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I hope everyone had a great and safe Halloween. My weekend was pretty boring, but it was a long one since I took Friday off.


I didn't hear anything about the job on Friday. So I guess I didn't make the top four. I think I'm doing okay with it, but I have a feeling I was dealing with it in a non emotional way...........I'll get to that.....now.


Holy mother of smorgessboard! I seriously ate like....well....there is no comparison. While I did manage to try and eat sensible, I ate a lot. I just felt like, especially Sat. and Sun. that every min. I could I was putting something in my mouth. It was crazy. I could see myself doing it, but I didn't stop myself. The only positive is that I kept up with exercise, but I'm even sure that could save me this week. I really, really, really dread tomr. weigh in. I est. about 3-5 lbs gained. I'm so serious. I guess all the stress of applying for that new job, and my grandmother's health, my annoyance with my current position, and some issues with my friends I just let it all pile up and I used food to try and not feel the emotions. I worried more about all the food I was eating and not about the issues I needed to deal with. Something I thought I could deal with now.


I really don't want to weigh in, but I know if I don't it may send me more in a spiral. I need to know how much damage was done, so I know how hard to work to reverse it. I know this. Though I don't want to see it. Guess we will find out tomr.


Today was cereal, ww muffin, yogurt, mini ww pizzas, and I think mom is doing chicken pot pie tonight.


Make better choices than me........please, lol.

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Hi everyone. Its been a really busy weekend. Still trying to finish up the last parts if the kids rooms then it will be time to drag the winter clothes out of the attic. :mad: Can't wait to be done with everything and be on my cruise:D It is coming up very fast!!! I have another busy week ahead of me followed by a busy weekend. Hoping that I don't get to tired because I am more likely to grab junk. The weekend wasn't to bad. I even lost a pound. I went to Brittany's band comp on Sat and avoided all the yummy smelling junk they were selling. Which was amazing considering Britt's boyfriend went with me and my mom-in-law and this was the first time we have had any "boy" go anywhere with us.:eek: Although I imagine that he must really like her considering he spent from 8:30am -4:30 pm with me before he ever even got to see Britt. LOL


Hope you all have great motivation this week. I know I need it!

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Brooke- I am in the same boat as you! Of course I managed to get a hold of candy my mom bought for the only 1 trick or treater...of course she bought like a 3lb bag of my favorites. :mad:


She's hiding them in her room and it only makes it worse. I hope I can totally forget about it. The other thing is my friend and I went to two halloween party's at bar/resturants and I had one too many drinks. :o I never really drink and I just did that night but I can say I did have a lot of fun. I just danced and danced like crazy which I would typically never do in front of an unknown crowd, but I didn't care. LOL


My friend was the DD plus I felt bad that she didn't feel well at all..she was sick the night before but she was the one who really wanted to go anyway because this is her last halloween with me before she goes into the military.


I ended up being a cute greek goddess. We went to Jo Ann fabrics and got the fabric and cord and thanks to my friend and mom it came out awesome. She dressed up as a Vampire.


The bad thing is that I messed up the alarm clock and missed my personal training today :( and today will be weigh in..which like Brooke I don't want to do but I also know It will make it worse if I dont.


It's past and nothing else we can do now expect get right back on the band wagon and keep trying!

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Jess- at our house we only got 8 trick or treaters. but like I said the police dept is a safe palce to get candy so everyone comes here. Sorry to hear your mom bought so much hope you can forget where she hide it.


Brooke-sometimes we have those moments where we want to eat more than we should. You have been doing great on watching what you eat so I would not worry too much.


Annette-you are so dedicated to have everything done before your cruise. I cannot imagine it usually takes me a week to do that in my room only let alone do it to everyone's room. My problem is I always like to get a couple of new items each season but never want to give anything up so then I have way too much clothes.


Hope everyone is having a great week so far. I am doing all the dreaded things such as oil change for the car to get it ready for winter, doctor appts, mamo, buying socks and underwear. I usually save it all for one week so when the week is over I can say that is done for another year.

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Morin' girls,


Thanks Jess, Annette, Kimmer. I'm gonna weigh today b/c I know I need to know. Thanks Jess for telling me to get my booty on that bike last night. I did and felt better, plus I measured some of my inches and I did loose around my waist, so that made me feel better.


