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138 day until Mexican cruise - HELP! Need Buddies!

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I am down five lbs. I am 177. I was pretty excellent all week. I have been working out very hard as well. I started doing weight watchers again so I can keep my eating in check, but I'm not paying for it bc I bought all the books when I did it last fall, I still even have a three month bound journal to track my points and now I have you guys which will replace the weigh in at WW. Last fall I did weight watchers for about three weeks but I paid for it through a recurring credit card payment for about four months or so....what a waste of money that was...and everytime I said to myself call and cancel the credit card payment the other voice inside my head so don't....you will go this week. I gained about 7 pounds during that period and never stepped foot in the place..... I am convinced that the only thing you pay for in WW is the weekly weigh ins which really keep you honest. The points are easy to follow if you have the materials... a lot of people in my office have lost weight on WW. I bought two Jillian Michaerls (Biggest Loser Trainer) DVDs and I have been doing them the "30 day shred" is a twenty minute work out. It has three levels....I thought I would be doing level two because I consider myself to be pretty athletic....level one had me throwing up yellow peppers (my afternoon snack) by the time I was finished..... It is definately doable and I seem to be the biggest member of this group...no dance moves or anything like that. And I really feel it the next day....I know twenty minutes does not seem like a lot but trust me....it is high paced. Congratulations ladies we have completed first week of our new lives. I am happy to see no one gained :)

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Well, poop. I had a long post typed and hit a button and *poof* it was gone! Didn't meet my goal this week, only down 1 pound. Can't complain too much because last week was really hard from a dining standpoint. I had a birthday lunch to go to (Mexican of course!), a different birthday brunch to go to and a charity dinner to go to Saturday night. Top it all off with Sunday's not being a very healthy day usually and there you go! I know I have two things already on the calendar for this week so will have to plan around them and be extra diligent on those days. So next weeks goal is 2 pounds and hopefully, I'll hit it this time. I already did a spin class and am sucking down the water. Will have grilled chicken tonight and make extra for lunches. Good luck, this group is keeping me honest at least! And yay all of us-if I did the math right we lost almost 15 lbs. as a group in one week!!! Keep it up!

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WOO HOO!!! Nobody gained!! I agree with WW, I did it before I go married. I lost about 15lbs on it and my co-worker is doing it now, she just hit her 40lb mark. Me, personally I think once I get it in my head that I am going to do it, then I am half way there. I also agree with whoever said how important your water intake is. I am drinking 8-9 bottles (.5L) a day, I ma going to the toilet every 30 mins but the water is doing something. Anyway, 15lbs for the group isn't bad at all! I don't even think everyone weighed in that was suppose to. Kepp up the good work this week!!

My goal for June 8 - 14th is 3lbs :confused:


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Forgot to "put it in writing" - my goal for for June 8 - 14th is: 2.0 lbs


Everyone did so good last week and i'm sure we are off to a great start this week.


Do you really think the "drinking tons of water" really helps?


I'm good on some days but then I almost get water logged and don't seem to drink much for awhile.


Have a good one all!

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This is going to sound crazy, but one day a while back, I hardly drank water at all, and the scale said 150!!!! The next day I hit it hard and that day it read back down to 142. So yes, for me. If I don't drink like a freaking elephant, my body holds on to all it's liquid. Weird.

I hear ya about the WW auto pay. I have joined Curves twice. Totally motivated. Then burned out, but the payments went on with out me. That's it for me. We have 4 peices of excersize equipment anyway. Duh. (The trick is to use them:o)

Just recieved my last shipment of yummy Nutistyem food. Sometimes I eat other stuff for a meal instead, plus each shipment had a weeks worth free, so I have enough for about 2 months here.

See ya losers.

