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Rssc-not Impressed


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Back in July I inquired about booking an RSSC cruise. After much discussion on this board, as well as with fellow travelers from my favorite cruise line (Seabourn) we decided, in August, to book a RSSC for February. My wonderful TA (who I have been using for years) called and made our deposit, made notes in the file who she spoke to and when. We then went about booking airfare and a post cruise stay at The Ritz Carlton - San Juan.


Last week we realized that we had not made the "final" payment. We called our TA who said, "Should be no problem we book with them quite often".


Boy was there ever a problem. The young man she spoke to in August never made the deposit. Therefore, our cruise was cancelled within 24 hours of our booking. "So Sorry". We had booked a Masters Suite (or something like that) and it was no longer available. However, they would be happy to put us in another cabin. NO THANKS!!!! If I had wanted a regular cabin I would have booked one to begin with. When I book a certain class of service then quite frankly I expect that class of service. Obviously, service is something RSSC knows little or nothing about.


We were a little unsure about this cruise line in the beginning and now I know there was a very good reason as to why we had that incessant doubt - SERVICE. We are all about Service. I think I will head on back over to Seabourn where Service is what they are all about. Where people actually do the job they are paid to do and when a mistake is made they make it right. At Seabourn people to actually bend over backwards to make you happy. They don't just blow you off with the "So Sorry" mass market cruise line attitude.


Well, "So Sorry" RSSC - this is one cruiser who will not be cruising your line - not now, not ever.



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You're not alone. We booked a cruise on August 30 for a cruise this summer on the Paul Gauguin. I discovered about two weeks ago that our reservation which had been made by our travel agent had also been cancelled by RSSC. The RSSC employee who our travel agent gave our information to never made our deposit. Our travel agent was able to get us another cabin in the same category but with an inferior location. The price has gone up and RSSC is refusing to honor our original price even though the error is theirs. Apparently the RSSC employee that never made our deposit has left the job so RSSC does not consider the mistake their problem to fix. Our travel agent is still hoping to resolve the pricing issue and has assured us that we won't have to come out of pocket for the price increase. We are looking forward to our cruise but this is certainly not the service that we expected from RSSC. I'm wondering how many other people are dealing with the same issue?

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I always check my credit card account within a week of making the reservation. Just to make sure the deposit amount is the same listed on invoice. Lesson learn if you don't see a charge on your credit card, you are not booked. Cruiseline (all of them) will only hold a room without deposit for 24-48 hrs, not like hotels. :cool:

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Maybe I'm missing something, but as mentioned above, there are several things that just don't seem to make sense here:


1) When we booked with RSSC, they gave us a booking number immediately at the time of booking, and I found that I could verify our status (booking, payments made, payments owed, all details, etc.) immediately online at RSSC.com using the booking number, anytime from within minutes of our booking up to the actual cruise date.


2) At the time of booking I was asked if I would prefer an email or a fax confirming everything. I received the email within minutes of booking, confirming everything. I assume that if I had said "fax" I would have received the same.


3) People that are charging your credit card (as opposed to offering you a credit back) tend to charge your card immediately. It should not have taken more than a day or two (at most) for your credit card to show the charge, which could have been easily verified either online (pretty much all major cards offer this service) or by phone through an 800 number. RSSC actually offered a special (less than what we had agreed to pay) on our cruise date that became available about 60 days before we sailed, and they cheerfully offered to credit the difference back to me on my credit card when I called. Their credit back to me hit my credit card the same week as my call (thank you RSSC!).


As in everything, it is always "buyer beware", but I would suggest that if the TA did not get an IMMEDIATE confirmation (email or fax), and the card was not charged within a day or so, then a huge red flag should have gone up, within at most 1-48 hours of booking - and not any longer.


Sorry about your situation, but it sure sounds to me like something broke down in communication between your TA and RSSC...




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T3Robinson has blamed RSSC for his own travel agent's error. I have never had a problem, but then I use an agent who deals almost exclusively with RSSC.


It's your loss, T3Robinson, because RSSC cruises are the best all around.

You've blamed the wrong party for your disappointing problem!

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I'm sure that with so many reservations being handled, RSSC makes an occasional mistake, and I've had a few problems with RSSC reservations myself. And I'm not quick to blame the travel agent for every problem that may come up. Having said that, I have always received a receipt WITH a booking number immediately after authorizing my deposit and checked that out online no later than a week later. I also contact my TA a few days before final payment is due to make sure that everything is in order. I can't help but think that in this case the fault might be the travel agent. I'd be quicker to think that he/she failed to follow through with the deposit, than that RSSC dropped the ball.


