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Has anyone been on the MS Neptune on the Nile?


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Hey Tex,

Toileting is always a fun topic! I'm a nurse and I have done several missions in third world countries and, let me tell ya, sometimes taking a bio-break can be biohazardous!!! Hole in the floor variety is the most challenging, but at least you don't have to touch anything! However, you can easily embarrass yourself.

I plan on taking lots of hand san, wipes and gel. I'm pretty sure you can buy that anywhere you travel, too.

3 squares huh? Well, that is ambitious...........baby wipes for sure!

Had some bad news yesterday, one of our travelers was just diagnosed with leukemia and is now on a 5-6 week hospitalization. Please, if you can, take a moment to pray for him. He and his wife are lovely people and we are stunned by this recent development. But, it does remind me that life is short, don't postpone adventure.

I'm ready for my adventure!


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Oh Suzie, I am sorry to hear about your friend!!! We are doing this trip sooner rather than later because of a few similar situations with friends who became ill last year and now can't travel because of that reason. We have been travelling for 28 years, my DH and I and that is at least 1 trip every year without our kids. We had the big home, pool, camper, etc. that we did with the girls but at least 2 weeks of every year was for US time. We never felt guilty and looked forward to each other alone. We have seen a lot of the world and hopefully a lot more before we say adios!!! Life is too short and you just never know.

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Yep, too short to wait.


Sorry to hear about your friend. 3 years back my best friend of 37 years went to bed one night and had a heart attack and didnt wake up again. She was 51 and we were 8 days apart in age. 5 years ago my SIL passed away from cancer after fighting bravely and fiercely for 3 years. We were 2 weeks apart in age.


We are definately trying to do the strenuous trips now - while we can still do the stuff we want to (like dive the Red Sea etc). Will save the RV trips of the USA for when we can't do the other later.... but hopefully we will be able to go go go till the end......thats my hope anyway.

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I went back over all the posts here and did see about using EP money for tipping more than $1 U.S. Sorry for asking again but should I just change a whole bunch of $1 U.S. that I have been saving (from the casino we go to in the U.S. lol) to $1 EP notes. Is U.S. used at all or is it EP money. Thanks again.




42 days to go or so and counting....whoohoo

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I went back over all the posts here and did see about using EP money for tipping more than $1 U.S. Sorry for asking again but should I just change a whole bunch of $1 U.S. that I have been saving (from the casino we go to in the U.S. lol) to $1 EP notes. Is U.S. used at all or is it EP money. Thanks again.




42 days to go or so and counting....whoohoo


Corrine: You can use either. We actually used both. Once you get there this is a list of things you will hear:


1. Hey Lady ! .....

2. Scuse me.....

3. A dollar..........

4. Come into my store...... I am honest !

5. Come, take a picture with me...... (then they want -- guess what -- a dollar !


LOL. Lots of things are a dollar. They all want a dollar. But when using the restroom you don't need to give them a dollar but rather one egyptian pound. Remember the exchange is $1.00 = 5.62 EP. So an Egyptian pound is 18 cents. I just used 5 to 1 as the other way was too complicated and it was easier. Your guide can provide coin for the restrooms for you as they are hard to find. Even when exchanging money at Le Meridien or on the ship - they say they have no coins. If paying in US$ you will get change in Egyptian pounds thereby giving you some local currency also.


Don't stress over using either....... just remember the exchange so you don't over tip thus over spend :D

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You hit the nail on the head! My travel friend is 8 years older than me and I turn 60 in April. We are planning to do what we can while we can then see the US. Our next trip is in 2013 and we are doing Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary......so far. On that trip I plan on sipping wine and soaking in the thermal baths and eating pierogies!!!

This is going to be the most strenuos trip we have taken as tourists. Our trips on Operation Smile missions were grueling. We lived in less than tourist accomodations, bathed in a shower with a garden hose sticking out of the wall with cold water and worked 18 hours a day. This will be a trip where it is a good kind of exhaustion.

Cannot wait to see all of the sights that I have dreamed about all of my life. Somewhere in heaven, mom is saying, "you go girl!".