You know what I like about you Jess, you just don't give up and you don't beat urself up over the little things. You just keep truckin'.


Last night I had a salad for the first time in a long time. I had dark green leaves with carrots, sprinkle of cheese, 6 crumbled up crackers, 2 tsps of fake bacon bits, and 1 tbsp (watered down) light ranch dressing. Then we cooked a chicken pot pie that was super good. I ate about 1/2 cup, but I did go back a few times for bites out of the pan (lol), so I counted it as 1 cup. I had some lime sherbert for dessert and 2 candy kisses (I left them melt in my mouth instead of just chewing and swallowing). I had part of a ff hot coco. I left a lot of points for the evening yesterday.


Today is shredded wheat for BK with an light english muffin and smart balance butter.

I have a HC steamer with ff lime yogurt for lunch.

I forgot to grab a fruit this morning, but I have a WW muffin and ff pudding for snacks.


I'm trying to get back on track with my cruise plans. I'm thinking the end of Oct. 2010. That should give me plenty of time to make payments. Plus, that is about the time I need it the most. We are so busy in Oct. at work, but the last week I've found is the end of all the ruckus, so I think I can get away with it. Plus it will be on my bday too, so I can justify it better, lol. Still have the same problem as last time though. I need a partner in crime that is willing to book in the next two months or at least by Jan. I want a suite this time. I'm just gonna skip balcony and move on up while I'm young and can splurge on myself for no reason. Guess I'll see.


Good choices.

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Hello everyone!


Thanks Kimmer for the encouragement.


I got weighed in last night...yep I stayed the same AGAIN!! Not really a suprise there but I got a calorie counter book and I'm gonna have to count all my calories. My goal is 1200-1500 a day. I think that's part of the problem and weekends. I was the only one at the meeting and I guess that was a good thing cause I get personal one on one time with the nutritionist and the therapist. They basically just help me keep on track and not lose sight of my goal and they give different approaches to things or problems I am having with losing weight.


The one thing they always tell me though is that I am very persistant and the fact that I COULD have gone to other places where I didn't have to lose weight before having the surgery...makes it better for a long time success AFTER surgery. :) That I'm always happy to hear.


Anyway back on track today, will be hitting the gym tomorrow morning 5:30 and lunch will probably be a salad. We are busy so only half hour lunches today.

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Jess, that sounds like a great calorie goal. You can do that easy-peezy.


Well, I didn't change in my weight. I felt GREAT about that. And I stayed for the meeting today and got some motivation and help for the Holidays.


I'm excited about this week. Well, frankly if I did that bad last week and could still not gain, then this week I can be practically perfect and I should lose. I wanna see a 2lb loss. So that means, uping my exercise. Here goes nothing.

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Last night I had chicken pot pie and a salad again, then sherbet for dessert. It was just so good the night before, lol. I also had a piece of pumpkin bread and that was good.


I didn't exercise last night b/c I've been going non-stop all last week, so I decided one night off would be good.


Today I'm probably going to go over to subway. I'm getting a little tired of HC and LC. But I brought, popcorn, ff pudding, ff yogurt, a pickle, a laughing cow cheese wedge, and a grape fruit. I wasn't eating enough during the day the last two days, so I had to bulk up some things.


Back to exercise tonight and back to making sure I'm logging all my points and truthfully. Come on two lbs this week.


Good choices.


PS-Jess, liked your FB status this morning!

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Well I told my trainer this morning thatmy weight has been the same and she told me that she doesn't often tell people this but she thinks that it's really really important for me to get this weight off (obviously we know that) so she suggested trying MediFast...at least just to kick start some weight loss. She said at this point with all the hardwork I am doing I should be losing weight.


Problem is it's $300 a month for the food..well yeah maybe that's how much it normally is for groceries..but that's still a lot for me.


The good thing is I know someone who has a ton of it so maybe she would let me try some first, although I hate to ask.


I honestly would try anything at this point to at least get some weight off. Plus the trainer said that her doctor recommened it.


Guees we will see.


Today I have a ff pudding, lean cuisine and apple..

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Weight Watchers is cheaper, lol. But if you feel this will be a way to get a jump start then you should at least try it. My SIL did something like Medfast. She has shakes she drank for 2 meals a day and then she could eat one big meal a day, whatever she wanted or something like that. She loss 28 lbs on it in like 2-3 months. So its whatever will help you, thats the important part, YOU.

