so as we sipped our wine while waiting for table mates to arrive we watched the people entering dining room. On like the 3rd night ex (we were high school sweethearts) says he sees someone that looks like this guy we went to school with. So he points him out and I agree that it looks like him. So being the loud mouth I am, I decide that I will yell out his name (in high school we called him by his last name) as he pass our table and see if he looks. So just as he and this huge party of his are about to pass our table, I yell out his last name and look the other way. My ex doesn't and the guy actually spins around to see who called him!! So at that point he notices my ex and he comes over and starts talking to us.


Turns out that his huge family that all went to school with us is on this cruise to for a family reunion! We had been out of high school for 15 years by now. It was so weird bc this folks were from VA where we grow up and we had moved and been in FL for 5 years by this time.


They had actually bought tickets for the exact same week on the exact same ship and were eating at the exact same time in the exact same dining room on a ship that holds 3,000+ people, as us! Talk about a small world!


Life is so weird at times.



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Once again, mine doesn't even begin to compare to some of these others, but this was embarassing and funny.


On my 1st cruise on Fantasy, I was about 23 or so. I had went with 2 friends and we were seated at a table with people similar in age, all ages 22-26 and single. We got to know each other and would go to shows at night together. Well, on the last night one of the guys in the group kept buying bottles of wine for the table and drinking most of them himself.


At the very end of dinner, he stands up and proclaims, very loudly (and drunkly) "I am so glad they had all of us younger people sit next to each other. It would have sucked to get seated with a bunch of old people. Like that table over there (points) or that table over there (points). You guys are so awesome and not old"


We have 4 tables of people glaring at us while we tried to hush him and he just kept going on about the "old" people surrounding us. It was quite funny, but embarassing. We were getting a lot of dirty looks from people who we not old at all.

  • Haha 1
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In Nov 2003 I played "the good son" and took my mother and her best friend on a 5 day cruise (first and ONLY time) on the Imagination.


My mother is a very simple country lady and always did her best in raising my brother and I and I felt it was time to say THANKS for everything that she had done for me.


You gotta remember that she had never flown before and never seen a ship larger than a bass boat!! The flight from Atlanta to Miami is a story within itself (and a hillarious one at that) but when we got the the cruise terminal in Miami and got checked in we were walking up to the ship and standing in line waiting to board and my mother looks out the window and proclaims "it is a dam* shame that they build these buildings so close together in a "big City"".


I looked over and could not help but to giggle and politely asked her to walk with me and I ponted over and said "you mean THAT building" and she said "yes, just a dam* shame ain't it?". I then told her to look down and said "you see the water down there?" and she replied "yes" and I said "that is not a building my dear, THAT is our ship!".


She looked at me with a most surprised expression, said nothing, turned around and grabbed her carry on and loudly said "there ain't no dam*ed way I am getting on that thing cause it is gonna sink" and started to walk away. I ran after her and told her "yes mom, like they sink every day" and the people around us started laughing. As I calmed her down and brought her back in line with me people started clapping and after boarding she became the queen of the bloody mary within hours!!

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We were on the Sun Princess for our millenium cruise in December 1999. We were travelling with two other couples. On the first formal night, one of the husbands was complaining about how uncomfortable his tux was. This gentleman and his wife are both on the large size and he doesn't usually dress up formally in tuxes, etc. Well, all through dinner he couldn't get comfortable! He kept fidgeting saying "how can you guys stand these tuxes!" Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore and just before dessert he left to change. Well, the next night at dinner we heard the real story! When he and his wife were getting ready for dinner, he took the first pair of black pants that were in the closet. They were hers!! Not only were they toos mall for him, he was wearing them backwards!! On the next formal night he was much more comfortable in his own pants!! She had to send hers out to be pressed because the knees were facing backward! :eek:

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I have been reading this thread since the beginning...even posted my two cents worth.... but I LOVE the guy who wore his wifes pants to formal night !!!! Sounds like they need seperate closets in their cabin.....


Kevin, you have a very lucky Mom.


Keep em comin !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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i found this thread and have been reading all 9 pages for over an hour hysterically laughing! Here's my experiences onboard Enchantment of the Seas (1st cruise ever). don't know if they compare, but i found them to be a riot:


1) The Newlywed Game: The question is asked of the wives wheres the craziest place you've... so the newlywed wife and the elderly wife each give their answer. The wife married 5 years gives her answer as "the kitchen table". Husbands come back and the question is asked of them. When it comes time for the 5 year husband to answer he immediately goes "in the back of our friends Jim and Nancy's SUV after we borrowed it to move furniture." wife jumps up, face beet red, about to run off stage, but husband stops her. CD asks why she's so embarassed and she turns looks at him and goes "Jim and Nancy are sitting right there" and points to the front row!


2) In port at Costa Maya we decided to take the tour of the Mayan ruins..It was the end of august and easily 100 degrees that day, and we were on a bus with no AC...after the tour we're waiting for everyone to get back on the bus and this woman gets on the bus with her 3 kids..we'd noticed her on the tour, she was one of those loud people...so she gets on the bus and immediately begins looking for her pocketbook (we'd been assured that we could leave our stuff on the bus and it would be safe). she's opening the overhead bins and not finding the bag, so she starts yelling, accusing the bus driver of stealing the bag. she's screaming at her kids, telling them to look, and they're just sitting low in the seats trying to hide...so then she starts yelling out the bus window to her husband "FRANK, THE f***ING BUS DRIVER STOLE MY BAG". i guess frank knew better than to come running over when she was like this cause he took his time coming back to the bus..Meanwhile she's threatening to call royal caribbean and demanding a refund telling everyone to check their bags cause the driver might have stolen their money too. the bus driver was just sitting there all confused, until someone came running to the bus to translate. Finally after screaming for her husband to get his a** on the bus, and berating the driver and his translater saying how she knows he took her bag, her husband comes back on the bus. The second he got on the bus he goes over to her seat....HER BAG WAS ON THE FLOOR IN FRONT OF HER SEAT. she's flabbergasted, and her husband just calmly goes always gotta make a scene don't u? she takes one look at him and just goes OH SHUT UP FRANK in this completely annoyed voice, since she's just made a fool out of herself..To his credit he made her apologize to the driver...to this day 3 years later, when someone is mad at another, we'll go oh shut up frank! needless to say she was quiet the rest of the way back to the ship and she hightailed it back on board


3)During muster drills, everyone was standing there all decked out in their life jackets. there was one cabing in our station that wasn't showing up, so the muster man kept yelling 7525? are u here? i need 7525! i guess they were the only people who didn't show, so employees were sent to their cabin to get them after they kept repeating that announcement over the system that cabin 7525 please report to your station. so we were kept at muster for about 15 extra minutes until they finally arrived...when they did the muster man made the annoucement "ladies and gentlemen, cabin 7525 had finally arrived!!!" they checked in with the muster man to a round of applause!

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