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Cruise Review Triumph 6/15-6/20


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Thanks for all your responses. I wish I had piks of bikini's to publish, but I think I would have been the fat old perv in the corner taking the pictures. So only pictures of the ship and nice views of ocean to be published. :)

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I am loving your very humorous review. It doesn't look like I will get to finish it before I leave on the Triumph tomorrow. I will be left in suspense. Maybe another installment today?


Looking forward to the rest of your review.



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we had a great time on the triumph, we were on the cruise with you. i was just happy it didnt rain in port and i got my wish. and if anyone decides to eat off the ship (omg) lol. there is restuarants right in the market place from the ship, i had great fish n chips AND finally got to try deep fried dill pickles.. there were great!. the bay of fundy tour was nice and we did the jet boat ride they also run. and i got myself a tshirt that said i survived!! and boy did i.. lmfao it was a blast but i got a little panicky when he did this one stop where like 3 waves of water go right over you and i wasnt getting air, but learned when i saw him do it again, i would take quick breaths in between each wave. the bar crew at the Worlds Bar were great! so was the lido deck my friend said, i tended to drink at the worlds bar it became our stopping point and meeting place thruout the cruise. our room was as far as you could go on deck 2 (main) rm 2202. the first night well, the morning (as i didnt get back from casino until 330am) but anyways, i was hearing some banging, thought.. what are they hitting?? sea turtles?? (ok ok laugh at that) lol but we found out that it was the hull breaking the waves. didnt happen every night. tuesday was a bit rocky and it was fun trying to get dressed for elegant night lol but we did it. was great for sleeping. didnt rock bad the whole trip, just in the beginning and towards the end. my friend was a riot and would say "stop rocking the boat"! lol. she laughed as she said it. the dining room at least in the Paris upstairs tended to be cold everynight, but for some reason i wasnt cold elegant night and i had no sleeves lol. and photographers everywhere, if you dont want a pic, we just said, no thanks and off we went.. heyy tony, we did the beanbag toss game... we sucked! lmao


here is something i posted on ccc site :


i've read where ppl are wondering how much to bring, how much can they spend, etc. well, we just got off the Truimph, 5 day cruise to St.John's NB and Halifax, NS


Ship's spending: 3 silver bracelets $85.00 / 2 T-shirts (sale) $20.00 4-cartons of smokes $110.00 / 2 ornaments and a can coolie $15.00 / Pictures $30.00. 22 jack and cokes w/16 drink coupons ($85.00 pre purchased) and 3 waters, total $413.00, but without the prepurchase would had been $500.00.


We also did 4 tours, 2 in st.johns the jet boat and dry tour $80.00 canadian ($72.00 usd) lunch w/coctail about $30.00, taxi there and back $20.00. 1 tshirt at the jetboat (i survived) $22.00 canadian ($19.and chg, usd). in halifax, 2 tours whale watch $55.00 and bus tour $34.00. lunch $6.00, 2 magnets $12.00. Transportation: $64.70 roundtrip train, 22.00 car service to port, 12.00 taxi back to train, and $40.00 parking at station.


now this is just my part of the cruise, not including my friends spending lol. and of course not counting the cruise itself which we all know includes your sleeping (hotel) all your food and all your entertainment. i prepayed for 85 of my drinking, prepayed the whale tour and the train. ohhh, duh me i did gamble, i put 255.00 away just for gambling, did well thru most of the cruise, still had my money, but lost it the last 2 days lol. but thats what it was for, totally seperate from my cruise and i didnt go into my bank to get more money to spend, that was my limit :)


it all boils down to how much a spender you are, how much and what you drink and how many tours you want to do.


hope this helps some..


crap gotta go back to work.. lol

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How do you prepay drinks????We are leaving on the Triumph on the 4th of July and saving money on drinks could make or break our cruise. I have never heard of anyone doing this before..........

go to the carnival website, under the my cruise tab clik on shop gifts and services you can find bar credit 4 drink coupons for 21.25 it will ask you for your booking number and cabin number. clik submit. :)

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go to the carnival website, under the my cruise tab clik on shop gifts and services you can find bar credit 4 drink coupons for 21.25 it will ask you for your booking number and cabin number. clik submit. :)

This is good info, I am leaving on the Triumph 7/13. This will save us some money.




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How do you prepay drinks????We are leaving on the Triumph on the 4th of July and saving money on drinks could make or break our cruise. I have never heard of anyone doing this before..........



I was on this cruise about 2 weeks ago. You can " Sneak alcohol in your luggage and be fine... I put 2 bottle of liquor in " rum runners " and also a 12 pack of beer in my suit case.( Beer, i took sode out of fridge pack and put the cans in , than glued the top back together ) i also put 2 cans of soda in where the handle is incase they looked at it... Came to my room no problem.