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Tex, Somewhere in heaven, mom is saying, "you go girl!".



That is so funny that you said this. My Mom loved to travel but never got to do much. My Dad was a merchant marine and traveled the world over .... but I was born when she was 42 and she was busy raising me so she didnt get to go much. Whenever I travel, I always say "my Mom would have loved this !!" Next on my bucket list is Thailand and either Tahiti or Fiji...... I'm not much on the cold places.


What is "operation smile" ?? Sounds interesting.

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Wow, Tex,


We have a lot in common. My mom was 42 when I was born, I was adopted so I was a relatively easy birth for her.....lol. It was the next 21 years that was a challenge for her! My dad was a traveling salesman and when he had time off, the last thing he wanted to do was travel, so we didn't. For high school grad my mom gave me a week in New York City with her and two of my friends. The bug bit and has not let go of me.

I have been to Tahiti, it's a beautiful and strange place. Very expensive.

I've been to Cambodia and want to go to Vietnam and Thailand (but I'll wait until they get their problems taken care of).

Operation Smile is a medical mission (I'm a critical care nurse) that goes to third world countries and provides surgical repairs for cleft lip and palate...thus the smile part! I've been on 9 missions including Colombia, Peru, Nicaragua, China, Mexico and Cambodia. It has been a heck of a ride.

To quote Rick Steves............."Keep on travelin'".


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Thanks for the heads up about the money. I really won't stress about that!!! I laughed reading your list of the phrases you hear most....sounds alot like what you hear all over the world lol.


Suzie....I have read about Operation Smile....what a wonderful thing to do. We place so much emphasis on our looks that anyone born with a mark is immediately branded and bullied it seems. I have read about your group and the wonderful things it does in other countries...how great is that!!!


Now if only some of the millions/billions of $$$'s could help at least get some decent housing for the poor souls in Haiti, that would be a miracle. We have a very good friend whose daughter was in the Hotel Montanna when it collapsed and I am sure she must be just looking at the devastation that looks just like last year and thinking "what a waste of Katie's life" to this country that has seen no changes in a year to the main street. I know that is due partially to the government or lack thereof but my God nothing has changed. Kind of sad to see eh.


Anyhow enough about that...we are alive and well and going to enjoy our lives while we can right and that means travelling to exciting countries and experiencing new delights!!!


Thanks again.



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Hi everyone,


About the bathroom at the step pyramid, my husband took a pic of the men's. I should post that :( Tex said the women's was worse! Glad I didn't venture into it!


Cheryl - Mexico was great. Much better than the snow here. Why do I live here????? 5 more weeks till Galapagos from yesterday!


About toilet paper, I brought kleenex and the wipes for my hands as well as tons of regular hand sanitizer. Many bathrooms didn't have soap. You won't be sorry to bring it. I just brought small packs of the kleenex sold in target, walmart, etc. I'm so excited for everyone about to go to Egypt (and jealous). I would return in a heartbeat!



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Steph, glad to hear you guys had a great trip. We were in low 30's this morning so kinda cold here too...... pretty cold almost everywhere !!!!!


7 weeks until I leave on my girls cruise....... Honduras, Belize and Cozumel Woohoo !


Mike and I would also go back for another visit to Egypt !

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Buie....please post that pic so I can horrify my DH LOL. Honestly we always have "toilet" stories when we come home and it usually involves him. 1 time in Budapest the bathrooms were on a timer and by the time he read the instructions on how to make the toilet seat revolve and be sprayed with disinfectant (no lie, really) the lights went out and he couldn't find the door to unlock and get out LOL. Many other stories about bathrooms but I won't go into anymore. Would love to see the pic though.



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Bathroom stories, wow, I love it! Let's see, in Venice I had to use the facilities in a restaurant and was directed to the back of the store and opened the door and it was an empty room with a hole in the floor. I went back to the front and they assured me that was the restroom. Uh, no.

