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Cruising to Healthy


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CONGRATULATIONS BROOKE way to go girl.......

I also loved that receipe you posted. Glad to hear your feeling much better.


Kim glad you had a great weekend even though you drove most of it. I am sure just seeing other sightseeing helped. Nice you bought a car what kind did you get? Will hubby let you drive it?


Jess-Congrat also on your weight loss even though it was just for you and not a true weigh in. it all helps. Sounds like your pool therapy is going good for you.


I found something sweet with only 60 calories....I tried the new Boston Cream Pie from Jello pudding oh my gosh WOW is all I can say it truly tastes like a pie without crust. I am a crust person but still tastes good without it. My mom suggested to eat a graham cracker with it next time.


Also my doctor suggested to take Benefiber or Metimucil and add to my water 3 times a day he said the more fiber you get the easier the pounds come off. I'll let you know. You can get it clear or flavored I got clear and don't even know I have it in my water.

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Short message.....b/c my eyes are dialted from the eye dr. and its hard to look at the screen.


Grilled cheese last night with baked potato......15 mins good speed on the bike.


Cereal for BK


DQ for lunch grilled chicken, but I'm eating the fries......:rolleyes:


Needless to say dinner will be small today.


OHHHHH! Jess, thats great! All that hard work is paying off and you will be there is no time!

Edited by brooklynfc
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Jess, my husband got a Subaru STi, which he has been saving up for the last couple months for.


A little background info though: About 5 years ago, before we got married, he was in some deep credit card debt from fixing up another car, just racking up debt trying to do this and that to it. Ended up parting the car out and cutting all ties from it.


Then about a year and a half ago, my BIL and cousin got motorcycles and then Tommy wanted one. Well before Tommy could get one, both my relatives got into accidents on them within a 7 month timeframe. It was not either of their faults, both minding their own business, just the other drivers didn't see them or whatever. First was BIL and he wasn't too badly hurt but still got hurt. Then my cousin, got hurt pretty darn bad, in the hospital for about 6 weeks recovering from everything. After my cousin got in his accident I said NO WAY are you getting a bike. You can get your car. I just thought it'd be much further down the road than now. LOL!


Anyways, he has been weeding through the ones he found, this one having too many miles, that one not being a true STi, another one being the color blue.....BLAH, BLAH, BLAH! Finally, he found one with decent miles, a good color, gold rims, everything he wants. We go down there with our own pre-qualification from a bank and they actually worked out a better deal with us than the bank!!! Better apr, came down on the asking price, didn't have to put anything down AND best of all?!?! He qualified on his own for the car! I was so proud of him for diligently saving and being credit card debt free (almost) for the last 4.5 years!!

Edited by Mrs.C05
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I did over do it yesterday. But I didn't go too badly into my flex points and I did get the exercise in.


Last night mom made stir fry and dirty rice. I got into the tortilla chips ahead of time b/c I was just too hungry even tho I had a Popsicle already. Then I had two helpings of the rice b/c I had been craving something spicy, so bad. But the rice didn't have any fat in it, and was about 130 for 1/2 cup. I rounded up a bit.


Anyway, cereal this am.

banana, apple, ff pudding, applesauce

Heathly choice fresh mixer thingy, if I don't go to subway, but I have to check calories on a sandwich I want before I decide.


Kim Congrats on the car....it is always fun to get something new. When I bought my car I'd look out the window everyday just to make sure it was there, lol.


Good luck today girls.

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Last night was bbq with tortilla chips and some random snacks to take up the rest of my points.


I didn't do the bike last night. My leg has been hurting again and I wanted to see if it was b/c of the exercise. NOPE, still woke me up hurting like a bleep. So back on the bike tonight and maybe some horse tranquilizers for sleep tonight.


Mom made an egg sandwich for me this morning and I'm having some ff hot coco with 1% milk.


It was my dad's bday yesterday...he's not big on celebrating, so no big deal. But mom said something about getting cake and was like.......NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I've already made plans to break for my my birthday at the end of the month, so I have to be good until then, lol.


I hope you guys have a good weekend.

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Things have been pretty hectic for me this week...mostly just trying to get ready for the big yard sale I'm having this weekend.


Week has been so so with eating. I'm pretty broke so I can't even afford to go to DD this week. LOL I brought my mug in today and got coffee with splenda.