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ARRGGH! Well so much for my grand plans to eat really well this week and lose two pounds. Monday I planned on grilled chicken and a nice healthy dinner. Well DH decides he's worked so hard all day he really needs fun food (translate-junk!) so we get deli sandwiches. Not so bad I can recover from that. Tuesday night, DS has a basketball tournament to finish the season. From 5:30-9:00! Ate a Lean Cuisine before we went but after the game everybody went to McDonalds to celebrate! I really didn't need to be eating Mickey D's at 9:00 at night but DS was starving (so was I) and I don't have the willpower to sit there and watch everybody else eat! So, tonight it's grilled chicken but then tomorrow night we have a dinner at the Italian Club! I worked out so hard this morning to try to offset all the eating that I whimper when I walk up the stairs which means tomorrow I won't do much besides walk. Well, I'll keep trying. I hope I can survive the swim meet this weekend without grazing non-stop! Hope you all are doing better than I am.

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Hi everyone,

Well, I stated last week that I would try to up my walking to some jogging, well....I jogged for about a block and felt like my calves were going to explode!! So, I went right back to walking. Maybe tomorrow I will try a little farther.

Angie, it must be hard with schedules like you have. McDonald's? I love their fries!! You could have had a salad or a wrap while you were there. That's just a suggestion but I am sure you thought that already.

I don't think we this board is doing too bad, there were 9 of us who said they'd join and 6 of us weighed in. Have a good night and I look forward to hearing about your success stories! WE CAN DO THIS! :)

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Temptation alert! Leaving for Las Vegas in the morning for 3 days. Ohhhhh! It will be hard for me. Two of the girls are a little chubby and eat whatever they want. One is tiny and thin, and eats what she wants. Do I really think I can go with that group and NOT have some good travel food? Probably not. BUT, I know we will be walking and walking and walking. No doubt more then my stupid treadmill. And let's not forget drinks. Awe yes, drinks. Well....never mind that.

The good news, I jumped on the scale the other day and...surprise! Another 2 pounds off! I don't weight on a regular basis. If I'am feeling fat, no scale. If I'am feeling thin that day, it's a weight day. I hate when I think I feel "lighter" then find out I'am up 1 or 2 though. LOL

I know I'll have to 'fess up to you all when I get home. Be back next week!

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OK so I have been drinking more water and at times I think I'm lucky to get an hours work before making a bathroom trip.


I just feel water logged & bloated. I switch between plain water and flavored water (crystal light). It makes life more exciting ;).


Hopefully all this liquid will flush all the BAD out.


Have a good day!



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Temptation alert! Leaving for Las Vegas in the morning for 3 days. Ohhhhh! It will be hard for me. Two of the girls are a little chubby and eat whatever they want. One is tiny and thin, and eats what she wants. Do I really think I can go with that group and NOT have some good travel food? Probably not. BUT, I know we will be walking and walking and walking. No doubt more then my stupid treadmill. And let's not forget drinks. Awe yes, drinks. Well....never mind that.

The good news, I jumped on the scale the other day and...surprise! Another 2 pounds off! I don't weight on a regular basis. If I'am feeling fat, no scale. If I'am feeling thin that day, it's a weight day. I hate when I think I feel "lighter" then find out I'am up 1 or 2 though. LOL

I know I'll have to 'fess up to you all when I get home. Be back next week!

Have a great trip.....you can certainly get exercise there and there are healthy options for food no matter where you are....even if you don't lose...just staying the same is a victory when you are traveling... Don't forget Monday is coming!!!



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OK so I have been drinking more water and at times I think I'm lucky to get an hours work before making a bathroom trip.


I just feel water logged & bloated. I switch between plain water and flavored water (crystal light). It makes life more exciting ;).


Hopefully all this liquid will flush all the BAD out.


Have a good day!



Marcia, I got up from the table three times at lunch with my friends...they wanted to know if I was sick..... Well I'm sick of going to the bathroom...that is for sure....but it is good for us to drink the water so cheers...

