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Jessica~ I looked online at Fashion Bug after Brooke mentioned them, and their workout clothes are less expensive, so you might want to try there first. If the store does not have what you want, you could always order on their website. Hope you find what you are looking for!

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Well, yesterday I finally ate that LC that I've been putting off for lunch, lol. I think I just needed a break from them. Although I'm sure the eating out will help my weigh in today.


Anyway, I had veggie soup last night. Actually, it has deer tenderloin in it, but we call it veggie. Mom used the fresh tomato juice she canned from our garden as the base. Then its mixed veggies, corn, and potatoes. I had two servings and some crackers to finish out the points for the day.


Today is normal bK

Lunch is a Healthy choice, 1 cup of the veggie soup, and applesauce.

Banana and fiber bar for sacks.


Gonna have to start working on my action plan for our strategic planning meeting next week soon. Oh lord help me.


Good luck ladies.

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I too had soup last night for dinner. It was vegtables and lentils and suprisingly really good. :)


Didn't go anywhere as I was exhausted..although my eyes did not shut as earlier as I would have hoped and that's because I'm still not used to going to bed early. Gotta get into that routine now that I'll be waking up early about everyday. Today was pool day- went great but legs now are still sore from yesterday.


Tomorrow 5:30am again and then to the Doctors for my yearly exam :rolleyes::o NOT looking forward to that!


This morning I had 1/3 cup oatmeal, couple saltine crackers topped with a bit of peanut butter.


I have a bananna and yogurt for a snack and am having a little bit of coffee which I know I will not finish. Got my bottle of not so cold water with me and lunch is..well not sure. Gotta go home for lunch as there is something wrong with my car and I have my dad's (piece of junk) car. lol.


Hope everyone's day goes great!

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Jess, every woman here feels your pain.


Last night, I didn't realize that mom had to go to a funeral, so wanted until 7 to fix something to eat. But I had the Pick Sweet rice and chicken steamable. Its so yummy and filling. Mom bought a bunch of stir fry stuff for me, since its simple and low in points for the most part. Then I had a bowl of cereal (rice crispies). I thought for sure after eating that whole bag (7.5 points) and some goldfish on the side, plus the cereal I would have gotten all my points. Nope. 4 left, so what do I turn to at 9pm, but the half of donut mom left in the fridge.


Movin on. I lost another lb yesterday. The WW lady got a little nasty with me b/c I forgot my book (BTW, our leader forgot her record book too). She was like "But WE need to know how much you lost." And I was like, "I know how much I lost. It was a lb." I was thinking, as long as I know how much I lost why do you need to know? Anyway, when the leader put it in her book, some very simple math would take care of things. Some people need to step outside the box a little, lol.


Here is a question. And I'll put it to you guys b/c you guys will tell me if I'm in deniel or "hurting" myself by being delusional. My last weigh in was 337.6 and this one was 336.8. Techincally, I only loss .8. However, in my mind I don't do half numbers, just whole. And if the number goes from 37 to 38 thats a lb. .8 or .6 is probably how much my clothes weigh. IDK, its that wrong, delusional, deniel? The nurse at the Dr.s office counted it as a lb. Okay, maybe I'm a little delusional. .8 is still a loss. But mathmatically, aren't you suppose to round up? LOL. Okay thats enough.


BK is same old same old.

Lunch, We are going out b/c a co-worker is leaving. Its a mexican resturant. So, I looked up points on WW. It looks like my best bet (since I'm not into mexican too much) is hard shell tacos for 3 points each. If I have three of them, its less than a taco salad (even tho its basically the same thing). I can even have 12 chips and salsa added and be at the same points as the Taco salad. I think if I switch to chicken and not beef it will be better too. I'm not sure how I feel about a chicken taco tho. I also thought about asking for just the seasoned chicken, lettuce, tomato, and cheese and then just eat the 12 tortilla chips. I'll figure it out.


Dinner- great story, not really, but anyway. I fixed dinner for dad too b/c I thought he hadn't ate. Well, he did and I did and mom did, so I cooked salisbury steak for nobobdy. Guess what we are having tonight, lol.