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Hey ladies just wanted to say a quick hello. Sorry I have been so out of it this week. Its been very hectic and I have so much to do and I seem to be getting no where. Not sure if I am getting a little depressed or if I just have so much to get finished and not being able to get it done is just making it get worse. But anyway


Had a argument with my Mom today which only happens 2 times a year or so but hopefully we are over it. I have to take her to 2 appts tomorrow and Britt has one for her shoulder tomorrow.


I am still doing fairly well on the food thing and still working out everyday. Tomorrow marks the one month till we leave. Wow I feel like I still have so much to do to get ready.


PS Brooke I love your profile pic and even though its in black and white your makeup looks great. I wish you were going on the same crusie as me because I haven't put makeup on in a long time. I have to go out and buy all new makeup to take with me. I am going to buy the cheap stuff because I won't wear it much after the cruise. THat or I will give it all to Britt



I am keeping up with reading on here so don't think I forgot about you. We are part of a big Gathering that local churches hold where we have bands, activites for kids, and give away free clothes, food. Everything is free and this year they are having funnels cake's:eek: I hope to stay far away from it. I am involved with Women working for Christ and ao I am going to be the women at the well and handing out free water bottles. Of course I still have to put a label on over 300 bottles that have a bible verse on it. Ok starting to stress what all has to be done by Friday night:eek:



Have a great great weekend and thanks for letting me blubber. It helps sometimes to get it all out.

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I did good last night. I did 30 mins on the bike. I was so proud of myself. I also did my weights. I had a pizza though. Its call Tony's pizza. I was trying to find a pizza that I could eat that was reg. and not diet, but had the least calories and I could eat more, lol. Well, this one was a cheese pizza, it was 290 for 1/3 pizza and had three servings. So I did a little WW math and I had just enough points last night to eat the whole thing. Minus the small fire in the oven from a bit of pot pie crust in the bottom it turned out good and I felt like I made a better choice. Normally, I would have the tombstone 4 meat pizza and thats almost 400 calories a slice. Oh, I also had enough points for a little bit of sherbet. I thought I'd have to go into my flex a little b/c I just knew I'd be snackish later, but I distracted myself with exercise and reading and plus I wasn't hungry.


Today was shredded wheat, no english muffin. I brought the last of the pot pie for lunch and a few ff things to eat inbetween.


My aunt is taking me and mom out to the Natalie Cole Concert tonight for my bday present and we will have to grab something to eat real quick, so I'm trying to hold back some points today. I won't be able to get in any exercise tonight either, but I've got time to make up for it.




That is so exciting. I remember being that close to my cruise, oh wait......we booked a month before, lol. Thanks for the compliment on my picture. I was a theatre major so I'm pretty comfortable with make-up, although now I only use the natural mineral make-up. In that picture all I really did was use a little light brown blush on my cheek bones, the lipgloss was actually bright red, but I knew it was going to be black and white, so I needed a dark color. My eye shadow was a dark green I think, with black eyeliner and masacra. You can tell I didn't care about the colors b/c I was doing a black and white. But, the easiest thing you can do is use almay eye colors. They hav these eye colors that they match to you eye color or skin tone. There are three colors in each compact. What you do is you put the medium color on entire bottom of you eye lid, then take a eye brush or the little wand thing and pick up the darkest color and put it in the crease of your eye and blend it in, then take the lightest color and put it between your eye brow and the crease and blend some more. Throw on some eyeliner and mascra and you are ready for a nice evening look. During the day the dark color on you lid and the light from the crease up is doable.


Good choices.

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I finished off the night with dinner wich was a tuna melt sandwich on english muffin with tomato my dad made and some soup. I had a glass of chocolate milk before bed.


THis morning I didn't have time to eat before I left so I did get a turkey and cheddar flat (took bacon off) and a hot chocolate.


I have a salad for lunch my mom made and apples for snacks and that's it.


Not sure what dinner will be tonight. But I am going walking on the track with my friend.


Have a great day everyone!

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Hello everyone

Well I cannot believe 3 weeks has gone by and it was time for my next weigh-in of course I weigh at home this is the official count. UGH i gained 2 lbs. but lost a ton of inches so it balanced out.


I was trying to even think Bob was on my shoulders for a last chance workout and my workouts have improved the results have not.


