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Cruising to Healthy


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Hi Girls! TGIF!!!!! :D


Unfortunatley the rain has decided to come today out of all days- no drive in movie tonight, it will have to be an in door movie. Not sure what we are going to see yet and we are not going until 10pm tonight cause it's my dad's birthday today so we will have dinner at home (not sure what yet) and angel food cake my mom made for my dad's birthday cake and possibly no sugar added ice cream.


Nothing too new with me, my scale is broken and at the moment I've got other exspenses so can't buy a new scale just yet to see if I've lost anything.


Hope you all have a great weekend! ;)

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Well, I didn't go shopping b/c mom had so much to do after her first week back to work that she couldn't go with and I was scared I would fall or something if I didn't have someone there with me. So, I guess this next weekend if I'm lucky.


So, Yep. Another weekend with my butt in a chair. I did end up cleaning my room up. I couldn't stand it any longer. There were clothes all over the place from where mom did laundry and put them in my room, but I couldn't put them away.


I did okay this weekend. I stayed within all my points, so I have to say thats good. I ate a little more in sweets though. I feel like that might hinder me tomr. BTW, my weigh-in day has changed to Tuesday b/c thats when our new WW meetings are on campus. I'm gonna call the chiro this week and as about some exercise. You know, just add like 10 mins a day in on the bike or something.


Anyway, so its the reg. for me for bk and lunch and snacks.


I am starting to collect recipes from WW to start learning how to make. but I want to collect a few and then be able to make one a week.


I did forget to tell you guys that I took measurements about 2-3 weeks ago and I re-measured a couple days ago and I've lost an avg. of 3 inches off each part, so that's good. I think I remember someone saying that if you are losing inches then it means you are burning fat, which is almost better than lbs. or something like that.


In the words of the Mamas and the Papas~ "Monday, Monday can't help that day."

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Brooke- I have a book on WW receipes if you need any, lmk!


Mother Nature has kicked in for me and today so far hasn't been all that good...however I have been interested in going to a certain gym where a couple girls from work go. The owner has once came here to check up on one of the girls during lunch :eek: ..last year when the owner did that she came up to me and asked me to try her gym and blah blah blah..well I was heisitant so I didn't go and kind of embarassed that she did that but I've been watching Ruby and seeing her go to the gym and being pushed STILL really makes me want to go and the owner sounds like a bit of a pusher type..I think they even do bootcamp..not sure but I asked one of the girls here at work and she told me the first time is free..and that was it! I said okay and she said meet me and one of the other girls at the gym on Monday at 5:30am :eek: Hopefully I can sleep the night before cause I haven't been sleeping well lately. So now I am actually really excited and hope it will be fun and motivating and if it's worth it then I will sign up. I know excercising more will encourage healthy eating habits for me. :)

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hello girls I'm back. I have been so busy lately. Helping with the family business and working my fulltime job. But that does not mean I forgot about you all. my weigh in at Curves was not a good one but today is a new day and I have made some changes to see if I can lose.


You all are my motivators . . .

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Great Job Sardis!!!


Hey Kimmer! You got the right idea.


Let's see, last night was two light hot dogs and oz of bbq chips.

We had a opening session for staff yesterday and they had donuts and juice. Of course I just couldn't pass it up, so I had one. Then they gave us a peach at the end (Our students have a new program where they are growing food for the campus and we use some of those foods in our cafe.) I ate that for lunch.

When I got home I had an oreo ww ice cream, oatmeal cookie, and 1/4 of a chocolate cake donut. Thank god it had not taste what so ever or I probably would have ate the whole thing.


Counted every point I used and went into my flex by 3, but I'm trying to learn to be okay with that. Depriving myself of things has been ingrained into my mind for so long.


This morning is the typical. I added one of my thin wheat buns with some butter.


Mom came home last night and used her "Mom voice of concern." She apparently has been mulling over my back problems for 2 weeks now and is insisting I go to a ortho doctor. She knows I'm getting better, but she knows I will probably have a relaspe too. How can you argue with your mom when she uses that voice?


First at work WW meeting today. I've changed my Weigh day and time now. I know its going to effect the scale and I just hope I don't gain. Staying the same is okay with me.


I tried some exercise last night. Well, 5 mins of slow movement on the bike and 5 mins of 5lb hand weights.


Busy day ahead. Good luck all.

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Great job Sardis!! :D


Kimmer- good to see you back!


Brooke- Good luck today!