Oh, on a side note: Our poor fat dog, Maggie, is on a diet too, but b/c mom didn't communicate with me and tell me she wasn't going to be there, but she had fed the dog...yep I fed her too and gave her green beans. Fat dog had a good day. lol


Anyway, I've put in all my meals in for the day and snacks and I only go over .5 points, but thats just flex points and I'm fine with that. So, I think I'm good.


Sometimes I ramble so much, I'm sorry. I'm sure you guys are like????????????


Make Better choices.

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Brooke I like reading your posts. Don't worry about saying too much :D I round up to. If it's like half a pound then I'd leave it at that..If it's closer to a whole pound-I'd round up.


Last night was mac n cheese and corn on the cob. So not a very good dinner but I did well portion wise. Snack was 100 cal popcorn mini bag.


This morning it was back too the gym at 5:30am and too think last time was worse :eek: ...nope this time was. As soon as I walked in there the two girls from my work were there also and the owner/trainer said "okay boot camp, let's go upstairs" so we go upstairs into the room that look like a dance studio and we do all kinds of excercises, using dumbells, the big bouncy balls, we did boxing and kick boxing and then she made us go up and down the stairs 5 times (each!) :eek: Everytime I'd go down and come up I was soo out of breath that I had to just catch my breath and go again. She wouldn't let up either. But at the end it was good.


BTW I did have oatmeal before I left. Now the other girls have been doing this for a few more weeks then me. The weigh in on Wed and so far have lost I think about 10lbs each!


Okay so I knew this would happen...I look at the scale they were getting on and it's just a regular store scale. Well I knew that wouldn't work for me:( I said "I don't know if the scale goes up to my weight, I don't think it will weigh me"...Sure enough I tried and it got an error message. She said she's gonna have to get the doctors manuel scale from next door.


This happen to me at work one time. All the girls in the office decided to try our own "biggest loser" game and one lady brought in a scale. We lined up and it worked for everyone except me. She thought jt was the scale..I knew it wasn't. So the next week she brought in a different scale and sure enough that didn't work for me either. Because I didn't get weighed...I didn't join and that was it.


Anyway...things are looking up and I also walked a mile last night. I got weighed in at the doctors office today, so I do know what it is but just keep focusing on the long term goal


Have a good one!

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Brooke I am sorry you are so stressed, yourself comes first - -You need to reschedule your pedicure .......


Jess -have you tried CJ Banks for your clothes? I just was there they are having a big sale and they have all sizes. Guests at my surprise birthday party gave $ so I went to buy me a new outfit. Also glad to see you are making it for you early morning exercises


Kim thanks for being positive for me but I partied all week last week now it was time to hit the books as i call it. Even getting off my schedule I did not gain (5 lbs.) as much as I thought I would. I tried to be within reason but all the sweets were calling my name and since some of the guest made it just for me I couldn't resist. It takes foreever to get the weight off and I just look at something and gain it back. LOL


sardis-thanks for all the postitive words


breakfast - went back to oatmeal and fresh blueberries

snack- coffee and fiber bar

lunch- spinach, lettuce, strawberry & walnut salad with raspberry vinigrette

snack- 100 calorie cheez-it pack & 16 oz water

dinner- grilled cheese and raveloi

snack- 16 oz water, 1/4 cup nuts



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Good Morning ladies!!! It's Friday eve! LOL! I just had breakfast, Special K Red Berries. Lunch will be a homemade wrap: lettuce, carrots, cheese, Perdue Chicken and Flatout Light Italian Herb wrap and some Sweet Baby Ray's Sweet & Spicy BBQ sauce.....yummm!!!

Dinner is Beef Stroganoff (our homemade version of it).


A racquetball season started again where we play, but we aren't apart of it, so it's been hard to get in. Tomorrow night we'll be playing after we hit up Tijuana Flats. :D Tonight's workout will probably just be walking outside with the hubby.:rolleyes:


We have our cruise almost paid off now!!! Woohoo!!!!! I am so excited that we won't have a huge bill when we get back!

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Jess, you know what I like about you. You don't give up and you don't beat urself up. You're like "Oh well, movin on."


Well, last night was the salisbury steak, baked potato instead of mashed and green beans with rice crispies cereal as a snack. No donuts, lol.


This morning it was the same old.