Stewads even keep ice on it all the time

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Janice: I will try another this afternoon. do you have any questions I can answer before you go?


Thank you Tony, I really can't think of anything between you and a few other posters you have covered just about everything. I am getting ready to head to dinner and off to my friends before we leave tomorrow. The excitement is really building.



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Thanks for posting, I have enjoyed your review, so little is written about these cruises.


We are also sailing the Triumph over Labor Day....looking forward to it even more now.:)

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We're on the 6/25 cruise. Usually get a balcony but went oceanview. This is just a "get outta dodge" cruise to relax after a busy spring.


Didn't get a chance to sign up for M&M or anything as we booked last minute.


Just me and hubby.


Can't wait


Linda - NJ

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thanks for all your responses. I wish i had piks of bikini's to publish, but i think i would have been the fat old perv in the corner taking the pictures. So only pictures of the ship and nice views of ocean to be published. :)


:D Point well taken.

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Sorry about the delay it’s been a tough couple of days at work…. I’ll try to move it along.

Being formal night with that captains party for the early shift starting at 5; we felt a little out of place in our jeans sweat shirts, scarves, sock hats, and gloves. We had a quick drink at the casino bar, and went aaaaaalllllll the way down to our little smallest back of the boat on top of the engine room and got dressed for dinner. We always enjoy formal night and try to make an event out of it. After the three of us climbed around each other we were finally ready to see and be seen. Bailey walked out of the room and said, “see ya”, and we headed up to the magical Promenade deck. The second seating captains party was at 7 so we had a little time to play around. We decided to do a picture tour. We try to make each photographer laugh. The best was when I got the photographer to admit that he blogs about fat Americans, and that I was going to be the star of his next blog. We found Bailey and separated her from her friends and made her take some photo’s as well. These are better than school pictures.

The captains party was not at its usual spot in the big double decker stage, it instead was at the back of the ship in Club Rio. All ships have this smaller lounge, it’s the one where they hold the art auctions. This was nice because we didn’t have to chase the drink person up and down the stairs. We actually went to the back where there was a bar and ordered our normal drinks, which they gave us with a smile. I did tip the bartender a couple of dollars cash since there was nothing to sign. We finally got to see Jorge the cd, who was funny! It was like watching a g rated Mind of Mancia. The captain then got up and spoke about the whales we had seen, (when I say we I mean everyone but Laurie, Bailey, and I). He also did a quick intro of the officers, then he was off and music played. It was very nice to have it that quick with much less hub bub.

Dinner had its normal Lobster, Prime rib, and a second lobster. It was pretty good. The Lobsters were the normal ones on the ship… small, a little chewy, but still lobster. The meat was kind of tasteless, but we had been drinking all day so who am I to comment on the food…. I was just trying not to dribble butter on myself. The wait staff did their normal little song and dance, and the we headed to the casino.

Laurie found the 2 cent slots which were a lot of fun. They are similar to the wheel of fortune slots, but 10 bucks lasts a long time. We decided to turn in around 11:30, so we could be fresh for St. John Tomorrow.

We awoke around 10:30, 0r 12, or 7 pm… again who could tell? I headed for our favorite spot at the back of the boat and looked out on St. John. It appeared to be a quaint little village, with an industrial looking cruise port. Laurie and Bailey found their way up, and we decided to head to the streets. The first thing we noticed was there was nobody begging us for anything. Nobody trying to braid Bailey’s hair, nobody selling trinkets, nobody offering smoke, just a very nice man in a hat that said welcome to St. John. We walked out of the ship area and a very nice lady handed us a map and told where some stuff was and pointed us up the street. I did think it was wonderfully cliché when we walked off the boat, and saw a Moosehead beer tent, a maple syrup booth, and a hockey stuff store. That’s all I imagined we’d see in Canada. We did not book any tours and just went walking around. The weather was incredible… 74 and sunny. We found that a large portion of the town can be accessed from the inside. They built a long mall, tunnel; walk over the street in gopher tubes system. At the end of the system there was a nice little park, which is where I went Moose hunting. I tried all my tricks to get a moose, I hid behind a tree, I sat and acted like I wasn’t hunting a moose, I made Bailey act like a female moose, I even tried to smell like moose droppings (much to Laurie and Bailey’s dismay). In the end I got no meese (or mooses). This might have been a good thing though as I was only armed with a 2 foot long plastic hockey stick Bailey bought on the street. We then found a pub and had an Alpine beer, which is a local brewed beer. It was good but not served ice cold. I was speaking with the bar maid and found that she comes down here to Sarasota Florida and has a place here. We ended up talking about the housing crash, and our favorite hang outs. It was similar to being home.