I went to the physical therapist today..I don't think I'll be doing any more pool though and she says my main problem is working on my posture. So I'll be going back to see her in a week and a half. I used the scale there today and it said I gained almost 5lbs from Tuesday! :eek: I'm trying to ignore that though as I know weight can fluctuate..I also had more clothes on, not sure if that makes a difference. I'm not worried about my official weigh in on Monday cause I know that even if I don't lose much...I'm still doing good things and heading in the right direction.


Tonight and tomorrow is gonna be pretty stressful getting ready fo rthe yard sale and making a huge gift basket I'm raffling off. I'm gonna try my best no matter what to make healthier choices. Gotta keep telling myself that!


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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The position for our Alumni Director just came open and I really want to apply for it, but I'm really scared they will think I'm crazy even though I have a masters degree and leadership experience and not to mention I"M An ALUMNI! Then the current director told me she can't recommend me b/c she isn't allowed to and that other Alumni have already asked her to. So that means I already have competition. I know some really great Alumni who could want this job. It freaks me out, but I don't really want to stay in this position anymore. I hate being stuck up here all by myself with nothing but a computer to talk to all day.


I've just raised my BP.....my cheeks are all flushed. I sent out emails to two higher ups on campus that like and know me really well in hopes they will give me references. I have to tell my boss too and I'm worried she will be mad or worse laugh at me. IDK..........I've known about this position for about 2 weeks b/c we knew ahead of time, but It just got posted. I'm so freaked out.




Thanks for letting me vent.

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Thanks Jess for the support. After talking to my SIL this weekend I think I will apply. I'm just waiting on some people to get back to me about being a reference and doing a cover letter (hate those).


Well, a good and bad weekend. Friday night I went out to a movie with my Brother and SIL and we hit some fast food b/c of the time of the movie. Well, I had 25 points to eat so I thought I'd be okay with a 6 dollar burger....I would have been if I hadn't have gotten the fries too. A 6 dollar burger is exactly 25points!!!!! Needless to say I went into my flex points. But I wasn't lazy when I got back from the movie. I got back and went upstairs and did 15 on the bike. I tried to behave the rest of the weekend and I pretty much did. And I did three sets of 10 mins yesterday on the bike. I wanted to do 4, but my back wouldn't have it. But tonight is my Last Chance workout before weight on Tuesday, so I want to see if I can do a whole 20 mins.


We had some drama this weekend. Mom and I went to get pumpkins and decided to stop by, randomly, to see my grandad. When we got there his nurse was all in a uproar. Apparently, she has been sick for three days and running a temp and throwing up. She wanted to go home b/c she didn't think she should be there around my grandfather. And she had a doctors excuse, but for some reason she got it into her head that if she didn't come in we were going to fire her. Then she got all huffy with my mom. Telling my mom that she didn't like her tone and how she was talking to her. Well, I can tell you that when my mom is concerned she speaks in a very serious tone. She did it to me all my life and I know what it means, but apprently this nurse didn't see it that way. So, then she gets my grandad's keys and says she is quitting. Then mom tries to talk to her about her problems and then she wants to know if she is fired or not. I'm LIKE WOW LADY! (not to mention she is a family friend). My grandad had this program set up with his investment company that if he needed a home care nurse that he had money set aside. They get paid like $15-$20 an hour to be there and he pretty much has enough to last for the rest of his life. So she is making like twice the amount she would working for any of our local facilities. Granted my grandfather is a pain sometimes, but still. And that's what happens when you go out for pumpkins.


So, today it is cereal, banana, 2 apples, a Lean cuisine, ff yogurt, and ff pudding. Chiro this afternoon.


I hope you guys had a great weekend!

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If someone started talking to me like that lady did and then say she is quitting and then ask if she was fired...I would have said "yep and don't let the door hit you on the way out!"


Is your grandfather in his right mind? I ask because sometimes nurses and nursing assistants can take advantage of people who can't speak for themselves. This may or not have been the case but if she get's that upset...what if she gets upset with others who can't speak for themselves.


I have a disabled sister and I can tell you one thing. I don't approve of anyone that works with her. I know that's harsh and I will probably never really accept it. I am nice to the aides but I can tell you I don't put up with crap. I will absolutley not tolerate it. In fact I am worse then my own parents. If something happens to my parents then I have my sister and you bet my butt I will be on top of every little thing.


I'm sorry but can't tolerate crazy people..especially ones that work with a loved one.


Off my speel. lol


Saturday kinda sucked because it rained hard all day and that's when I had my yard sale. Still did decent though considering the rain. We didn't eat anything that day until 2pm and it was pizza :( we had pizza friday too and saturday I had some popcorn and chicken tenders and fries.