Last night I went walking after work. Walked 1 mile on the track, went home had some stuff my dad made..not really sure what it was but it was good..except for the fact that it made me a little sick after. Don't think I will be suggesting he make that again. Don't remember what I had for a snack..this morning was a yogurt and granola.


Not sure if I'm going home for lunch or staying here..hoping today will be a great day for me and for everyone else!! ;)

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Hey ladies! Welcome back Kimmers! My family calls me that every now and then, lol!


Yesterday and today have been good so far. The underwriter we work through is having a bbq today so who knows how bad that'll be. I plan to enjoy a free lunch though, lol!


Everyone have great day!!!!

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Good Mornin'


Well, yesterday ones a hard and stressful day. I let myself get all torn up about stuff and let my mind overflow with details instead of writing it down. I'm not as young as I used to be and my memory isn't either. Note to self: Help yourself to become less stressed.


Anyway, so in my stressful day. I spent the mornin' calling ppl for donations of prizes to the college and the afternoon at my WW meeting, then our webinar which after all the planning was still had technical problems (that of course I made my fault.) Then I finally get back to the office and my boss is like, "Go out and pick up some of these donations." So at this point I've had breakfast and a fiber bar. Its almost 4. In WW you have to eat your daily points, so I'm banking 28 ponts at 4pm. So, at 5pm. On my home I grab some wendy's. A grilled chicken and I asked for a baked potato, but got fries and I got a Real Soda. Went home and ate it, logged the points and still had 5 points left. So I ate a ice cream bar and a oz of potato chips.


I really could have used some stress relief exercise last night, but that didn't work out.


Okay on to the good news. I lost 2 more lbs. That's a total of 15. I can't wait to see what happens when I get to add exercise back in.


The girls at work that are doing the WW at work that just started yesterday are already complaining they can't eat all their points. I'm like geesh! You obviously can and then some, me included, if you are at the weight that you are. And ww daily points are just enough points to fuel your bodies most basic energy needs for the day. There are sometimes where I don't want to eat my points either, but I know that I need to and I find a way. Even if I have to eat a Little Debbie, lol. And obviously I've lost 15lbs, so something must be working. I hope after the first week their attitudes improve b/c they are no help to me in support talking like that.


Anyway, So today was cereal, low fat milk, yogurt and toast. I'll save the banana for a little later.

I bought a diet soda, just for the caffiene.

Lean cuisine for lunch

applesauce, and fiber bar for snacks.


Plus I'm going to walk over to the campus post office to drop off a package and something back to our facilities department. So I'll get a little bit of walking in.


Good luck everyone.

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Brooke I can't believe you have already lost 15 pounds!! That is soo exciting!! :D And you ARE right - you must be doing something right eating wise.


Today I had cereal for breakfast (fat free milk always in our house) then I headed to the pool. The therapist kept trying to make it harder and harder because she kept asking me if I hurt or felt anything after an excercise and I said no and she asked me if I was sore from last time and I said no. LOL So she is gonna make me really work next time. LOL It was a better workout today though then the last two times. Mostly it's old ladies there and they may not be able to do things that even at my weight I can do..I'm pretty flexable anyway though.


Hopefully I'll be walking tonight- not sure what my boss wants me to do for lunch hour or half hour so will see what I have then.


Last night BTW was homemade veggie lasagna. It was pretty good. I had a fiber bar later after dinner as a snack and that was it for the night.


No clue if I lost or not :confused: Oh well, gotta keep going and looking forward to Monday! :D


Have a great day everyone!

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It was nice you girls missed me


Kim - LOL that was funny your family calls you kimmers. My nickname came from my family too.


Brooke - Great job on the 2 lb loss you are doing something right girl!


Breakfast - coffee and muffin, scrambled egg, turkey sausage sandwich - made myself

snack - fresh fruit

Curves workout

Lunch - eggplant, cheese sticks, shrimp

snack - oops forgot but ok need the extra points for dinner

dinner - don't know what I'm having with it but my best friend made her whole made cherry cheesecake from scratch tomorrow is my birthday and ever since she found out I love it I get that and a card for my birthday, doesn't matter if I tell her I am dieting or not. So I am sharing it with my entire family so hopefully no leftovers or I will not do very well on the scale this week either.


Yesterday I did fairly well

Breakfast Cereal, skim milk, bannana

snack - peach yogurt

Lunch - salad with grilled chicken, water with lemon, 2 breadsticks

one mile walk

snack - strawberry water and walnuts

dinner - shrimp, corn on cob, broccoli and rice

snack - slice of cheese and water

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Today was a pretty good day. I've been hanging around my goal weight, within 2-3 pounds of it but I can notice a little tiny bit of my jeans being snug. I hate that but yet I have nooooo motivation whatsoever to really bump up my workouts. What gives?!?!

