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Hi guys I feel left out LOL

I tried to get on this site on Tuesday but the computer said that the site was updating I thought was wierd as it usually does that at 3-5 AM. Then yesterday I got on and could read everything but it would not let me post a reply WIERD.


Brooke- Sorry about your Aunt but sounds like your handling it the best way you can. Great job on your lb. loss


Kim- greast job on your food choices and your loss!


Jess-sorry about your car, I have no advice as you have a tough decision on your hands. I would probably take the pludge and get a newer car so it does not nickle and dime you to death with no money. When you could have a better car with the same outcome no money. Don't let this get you down as you are doing so well. i know when I get depressed that's when I fall into the food trap :(


Annette- Hi I didn't want to leave you out LOL - -Keep up to what you're doing


How did you guys like the Biggest Loser - -I was not expecting Dina to go home I never knew this would play out they way it did. I couldn't Believe Daniel gained while being home. And Danny did so well. I know it would be hard for me so no judging on my part.


I'm just so excited I could post today LOL

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Had a lot of issues trying to get a post on here last night.


Yesterday was good and workout this morning was great!!! I am feeling encouraged even though I still haven't lost anything.


Brooke-Hope plans for your birthday work out for you. Cake sounds like the greatest thing to do with flex points. YUMMY!


Jess- So sorry to hear about your car. I know its hard when you have to make a big choice like that. Did you ask the car place about the extra charge? I would even if they don't take it off maybe they will think about it next time. Hopefully yesterday was a better day and that the weekend goes great for you.


Kimmers- I didn't want anyone from the black team to go home. I was suprised by Daniel's gain but not at all about Danny's. There was just something about him when he went home that showed such a determination. I was totally shocked when they sent Mo home. I really want the other girl to go home. I know there is game play involved but there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. I always want the good guy to win rather then those who took advantage of others on the show.


Today starts a school break for the kids so we are going to be cleaning out their rooms. God help us!

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That's what I was going to ask you about yesterday, your car. How did you read my mind? That really sucks though. But at least the auto market is a little more $ friendly lately. And don't you still get to count a new car, as long as its fuel efficient, off on your taxes? I would recommend my dodge caliber, but I don't think it would compare to your volvo, lol. When I get a new car I will def. not get another 4 cyc. I hate not being to gun it into traffic, lol. Good luck in whatever you do.


Kimmer-Yes, I think I was surprised by the Biggest Loser too. That stupid Tracy girl keeps getting by with an inch of her life and she is so annoying. My guy friend likes her b/c he says "She is playing the game." I just think she is a B. He says that's b/c she is a girl and girls have a natural hatered for each other, lol. Typical male response. I do love the show though. It keeps me motivated. When I don't want to exercise and I have no good reason not too I just think about the girl that is 400lbs and doing twice the about of work I'm doing.


Annette-Thanks for the bday wishes. My friends invited me up to RIC next weekend for a Halloween party, so maybe my luck has changed, lol. My co-workers are taking me out next tuesday. I choose Applebees b/c they have the WW foods and b/c they have nutritional info and I can calculate my points ahead of time.


Last night I had Lean Hamburgers and frozen fries, baked. I let myself get hungry, so I like inhaled those burgers, well......I inhaled the first...worked down to about 2/3 through the 2nd one and felt sick. So I fed the rest to my dog. Who btw, tried to inhale herself and then almost choked and well, I won't get into anymore details. NOTE TO SELF: Don't inhale food.


I did do 20 mins on the bike at a good speed and my free weights. I'm not as sore today, so that feels good. I feel like I'm getting stronger everyday. And every time I workout I feel better about it. I hope it stays like this or gets better.


This morning was shredded wheat, and toast.

I brought leftover soup for lunch.

Banana, ff pudding, corn, and ff yogurt for snacks.


Folklife this weekend. Does anyone know the points for Funnel cake????? I'm sure its horrible. Though I have all my flex points intacted for the week.


I'm suppose to hear probably next week about the job applied for. But everything I'm hearing around the office rumors isn't good. It looks like they aren't happy with the canadates who applied so far and if they don't get anyone good this time, they are just gonna wait to the spring to hire someone. Which is bad for me b/c I'm in the first group and bad for our poor assistant director who is running the whole department by herself. They were short handed to begin with, so she is pretty much doing the job of three people. In the end, I hope they just hire someone who will help her. Its just really unfair to her. But here is to hoping.


Good luck to everyone this weekend!