Then there was China, a hole in the floor with porcelain! I pee's all over the leg of my scrubs! But, we all did and it made for good laughs. Then I used a street bathroom in Ireland that was much like the experience your husband had, scared the dogwater right outta me.

Yep, taking lots of baby wipes and hand san.


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Buie....please post that pic so I can horrify my DH LOL. Honestly we always have "toilet" stories when we come home and it usually involves him. 1 time in Budapest the bathrooms were on a timer and by the time he read the instructions on how to make the toilet seat revolve and be sprayed with disinfectant (no lie, really) the lights went out and he couldn't find the door to unlock and get out LOL. Many other stories about bathrooms but I won't go into anymore. Would love to see the pic though.




Laughing (with you) about the dark bathroom issues. I have poor night vision, and have learned to take a penlight when going to unfamiliar places. One fact that I have learned is when on bus excursions in Europe, even though there is a toilet at the rear exit, often when you enter it the lights are not operational. When I inquired about it, it seemed that the bus operator did not expect to have the toilets pumped out after a less than full day excursion, and therefore the driver did not switch on the lights, therefore the light switch in the toilet would not work.


With my small emergency penlight, I could hold the light in my mouth, and take care of business. After other cruisers discovered the problem, I could have paid for my shore excursion by renting out my light!

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Laughing (with you) about the dark bathroom issues. I have poor night vision, and have learned to take a penlight when going to unfamiliar places. One fact that I have learned is when on bus excursions in Europe, even though there is a toilet at the rear exit, often when you enter it the lights are not operational. When I inquired about it, it seemed that the bus operator did not expect to have the toilets pumped out after a less than full day excursion, and therefore the driver did not switch on the lights, therefore the light switch in the toilet would not work.


With my small emergency penlight, I could hold the light in my mouth, and take care of business. After other cruisers discovered the problem, I could have paid for my shore excursion by renting out my light!


Absolutely ! Bus drivers on excursions really really don't want anyone to use the facilities !


I did not take a pic of the ladies bathroom at the Step Pyramid...... all I wanted to do was get out ! I would not post it even if I did as it was really gross. Not funny gross either :(

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It must be several pages back, but how close to time of departure do you get your travel documents? I did find out that our room on Neptune is 212. Looks like it's right around the corner from the lobby.

Gettin' real excited now!



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Since we used a friend of mine (TA) she printed out ours and gave them to me....... seems like it was only like 3 weeks or so before the trip.


alot of the documents are just pages of the same stuff on the website. Itinerary, info on before you leave etc. etc.


They will have vouchers for the excursions. I was never asked once for them. Not for the transfers to the hotel, not for excursions, not for flights - NADA. I am not sure if that was because we were a small group and our guide (Aymin) was so organized (he had a clipboard with all our info on it) and they werent really needed. Perhaps if your group is larger they will ask you for them.


Anyway, it was like 28 pages - but alot duplicated from what I had already printed out from the website.

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Wow, that is bizarre. My friend is my TA too, I guess I will call her and have her fax to me. I did find my cabin assignment, that's a start, I guess.

So plane tickets to Egypt, Iwould expect to have them, right? Sheesh.


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Well, I'm beginning to think we have the curse of the mummy! Now, my travel partner's husband is having open heart surgery this coming Friday! She thinks he will be well enough to stay with their daughter and that she will be able to go. Communication will be key. Any suggestions about cell phones? She has an I-Phone and it is unlocked. Did anyone buy a SIM card in Egypt? If she goes (crossing fingers and toes) I'm thinking we need at least one phone or would you think we can count on internet cafes or the computer on the boat? We both bought travel insurance, so if she is not able to go, I will still go, but what a bummer!

Also, did any of the accomodations have power converters, or should we all take one for each room? 4 weeks and counting. Still waiting on my Gate 1 documents. Started test packing.

Oh, I forgot, United called and said that our early am flight on the day of departure, out of Columbus, Ohio is cancelled. Sheesh, now we have to fly out at 10:15 from Columbus, to Dulles and on to JFK. Nervous about that too. We now have an additional opportunity to go the night before and get in very late. I have to work the day we leave, may have to call the boss and beg for an additional day.