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I watched a show on PBS the other weekend on Weight Loss and they had the guy who found the "Fat gene" on and he said that for the majority of people they will stay within 10-15 lbs of their goal weight and they will always go up and down within that and he considers that normal. He didn't have such positive words for people like me, but I just assumed he wasn't talking about me, lol. I have no idea if that will help. But i figured you are doing better than 10-15 lbs.




I think its great your therapist wants you to get the most out of your workouts, but like they say. Its your body and you know your limits, so don't let her push you too far.




Last night I had 1 1/2 servings of stouffer's lasagna, 1/2 mashed potatoes, 1/2 cup of corn, and a WW ice cream, and a oz of tortilla chips. I still had 6 points after counting all that, so I just had the last chocolate donut sitting on the counter. I just wasn't hungry enough to eat four slices of toast with butter, or eat one point foods at a time or eat more lasagna.


But our ww leader told us: "There are no bad foods, just better ones."


So, I could have had a better food, but I didn't and its okay.


Had to do some walking yesterday picking up donations for prizes, so I woke up in the middle of the night with my leg really hurting. This morning when I sneezed I almost cried. I go back to the chiro on Friday, mainly b/c I think my SI joint is out of place. I check with my insurance and I don't have to have a referral for a ortho dr. so mom and I are looking for one for a second opionion.


Today is: Cereal, toast, yogurt

lunch: that Lean Cuisine still hasn't got eaten. I ate subway yesterday since I was out and about, but I had the apples for a side not chips, so I made a better choice. Had a diet soda in the morning and got one with my sub and ugh I got so blounted, my body was like: "Ummm, what is this stuff?"


Dinner: Who knows......I think it will always be like that. I just don't like to plan that far ahead, leaves some surprises in my life.


PS-Eating before bed does make you have weird dreams. I dreamed that I had to defend Rob Pattinson's acting ability (the dude from twilight) and then I went to see HR Puff 'n Stuff in the movie theatre and I cried about it (Cass Elliot played Witchy Poo and she is totally my idol, so yea). Anyway, weird dreams.


Do your thing today.

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Morning Girls


Last night was good for the most part. Walked 1 mile with my friend, she wanted to go to dinner but I really can't afford it right now. I'm going to Canada in less then two weeks and need the money for that.


After walking she said she wanted an ice cream and asked if I felt like one :eek:


It's really suprising for her to ask me that because she's really normally health concious and she normally gets sick from dairy and she knows I need to lose weight and normally wouldn't bother asking. Well I had to say no to ice cream not only becuase of money but because I don't eat regular ice cream. Sometimes I get sick from it as well and we only eat the No Sugar Added kind once in a while and we have 6 quarts at my house right now. LOL


Today I am going home for lunch and not sure what's going on later, hopefully walking again.


Take care everyone!

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Well today is off a little since it is my birthday

Breakfast: toast & 8 oz juice

Snack: None

Birthday Lunch: Panera Bread 1/2 soup & sandwich, coffee and chocolate chip cookie

Dinner: unknown


Brooke - it was hard to believe how much food you do get with your points


Jess- good for you getting no ice cream -I'm at the point not sure about my willpower

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Jess- You rock for not going for the ice cream and getting some walking in!


Lets see I once again fudged the LC and was out in town running errands so I picked up Wendy's Grilled chicken sandwich and a baked potato for lunch. Dinner was BBQ on my wheat buns and 0z 1/2 of tortilla chips. A ice cream bar and a fiber bar that I didn't eat for a snack yesterday. I find when I eat fuller lunches that I don't need a snack and I'm not starving when I get home. I just wonder if that will effect my weight in a good way or bad way. See I told you guys I over analysis everything. lol


Well, I had a Pedi schd. for yesterday. My boss stressed me out so much that all I wanted to do was go home and I COMPLETELY forgot about the apt. I felt so bad b/c the girl is really nice and I didn't even call b/c it was after hours by the time I remembered. I'm gonna call today and apologize and see if she has time this weekend, since I go to the chiro today.


I'm worried slightly about my stress level. I did have my blood pressure taken on Tues. They had a nurse at the post office doing them for free, so I said why not. It was 120/84, which is pretty good, better than it has been.