I guess my food choices were not soo good this weekend. I did however go to the grocery store and pick up things for snacks this week and stuff to make lunch because it's just too exspensive to get take out lunch everyday. Soo I had cereal with bananna, yogurt for snack, salad with boiled egg for lunch, grapes and no sugar added pudding.


I had a packet of diet hot cocoa. Only 25 calories, 4 carbs, 1 fiber, 2 sugars and 2gm protein. Better then the no sugar added kind.


Did work out hard this morning again and probably tomorrow and wed too.


Official weigh in today. Leaving work early to get weighed in and go to support group. Haven't been on two months (because of holiday) so I'm excited but nervous to see what the scale says.


Have a great day!

Edited by Jesscap5
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WOW Brooke & Jess you have about as crazy weekend as me.


We have (4) 9-1-1 Dispatchers that cover all the shifts but for some reason they left 2 off for vacation at same time leaving me and the other one to cover. Well she ended up going to hospital by squad and off work until today. I worked as much as I could to help out but we are not allowed to work more that 14 hrs straight then we have to have 8 hrs off before going back in. So since Friday I have had 24 hrs overtime and my choices at work were not the best. We do't have vending machines except for pop. Which normally I drink water, or tea but did have coffee this weekend.


Jess we too are setting up a garage sale to have this weekend I hope it goes well.


My weigh was to be last Friday but needless to say I missed it and my workout because of working and today she did not have time for the weigh in so I have an extra day to see if what I ate over the weekend I can lose LOL


Brooke - - If you think the new job will make you happy then go fo it. Sometimes we forget to think of ourselves on what will make us happy. I know sometimes I feel like I just do it and think of myself later in actuallity I should think of me 1st.


Breakfast: bagel, Cream Cheese & Protein shake


Lunch: 60 calorie vegetable soup and apple or bannana with 60 calorie pudding

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Hey ladies! Looks like you all are doing well! As for me, I'm sitting here, waiting for my appointment to come up so I can leave. Friday/Saturday I woke up with my right lymph node in my neck hurting. I think I slept wrong, but I have a non productive cough, so I might be coming down with something. The only reason I am going to see the doc is because I don't think I've had a lymph node hurt before, and if I have I just figured it was from sleeping wrong.


And yesterday, my husband's oil light came on the car = not good! I'm so thankful he decided to go with the extended warranty!!! He called Subaru to come tow it, which they did, and right now it's being worked on. They called him and said it was spun barrings (sp?), which happens when the engine isn't getting any or enough oil. From what researching he has done on it, it seems that oil pick up line cracks and eventually breaks in half, which leads to spun barrings (sp?). We'll see what they say today about the diagnosis and reason it happened, but he's pretty sure that is why. He'll be getting a new motor after all this, but he's so bummed right now.


Today's food:

B - Special K. Red Berries

L - Lean Pocket

D - Oscar meyer light hot dog and mac 'n cheese

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Thanks guys for the encouragement. I'm still waiting on a reference, but hopefully will have my resume in by the end of the week.


Last night was light hot dogs with goldfishes. I had some tortillas with ff sour cream and salsa for a snack. Fiber bar before I got on the bike and a ice cream bar when I got home.


Did my last chance workout. I did the 3 10 min rides on the bike and 5 mins of hand weights. I hope if shows up on the scale today.


BK was cereal and toast

Snacks are banana, goldfishes, apple, ff pudding

LC for lunch



I'll let you know how weigh in goes.


Jess, I hate it when rain ruins plans. We have homecoming this weekend and they are calling for rain and I have to work it, bleh!


Kim, I hope the car gets fixed.


Kimmer-I hope you get some sleep, geez, thats a lot of work hours!

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2 more lbs down. I'm 1lb away from my next goal, 330lbs. so I'm happy about that. Now, I know what hard work can do, bump you up to 2lbs in a week. Now if this week I can just hold off on the big splurges like a Hardees $6 burger, I might do it again next week. However, I just want to lose that 1lb to make my goal so no pressure. Tonight is Biggest Loser, so I will wait until the show comes on to get on my bike. I know it will motivate me to push just a little harder.


I'm sad to say that I think I will have to give up on my April cruise b/c of well, Life. But I hope to reschd. ASAP. But I'm going to try for a 1 year loss of 50lbs, which only adds two months to my goal date.


Thanks for the help so far! You guys have been GREAT!

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Sorry Brooke to hear about your cruise. I wanted to go with you but I have so much going on with trying to lose weight and surgery that I have to get this taken care of first.