Lunch, is healthy choice pizza

snacks, yogurt, banana, grapes, ff popcorn, fiber bar, applesauce


Eating lunch out yesterday wasn't so bad. I felt in control. I looked up stuff and it came out that three Fast food tacos would be 10 points. Then I had 6 tortilla chips with salsa. I only did six b/c I figured they fried the chips, so I wanted to be safe.


I did 10 mins slow and steady on the bike and 3 sets of 4 different weight lifts 10xs each.


Well, I have a strategic planning report to get done today, so...no book.


Good luck.

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Brooke - I used too beat myself up a lot and though I still sometimes do it's not nearly as much...the only reason I try not too now is because when I did do it- I didn't get anywhere! I would quit and I know I can't do that anymore, no matter how bad I think I'm doing it doesn't matter because you can pick yourself up again from a fall and continue the rest of the journey. ;)


I had something I wasn't supposed to have last night and though I felt bad after..it didn't stop me from going to the gym all by myself this morning. I could only do about 20-30 but hey that's better then nothing!


Tonight I am going to bed early cause I am in some desperate need for sleep!:(


Thanks guys for letting me know about where to shop at. BTW Kimmer- I've never heard of CJ Banks :confused:


My mom went to Kmart the other day and she found me a pair of gym capri like pants for only $2.50 on clearance :D


So far today I had:


cranberry oatmeal


2 slices of sharp cheddar cheese cut from the block


half a bottle of water and I'm finishing my coffee with half n half and splenda.


I have no sugar added applesauce for a snack.


Not sure if they are letting us get 1 hour of 1/2 hour lunch. If it's an hour then I'll have time to go home and make me a salad. If not then I can go to the store across the street and buy one there.


Pool therapy tomorrow!


Have a great day everyone :D

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Hello girls!

Sounds like everyone is over the hump with beating herself up and all is taking one day at a time.


I know what you mean about the scales saying error that happened to me once and I was so embarrased. But I still wanted to be a part so one of the girls at work would come home with me as we have our own doctor scales to make sure I wasn't cheating when I weighed. I didn't win the contest but out of 10 ladies I came in 5th so I was sure proud. Since Biggest Loser is around the corner I am hoping they do another contest to help keep me motivated even more.


Kim-that is awesome that the cruise is almost paid for. It is a nice feeling not to have the big bill


last night I had to work over so for breakfast i treated myself to scrambled eggs wanted to add fresh veggies from garden but there were none ripe enough to pick so plain they were. not sure what the rest of the day will bring. Kim I never had a wrap before but your idea above sounds good.


lets keep plugging away ........tomorrow if TGIF which I am looking forward too we are going camping for labor day weekend last one for the season

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Well you can scratch the homemade wrap that I was suppose to have for lunch. I didn't want to open a new bag of Perdue chicken, just to sit out through the weekend, so I brought a bundle of asparagus to eat instead. Tommy doesn't like it, but we buy it at Sam's (like Costco or BJ's) since it's the same price for twice as much. Every now and then I'll buy it but I have to eat it all myself within that week. So I just had plenty of asapragus for the next month, lol!!!


You guys are all doing so great!!! Keep up the good work!!!


Speaking of camping, my husband wants to go this year and I'm hoping it won't be mosquito-infested like it was the last time we went.

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I hope you guys have a nice long weekend. We don't get labor day off. College is still in session. :rolleyes:


Last night was grilled cheese and leftover veggie soup. Normally with the WW cheese and the wheat bread and butter its only 3 points a piece for grilled cheese. However, Apparently, mom went a little overboard with the butter. So, I counted extra points for that. I added some crackers for the soup. Had a bowl rice crispies for dessert, lol and I was done.


Did my 10 mins on the bike and 5 mins of weights and then continued working on my scrapbooks. What an exciting life I lead, lol.


Well, my boss really like some of my strategic planning ideas, so I'm less nervous about our all day meeting next Tuesday. I'm just nervous about the plans that other people might have for me!