I'm stressing over my boss. I can't seem to find a medium with her. She seems like she can't handle stress at all, so when she gets stressed out its like she has to make the rest of us stressed too. And my body just doesn't deal with it and I have not outlet b/c I can't exercise. It takes days for for me to shed that "stress" feeling over one incident, but I can't get a break b/c it just keeps coming. I probably wouldn't be so uptight about it if it weren't the fact that I know what it feels like to without a job and I don't want to mess this up. Not that they are near firing me, but its just another thing I stress about uneedly so. I think I will have to start writing a journal, just to get things out of my head.


Well bk was toast, cereal, no yogurt (I was out)

banana for snack

Maybe a LC for lunch

Dinner, eh.


Its just one of those days out of one of those weeks.


Here's to stress free weekend!

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Brooke- I'm sorry to hear that your soo stressed out. Find what works for you and remember to take deep breaths. :)


Yesterday I didn't go walking. I left something at the store the other day, so I had to go pick it up, then I had to stop at the pharmacy and there was a slight problem with my meds, so after about 30 minutes it was sorted out.


By the time I got home it was late. Had a sandwich, was a little tv and then hit the sack.


Had to come to work early this morning, grabbed a fiber bar and have a yogurt here for a snack and brought plenty of water.


Tonight is pay day and movie night with my friend..usually we go walking first. Tomorrow is Bingo night :D


Happy Friday everyone! hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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Hey everyone! TGIF!!!! I'm so glad it's the weekend!


Kimmer - yeah, I know that I'll fluctuate with the pounds but I just hate doing that. I'm afraid I'm going to wake up at my old weight! I've worked so hard for this and have stayed with it, know what I mean?


Brooke, I'm sorry to hear your back is still hurting! Are you able to get injections or no? I used to work at an outpatient surgery center and we did pain management there. Lots of people came in - all sorts of differeent people!


Jess, Hope you have fun in Canada!


My week has been going good. Wednesday I finally got back on the treadmill and jogged for .5 a mile. That's pretty good considering I hadn't done that in about 3 months! I plan to do some more tonight! Hopefully I can work my way back up to 1 mile and then more!!!

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Ladies, Mornin'


Well, it was a good weekend. I finally got to go shopping and reward myself for 15lbs down by buying some clothes.


The Chiro told me on Friday that I'm at 60% recovery and that it was pretty shocking considering that I seemed to be only 20% two weeks ago. He gave me the go ahead for short and slow exercise on the bike or pool. He said that I was probably gonna feel that I could push myself, but ignore that feeling, lol.


So, I didn't do the bike. I used it all for the walk around the mall and dept stores. I have to say, there were times when I felt like I was pushing it and I probably should have insisted we stop, but I just kept going b/c I'm stubborn and hate to incovn. other people.


We got a late start into town (my parents and I), so I just grabbed a sandwich for the road for lunch. I forgot water, so I was soooo thirsty. Mom started saying she was hungry at 6:30pm (we left the house at 3pm), but then we went to Home Depot for dad, we waited in the car, and then Big Lots (mom's a teacher and they have cheap stuff for her there) where they stayed (I sat in the car, so not to push) until 8pm. At that point I had 24 points left to eat for the day. So, we finally dragged dad into IHOP. I made a better and bad choice. I had to use 24points and it was 8:30pm, so I went with the IHOPS "Healthy" menu on the back. It had a grilled chicken sandwich with fruit. That wouldn't cover my points, so I was going to get a baked potato, but no go. so fries it was. I shared them with my mom. When I got home I had half a soda to use up the three points I had left over.


So, the next day. I decide that I need to clean my car out. So, I pull it up and take the vaccum out and the glass cleaner, armoal,and scrub brush. Then, I found out the workout pants I bought were the wrong size, so I decided to go back to town on my own and return them. Since I was going I decided to see my friend and her twins while I was there. So we did a little more walking around and then I treated her to going out to eat b/c she is a single mom with a dead beat dad and she doesn't get to do that a lot. We picked Golden Coral b/c the twins could eat free. Okay, my first buffet since starting WW. Test time. I had 1/2 cup of green beans, 1/2 cup of mashed potatos, 1 slice of turkey with most of the gravey scraped off, 1/2 cups of ceasar sald with 1oz of grilled chicken strips, a pickle and a large multigrain rolls with a tbsp of butter, then for dessert 1/2 cup of ice cream with about 12 M & M's. After I came home, I checked the points (I could only est. by what I knew) and I still had three points left. So, I had a dreamcicle for 2 pts and adjusted the three points to that roll b/c it was big. I didn't use a one of my flex points this week, amazing!


