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138 day until Mexican cruise - HELP! Need Buddies!

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Hi Angie. My name is Gaye. Yeh, put Mexican in front of me when I'am hungry, and watch out!

My weight on Monday was 143. Goal is 115 ideally, but will settle for 120 I guess. Successful day good wise. Everyone seems to think I'am not eating enough is why I'am stuck. Hey, got any Mexican left? LOL Will try eating a little more again. On Survivor they don't eat and they lose. So what the?

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Hi all,

I know you all started on June 1st, I actually started Monday as well but didn't realize there were these boards on here. I would like to join as well. We are cruising 10/05 and my goal is to lose 30lbs but would be cool with 25lbs. I have been in a rut and I decided that enough is enough. I am 36 yrs old, 5'2 and weigh 154lbs (I weighed on Monday). I have a photo of me that I think I look absolutely disgusting in from last Sept. when I was at my heaviest 161lbs.:eek: Well, I taped the photo to the mirror in my bathroom so it's the first and last thing I see everyday! I know you are your own worst critic but I have asked my sister and husband to be completely honest with me, they were!:( I want to do this no matter what but the cruise is a very good excuse.

Angie, my weakness is Mexican food!!!! ;)

By the way my real name is Brenda.....I look forward to help you all get motivated and see all the great results!!!

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Hi Ladies,


I would love to join you on this thread. We are booked for our Glory cruise on October 3, 2009. I hurt my back 2 years ago and started a vicious cycle. I couldn't move much, therefore I gained weight. I gained weight, therefore I couldn't move much. I wasn't thin to begin with but during this time my weight topped out at 255 lbs :eek:. I'm happy to say though that I am now working on it and am down to 212 lbs. The back is improving and I'm so pleased with myself that I'm getting it under control. I am hoping that I can get to 170 by our cruise and then come back and finish off somewhere around 145 - 150. I am eating 5 to 6 small healthy meals a day, walking 3 kms and doing about 45 minutes on the Wii EA sports (highly recommend this!!! it is so much fun and really makes you sweat).


My real name is Cathy and we live in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Very happy to meet you all and good luck with what we have all set out to do.

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Hi Kathi and Brenda.... I just wanted to say something to everyone...our weights are our weights for now...period... The weight is just a number and it will go down if we are disciplined. It didn't come on over night and it won't come off that way either. Some of you guys are currently at weights I wished I were at ...so lets not call ourselves disgusting or anything please:):) we are all shapes and sizes and positive attitudes will get us closer to our goal weights. It will also help us to encourage others to join our group and make changes for the better in their lives. We are all beautiful and lucky to be healthy and happy....the weight will eventually come off I can assure you.

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You are absolutely correct. I know I am very blessed in the things I have and if all I have to worry about is an extra 10-15 pounds, my life is very good indeed. I come from a family of very big women so I know genetics is not on my side. We are all very tall (I'm the runt at 5'9) but my mother and my aunts were/are very heavy so I feel I have to really keep an eye on things.


Weight is truly a number and it amazes me to "see" what the same weight looks like on different people. I had a trainer for a while who weighed more than I did but she had an AMAZING body. Strong and healthy and very fit. That's truly what I want. The number is just a psychological thing but I feel better overall at a lower number. I also know that the number where I feel best and is easiest for me to live with (where I can still LIVE and enjoy life) is higher than what most folks would like. This group and weekly weigh-in is going to be my incentive for passing on that candy bar (that my DS just offered me!!!) and watching what I eat at swim meet buffets! Go team!

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You are absolutely correct. I know I am very blessed in the things I have and if all I have to worry about is an extra 10-15 pounds, my life is very good indeed. I come from a family of very big women so I know genetics is not on my side. We are all very tall (I'm the runt at 5'9) but my mother and my aunts were/are very heavy so I feel I have to really keep an eye on things.


Weight is truly a number and it amazes me to "see" what the same weight looks like on different people. I had a trainer for a while who weighed more than I did but she had an AMAZING body. Strong and healthy and very fit. That's truly what I want. The number is just a psychological thing but I feel better overall at a lower number. I also know that the number where I feel best and is easiest for me to live with (where I can still LIVE and enjoy life) is higher than what most folks would like. This group and weekly weigh-in is going to be my incentive for passing on that candy bar (that my DS just offered me!!!) and watching what I eat at swim meet buffets! Go team!