Oh, and its an all day meeting, so they are ordering lunch in for us from this little cafe in town. Well, their menu is not WW friendly. Lots of fatty ingredients like, egg salad, mayo, bacon, cheese. And of course they have salads, but of course no FF Ranch (not that I like FF ranch, but I might have compromised). I think I'm just gonna have to bite the bullet and just know I will have to use some Flex points that day. There is a chicken sandwich. It has diced chicken, tomato, lettuce, and bread (I think you can get wheat) The bad thing is that it has mayo, which isn't horrible in portion, but they make it into a kind of chicken salad by kind rolling the diced chicken in with the mayo. I thought I could ask for them to leave the mayo off and then bring my own Reduced fat and put my own portion on there. IDK.


Off to finish my report. Have a great weekend.


Hope its a good day at the pool Jess.


Kim, I'm jealous you have paid your cruise, I haven't even booked yet.

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Okay I had something bad right after pool therapy on my way to work..it could have been worse but when I went home to check the calories :eek: I had no idea it was that much.


So that means 1. make an alternative for next time , 2. Eat healthy as I should the rest of the day and 3. walking or some kind of excerice tonight with friend or not! I'm on it! ;)


Yesterday was good. Still trying to control the snack issue at night. But the lunch was a small chef salad w/ half a boiled egg and ff italian dressing (half a packet) and 1 light n' fit yogurt.


I had an apple for a snack and steak and rice for dinner oh and baked zuchinni (sp?).


Today I'm going home to make a salad if I don't have time for that I'll have to pop in a LC. I got yogurt and no sugar added apple sauce for snacks.


Heading to Canada tomorrow to the Granby Zoo with my mom and niece. So excited and I got Monday off. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Healthy Choices! :D

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Last night Dinner was leftover turkey breast, ww potatoe casserole receipe, corn

Breakfast Special k & yogert

Snack- peanuts

Lunch- peanut butter & jelly, 15 light chips, green tea, fruit

snack- fiber one bar

dinner -unknown


all have a good and safe holiday weekend and Brooke I'm with ya I have to work too. I am a 9-1-1 dispatcher and we never close weekend, holiday or not we show up for work.

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I know most of you guys are off today, but I'll check in anyway. Def. used some Flex points this weekend, but thats okay. I did about 4 days with my 10 mins of bike and 5 mins of weights. My back was really sore last night. We went out yesterday and I think between the exercise and the walking I just p'd off my nerve. Plus I'm having nasty pain in my low abdomen the last two mornings. I don't know if its my hip flexer, my period coming on or infection or something else. It goes away after I get up and move around, so IDK.




BK- was a egg beaters egg on my thin wheat bun with a little bit of butter b/c the bun was a little dry. Mom didn't go to the grocery on Sun. b/c she has today off and we ran out of almost everything I eat. So, I will probably go to subway for lunch, so I can get some apples and chips to fill in where I have no snacks today.


Big, all day meeting tomr. So, I probably won't check in til late.


PS- One of my old professors came up to me last Friday and asked if I wanted to teach some night classes for him! I'm waiting to see if he gets me approved to teach. Cross your fingers, teaching college level is what I've always wanted to do. At least if I do it and don't like it I'll know time to get a new dream, lol.


Good luck!


Jess, Hope you're having fun in Canada!

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Don't think I posted last week. Probably forgot on purpose. Worked harder that week than any week since I started & only lost 1 pound!!! Disgusted! Now I'm not dumb & I realize sometimes that just happens but still doesn't make it any more acceptable. Kept plugging away & lost 4 pounds this week. That leaves 72 to go.My cruise leaves May 1 2010 on the new Carnival Dream. I started at 260 & plan on being 160 by April 1st. At 5'7" thats a good weight for me. Cardiologist wants 140 but he not gettin it!! lol. Made some luggage tags to make identifying my luggage easier this time. If I can figure it out I'll post a pic of them at the end of this post.My daughter & I are going on this cruise together then staying another week in Orlando & doing Disney & Universal. She's yall's age ( would kill me if I said exactly)She's lost about 100 & still going . Good Luck to everyone this week. And just remember Nothing you eat in one day will matter if you get right back on your diet plan & keep plugging away at it So don't let 1 day of messing up ruin your week.