Anyway, I got a couple of cute things. I'm haven't lost enough to go down a size yet, but I do notice that things are fitting almost over my hips now, lol. I think another 15lbs and I will be able to go down. But, the point wasn't to see what I lost, but to reward myself for a job well done. I also bought a workout outfit. I had to by a size larger in the shirt b/c all they had was one up and one down. I'd rather my exercise clothes be lose than tight.


Wow, another Book for me. I'll stop now.


Jess, Kim, Sardis, Kimmer......Hope you guys had a good weekend.

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Well I am dead after this morning guys. I couldn't sleep last night and I got out of bed at like 4:30 in the morning :eek:...I made it there though and everyone (the three girls including the owner/trainer) was so excited to see me there. We did so many different workouts, we used dumb bells, bands, the big excercise balls. I totally worked out a sweat and my legs felt like caving in.


Sooo today was free and while I was at the desk I ended up signing up for two months..I have to work it around pool therapy though. I'm hoping this will not only help me lose weight but help me gain muscle and make me want to make healthier eating choices. I try too anyway but when I excercise it makes me want to do even better. I think I weigh in on Wed..IF I can make it cause I have a doctors appointment.


Anyway here's to hoping for a good weight loss this month! :D




PS Brooke - You really do inspire me with the choices you have been making. I hate making healthy choices at resturants...especially at ihop..but if you can do it- then I can and vice versa! Job well done.


Another PS LOL- I drove an hour and a half to AVENUE because I am at the biggest size there 30/32 and they didn't have any work out clothes. I was sooo :mad:.


That place makes me so mad cause they don't even carry sweaters in size 30/32 like they do in everything else plus no work out clothes WTH? :mad:


Off my rant...Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Well I am dead after this morning guys. I couldn't sleep last night and I got out of bed at like 4:30 in the morning :eek:...I made it there though and everyone (the three girls including the owner/trainer) was so excited to see me there. We did so many different workouts, we used dumb bells, bands, the big excercise balls. I totally worked out a sweat and my legs felt like caving in.


Sooo today was free and while I was at the desk I ended up signing up for two months..I have to work it around pool therapy though. I'm hoping this will not only help me lose weight but help me gain muscle and make me want to make healthier eating choices. I try too anyway but when I excercise it makes me want to do even better. I think I weigh in on Wed..IF I can make it cause I have a doctors appointment.


Anyway here's to hoping for a good weight loss this month! :D




PS Brooke - You really do inspire me with the choices you have been making. I hate making healthy choices at resturants...especially at ihop..but if you can do it- then I can and vice versa! Job well done.


Another PS LOL- I drove an hour and a half to AVENUE because I am at the biggest size there 30/32 and they didn't have any work out clothes. I was sooo :mad:.


That place makes me so mad cause they don't even carry sweaters in size 30/32 like they do in everything else plus no work out clothes WTH? :mad:


Off my rant...Have a wonderful day everyone!


Have you tried Fashion Bug? They have sizes 30/32 in almost everything they sale.

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Have you tried Fashion Bug? They have sizes 30/32 in almost everything they sale.



I did Fashion bug a while ago but thought that there trends and quality have gone down hill. But hey you know what- guess being this big, I don't think I have much of a choice.


Thanks for the reminder, I'll check them out anyway! ;)

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I agree, some of their stuff is, well, not Lane Bryant, but I bought my workout clothes from there just this weekend and I think they will be good and last a while.


And don't I know the feeling. I don't know why I have skinny friends b/c shopping with them is always one sided. They think b/c a place has a "Plus size" department I can wear those clothes. *rolls eyes*


I should send you some picks of some of the clothes I got from Fashion bug that I'm pretty happy with.

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And don't I know the feeling. I don't know why I have skinny friends b/c shopping with them is always one sided. They think b/c a place has a "Plus size" department I can wear those clothes. *rolls eyes*


I know!!! I was complaining to the lady that worked there..because I asked her about workout clothes and she said no, they didn't have any. A few minutes after, she said she goes to Target and they have a plus sizes and I should look there. I had to tell her...you know I wish I could go over there but I don't fit in Targets clothes. :(


She just said "oh that sucks" .... :rolleyes: Ya think?!


Honestly I didn't even think to go to Fashion Bug..depending on how I'm feeling I'll check it out tonight or tomorrow. Brooke I think your better at putting outfits together then me LOL, you always look fashionable in your pics on fb. ;)


RQINFL - Thanks for the link. When I get home I will look at it..I can't now cause I'm at work and we only get access to certain websites (including this one).

Edited by Jesscap5
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