I just would like to be fit and healthy. I sometimes hear women say "oh my god I'm so fat...I'm disgusting...I'm a cow" that type of thing and by the looks of it they are 30 or 40 pounds less than I weigh. I wonder if they know how much that hurts to hear. Women are so hard on themselves and by implication they are insulting many people around them without even realizing it. I I think the mental part of losing weight is the tough part..the self doubt and hatred just makes it harder to focus on lifestyle changes. I think we are a very positive group so I think that is an advantage. I am glad we can support each other even in the face of a mexican buffet :) Well I'm off to the gym because I missed it this morning :(....if I'm not in the gym I'm at the grocery store buying healthy food or at my sink chopping healthy food. It is expensive and time consuming to eat healthy. I don't even go in the middle aisles of the grocey store. I walk up the vegetable aisle cut a left to dairy and then loop around to meat.....thats it. The nice part is it's much quicker. My cart is never even a quarter full. I used to stuff a shopping cart until it was overflowing. I used to be a food horder....like I can feed my neighbors for 3 months in the event of an emergency....but I have let that go thank god. My daughter left home a year ago when she joined the airforce so now there is no excuse to have all the teen junkfood. Good night Guys!!!

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I can see that this board will be very helpful. When I said that I was disgusted about my weight in the photo I hope I didn't offend anyone by saying that 161lbs was disgusting. That wasn't my intention, I just meant it was very hard for me to see myself at that weight. I hope that makes sense. I know people say that you put on weight as you get older, well it seems when I turned 30 that's when it started. I also have the DVD's and was doing Tae Bo but had to stop because I messed up my shoulder somehow. I was given the Dancing with the Stars workouts and tried them but I do not have enough coordination to do those, I would probably break something. I have to get into exercising more. I walk on my lunch hour (about 1m) and after work 3miles. Eating isn't too bad for me but I am like others when it comes to beer. Nothing better then a warm day sitting on my deck with a Corona!:D So, on that note...it's going to be hard and take some work but we will all succeed!

My goal for June 1-7 is 3lbs.

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I have not checked in for a few days and notice a bunch of people have joined our group.




I agree with the "weight is just a number" but I would like my number to be alot lower for my state of mind and my health. Since I have been walking to and from work 5 days per week and take a walk on the weekends I think I have toned my legs a little.


My name is Marcia, I just turned 40 :( . I need to get this weight under control now that I am "older".


Have a good weekend all.



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Good reality check girls. We healthy. A little rounder then we want, but if we're here typing away, and planning our next cruise, we're like the luckiest girls in the world. Knock on wood, I've always been healthy, but have been really, really poor. The thought of a cruise never entered my head. Now, this Oct. will be my 5th. Is this really my life now?

The storms finally let up, so out to the treadmill last night. Did good eating. Still stuck, but today I don't care. Thanks for making my day.:p

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I have the walking down no problem, I am going to TRY to start to run a little next week. That should be interesting:confused:. I read somewhere that if you keep a journal of what you eat it's suppose to help you. I honestly think it does help. I started to write everything down and couldn't believe how much I was eating. So, that has helped me out a lot. Just thought I would share that with you all. Hope you all have a great weekend and keep up the good work!!!:)


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My name is Janet! I dont know my weight yet. Although I have begun to get back to good eating habits I am going to weigh myself on Monday and then use that as my benchmark.


I understood exactly what Rabbit meant. It is not that looking at a picture of me is "disgusting", but that one can get disgusted with oneself for letting your body get to this condition. That is how I feel right now, but for me that is not a bad thing. You just accept that you have gotten off track, see the results of your bad decisions and then get back on track with good decisions to a healther and trimmer body. For me, it is a reality check, but in a positive way.


I am a very dealine oriented person, I guess mostly driven by my profession(I am a CPA). Without a short term goal I dont do well. So now I have one. Nick(husband) and I compete in ballroom dancing and did not have one planned. So now we do, six weeks from now we will compete. So this is going to be my first short term goal. My goal is 6 pounds in 6 weeks and 5 days of exercise a week at the gym for 6 weeks(I need to improve my stamnia) and ...LOL, no glass of wine in the evening for 6 weeks and no eating out for 6 weeks. After the competition I will re-set the goal towards our November cruise.