And..congrats on the 2lbs weight loss this week!


I on the other hand am a little discouraged but not to the point of giving up or anything. I did my official weigh in yesterday and the weight was the same as it was in June! :eek:


But thinking about it- I didn't really start hardcore excercising and eating more healthy until september and have gone out to eat waaay less. So we came to the conclusion that it was probably because I gained weight during july and august. Unless it could be muscle as well? I'm not sure but all I know is that I'm still working hard at it and hopefully will see at least a 5lb weight loss if not more by Nov. If not then I'll know something is wrong. lol.


B: turkey, chedder flat (took bacon off) from DD, packet of diet hot chocolate.


S: 50 cal yogurt


L: half a WW pita pocket filled with tuna and tomatoes, handful of grapes and no sugar added pudding.


S: Couple peanut butter crackers or applesauce


D: ? Not sure.

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I had stouffer's lasagna, garden green beans and cresent rolls for dinner.

snacks were ww ice cream bar, some caramel candies, ff whipped cream, ff hot coco, and tortilla chips with ff sour cream and salsa.


But big accomplishment................I did 20 mins straight on the bike last night. I think I'm paying for it a bit this morning, but I did it and it felt good. Then I did 5 mins of hand weights.


Tonight I have to work for my supervisor with the student callers (they call for support from our alumni), so I won't have time for exercise b/c I'll only get a 30 mins break between actual work and then taken that over.


I don't know what will be for lunch. One of my co-workers bday is today, so we always taken ppl out for their bday. I don't know where he decided to go, so I will have to play it by ear. But the Biggest Loser had a eating out challenge last night and they had some GREAT tips, so maybe I can put those into play today and well tonight too, but I figure I'll just hit up our subway b/c I know what's safe there.


I'll be working the next two days on data entry. We have to hand input new students into our database...all 600. Then this weekend is our homecoming. I'm worried about sat. b/c I'm the president of my sororities alumni association and we have a get together after our football game. We all decided to order Papa Johns from the new one they put on campus. But I'm having them order only enough for 2 slices per person. So, I figure I can only have 2 slices at the most. I'm thinking about baking this pumpkin cake for them too. Its like two of those bundt cake pans and you put them opposite sides together, cover them in orange icing, then use a big preztel as the steam. I shouldn't spend the money, lol.


I hope you guys have a productive day!

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Good Morning


after lunch yesterday I went a little crazy on peanut butter crackers. I had a package of them and then was thinking about eating another one for 30min and finally caved in. Don't worry though- there are spies at my work watching me (which is not always a good thing but for the most part it is) my boss's wife goes with me and another co-worker to see the personal trainer together and we also support each other through out the day and give encouragement. Anyway dinner was sheppards pie my dad made..it was a little different then normal sheppards pie but still really good if not better and I had whole wheat bread as well.

For a snack I split a 6piece package of peanut butter crackers with my sister.



5:00AM - 1 slice whole wheat toast with peanut butter and half a bananna.


5:30- Gym bootcamp 1 hour. I did an extra 10min on the treadmill cause I was 10min late.


6:30am - Finished a bottle of water


9am - drinking my diet hot cocoa. Took my meds (which have to be on an empty stomach)


Snack: no sugar added apple sauce, peanut butter crackers package


Lunch: Will probably go get a turkey sand at the local bagel shop just cause it's mid week and I have decided to go out only once a week for lunch. I also have grapes.


Snack: Yogurt granola bar


Dinner: Not sure yet.


Have a great hump day everyone! :D

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Hello everyone.


I have recovered from the weekend. I lost 3 lbs today and some inches not sure the total on them.


My garage sale is going well

Loved the Biggest Loser last night, and yes Brooke I agree the tips they gave were great.

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Brooke, congrats on the 2 pounds! You're doing fantastic :)


So, I got home too late to see The Biggest Loser. What were some of the tips they gave for eating out? I'm getting nervous because my busy travel season is starting at the end of the month...business trips at the end of the month, cruise Nov 1-8, Thanksgiving, then I'm gone most of Dec on business trips. I DO NOT want to undo what I've done.

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Okay, so yesterday I had a grilled chicken sandwich and about 15 fries and half a cheesecake. We went to a local restrnt. which has a lot of pasta dishes. Lucky they had the grilled chicken. They didn't have any veggies besides fries or fried broccoli. It was a big serving of fries, but I ate a certain amount then asked my co-worker to put the fries on the other side of the table b/c the waitress was busy. Then of course since it was someone's bday we ordered dessert. Yes, I could have said no, but I really did want some. So, I only ate 1/2 and put the rest to the side.