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Brooke - the loaner car was a Volvo but I actually have a Mitsubishi Outlander. They happen to be the closest Mitsubishi dealer as well.



The car situation sucks and yesterday was not a good day either.I got into it with my parents after work and ending up leaving the house to work out my anger.:( My mom and I worked it out this morning now. :)

I know they probably will not do anything about the charge but I will let them know...in the politest way possible about the situation.


I had about a cup or less of shepards pie last night. After work out I snacked out...why? I don't know. I had popcorn, no suagr added ice cream and a package of peanut butter crackers.


I would work out tonight but I think I'm gonna be home alone with my sister tonight while my parents go to my aunts house and spend the night and see family from Florida..which we will see tomorrow also.



Have a great weekend girls!

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Happy Monday ladies! I'm really not wanting to work so I just pray this week goes by fast.


Friday we went picked up hubby's car from Best Buy (got alarm installed) and then went to dinner at Red Lobster. I really love their wood-fire grill! I get the half portion talapia w/ broccoli and rice pilaf. Then we went and worked it off by playing an hour of racquetball/tennis. Reason I call it that is because we use a raquetball court but use tennis racquets and tennis balls.

Saturday I got up and took back one of the DVR's we have that was replaced by the HD one. Then headed to my sisters since I was out that way anyways. Got to spend sometime with her before anyone else came over. We had girls day til about 3pm before I left. I got home just in time to help hubby make dinner, and then as usual afterwards was our nightly walk. About 9pm we were bored so we decided to take a drive, which we love doing now.

Sunday is same 'ol same 'ol....errands, lunch and then household chores and laundry. Except I noticed water was coming out of the washer for some reason. We still don't know why but he's going to look at it later today. UGH!


I'm really debating on booking a RCCL cruise since they're dirt cheap right now! This coming up weekend they are selling for $129/pp! That's less than $400 total for us to go! Oh what to do what to do!

Edited by Mrs.C05
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Good Morning everyone! Weekend was as expected cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, etc. Same for today except all the kids have a checkup at 1. I really want to be done with the kids rooms by tonight since they have school again in the morning. Of course I will still have the now mountain of laundry to do thanks to this little chore. But at least this will be behind me. It was one of the biggest things that I wanted done before we leave for our cruise which is in 39 days!!!! We are flying in the day before. Kept up with my workout over the weekend and didn't have any major cheats just the same nibbling darn it.


Kim I would def do the cruise if it was a choice. Sounds like a great deal.


I must get off or I am never going to get done:(

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Sounds like most of us had a good weekend.


Well, I had a decent weekend. I heard on Friday that I got an interview for the job I applied for. So that will be on Wed. this week. Saturday I worked out Folklife Festival for two hours. Lucky for me I was inside away from any tempting funnel cakes. Then mom and I went shopping for me an interview outfit and she bought me some more perfume for part of my birthday. We did have a pumpkin pie blizzard for a snack, but I had looked up the points and was prepared for spending them. 14 points for a small blizzard vs. 24 points for a whole funnel cake. I think I made the better choice. Then we ended up going out to eat with friends b/c one of them is shipping out to Kuwait in Dec. I did splurge with my flex points. We went to Logans. I had the three cource deal. 6oz filet mignon, two sides (salad, baked potato) a apptz. (potato skins, it was the only thing NOT fried), 2 yeast rolls (no extra butter), and we each got a dessert shooter. I only had a half bite from each one.


I kinda went over board early in the week too. It was like I was compelled or possessed. IDK. But I'm doing 20 mins on the bike and weights. Yesterday I did 2 20 mins sessions and 1 session of weights. Tonight my SIL is coming over to help me look at my options for an interview outfit. So I'm gonna def. do a 20 min. and really try for another 20-30 for my last chance workout. But if I gain this week, I will know why.


PS- I went down a size in my Lane Bryant dress pants. They have these right fit pants and i have been wearing an 8, and I fit into a 7 yesterday!


And my mom ordered me a blizzard cake for my birthday. She ordered the pumpkin pie flavored.......I know, but its so good.


Bad news this weekend though. They had released my grandmother to go home, but on Sat. my brother and SIL decided just to take a random drive and ended up just driving to WVA and stopping by my grandparent's. Well, on their way into the roadway and ambulance came out with my aunt's car behind it. They called my aunt and she said they my grandmother had been having chest pains and the just decided to be safe and take her to the hospital. Well, once again they had to fight to ER dr. to admit her. Then they didn't have techs on staff to do the test she needed, so they have to wait until today. The ER dr. finally admitted her, but the actually dr. is out with the flu, so he might not be in until Tues. or later. And they are thinking congestive heart failure or blood clot. She has fluid on her chest, so they gave her a fluid pill and blood thinners, just in case. I must say that everyday I loose a little more faith in our medical system and its Doctors.