JoAnne B

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Yes, let's think about this for a second - while mistakes can happen, wouldn't any cruise line have incredible incentive to want to make absolutely sure that a deposit is received (the sooner, the better)? - and wouldn't any competent TA get hardcopy confirmation of the booking number and deposit at the time of booking, especially since RSSC specifically asks to provide it?


Sorry, but this sure sounds like the TA's fault to me...



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I have never sailed on RSSC, so I am somewhat objective. I did though receive my cruise doc today for my 1/8 cruise. If you are a seasoned traveler and have cruised on Seabourn before you should know the procedures that all prior posters have indicated are the norm.


Nothing in your post even indicates that you have even given any consideration to the idea your TA might be at fault. From my prospective she certainly did .


A TA usually asks to receive confirmation by fax as soon as they book your cruise. I have sat in my TA office after he made the booking and have had to wait for the fax to be received from the cruiseline before I left the office and

received my "invoice".


I hope that you enjoy your future Seabourn cruises and I am sure that I will enjoy mine.


PS. Once my TA made a mistake on my cabin selection and I contacted Cunard's corporate headquarters and they were very accommodating. Where there is a will there is a way.


May you have calm seas on blue skies on all your future cruises

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It sure sounds like the TA made the mistake and you always get a BOOKING number from the TA!! If you have sailed a couple of times, you should have known that. That is basic 101 as being a TA. And the TA should have received a FAX from the cruise company! It sounds like the TA and you dropped the ball on this. And as other people asked, IT should have shown up on your credit card!! At that time there should have been a RED flag for you.

You never did mention the ship.

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T3: I gotta go with the majority here and say it sounds like your TA dropped the ball. Even if a mistake was made by RSSC by not immediately posting your deposit and charging your card, your TA should have known very quickly that nothing came through on this booking. What TA books a cruise over the phone and then promptly forgets about it, not even bothering to check to see if there's any confirmation? What does your file contain -- just notes about the phone call? No booking number, no confirmation, nothing but notes? Sorry, but I would never make ANY travel arrangements without getting firm confirmation and a paper and/or email trail. You mentioned that you've had your TA for a while and like her, so perhaps this is clouding your ability to see that, in this case, she messed up.


As far as what RSSC can do for you now, the reality is that if all the master suites are now booked, they can't exactly toss someone out so you can have it, can they? In my experience RSSC does bend over backwards to help their passengers...they certainly have for me...but bare facts are bare facts, if there isn't an open suite, they can't create one out of thin air. I'm sure they would be willing to work with your TA to provide some type of alleviation, but your expectations have to be grounded in reality. I'd recommend pursuing this before you throw your hands up in the air and walk away, blaming RSSC (and then publicly criticizing them in a forum that might drive other potential passengers away).


I also think you need to assume a little bit of the responsibility yourself. I personally would never be so lax with my vacation plans that I wouldn't even bother to verify that my vacation was booked. Since I made my booking, I've checked the RSSC website several times to insure it was there, and I've also gotten the passenger forms from my TA and had them sent in already. I have a complete file that includes copies of everything, so that if any problems arise, I have a paper trail. Hey, "stuff" happens, and I see it as my responsibility to have my ducks in a row.


Anyway, one more point -- I have learned that throughout the cruise industry, you can't judge your onboard experience by the land-based staff. I've heard so many horror stories of land-based customer service on various lines being just terrible, but then the exact opposite is experienced once you are on the ship. I have heard nothing but overwhelmingly fantastic things about RSSC's cruises, so I wouldn't let a mistake like this keep me from experiencing them.


I hope things get worked out for you.



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We received a confirmation letter from RSSC and our travle agent but our credit card was never charged. That's why we followed up to confirm our reservation and found out it had been cancelled.


Agree with everyone .. travel agent sure sounds to blame for this mess.

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I have to say that I am really sorry for your bad experience but unlike you we had a very positive experience with Radisson in the UK. We made our final payment in August for our recent November cruise on Mariner to Panama only to find out 2 weeks before departure that our TA had gone out of business and failed to forward any monies (a lot) to Radisson. At this point Radisson could have just said 'tough, no cruise' but what they actually did say was that they knew we had paid our money up front and even though they had not received a penny of it they felt morally bound to honour our booking. They said that they felt it was their problem to attempt to sue the TA for monies owed and that we would still have our cruise. This we did and had a totally spendid time. This has left us feeling very impressed with the ethics and integrity of Radisson and we will most certainly be booking again with them.