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One of the easiest diets I ever went on I stayed strictly to 1000 calories a day 6 days of the week. Then on Sunday I ate whatever I wanted. All week long I'd tell myself I can do anything for just 6 days. I just have to do right for 6 days thats all. All week long I'd plan what I was gonna have on Sunday.Mmmmmmmm those hot glazed donuts, ice cream, biscuits & sausage gravy, o o o yeah pancakes, & I saw someone with a milkshake at lunch. But then when Sunday came I couldn't eat all I had planned. After a couple of weeks of this I started adding up the actual calories of what I took in on Sunday during my "cheats" Come to find out I really wasn't cheating much at all. I'd get a few more calories but for the week it'd still show a loss. After time I preferred my cheating spent on more bread than sweets on Sunday or extra fruit which now tasted sweet to me

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Hello all hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.

Brooke -my fingers are crossed for you to teach college level ......

Sardis- those thong luggage tags are too cute, Are they hard to make? Like your idea of cheating one day a week. That makes more sense then what I'm doing


My weekend of camping went well for the most part except for that cinnamon roll that was calling my name. But Sardis if I did what you do I would not feel as guilty splurging on Sunday. I do pretty well through the week but now that I have Sundays off. I like to cook, or treat myself. But I also like to walk too.


Camping was a challenge as I walked and walked and walked and being holiday weekend it never fails we were far from the restroom so got plenty of excercise. I am not complaining. I went up this one trail (hilly) and thought I would have to rest at the top not at all kept on going so that was a smile :) moment for me.

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Well back Jess!


Thanks Kimmer!


Well, today was one of those days that I needed flex points. We had an all day meeting, so we ordered in and our boss bought a HUGE amount of snacks. My day is like this:


Fiber one cereal & low fat milk


Fiber One bar


1/2 cup grapes


diced chicken sandwich on with mayo tomato lettice, grain bread and 1 oz chips with a diet coke.


Three chocolate chip cookies (small)


Homestead Creamy ice cream (yea, its as bad as it sounds) 1 cup


Spagehetti with homemade tomato sauce and venision for meat and french bread with butter and green beans. 1 1/2 cup of Spagehetti.


Def. used some flex points, but I feel okay about those decisions.


My back is acting up again. I probably pushed too hard, so its back to rest and no exercise until I can get to the chiro again.


Can't wait to hear your story Jess.


See you guys tomr.

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Yesterday was a good day not much sleep but good otherwise. Got off work at 8am took nap for 1 1/2 hrs then had a 1 hour massage boy I needed it with the weather changing here in Ohio my back was acting up came home took nap. Then up to watch TV.

Lunch FF hot dog, on wheat bun, with catchup & mustard, 100 calorie pack chips and water

CURVES Workout

Snack 1/4 cup peanut mix

Dinner: lean porkchop with bbq sauce, salad with fresh vegetables and cheese and coutons dipping with FF ranch dressing, and pumpkin blossoms.

Off to watch my nephew's soccer game in the rain

Snack popcorn and water mixed with crytal light packet

then off to bed early 10pm


Today it is foggy kids cancelled school here

CURVES Workout

breakfast 2 eggs and 1 slice wheat toast with water & crystal light packet

Snack fiber one bar & watermelon

lunch ?

snack ?

dinner ?

work tonight, so want to get my walk in this afternoon

Hope everyone has a good day can't wait to here your post Jess

Brooke when will you here about the new position if you get it? I always hate the waiting game! But my fingers are still crossed for you.

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Hey guys,


Well, Kimmer. I don't know when I will hear. He said "soon." I would suspect before October. Because they have to fix the class schds. in time for the students to sign up in November. I hope it goes through. It will help the drab of my day job, lol.


Okay, so BK


I found out that I was only eating a 1/2 cup of cereal and not a 3/4 cup this morning, so I up'd it. So I didn't have toast.

Banana for snack

Fiber bar for snack

Subway for lunch (I included a CChip cookie, that's just b/c mother nature is here and making her demands known)

Dinner, Don't know. Might have some of that leftover spageht.


Ps- I also got apples with my subway and baked lays and a diet coke. I had to walk to get there and back too.


Good Luck all!

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Let's try this for the third time.. *WARNING, this will be really long*


Food choices were horrible. Had chinese one night and it was disgusting. We should have left when we saw the raw meat at the buffet and fried frog legs! I barely had anything cause the rice and noodles were stiff, bland and nasty. My mom threw up five times in the restroom while we were there. Don't think we will be eating chinese for a looong time.


