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Alcohol and Tipping Policy

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I haven't been on a Regent cruise since they were Radisson and I loved the four that I went on. One thing I remember noticing is subltle changes in the "free" acohol policy so I would love some help on understanding it from recent cruisers. As I recall every night they have a selected white and red wine that is complimentary. I presume that is still the case. I also remember being able to get a free cocktail in one of the lounges before dinner or after if you are watching the show. Is that still true? Finally, I remember on my first cruise that if you wanted a glass of wine with lunch (after all you're on vacation) it was also free but on a later cruise you were charged for anything at lunch. Does anyone know the lunch policy?


Is it still true that no matter how good your service was either in the room or dining room that the people waiting on you don't expect a tip? We are getting a room with a butler which I never had on a Radisson cruise before. Does the butler expect a tip?


Thanks for yor help.

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Regent is now all inclusive. All alcohol with the exception of "premium brands" is included in the price of the cruise. And "premium" means really premium. I regularly order Johnnie Walker Black scotch, for instance. That is included under the all inclusive umbrella. Alcohol is included all of the time.


Regent is a no tipping line. The crew are compensated accordingly and sign on knowing they will not be getting tips from passengers.


Nothing is "free." You pay for your alcohol and for the excellent service you receive on Regent ships when you sign that big check ninety days before departure.



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I haven't been on a Regent cruise since they were Radisson and I loved the four that I went on. One thing I remember noticing is subltle changes in the "free" acohol policy so I would love some help on understanding it from recent cruisers. As I recall every night they have a selected white and red wine that is complimentary. I presume that is still the case. I also remember being able to get a free cocktail in one of the lounges before dinner or after if you are watching the show. Is that still true? Finally, I remember on my first cruise that if you wanted a glass of wine with lunch (after all you're on vacation) it was also free but on a later cruise you were charged for anything at lunch. Does anyone know the lunch policy?


Is it still true that no matter how good your service was either in the room or dining room that the people waiting on you don't expect a tip? We are getting a room with a butler which I never had on a Radisson cruise before. Does the butler expect a tip?


Thanks for yor help.


For the most part, all alcholic drinks are "included" aka "already paid for" aka "free". There are some wines available for an extra charge if you wish. Depends on how palateable the wine du jour is at dinner. Some premium bottles for your suite are available for an extra charge, if I'm not mistaken.

Otherwise, all types of drinks are "included" at lunch time, all afternoon and all evening at any of the bars onboard or through room service.


Tipping is up to you, but the staff are not expecting it. Even the butlers. We had a butler last year and while on board we celebrated our 25th anniversary and my wife's birthday. Our butler and room stewardess (we felt) went out of their way to make us feel special on both occasions, despite a last minute cancellation and change of venue for dinner on her birthday. So we gave them each a small tip for that at the end of the cruise. Otherwise, we don't tip in the bars or restaurants, but you can give a donation to the staff fund at the front desk, if you wish.


Others will chime in shortly, but I hope this helps and maybe others can clarify any inaccuracies I might have stated.

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As others have posted, alcoholic beverages are available in all dining venues as well in the lounges. Regent has become more all-inclusive than other cruise lines. The only reason I can think of to upgrade to a beverage that is not included is to spend on board credits that you cannot find another way to use. Their alcohol selections, for the most part, are top shelf.


Tipping can become a very long, contentious thread. Basically, many believe that passengers should respect the guidelines set forth by Regent. Those who choose to tip make things more complicated for both passengers and crew. The only cases I have heard of where going out of guidelines with tipping was acceptable is if/when a crew member goes out of the scope of his/her job responsibilities for you. For instance, one crew member went to a pharmacy at a port stop to obtain medication for a passenger. Other than that, IMO, making a contribution to the crew fund is the way to go.

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Totally agree with TravelCat. You have paid for tips,, etc when you made your final payment. Now, if I asked a crew member to do something that was clearly out of the normal scope of their job, I would tip accordingly.

Drinks are "all-inclusive" so are available any time of day you like--I guess if you wanted a bottle of wine at 9 Am, you could order it.

Only once in our recent cruise did we find the red wine on offer that evening to not be satisfactory for us. In that case, we asked if they had any from the previous evening (which they did) and we were served that. Interestingly, when others at nearby tables saw what we were doing, they asked for that wine also.

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That's what we did-at the end of the cruise-my husband went down to the front desk and put money in the crew fund. The service throughout the ship was excellent so the crew fund was hopefully spread around equally and we were glad to have this option, but not be harrassed about doing it.