Dinner was a 6 inch chicken breast sandwich from subway, baked chips and one cookie b/c I had the points and was working late, so I had to eat them. Then I realized that I didn't ask if they fried their fries or if they baked them. B/c the fries were like those crinkle ones from the grocery and they weren't greasy AT ALL. So I assumed they were baked. So, today I am going to call the restrnt. and aske them. Its okay, b/c I'll just have to use some flex points. I just want to make sure I'm counting the right points.


Today it was cereal and toast, LC, apple, goldfish, and fiber bar, and ff pudding.


I didn't get to exercise last night b/c I got home so late, but I had to carry a box of drinks and snacks down the stairs at work, then across to my car. Then I drove to wear I had to be on campus (just b/c it was going to be dark and I wanted to park closer for safety) and then i still had to carry the box and my laptop to another buidling. I didn't count it as exercise, but it has to count for something.


Tonight back to exercise. Tomr. I get a half day off b/c working late last night, but I will have to use it to finish up getting ready for my sorority homecoming activity.


PS- I put my application in yesterday. I told my supervisor and she was totally okay with it, but she doesn't think I will get the job b/c she thinks they want to hire outside of the college. I'm up against some friends too, so I don't know, but I at least I'm putting myself out there and that feels good. Thanks for all the good thoughts.


OHHHH. The Biggest Loser tips: Umm, they said choose broiled, baked, steamed, or roasted foods. Don't be afraid to be really specific about what you do or don't want on your food. Switch out sides if you have to. Ask what they cook the food in (butter, salt, sauces etc.). I can't remember the rest right now. Maybe Kimmer remembers more.

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Last night was left over sheppards pie for dinner and I had a couple slices of whole wheat bread with smart balance butter. I did have a small glass of diet soda. For a snack I had a package of peanut butter crackers.


B: Had to be to work early today and was in a hurry so I ended up getting a turkey and chedder bacon flat at DD but took the bacon off.


had a paket of diet hot cocoa


and half a container (2oz) of Yoplait whips yogurt.


S: one package of peanut butter crackers


L: Tuna fish in a WW Pita Pocket with slice tomatoes, apple sauce and a granola bar.


S: Grapes or maybe some snack I didn't eat at lunch.


D: Possibly chicken and vegtable soup ? not sure yet.

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Brooke- way to go! Even if you don't get the job, you did put yourself out there. But maybe your boss is wrong and you will get it always think for the positive.


chigirlcruizin - There is not much else then waht Brooke said but I go out to eat once a month with a girlfriend from highschool and we went to bob evans and I tried it. The waitress got it half right when it came but she made it right with me. They were just advising to skip hordurves such as chips and salsa at mexican and to have it broiled, baked, grilled NOT fried, and to leave all sauces off and to have on side if you need them so you can dip. Go for seasonings but watch teh salt intake and stay away from alcohol and stick to water. As some wanted to order margaritas. I guess it is all in how much you want to stick to a diet. But I call it a new way of life.


B- fiber bar, bananna, decaf coffee

L- grilled chicken, coleslaw, decaf coffee

s 10 calorie sf jello

D- cottage cheese, potato salad, 1/2 bratz, decaff coffee

s 60 calorie sf jello pudding

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~ Morning TGIF! ~ :D


Last night my dad and I did have subway. I ate half and ate the other half later. I also did have a chocolate chip cookie (1). I had about 35 ounces of water yesterday and not including my other drinks that have water in them. I also did have about 6 peanut butter crackers when I got home from work cause I was soo hungry and ran out of snacks at work.


This morning I hit the gym up by myself. 10 min straight on eliptical, 15 min straight on treadmill with fast and slower intervals every minute. 5 Min of sit ups on the ball and stretching. I could only stay 30min because I had to be to work early again this morning. If I don't hang out with my friend tonight I may go again and will probably hit the gym tomorrow morning also.


B: peanut butter crackers and a turkey and chedder flat. 1 packet of diet hot cocoa


S: apple, yogurt bar


L: my goal was not to go out more then once for lunch but I had no time to make a lunch. I'm sure I'll only get a 30min break at the most today so I will probably go to the local bagel shop and get a turkey bagel sandwich.

Another Apple as well.


S: sugar free pudding


D: no idea. If my friend is feeling better maybe we'll do Thai food tonight (I get chicken and broccoli)


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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