Went to an italian resturant the next and and it was very good..but very bad choice wise.


The food at the park was terrible..and we could barely eat anyway because of all the bee's!!


We were going to see the animals first THEN go to the waterpark but we had our stuff that we wanted to put in a locker at the water park. We had to walk through the zoo to get there but when we got there (and it was still morning about 10:30am) there wasn't anyone really there. So we decided to go there first because it was the best time without so many people.


We went to the lazy river first. So to start off with my mom and I were arguing. She thinks I worry too much..but I know my limits. I knew this was not going to be a good idea for me. I got on the tube but only cause I could stand first and then after a few minutes I was able to float however it was very uncomfortable and I had to hold my self up right but at the same time balance myself so I wouldn't fall off. So we started going down the river and my mom and I were still kinda arguing next thing you know I leaned back too far and flipped over backwards. I get up and my mom got mad at me for flipping over I guess, so as were were arguing I slam the tube over my head and say "see it doesn't fit!" and then suddenly I get stuck. It's like under my arms so my arms are dangling high in the air and I'm telling my mom to help me and to get off her tube and she's just laughing hysterically (Ok so it wasn't funny then but now that I've told my dad and now typing it here - I have tears coming down my face I'm laughing so hard) finally after a minute or so I am able to get really low in the water and get out of it. I notice a staff person nearby sitting and watching so I thought I'd just hold on to the tube and walk the lazy river. I get to him and explain what happened and then he asks if I need help getting back on and I knew that there was NO WAY IN H*LL I would be able to get back on that thing in chest deep water. So I asked him if I could just walk with the tube and he said no :eek: So now I'm thinking ok what the heck does he want me too do (as if this all wasn't embarassing enough) he tells me too walk back and try again. So I walked back with the tube in hand to the starting point which wasn't very far ..and I tell the young girl what happened and told her I would try to get back on and then she says no..that I could hit my head. So she then proceeds to tell me they DO have even larger tubes but she can't get to them! So I asked her if she could get someone else to get it and she was making up excuses I guess so she said I could walk with the tube down the lazy river even though the other guy said I couldn't! I probably should have just said forget it..but I knew that it would actually get me good excercise walking in the water. So I did even though I got some weird looks and I was upset about the whole situation. I must have been walking fast because I caught up with my mom and I pushed her the rest of the way.


So when that drama scene was over with we went to the two wave pools one was really cool as it made hurricane effects, big waves, wind and spraying water and it made storm noises and had fire come out the sides so that was really neat and then we went too the other pools and I played with my niece the rest of the time in there. The animals were amazing but I really did enjoy the waterpark the most despite the drama and bad sunburns :D


The good news is that I found a store right in the same town that carried sizes 14+. I know I have been too that same store in Montreal before...it's called Penningtons.they do have an online site btw. They had really nice clothes and I wanted to buy more then just bras and undies but it was also really exspensive.


Our hotel was nice..it had two pools, playground, foosball table, pool table, jacuzzi... My niece had me in that pool everyday! and we played foosball alot.


The other big thing about the trip..my mom brought the wrong passport :rolleyes:.


We gave our passports at the border when we got there and the man gave them back to us and just said to make sure we get them signed. So my mom started driving off and I happen to open one and notice she has my disabled sisters passport!!! :eek: The guy at customs apparently didn't even notice. My mom was all calm and she said she wasn't worried..while I on the other hand was freaking out that she wouldn't be able to get back in the states. So I called my dad, he freaked out and within 5 minutes we were getting calls from family memebers. My cousin told me on the phone that the last person she knew that acidentally took someone else's passport to Canada ....wasn't able to get back in the states for 2 months! So anyway we decided to just keep going and worry about it when we came back.. lol


So when we did come back my mom said she had her birth certificate and license so we would see. One of the guys at the border was directing the cars into lanes and my mom asked him about it and he said "well they won't like it, but they will take it" and sure enough they did. He was able to look her up in the computer. Although she got really lucky I would't recommend anyone else forgetting there passport and taking the wrong one.


Always look to make sure it's YOUR passport before leaving your house! :rolleyes:


If you made it this far..thanks for reading my long, drama filled story. LOL

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