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H.S. Senior Spring Break--No Way

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I'm with you. Spring break for me was just an opportunity to cram as many hours in at possible at Woolco to help pay tuition and books. The only "spring break" I took in HS or college was to a conference to find a job my senior year at university! :p


I'm sure I'm going to get flamed for this, but these kids are on a cruise ship, going to great places and experiencing cool things. I understand everyone wants to enjoy themselves on vacation, but they can't amuse themselves on board without clubs and activities planned for them during sea days/nights?? Really???


I can't fault the cruise line for separating 18 year olds from 17 year olds -- you're a legal adult at 18 even if you can't drink, and the liability issues would be HUGE. (I don't agree with the shift in drinking age in the US to 21, but it's the law, so that's how the cruise ships have to go.) Similarly, couldn't you hear the uproar from a parent if something happened between a 18 year old and an 'almost' 21 year old?


It's a tough age, but there's only so much sympathy I can muster -- THEY'RE ON A CRUISE SHIP. I, for one, thank my lucky stars every time I step aboard a ship for vacation, as one never knows when one might be so fortunate to sail again.


I wonder how the land-based family-friendly 'all-inclusive' resorts handle this kind of thing?


Actually, that's not quite true. Yes, it is true for Alaska and Hawaii itineraries and for when ships are in US ports (not entirely certain what the specifics are on that), but it was RCI that decided to change its own alcohol age rules on Caribbean and other itineraries. When the ships are in international waters (and except as required by certain contracts, such as Alaska cruises), they are free to make their own rules (as long as they comply with the international maritime laws, I presume). The US laws were re-raised to 21 quite a long time before RCI stopped allowing the alcohol waiver for certain itineraries. The change in US laws had nothing to do with it. I think RCI changed it because they weighed the pros and cons and determined that it was in their best interest to raise the drinking age onboard.


I agree with everything else you wrote. I really don't have much sympathy if they can't find fun things to do onboard a modern cruise ship. If that's the case, I'd say save the money and leave them at home with family or friends as appropriate.



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Oh my gosh I hope you both have a blast!!!

Vegas is for sure a city with some amazing clubs, lounges and nightlife..... (my parents reside their and I am 3 /2 hours drive away). As well as our cruise when the boys are 18 and 21, for his 21st, he wants us to go along to Vegas with him and his friends for a b-day blowout!! I hope we survive!

Have a great trip :)


Thank You


This will be my 6th time there but it will be a lot of fun seeing my son's reaction to it all.


I think its a testimony to what great kids we have (and to what cool parents we are :)) that our kids want us along with them ESPECIALLY in Las Vegas.


I love my mother like crazy, but at 21 , she would be the last person I would want to be with me in a bar or club *LOL*

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I would have never considered cruising without my daughter because she loves going on cruises. She has had a job since she was 14 and is now 20 and a senior in college with a high GPA and very responsible. It would seem kind of selfish to go on a vacation without her.


To go on a cruise without your daughter seems selfish????

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Thank You


This will be my 6th time there but it will be a lot of fun seeing my son's reaction to it all.


I think its a testimony to what great kids we have (and to what cool parents we are :)) that our kids want us along with them ESPECIALLY in Las Vegas.


I love my mother like crazy, but at 21 , she would be the last person I would want to be with me in a bar or club *LOL*


they want to be with u at least partly because u are paying the bills?

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[quote name='juniorsmom']I know what you mean. My oldest son is 21 and I would love to bring him with us, but he doesn't want to go with us anymore. Sniff, Sniff. Thank goodness I can still drag my 16 year old.:)[/quote]


I know what you are saying. My DD is 17 and now its all about the friends and boyfriends.

My wife is having her separation anxiety a little , because her and my DD used to go shopping all day Saturday, and get their nails done, and have lunch and all that, and now she wants to do all that with her friends.
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[quote name='Bakincakes']It really is sad that kids that age can't amuse themselves without someone else creating things for them to do.