So, now I have to get through an interview, my birthday, and pray for my grandmother to be strong and make it through another trail. Stress could have attributed to my habits this week, I guess.


Such a rollacoaster weekend.


Good choices guys.

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Hello to all - The weekend went by so fast.


sat went to work packed my lunch so was within the calories, then went to church and met my sisters we decided to go out to eat and they chose chinese but i know what i can have there it is just the fried foods and the rice that gets me.


sun We were to take a train ride to the pumpkin patch (2 hrs from home) with my nieces and nephews but 15min to go and they called saying the train engine was broke and they were cancelling the ride. it was still nice out and we found out that we could still drive to the patch and they had activities for the kids and then a corn maze for a family adventure we did all of it then headed hom the weather turned out to very nice.


mon - cereal for breakfast, LC pizza for lunch & water, snack some chocolate dinner was chicken breast grilled/broiled 1/2 baked potato, and yeast roll, toss salad & water.


I think I have made some good choices. i maxed out my smart card at Curves so was very proud of myself.


Jess- glad you worked it out with your parents. All the stress is not good on your body.


Annette- WOW sounds like you have tons of work to do. WOW thoses days are around the corner for your cruise.


Brooke- Good job on your menu for the weekend. I saw that blizzard too but I never stopped is the pumpkin pie good? Good Luck for you interview WAY TO GO! Glad your mom and you went shopping it is always nice to get something special for the occasion.


Kim- sounds like you love tennis I'm glad your husband plays with you. It makes it nice to workout together. I like tennise on the WII. I love taking drives too. And yes if I could get a cruise that cheap and could get off work I would be right there with ya. Travel while you can girl!


Hope everyone had a good monday even though it looks like everyone was dragging this morning.....LOL

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I know how it goes with parents. Living as an adult with your parents is so hard b/c sometimes they want you to still be their child.




I love pumpkin patches. Mom won't let me carve the pumpkins on the porch b/c she wants to use them through Thanksgiving, boo.



My mom hated helping me do annual cleaning of my room. I liked to stuff things in corners and under the bed......in fact sometimes I still do it, lol.


Okay, last night I had one salsbury steak, and a small baked potato with butter. I ate a couple of oatmeal cookies, small, and a bowl of cereal. I did manage two 20 mins bike sessions and one hand weights. I'm nervous about the scale. Its one of those where you just kinda know you will gain, but you have that gleam of hope in the back of your mind.


Today I had cereal, I'm gonna skip snacks except for 0 points yogurt b/c we are going to applebees for my bday at lunch. I really wanted to order the house sirloin, but since I'm gonna have a slice of my pumpkin pie blizzard cake (15 points) then I'm gonna go with the ww garlic herb and they will probably want me to get a dessert, so the ww chocolate raspb. cake. I don't know what mom will have for dinner, but it just might be a flex point day.


Okay, can I just say that after 20 some years of living in the country in an old farm house, I'm DONE! After waking up to something scratchin on my face and then seeing a little shadow run away and something scraping down the back of my bed......I'm Done! That's right, a mouse or something of the furry variety was in my face scratchin at me! Needless to say I slept downstairs in the recliner and I've threatened to bring our outdoor cat inside to sleep with me tonight. Well, I guess it was either a mouse or the boogie man, not sure.


Let you know about weigh in.

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Happy birthday Brooke!!!:D


I'm back. lol! Trying to remember what I wanted to post.


Brooke- sorry that things are not getting better with you Grandmother. I hope things take a turn for the better soon. I am proud of you for skipping the funnel cakes that is a big one. One of the reasons I skipped the fair because that was what I most looked forward to. Good luck on the weigh in and the job interview.


Kim-sounds like a great weekend. Anyone would get a great workout playing tennis because they say laughing burns a lot of calories. I am very unalthletic. I played ball with Richard once not sure what it was called its where you play in the room and bounce it off the wall. Anyway after playing about 5 mins I hit the ball then it came back and hit Richard right in the NO-NO spot:eek: He walked out and has never played ball with me again. We still laugh about it though.