This week Brooke you guys and my sister must have worked together on meals as

Monday was chicken pot pie, salad and baked apples (cut in half with cinnamon, all spice and sugar free syrup with marshmallow on top) out of Diabetic cookbook

Tues porck chop, mashed potatoes, noodles, green beans and applesauce -an election dinner in our town to raise money for catholic charities

Wed left over pot pie and salad

today hmm do not know


For breakfast had Captain Crunch and bannana - -my nutrionist advised to break up the monotney to add like Captain Crunch too. Captain crunch I can have more and it is less calories and more fiber. She said there was nothing wrong with Special K, Cheerios or even and egg she does not want me to get bored and go off the track so she was giving me other options and I wanted to pass them along.....


Hope everyone's week is going good

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Hey Ladies! Tomorrow is Friday! Woohoo!!!! Sorry I haven't been on here lately, just caught up in work and exercising. I've been holding out at my weight, but am trying to build my endurance back up. I have a dry cough that won't go away and I think that's interferring with my breathing while I'm working out. It's driving me nuts!!!!! But I do have an appt to see the pulmonary doc in the next coming weeks. We'll see what he things and then possibly go onto the ENT. Ugh! The life of being a preemie I guess.


I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!!!

Today I had Banana Nut Cherrios for breakfast and my coffee once I got to work. Lunch was Tabatchnick Black Bean soup w/ FF saltines. That really fills you up!!!! I'm drinking Crystal Light Fruit Punch right now and will be taking some with me on the cruise. Tonight is a mesquite bbq pork tenderloin we bought. We'll see how that turns out.


My Dad has booked us a trip to Vegas which is in January and I'm very excited for it!!!! Have any of you been there? Suggestions of what to do?

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Great job everybody. I think we are all making better choices even if they are not the best its an improvement. I must admit I did some stress snacking yesterday and even ate half of my husbands large fries which was probably like a small. I was hoping not to have any till the cruise but yesterday was very busy and rushed so I just dug in. :(


Still lots to do today but maybe I can just stick to what needs to be done and not grabbing for snacks. BTW has anyone tried the 100 calorie choc covered pretzels. They have become one of my favorites. For some reason I am craving choc everyday. I have been eating cocoa pebbles for supper every night for 4 weeks and that really helps.


Good luck today and tomorrow. I will check in with everyone on Sunday or Monday.


Brooke-thanks for the makeup advise

Jess-good job with not gaining any weight and sorry that you didn't get to see any # results but making better choices is improving your health even if they #'s never change.

Kimmers-I have a pair of jeans that I try on to see if I am losing inches.;) It really helps when the scale doesnt change

Kim-I have never been to Vegas so no help from me. Sorry. I really hope they can find what the problem is and that your health inmproves quickly. Remember take it slow on your workout if you must its very important to be able to breath. LOL

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Happy Friday ladies!!!! Anyone have any special plans this weekend? Tomorrow I'm watching my neice while my sister gets her hair done. Then we'll all be going our separate ways to get ready for a family wedding. Other than that, not much going on.


My Dad decided to book this Vegas trip as a Christmas gift this year (he's done 2 cruises and a trip to NC for skiing, skipping a year because my sister was pregnant) since it may be the last one before more grandkids come ;) My older sister is currently TTC and we'll be TTC next Feb/March.:)


Anyways, I'm looking up stuff like crazy since it's about 2 months away but I know it'll be here before I know it. I've got my list for packing, things to do and see out there and every day I'm jumping for joy. It's so funny how you say things and then later on, you turn around and do exactly what you said you wouldn't do. For instance, I had always said I would never go on Carnival because it was too much of a party boat. HAHA! Well, I've been on 5 now. I had also said I had no desire to go to Vegas but I must have not know what all there is to do out there!!!!


Sorry to ramble ladies. I'm sitting at work with nothing to do right now. Hope you all have a great Friday and fantastic weekend!

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You should have seen me jump for joy at my last weigh in and I didn't gain anything, lol. I was so bad that week, I just KNEW it would be bad. But I was really excited about not gaining. Sometimes its hard when you've been working so hard, but I know you can do it.



I loved the 100 cal. snacks when they came out, but then I started eating to many of them......so I've kinda cooled it on them for now.