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It sounds like RSSC turned a potentially negative situation into an opportunity to gain customer loyalty. They deserve kudo's for that one! We all know that problems occur, and mistakes are made...it's how the company handles the resolution that really counts.


By the way, are you Mau owners by any chance (or rather, are there Mau's who own you?)? We have silver and bronze Egyptian Mau's who rule our lives. Right now I have to get off the computer because they think it is play time.

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Hi JoAnne B

Yes we are actually owned by an ancient silver tabby Mau who just happens to be named MAU. She is 19 years old, very noisy and very deaf. We took her to the vet as we thought she must be in terrible agony but apparently she just can't hear the horrible bloodcurdling noises she makes. She is the last survivor of 5 and very precious to us. Good to speak to a fellow slave.

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I see that you are from the UK. Are Mau's very popular over there? I understand there is a championship line in Japan, but am curious how popular they are in the UK. I'm sure they were even rarer 19 years ago!


Sorry to go off topic...promise this will be the last!

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Hello again,


I understand how many of you wish to blame my agent. She herself accepts full responsibility. However, I do not see it that way. We not only had a booking number, we had a confirmation number and confirmation form that had been faxed to my agent. These numbers and forms mean nothing if the employees of Radisson doesn't do their job. Yes, if she had double checked then she would have caught the problem. If I had checked my credit card I would have caught the problem. However, none of this negates the facts that Radisson did not do their job. The problem was caused by Radisson not by my agent. All we could have done was catch and possibly solve the problem.


Now having said this I must also say when I book reservations at a restaurant I do not call a couple of days later making sure they have my reservation. I don't follow people around making sure they do their job. After all it is their job not mine. This is how I choose to live my life. If you wish to chase down and dot every i and cross every t... fine. Not Me.


I am not sad or depressed that this fell through. Quite the contrary. My husband and I had doubts about this line from the beginning. Their actions confirmed our doubts. I don't spend my time crying over spilled milk. I have already booked another trip. This loss, in my opinion, is Radisson's not mine. I believe people need to know what they are dealing with when dealing with this line that is why I put all this in a public forum. It is really simple. If you choose this line for your next cruise be prepared to constantly check to make sure someone has done their job. Personally, my life is too full to waste one moment double checking others.


As for my agent she has been named "one of the best travel agents" by Conde Nast Traveler for 4 consecutive years. She has not attained that honor by being careless.


Too quote my favorite sailor, Martha B.

Happy Sails and Trails,


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T3: Knowing that you did in fact receive documentation does change the face of this. It appears that RSSC definitely erred.


What I take exception to is the suggestion that this is a common situation, that RSSC has a habit of making these types of mistakes, and that those who choose them can expect the same. I would dispute that, as I'm sure would the vast majority of the thousands of RSSC passengers who've enjoyed their dream vacations with them. It also seems as if you went into this with the expectation that your experience with Radisson would not be successful. In your first post you mentioned that you were "unsure about this cruise line," and in this last post you said you had "doubts about this line from the beginning. I can't imagine why -- I've heard and read almost unfailingly positive things about them -- but, despite the obvious reality of what occurred, I can't help but have the term "self-fulfilling prophecy" come to mind. I'm not saying that you had any hand in what went wrong -- clearly you didn't -- but sometimes things just seem to line up in the cosmos!


I apologize for assuming your TA erred, as it seems she did what should have been all that was necessary to effect your booking. I do still wonder what you feel RSSC should have done, barring tossing out the lucky folks who ended up with your suite. Did you give them an opportunity to offer you some type of recompense beyond booking you into another cabin? Or did you just cut your losses and move on to another plan? They might have surprised you, if you'd given them a chance. I'd like to think they would, anyway.


I'm not trying to be a rabid defender of RSSC -- obviously they made a mistake. Heck, I haven't even cruised them yet (my cruise is coming up in May). I just feel that it's not exactly fair to label them as a line to be wary of because of what happened to you. Hey, mistakes happen, name one cruiseline that hasn't made any. Certainly if RSSC had a pattern of making these types of errors, then I would say, blast away! But to do so for an unusual, uncommon and regrettable occurance, disregarding the overwhelmingly positive experiences of so many others, might be just a bit unreasonable. I just haven't seen the evidence to back that up.


I will say that I wish I was in an income bracket where I could make such a major expenditure and not notice for months that it never came through on my credit card!


I do hope you have a great trip! Did you end up booking another cruise, or choosing a different type of vacation?



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