Kimmers-Pumpkin patch sounds like it was fun. We aren't doing any this year to much going on with band and other family. I might look into doing something like that for Natalie's birthday though.



I went to bed about an hour and a half late then over slept an hour and a half. So was short on my workout about 20 mins but I did get the rest in. Still cleaning my living room looks like a really bad yard sale everywhere. LOL Brooke I have 4 kids 2 bedrooms and they trash everything. I always have bags of trash to throw away after a big cleanup. They don't stuff they more so throw everything in the middle of the floor.:mad:


Richard made fries last night darn him. So of course I ended up having some. Here's to a better start today good luck everyone.

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Uggh, now I know what I havn't been eaten bacon cheese burgers......its sitting on my stomach like a rock and I ate less than half of it. I also got a baked potato and steamed veggies with it instead of fries. My co-workers convinced me that it was my bday to splurge. Now we all are paying for it. I'm glad I'm at a place where I just don't shove the burger in my face and eat it all now, b/c I would have been sick. I had 3 mozeralla sticks and a dessert shooter for my bday.


I did that damage after I went to weigh in and loss 2lbs. I guess exercise does help counter act bad food decisions. I will have to sock it to the bike tonight for my choices today. I'm counting every bite though. If I go over, I go over, but I'm going to count it and start again tomr. I promised myself my bday was free, but Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are NOT! B/c let's face it, your bday is all about you, but holidays are about family. So my goal this year is to spend more time talking to my family and less time stuffing my face.


Anyhoo, Big interview tomr. Anyone want to cross their fingers for me?

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Brooke- I hope your birthday is going well. I see you want to explode LOL. I hate when someone says to splurge and encourages you then you have planned what you were going to order and then the rest of the day your thinking why was I stupid and listened to them. I know all to well. But sisiters are very supportive and are getting it down not to encourage me.


Jess- I am 40 yr old and still live at home I like it here, but there are times when we get on each others nerves like my dad wants the heat on mom & I dod not hot flashes etc. So understand what you are saying completely


Annette- I am glad the room is almost finished LOL


Hey just found a gourmet treat that is only 60 calories. For all you chocoholics out there. Jello came up with decadent chocolate mousse. It also comes in chocolate raspberry and carmel but I must say it has cut my cravings for chocolate. It is that tiem of the month where all I want to eat is chocolate and be bitchy LOL


Today was right on track

baked chicken breast for breakfast I know this was my thirds night so was actually my dinner

Lunch was string cheese & chex mix, water

snack -my decadent chocolate mousse

dinner ??

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Hey everyone! Just got in from a walk and am cooling off. I can't believe it's still in the 80's here in Florida! UGH! I can't wait for cooler weather. Early last week, we had a cold front but that only lasted a day or so. I wish it had lasted longer.


I didn't book that cruise that was so cheap. We dipped into savings to buy a HD tv since it was on sale and we told one another we'd pay it back, each splitting it. Well hubby already put his half back and I'm still working on mine. Once I have that paid back, it shouldn't be a problem to spring at the last minute for a cruise. I'm sure there will be plenty more, lol! I just hate having that hanging over my head, ya know?

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Kim-Spring for it, you only live once, lol.


Thanks for the bday wishes!


I def. splurged yesterday, but I'm back on track today, even though I'm all blotty from the salt and extra food and no exercise. I'm gonna have to work hard to make up for that this week.


So, yea, we caught not 1, not 2, but three mice in my room and I still hear more running around in the floor. Old Farm Houses suck! lol. I had to sleep in the recliner again last night. I didn't want to have teeth marks on me for my interview.


Good news is that I got my Michael Buble cd downloaded on ITunes last night and I'm gonna be rockin' that all day. His new single is awesome and pumps me up, which is what I need today.


My SIL got me a Monogramed Portofolio and thank you cards and I was excited about that. Mom bought me most of my stuff this past weekend.


I think I'm taking Friday off and going to RIC. Although my friend hasn't confirmed anything yet. Oh Well, I'm getting distracted by the sexy, smooth voice of Michael Buble.......gotta go.


Good choices.

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ok so last night was yuck. Husband cooked fried chicken and of course I nibbled.:mad: Then I forgot about supper till after 9. Going to do better today!!!