Inches are great! That means your toning as well as losing. Inches make your clothes fit better and sometimes that makes u feel better than what the scale says.



I've been to Vegas. I went with a friend back in 2007. I will tell you that just going to each casino hotel and seeing the free stuff they have will take you a week. Some people say the Hoover dam tour is interesting. You def. have to catch some kind of Vegas show while your down there. Madam Toseau (sp) wax museum was soooo much fun b/c you get to touch the figures and take all kinds of pictures. Vegas.com is where I got A LOT of my info. They give you a list of free things, tell you about the hotels, you can book shows and get VIP tickets for night clubs, etc. Try it out.


I went to Natalie Cole last night, she was great. I know I'm getting old b/c some of those notes coming out of those speakers hurt my ears, lol. But we went to a mexican restur. I had some chips and some salsa and some creamy dip and then I had about half of my taco salad. I didn't eat the fried shell. I was so full.......It wasn't funny. But I stacked up 22 points for last night so I think I did good.


Today was shredded wheat, english muffin with butter.

For lunch, IDK. I have a LC, but I'm not feeling it. I might go get a grilled chicken from DQ or a wrap. Dinner is IDK either. Mom might say go out, or she might say leftovers, but since dad has been hunting all week, we tend to treat ourselves.


My aunt is coming in for the day tomr. Apparently, her husband collects, walnuts (I think walnuts are it) from the trees and then sells them online. IDK, he is kind of weird. But they have a chili cookoff over in on lake community, so we might wisk her away to that. Lucky for me I don't like chili b/c I don't like beans.


I hope you guys have fun this weekend.

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My aunt is coming in for the day tomr. Apparently, her husband collects, walnuts (I think walnuts are it) from the trees and then sells them online. IDK, he is kind of weird.



I'm sorry I just really had to laugh at what you said! LOL :p


I do have to agree with you on the 100 calorie snacks..of course I love them but I will seriously eat the whole box. So I decided I just shouldn't buy them.


You guys are lucky, I have never been to Vegas or a concert since 1998 :rolleyes:.


Honestly since I've turned 21 I've had chances and offers to go to Vegas but I am still punishing myself for being the way I am and not fixing it. Not only that but it was so hard for me to be on a plan on our last cruise in 2005 that I didn't want to ever put myself in that situation again. Now I can't wait to lose weight so I can just take the heck off.


Good news is I got a promotion at work :D and my cousin asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding...I'll be more excited about that when I lose weight. The wedding is in July 2010.


I had my favorite meal last night...chicken casserole my dad made..so I didn go over a bit with portions but I also went for a mile walk with a friend.


This morning I had half a select harvest soup...I thought it was nasty.


I will be going Car browsing again this weekend. Maybe I will get lucky we will see.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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LOL about the 100 calorie snacks. My MIL can't eat those for that exact reason!!!


Jess - Why are you punishing yourself? There is absolutely no reason to, and in doing so, you are missing out on some great times and trips!!! Congratulations on the promotion and being a bridesmaid!!! That's always fun!!! I love planning weddings, although, I will say it's a little crazy at some points!


Brooke - I heard that there is so much to do and see that there is no way to see it all in just 3 days. But then I've also heard that you'll go crazy if you spend more than 5 days out there. Who knows but I'm still excited!!!


Today I've been good with eating. I had banana nut cheerios and Starbucks Mocha Frap Light for breakfast, a 100 calorie Nutter Butter granola bar for snack, 200 calorie portion Dijorno pizza (which was pretty darn good!) for lunch, and tonight we're going to Red Lobster for dinner. I always get the Tilapia half-portion w/ double rice and salad but I plan to have a few 'endless shrimp' of my husbands. I think that's what he's getting.


Hope you ladies have a great Friday evening and weekend!

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Kim- The last time I went on a plane I bought an extra seat belt extender just in case from ebay. Well thank god I did because I needed it and I didn't want to ask for one. Not only that but when the plane was full on our way down OMG, my seat was between a young couple. The guy didn't even look like he wanted too or even could sit next to me because I took up so much room. I was so mortified! Then my friend who was near the entrance was telling me to come her way and the stewardess saw me going to sit next to her and told me I couldn't and it was because of my weight. I had to sit somewhere else. Thankfully on the way back there was extra sits so I had two or three all too myself.