It is hard to feel sorry for them when they are on a cruise, that their parents are paying for. :([/QUOTE]

The issue is that the kids who literally went on a vacation together couldn't be together in many areas of the ship at night. They enjoyed themselves while in port and DID stay in their rooms after 1 am. Instead of being asked nicely to go to their rooms when they were playing basketball and other activities (not being rowdy, drinking alcohol, causing trouble, etc.), they were taken to the guest relations, cards de-activated and escorted to their rooms. To me, that was waaaayy beyond necessary.
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[quote name='cruisecrasy']To go on a cruise without your daughter seems selfish????[/quote]
Youngest daughter 18 and oldest daughter 23, have been cruising with us since they were young, last cruise (7/08) where oldest got married on the cruise, youngest spent time with married sister. The 18 yr old didn't have as much fun as she normally would if she had brought a friend her age which we did in the past, and oldest didn't enjoy the trips when she was a teen, no one to hang out with and the kids in the groups where really bad in fact they disbanded group activities. When we scheduled our upcoming cruise in May, we planned it around college ending and hopefully a summer job for yougest daughter, even changed aft suite to balcony to accommodate her, but she didn't want to go, now I see why. We do look forward to cruising again as a big family w/grandkids (someday) maybe on the Allure but for now we enjoy the weekends we all get together. So enjoy your time with your children, they grow up sooooo fast.
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[quote name='reallyitsmema']You obviously have a much different definition of family. We appreciate the time we have together as opposed to who paid for what. Remaining close to ones family does not make them dependant, it is called love.[/quote]

Very nicely said.

The people down the street from us growing up were of the mind once the kids were 18 they were out of the house and on their own. their responcibility was over. When the kids got married they didn't give them a dime. When the grandchildren came along they never once babysat for them EVER .

They lucked out because both their kids made their own way put themselves through school , never got in trouble and have nice families now .

However they are now both getting on in years and are having their health problems. The kids are never over , you never see them . i guess we reap what we sow in this life.
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[quote name='babyher']Very nicely said.

The people down the street from us growing up were of the mind once the kids were 18 they were out of the house and on their own. their responcibility was over. When the kids got married they didn't give them a dime. When the grandchildren came along they never once babysat for them EVER .

They lucked out because both their kids made their own way put themselves through school , never got in trouble and have nice families now .

However they are now both getting on in years and are having their health problems. The kids are never over , you never see them . i guess we reap what we sow in this life.[/QUOTE]

What is this all about? Now you guys are off talking about the people down the street?
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[quote name='reallyitsmema']You obviously have a much different definition of family. We appreciate the time we have together as opposed to who paid for what. Remaining close to ones family does not make them dependant, it is called love.[/QUOTE]

I consider 'love' not just hugs, kisses, being together & talking but also encouraging independance, responsibility & individuality as well...which is basically what I am talking about...!

Besides, when did I suggest u should not remain close or be so for that matter? Being close doesn't mean u have to be within touching distance!

Travelling w/o your kids is not exactly abandoning them, in fact it is a valuable experience, preparing them to be on their own eventually..Allows them opportunities to make some choices, with your teachings to guide them of course (if they have been fortunate enough to receive same), but without u actually being there.....

Like u said.. its all in the definition, I so agree! :)

Have happy cruisin'!
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[quote name='cruisecrasy']I consider 'love' not just hugs, kisses, being together & talking but also encouraging independance, responsibility & individuality as well...which is basically what I am talking about...!

Besides, when did I suggest u should not remain close or be so for that matter? Being close doesn't mean u have to be within touching distance!

Travelling w/o your kids is not exactly abandoning them, in fact it is a valuable experience, preparing them to be on their own eventually..Allows them opportunities to make some choices, with your teachings to guide them of course (if they have been fortunate enough to receive same), but without u actually being there.....

Like u said.. its all in the definition, I so agree! :)

Have happy cruisin'![/quote]
If a one week family vacation is going to have such an adverse effect on your child's develepment, then leaving them home is the right choice. If your child is still capable of becoming a responsible, independant member of society even if they spend a week on a family vacation each year, then take them with you.