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Gaye, have a great trip, safe traveling and good luck with the temptation! By the way the buffet at the Bellagio is fantastic, we went for dinner ( a little pricey but well worth it). We'll talk to you when you get back. We'll be here!

Marcia, the whole going to the bathroom is a pain but keep it up.

You get use to it after a while. Maybe check out the link below so you can see how important water is.

I did my walking on my lunch hour today and Cheryl I am all about determination but it was raining pretty darn hard, I was prepared had my raincoat & umbrella but I got soaked. Well, not all of me, my legs and of course my feet. So, I did not do my walking tonight, so I am trying to do my workout now and I just dont feel like it. I am going to do it though.



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I just forgot which group I joined. But...I did have a good week and lost 2 pounds last week! I even had gone to my Mom and Dad's and still managed to watch what I ate-not an easy feat there.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I will confess (reluctantly!) that my starting weight was 198 pounds. As of this morning, my weight was 195. My mini goal is 15 pounds by July 31st.

Like several others, I have tried WW. I liked the accountability of the weekly weigh-ins but found the prospect of counting points for the rest of my life too depressing to contemplate. I started a lowfat/reduced calorie plan last week and started on Alli on the recommendation of my doctor. It is helping to motivate me to watch my fat intake. Of course, the best motivation is the cruise coming in Dec! (Yes, I need the external motivations!)

Have a good weekend, everyone!

Betsy (aka LizzieTish--a nickname my grandmother used to call me)

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Congrats Betsy!:D I am the same, I know I want to do this but it helps that I have the cruise coming! Just a little more motivation for me. I was on Alli last year, I did the starter pack and did not buy anymore after that. I can see how you would lose weight on it but for me, I had to eat more fat grams then I was used to. I didn't see why I was eating more so I could lose weight. But your doctor has suggested it so I wish you all the luck. Oh, by the way if you heard bad stories about people having "accidents" while taking it don't worry about it. If your going to eat all greasy foods then yeah you probably would have that happen.

I just came in from my walk and am off to do a little exercising! :eek:


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Congrats Betsy!:D I am the same, I know I want to do this but it helps that I have the cruise coming! Just a little more motivation for me. I was on Alli last year, I did the starter pack and did not buy anymore after that. I can see how you would lose weight on it but for me, I had to eat more fat grams then I was used to. I didn't see why I was eating more so I could lose weight. But your doctor has suggested it so I wish you all the luck. Oh, by the way if you heard bad stories about people having "accidents" while taking it don't worry about it. If your going to eat all greasy foods then yeah you probably would have that happen.

I just came in from my walk and am off to do a little exercising! :eek:


good job Brenda...I was just kidding about themelting...sometimes it feels good to wlk or run in the rain...sometimes in the summer and i'm running outside I wi**** would just pour all over me....:) Gaye I hope you had a wonderful trip. And Lizie the AlLi works if you follow the diet. I was on it when it was a perscription....same formula just double the dose....I have tried the over the counter...as well. The over the counter is a lower dose so the accident is less likely....but to avaoid the possibility follow the lower fat diet....your body will let you know if it thinks you were cheating.... Good luck.


I finished my first full week on WW...I kept to my points and didn't even use all of my weekly extra points.....I had two wine spritzers....which is about 1/16 of my normal wine intake..... Some of my friends have already noticed my face is thinner....I like when that happens....I am surprised they are already noticing without me telling them I'm doing something new....but since I'm not drinking wine or going out to lunch at work they must know something is up..... Well monday will be here soon...I know I won't do as well as I did the first week but I hope I can add two lbs to my total :)

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Cheryl, I knew you were kidding about the melting. I don't mind walking in the rain as long as I don't have to sit in the wet clothes.