I didn't want to chance it again..especially since I am at least 40lbs bigger then I was then. I decided if I can't lose weight - I can't go on a plane.


Unfortunatley I HAVE missed a lot of good times. My cousins and friends were always asking me to come see them in Florida or Utah and I never did because of my weight.


And now I have been saving ALL of my vacation time for my surgery for the last two years and I've only gone as far as Conneticut to Foxwoods and that's my one or two day vacation every year.


Pretty sad isn't it?

Edited by Jesscap5
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Awesome about the promotion and bridesmaid!


I completely understand about the plane. I really want to lose more weight before I get back on another plane, but I'm not going to let other people's ignorance stop me from living my life. I had a couple sit next to me and the guy got all cranky b/c the seats were a little squished b/c of me. Eh, he can get over it, I had a bad back that was killing me for 2 hours, that's life buddy.


This last business trip in Boston I was on my home from my connecting and hadn't realized that the flight back to my home airport was and "express", which translates to "the smallest seats in the world." I actually almost got set next to some foreign kid, but lucky he wanted to sit with a friend so we switched. I sat next down to this older lady and boy was it extremely tight. I was sure they would say something. But they didn't and the lady didn't say much and she fell asleep. When I got up to get off the plane, I turned around and said "Thank you" for being so polite about the tight squeeze, that most people wouldn't have been. She said, it wasn't a big deal to her and that other people needed to get lives.


So, you win some and you lose some. But I have to fly for work and I will fly for fun. People will just have to get over that fat ppl like to have fun too. We all don't shut ourselves up in our houses and eat 24 hours.


On another note, I am guilty as charged. I have not been to an amusement park since I was probably in 6th grade. I'm too scared of not fitting or the clamps not fitting or the seatbelts not being big enough. So I'm very guilty of living my life b/c I'm fat and not b/c I'm alive.


So, I guess we all have our vices, that hopefully sooner or later we can get past.


Have a good weekend all.

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Jess-Congratulations on the promotion & being a bridesmaid. I know you want to lose weight but sometimes just go with the flow your cousin wouldn't have asked you to be a part of the wedding if she didn't want you there. I know one of my sisters friends me and her never saw I to I and when my sister announced her engagement I knew she would be a bridesmaid but I didn't care. I told my sister that I am heavy and when she picked out the dress could she keep that in mind she said that she wanted me and my other sister to do that together. My other sister weighs about the same as I do. Once she found 5 dresses that she liked on us then all of us girls went to the dress shop when my sister heldf up the 5 dresses that loked good on us everyone in the party liked one of the 5 but the picky one that is a size 3. My sister looked at her and said these are the choices I like and for your wedding you can have what you want. Needless to say she was in the wedding but griped up until the wedding day that she hated the dresses. I was glad my sister stuck up for my sister & I. Live Life who cares about what other people think!


Kim- vegas is a blast was only there once but loved it. I definetly agree w/Brooke to take in a show. We did the Hoover Dam tour WOW something I would do again, it also incuded the M&M Factory/Fannie May Chocolates. The casinos is interesting just to go and look at all of them. Including downtown Fitzpatricks was fun. Since we were never there we wanted to take in all the sites. We stayed at the Castle (Excalibur) where will you be staying? We were there a long weekend buthad plenty to see & do.


Annette: Thanks for the inspirations


Brooke: yes I do feel better and I know I am toning. My strength has went up 2 notches


hope all is have a great weekend

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hi girls. Lets just so I am sooooooo worn out. Today's event was a success. I did good there and stayed away from funnel cakes, hotdogs, etc. But once we got in the car it was over. I ate pizza hut tonight.:( 2 pieces and a small piece of cake. I will probably feel real upset about it tomorrow but for now I am just to sleepy and it isn't even 7:30 yet.:eek: Hope everyone had a much better day then I did. Will comment more later about everyone's posts.

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I lost my other post.:mad::mad::mad:


Yesterday was a little better then Saturday but not good. I was very suprised to weigh this morning and see that I had lost 1lb. :D God is good to me!!


I had to have a small piece of cake for breakfast because I went in and saw that we had no bread no turkey etc. So I am off to the grocery store.


Wondering if life is going to stay so busy and rushed between now and my cruise.:confused: But I will relax a bunch on there.


Have a wonderful wonderful week.


I will jump back on later and try and post the rest of what I was wanting to say.

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