Sighing in Columbus,


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Well, I'm beginning to think we have the curse of the mummy! Now, my travel partner's husband is having open heart surgery this coming Friday! She thinks he will be well enough to stay with their daughter and that she will be able to go. Communication will be key. Any suggestions about cell phones? She has an I-Phone and it is unlocked. Did anyone buy a SIM card in Egypt? If she goes (crossing fingers and toes) I'm thinking we need at least one phone or would you think we can count on internet cafes or the computer on the boat? We both bought travel insurance, so if she is not able to go, I will still go, but what a bummer!

Also, did any of the accomodations have power converters, or should we all take one for each room? 4 weeks and counting. Still waiting on my Gate 1 documents. Started test packing.

Oh, I forgot, United called and said that our early am flight on the day of departure, out of Columbus, Ohio is cancelled. Sheesh, now we have to fly out at 10:15 from Columbus, to Dulles and on to JFK. Nervous about that too. We now have an additional opportunity to go the night before and get in very late. I have to work the day we leave, may have to call the boss and beg for an additional day.

Sighing in Columbus,






I asked my husband and he said that our guide had a USB modem that you would get through Vodafone. That is the most reliable. He was pretty connected over there. I would check with vodafone also, to see if there is anything else as far as cell capabilities that they could recommend. Internet was very spotty, but our guide let us use his USB modem to remain somewhat connected. We could also always use the ship's phone to call home. It's not cheap, but if you're only on for a few minutes, it's worth it for peace of mind. My husband said it was under $3.00 per minute, so it's not that bad. If you want to stay connected, it just take a little ingenuity and patience but it can definitely be done. As soon as you get there, have your friend talk to the guide and they will be a huge help to you guys. Hope this helps. This trip is such an amazing journey! Have fun.



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Suzie, man o man ...... I would be more than sighing..... I would be freakin' out :o But I guess you have to roll with the punches. My Dad had open heart surgery many years ago...... a triple bypass actually. The very next day he was up sitting in a chair eating turkey :eek: The next day they had him walking around ........ so hope all goes well.


As for the flight..... I may be a worry wart but we have had so many problems flying (missed connections, no crew, no plane etc etc...) that we always TRY to fly in the day (or night) before. Even if it is a late late flight. You will be there and know you won't miss the flight to Cairo (which would be alot more $$ than a hotel room)


Hope this all works out for you..... I know you have been excited for a long time about this trip - and rightly so - you will never forget this one !


The hotels all have internet - you just have to pay for it...... its not alot.

Even tho we used our guides modem, yours may or may/not have one or let you use it (we had an extremely accomodating guide :)) I would plan on either buying one (@$60.00) or using the ship phone to call home.

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Wow! Thanks you guys, for all of the great info, and Tex, you are right, I am freakin'! And it is because my primary practice in nursing was Open Heart Recovery, so I know too much...........sigh. But, my friend says come hell or high water, she is going to go to Egypt. Now I'm having problems getting her convinced to go the night before. We would arrive at 11:38pm and we wouldn't get into the hotel until 1am or so. She doesn't want to schlep around that late and doesn't want to sleep two in a queen sized bed if we share with our single traveler who IS going a day early. I'm gonna check on flying in to Newark and then shuttling to JFK.

Maybe I should quit my job as a nurse and work in the travel industry! I'm learnin' how to shuck and jive through this system. LOL



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Suzie, if you do fly into La Guardia or JFK and need a good hotel nearby - we stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn on our way back. It was close, clean and really nice. Not a resort nice - but a "stay one night" nice. There was a small restaurant in the lobby (we ate dinner and breakfast there) and they have a shuttle to/from JFK. You have to take a taxi if you use La Guardia. We flew into JFK and out of LaGuardia.......


The price wasnt bad either for a hotel near a NY airport. Our bill ran $298.96 but included dinner and breakfast for both of us.


anyway, if you need a recommendation for a place....I would stay here again for an overnight stay for sure.

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