St. John was a pleasant little town. It could have been any northern town in the US or Canada. It has some history and the people are the nicest you’ll ever meet. We did not do a tour, and probably should have, though I think moose hunting in the park counts.





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We try to make each photographer laugh. The best was when I got the photographer to admit that he blogs about fat Americans, and that I was going to be the star of his next blog........you are a hoot!:D Keep writing!

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Sorry about the delay it’s been a tough couple of days at work…. I’ll try to move it along.

Being formal night with that captains party for the early shift starting at 5; we felt a little out of place in our jeans sweat shirts, scarves, sock hats, and gloves. We had a quick drink at the casino bar, and went aaaaaalllllll the way down to our little smallest back of the boat on top of the engine room and got dressed for dinner. We always enjoy formal night and try to make an event out of it. After the three of us climbed around each other we were finally ready to see and be seen. Bailey walked out of the room and said, “see ya”, and we headed up to the magical Promenade deck. The second seating captains party was at 7 so we had a little time to play around. We decided to do a picture tour. We try to make each photographer laugh. The best was when I got the photographer to admit that he blogs about fat Americans, and that I was going to be the star of his next blog. We found Bailey and separated her from her friends and made her take some photo’s as well. These are better than school pictures.

The captains party was not at its usual spot in the big double decker stage, it instead was at the back of the ship in Club Rio. All ships have this smaller lounge, it’s the one where they hold the art auctions. This was nice because we didn’t have to chase the drink person up and down the stairs. We actually went to the back where there was a bar and ordered our normal drinks, which they gave us with a smile. I did tip the bartender a couple of dollars cash since there was nothing to sign. We finally got to see Jorge the cd, who was funny! It was like watching a g rated Mind of Mancia. The captain then got up and spoke about the whales we had seen, (when I say we I mean everyone but Laurie, Bailey, and I). He also did a quick intro of the officers, then he was off and music played. It was very nice to have it that quick with much less hub bub.

Dinner had its normal Lobster, Prime rib, and a second lobster. It was pretty good. The Lobsters were the normal ones on the ship… small, a little chewy, but still lobster. The meat was kind of tasteless, but we had been drinking all day so who am I to comment on the food…. I was just trying not to dribble butter on myself. The wait staff did their normal little song and dance, and the we headed to the casino.

Laurie found the 2 cent slots which were a lot of fun. They are similar to the wheel of fortune slots, but 10 bucks lasts a long time. We decided to turn in around 11:30, so we could be fresh for St. John Tomorrow.

We awoke around 10:30, 0r 12, or 7 pm… again who could tell? I headed for our favorite spot at the back of the boat and looked out on St. John. It appeared to be a quaint little village, with an industrial looking cruise port. Laurie and Bailey found their way up, and we decided to head to the streets. The first thing we noticed was there was nobody begging us for anything. Nobody trying to braid Bailey’s hair, nobody selling trinkets, nobody offering smoke, just a very nice man in a hat that said welcome to St. John. We walked out of the ship area and a very nice lady handed us a map and told where some stuff was and pointed us up the street. I did think it was wonderfully cliché when we walked off the boat, and saw a Moosehead beer tent, a maple syrup booth, and a hockey stuff store. That’s all I imagined we’d see in Canada. We did not book any tours and just went walking around. The weather was incredible… 74 and sunny. We found that a large portion of the town can be accessed from the inside. They built a long mall, tunnel; walk over the street in gopher tubes system. At the end of the system there was a nice little park, which is where I went Moose hunting. I tried all my tricks to get a moose, I hid behind a tree, I sat and acted like I wasn’t hunting a moose, I made Bailey act like a female moose, I even tried to smell like moose droppings (much to Laurie and Bailey’s dismay). In the end I got no meese (or mooses). This might have been a good thing though as I was only armed with a 2 foot long plastic hockey stick Bailey bought on the street. We then found a pub and had an Alpine beer, which is a local brewed beer. It was good but not served ice cold. I was speaking with the bar maid and found that she comes down here to Sarasota Florida and has a place here. We ended up talking about the housing crash, and our favorite hang outs. It was similar to being home.

St. John was a pleasant little town. It could have been any northern town in the US or Canada. It has some history and the people are the nicest you’ll ever meet. We did not do a tour, and probably should have, though I think moose hunting in the park counts.

Did you find a basket with little samples in your cabin bathroom?


Just wondering since some of the posters are saying that they did not on the Triumph.



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Maraprince.. we actually did have few samples. They showed up on the second day. It was a razor, pepcid, advill, and a tide stick I think.


Oakman: We have moved and actually live down on plaicda road near Boca Grande. I leave Venice as know one, not even people in Osprey, knows where Englewood is. :)

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