Sorry for going on and on. If I put something in writting, and then read it often it keeps me on goal.

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Good morning ladies. Sat. is usually my weigh in day. Lost 1 more pound. Don't you wish we could see a little more result after a week's worth of excersice and diet? LOL

Have you all gotten that e-mail about the benefits of cinnamon and honey? Well I'am trying to get down my first cup of "tea". I don't know.... this is pretty gross stuff. And for weight lose it's twice a day. I think I would rather do an extra mile then have to face the cup twice a day.Ok, I did it, it's gone. Ugh.

Enjoy your Sat. I'am doing the usual house chores, then out to yard to play in dirt! Woohoo!

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What e-mail about the benefits of cinnamon and honey? You put it in Tea? Tell us more.


Took a small step back yesterday - had pasta last night. It was whole wheat pasta but I ate too much.


Raining here for the next 3-4 days which means no walking outside. I will have to play wii for exercise or dust off the DVD's.


Hate dark & gloomy days - really hard to get motivated.


Have a good one all.

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so now that I finished reading the whole thread .. I cruise on July 19th and want to lose 10 lbs before the cruise, b/c I know on the cruise I will be eating away! My name is Jessy, I've gained 10 lbs in the last few months, so that's why I really want to lose it.. I just love food SOO much :)

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Good evening all, Janet & Jessy welcome!

Janet, that's wonderful about your dancing. Talk about getting a great workout. Good luck on your competition.

Gaye, good for you keep up the good work. I was working in the yard last weekend and I tell you, I felt it the next day. I felt muscle aches that I didn't even know I had.

The whole gloomy day is horrible to get motivated to do anything. We have had a few days like that lately. I did my 3m walk today and I know that I am going to do good on my weigh in. I always do really good for the 1st week then it tapers off. But I did have some chips & salsa today, I know the salsa is ok but the chips not so good. It will be better tomorrow. Have a good night.


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so now that I finished reading the whole thread .. I cruise on July 19th and want to lose 10 lbs before the cruise' date=' b/c I know on the cruise I will be eating away! My name is Jessy, I've gained 10 lbs in the last few months, so that's why I really want to lose it.. I just love food SOO much :)[/quote']

Welcome Jessy...thats good...nip it in the bud at ten lbs. don't let yourself get to where I am....it is no fun...but I'm on my way back down :) And Marcia get out there and walk....you won't melt in the rain :):):)

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So here is my starting point.... 135, and my goal is to return to my weight that I feel best at and fit well in my clothes! 115, 20 pounds to loose.


It feels good putting this down "on paper" to help me stay on target. Good luck to everyone this week!

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Start Date - Monday June 1st

June 1 - June 7 Goal Loss = 2 pounds


WEIGH IN RESULTS: June 1 - June 7 Actual Loss = down 1 pound


Did not hit my goal for the week but I will just have to deal with it. This week will be better.


How is everyone else doing??

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Good morning,

Hey 1lb. is 1lb. you didn't gain a pound, right? Congrats on the 1lb.! I am running late for work because I wanted to post this. I knew I would have a good first week, believe me it won't be like this all the time.

June1 - 7th lost 3.8lbs.

Now to keep it going!!:D

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Wow, you guys are good! I had an OK week-end. Had salad and BBQ steak both nights. NOT supposed to eat that much meat. But I did. Half a rib steak each night. And the salad had low fat dressing, but still. A regular person would lose on that, but I'll probably gain. LOL Seriously, I gain on what others call a diet. Lots of water though. Walked the treadmill yesterday.

Getting ready for Vegas too. Tried on, and tried on... and tried on. Yes, I'am down 17 pounds, but still things look frumpy.:( I NEED PATIANCE !

LOL, singing a different tune then last huh? Lucky shmucky, get this weight off!!! ROTFLMAO

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Well nothing lost, nothing gained this week. I'm not going to fret over it though...I did everything I was supposed to this week (exercising, walking, water, etc). I had a really good loss the last 2 weeks so I knew it was going to catch up to me lol.

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