We had a beautiful day here today, sunny and about 75 degrees so did some work in the yard and went on the trail for my 3mile walk. I felt a little sore, I just have to say it, in my right butt cheek. Wierd, I am starting to feel it in my butt!! LOL :p I donate blood on a regular basis (every 8 wks) and i couldn't give yesterday because my iron was too low. :( Not really low but low enough where donating takes place. So, I guess my new diet is not doing it for the iron. I will change some things and get back to where is should be. On that note, I wish all you ladies the best for tomrrow's weigh in. No matter what, stick to it and we'll be here to help! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!:D


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Know what you mean about not weighing in that week! Well, I didn't lose the 2 pounds I wanted to lose, but I didn't gain either! Stayed flat and with the week I had that is huge in and of itself! Goal for next week-2 lbs. I leave 2 weeks from tomorrow so may have to do the first 2 weeks of South beach to really kick it. Don't know that I have the tolerance for it though! Good luck girls!

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I am exceeding my goals for once in my life... I am very happy today but unlike in the past I am not going to go reward myself with food or beverages...that is something I used to do whenever I lost weight......go celebrate and say to myself "you can have this" . I always lose my momentum by assuming "oh don't worry you will go to the gym more later in the week or I'll eat this now and then eat less tomorrow" like cramming for a test...now I'm just trying to do the same effort everyday and stay consistent...


But it is lonely because I am basically unable to eat and socialize with my friends at this point. I went out for a couple of hours on friday...but I basically had two wine spritzers and kept diluting the spritzer with a side order of seltzer. My friend and I ate a couple of apps at the bar one of them was grilled asparagus...it was awesome... something I have never ordered as an appetizer at a bar (thats for sure). The rest of the weekend I hibernated away from temptation and I worked out..... So my life is basically logging my points, drinking water, going to the bathroom, working out, grocery shopping for healthy food (3x this week), chopping healthy food, cooking healthy food so it is available during the week, and talking to you girls .... it is all girls at this point right... ??


Anyway...have a good weigh in!!! And lets start this week off right!!!!




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Down 2 pounds for this week--a total of 4 lbs since I started two weeks ago. I have been really watching my fat intake. We even went to a Royals baseball game and I brought celery, cucumber slices, and cherries. I did drool over the chili cheese fries the people in front of us had but realized they would not be as good as they looked and were not worth the calories/fat!



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WOO HOO!!!!!! Congrats to all!

Marcia, I don't blame you one bit for not weighin in, I usually put on atleast 2lbs around that time. That is so not fair! Ok, don't get me started on that.

Betsy, good for you, and talk about willpower! I am a huge baseball fan (White Sox) and love going to the games but I don't think I'd be as disciplined as you. Great job! Keep it up! ;)

Cheryl, Way to go! I can see how it would be hard to go out and socialize and be good at the same time. Grilled asparagus,, huh? Why not!

Angie, you didn't lose but you didn't gain...very good! 2 weeks to go, huh? I am jealous, I want to go!

I think it was another successful week so far, we have to hear from Gaye but everyone should be proud of themselves! :D

Have a good healthy & lighter week!


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Iam back! Oh man, Vegas is awesome! I love the energy there. I did pretty darn good with all the food flowing around me. I eat less when I travel to start with, the adrenilin(sp?) takes over, plus EVERYTHING costs a small fortune! No way did I not drink though. But I walked...and walked...and walked some more. My legs were hurting so much each night I had to take Tylanol, it was a good thing. Result, did'nt lose, but did'nt gain either. Yah!

At the hair show they were selling Sketchers Shape-Ups. Have you all seen those funny looking shoes? Kind of a work out just wearing them. I hemmed and hawed, tried on, and finally said to hell with it, I'am getting some. I'am a Wal-mart type shoppers, so shelling out the big bucks for a pair of shoes was pretty tramatic for me. I wore them to work yesterday, and you can feel it. Took back up shoes, but I lasted most of the day in the Sketchers.

You girls are doing soooooo good. I don't want to be the one to say I blew it and gained when everyone else is successful, so your helping me a lot.

The countdown clocks have been acting funny for a while now huh?

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