Brooke-girl I would die. When I was pregnant 6 years ago I saw a mouse in our house and I HATE them. I spent lots of money on all kinds of traps. Then I slept on the couch with myself fully clothes head to toe and I even slept in my shoes. I put my then 2 year old on the other end and we slept like that for 2 nights till I heard a loud pop. I woke my husband up at 3am and told him to take it out. He wasn't so happy but I was thrilled. I couldn't imagine having one touch me. It freaks me out just thinking about it. Good luck with getting back in your room. ;)


Gotta run making myself go through stuff from the kids rooms while I feel motivated. Man I can't wait for this to be behind me.

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Brooke- I didn't forget about your birthday I sent you a message on facebook saying happy birthday but I'll do it again here



HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROOKE!! ..even if I am a day late! lol :p


I had yesterday off so I could be with mom and dad to take my dad to the hospital to get his surgery. My mom and I waited at the hospital all day- I dispise hospitals but I did my best to hang on. I managed to do some browsing in the botique and got a really cute bracelet. :D


We had pizza hut last night to bring home for dinner cause it was late. I've been a little bit of a bad girl and I am not expecting much of a weight loss if anything. :( Even though I have been working out really hard and even getting walking in at night with a friend I know for me..it's not enough. I am still trying with the food...even though I do sometimes have somethings I shouldn't.


I did have to skip the personal training this morning which I was not happy about but someone had to be home to watch my sister until the aide got there...she can't be left alone and my mom had to go to work early this morning.


and Brooke- I can totally relate to your mouse story. A few years ago I had one crawling up my leg! My cat was playing on the floor under me as I was typing on my lapton on my desk in my room and suddenly he pounced on my leg and that's when I saw a tail hanging out of my pant leg!!! Yeah I freaked but still thought the little fella was cute. LOL


At least it's not a rat that could bite your face off. lol

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Thanks for the luck!




We all have setbacks, like I feel this week is my setback. I'm not going to stop trying, but I feel like I've already gained the weight I lost last week and I can't get it back off. But I'm going to try anyway. And that is what matters.


Okay, last night I had leftover spaghetti, toast, green beans. Then a slice of my cake. And that was it b/c I went over with just that anyway. Then 20 mins on the bike and weights. Took a break and thought I'd get back on later. Made the mistake of laying down and *Poof* out like a light. No more mices though, lol. Or they might be getting smart to our cheese in the trap scheme.


Today was the shredded wheat. I have a HC for lunch, with corn, and banana, puddings and yogurt. I might actually hav Spaghetti again tonight b/c mom made so much of it and its good, sooooo.


I hate this waiting game, but I'm glad I didn't have to wait longer to find out. Mom was way impressed with me last night. B/c my VP told me there was 30 applicants and I made the top 8. Mom thought that was extremely impressive. I'll be impressed if I make the top four. I'll be dumbfounded if I get the job. Mom said I needed to have more faith and confd. My dad came back with, "She is just being realistic." LOL, strange to have dad take up for me. Worse case is that I still have the job I have and don't get this one, so I'm should feel blessed, but I do hate that disappointed feeling you get. Its like no matter how positive you are about it, that feeling still comes, and I hate the feeling more than the act that causes it.


Good choices guys.

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Brooke - top 8 is still really great. Let us know if you make the top 4!


Anyone doing anything special for halloween? Anyone dress up at work today?


I didn't have time to dress up for work cause I was so busy last night making my famously disgusting Kitty Litter Cake.


I had sooo many disgusting ideas for foods but couldn't do it all cause it would cost so much! But I think I'm loving halloween more and more each year.


NO CANDY!!! I keep telling myself this. I don't have kids so no temptation there and we hardly get any trick or treaters. I think I am going out tomorrow night with a friend though and will probably have a few drinks. :D


Or maybe not...cause I gotta weigh in on Monday!! :eek:

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our trick or treat was last night, I dressed up like a witch black fingernails & purple/black lipstick it was fun we had 200 trick or treaters and if I had not ran out I would have had more but it is our local police dept so everyone shows up.


Not only did I dress up But I was so hungry for brownies that I made 3 batches left some at home for my sisters as Halloween is a big deal in our town. then took 2 to work made a casserole dish too by the time I was done handing out candy there was a little casserole left and a crumb of brownie I guess god was watching out for me.


Brooke hope your in the top!! :)

TGIF hope everyone has a great weekend

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I have no idea what to be for tomorrow.


Kimmer - I can't believe you get that many trick or treaters! :eek:


We are lucky if we get ANY!


I just took a piece of cardboard and wrote "Nudest on Strike" and showed everyone at work. LOL :D We all have a sense of humor here.

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