Luckily, you were able to "reconnect" with your child. Not everyone gets a second chance.
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[quote name='reallyitsmema']You obviously have a much different definition of family. We appreciate the time we have together as opposed to who paid for what. Remaining close to ones family does not make them dependant, it is called love.[/quote]

Well said. :) Family vacations are some of the fondest memories that I have from my childhood. My parents valued spending time with my sis and I, and if we could convince some grandparents and cousins to come along with us on a trip, even better. I know we were a handful at times, but I'm grateful that my parents never made us feel like we were a burden or something that they needed to escape from.
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[quote name='Spice12725']The issue is that the kids who literally went on a vacation together couldn't be together in many areas of the ship at night. They enjoyed themselves while in port and DID stay in their rooms after 1 am. Instead of being asked nicely to go to their rooms when they were playing basketball and other activities (not being rowdy, drinking alcohol, causing trouble, etc.), they were taken to the guest relations, cards de-activated and escorted to their rooms. To me, that was waaaayy beyond necessary.[/quote]

Imagine how many kids are "asked nicely" to return to their rooms and don't bother to do so and just move to another area on the ship.

Better for the staff to "escort" them and make certain they get where they belong. the staff has no way of knowing which kids are the "good" kids and which aren't. Better that they are consistent.
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[quote name='Bakincakes']Imagine how many kids are "asked nicely" to return to their rooms and don't bother to do so and just move to another area on the ship.

Better for the staff to "escort" them and make certain they get where they belong. the staff has no way of knowing which kids are the "good" kids and which aren't. Better that they are consistent.[/QUOTE]

I absolutely cannot believe how cynical people are. I must have REALLY strange kids...cuz they respect those in authority over them.
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[quote name='Spice12725']I absolutely cannot believe how cynical people are. I must have REALLY strange kids...cuz they respect those in authority over them.[/QUOTE]

Some respect and others dont. You cant let some kids out late and send others to there rooms. That would be a very bad rule. Sorry
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I'm happy to have found this thread while still in the "planning" stage. Our next family trip will be for January of 2010, my son will be 18 and my daughter 17. After reading this whole thread I am sure RCL will not be our choice. They have always enjoyed hanging out together.

Thanks to all who have posted for clarifying the situation.
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[quote name='monicajay']I'm happy to have found this thread while still in the "planning" stage. Our next family trip will be for January of 2010, my son will be 18 and my daughter 17. After reading this whole thread I am sure RCL will not be our choice. They have always enjoyed hanging out together.

Thanks to all who have posted for clarifying the situation.[/QUOTE]

Why can't they hang out together? What choice would you be happy with?
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[quote name='monicajay']I'm happy to have found this thread while still in the "planning" stage. Our next family trip will be for January of 2010, my son will be 18 and my daughter 17. After reading this whole thread I am sure RCL will not be our choice. They have always enjoyed hanging out together.

Thanks to all who have posted for clarifying the situation.[/quote]

Fair enough, but the situation will be similar on most mass-market cruise lines. The children/teen program are for 17 and younger; they rarely allow any exceptions to the rules; 17 and younger are usually not allowed in certain venues in the evening (or at all depending, such as staying in the casino vs walking through to get somewhere). You will need to do some serious checking to find a ship that will allow your 17-y/o into the adults-only venues or that will allow your 18-y/o into the teen lounge/disco.

But they will be allowed to spend time together (and you will be able to spend time as a family) in most areas of the ship. There is no reason they wouldn't be able to hang out together as they always have.

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[quote name='Spice12725']I absolutely cannot believe how cynical people are. I must have REALLY strange kids...cuz they respect those in authority over them.[/QUOTE]

If that is considered strange, then I for one like 'strange' and wish there were more parents producing them instead of the so-called 'normal' ones... :)

Unfortunately those 'normal' ones are causing the problems and making it necessary to include the 'strange' ones with them..There is no way to tell the difference just by looking at them which is why they have to escort them all, sad but true! Guess thats why som

Have happy cruisin'!
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[quote name='cruisecrasy']If that is considered strange, then I for one like 'strange' and wish there were more parents producing them instead of the so-called 'normal' ones... :)

Unfortunately those 'normal' ones are causing the problems and making it necessary to include the 'strange' ones with them..There is no way to tell the difference just by looking at them which is why they have to escort them all, sad but true! Guess thats why som

Have happy cruisin'![/QUOTE]

Maybe the Aduts should spend less time in the clubs and more time with there family when they bring them on these cruise ships.
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