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So, to combine a couple of thread topics, can you donate to the crew fund with unused onboard credits?


If so, do you have to use the ones from your TA (that you can "cash in") or can you use the "nonrefundable" Regent credits?

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So, to combine a couple of thread topics, can you donate to the crew fund with unused onboard credits?


If so, do you have to use the ones from your TA (that you can "cash in") or can you use the "nonrefundable" Regent credits?


In other words, can I donate to the crew fund without actually spending any money?

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Are these questions getting harder or is it just my imagination:confused: Based on what Mark Conroy explained about OBC, I'd assume that you could not donate "nonrefundable" Regent credits into the crew fund -- only the refundable ones.


Fab Fam: That was nice that you donated to the crew fund. A crew member once explained that the money goes strictly for purchases for the crew (bicycles, and other items the crew requests) as well as their Christmas party, etc. I guess people on this board do hassle people who tip just a little bit;)

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In other words, can I donate to the crew fund without actually spending any money?


Ah, Rally - work with me here. I prefer to think of it as denying myself (and maybe even SWMBO) a bit of pleasure (like maybe a polo shirt I can't wear to dinner) so that the crew can have a better life (and I hope they send pictures and updates on the crew members whose lives we've affected through our sacrifice).

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Thank you for all you knowledge and responses. It's making me look forward to my cruise even more. I appreciate that nothing is "free" but it is nice to know that we will not be nickled and dimed on the cruise. My last cruise was on HAL in Alaska two years ago. Obviously Alaska is spectacular and nothing could spoil it but not only was the food awful (and I don't take cruises for the food), all those extra expenses that really added up were annoying. I particularly disliked that if you were sitting on deck by yourself relaxing you were the target of the staff trying to sell something. Sorry for my diversion. Thank you again!!

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Ah, Rally - work with me here. I prefer to think of it as denying myself (and maybe even SWMBO) a bit of pleasure (like maybe a polo shirt I can't wear to dinner) so that the crew can have a better life (and I hope they send pictures and updates on the crew members whose lives we've affected through our sacrifice).


I have asked everyone I know and even a few people I don't know well (like the nice lady at the post office today; that might have been a problem; after I asked her and then walked away from her station I noticed she picked up the phone and called security; I still don't know what "SWMBO" means but I did not like the sound of that loud siren blaring as I was walking casually (if a little quickly) back to my car (let's see. . . . Porche Cayenne? Ferrari? BMW 610? BMW 611 (MUCH BETTER you know!) Hyundai 001? Hmmmm? Which one has the keys in it?) If I can only get safely to my poor pathetic little H Gaurantee cabin all will be well, vibration and flooding aside of course.

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Rally, you above all people should know who SHMBO is. Look to your wife, dear, who you must obey, remember the vows?


Oh now I recabernet. That must be why the postal worker was upset; I asked her if she was SWMBO (shouldn't it be S *W" MBO? Doesn't "Who" begin with a "W" or is it just me? Age, I guess. Why, I remember when I was on the SS France and. . . or was it the Titanic? Maybe the SS Colonic. Whatever.) Anyway, I have a hard time remembering some of these things because I grew up in the 60s and here's a hint: if someone tells you they remember the sixties --- they did NOT grow up in the sixties =)

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Rally - It isn't always easy being erudite.


SWMBO stands for "She Who Must Be Obeyed." It was popularized by Leo McKern when referring to his wife in his role as Horace Rumpole in "Rumpole of the Bailey" (BBC TV series, 1975-92). It originally came from a line in the 19th century novel, "She," by H. Rider Haggard.

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Thank you for all you knowledge and responses. It's making me look forward to my cruise even more. I appreciate that nothing is "free" but it is nice to know that we will not be nickled and dimed on the cruise. My last cruise was on HAL in Alaska two years ago. Obviously Alaska is spectacular and nothing could spoil it but not only was the food awful (and I don't take cruises for the food), all those extra expenses that really added up were annoying. I particularly disliked that if you were sitting on deck by yourself relaxing you were the target of the staff trying to sell something. Sorry for my diversion. Thank you again!!


Our cruise a year ago on HAL to Alaska was the same. Sticker shock on the last morning when that big wad of paper is delivered to your cabin with all the "extras" . At least on Regent the sticker shock is upfront!


The biggest wake-up call for me was the evening we were sailing from Vancouver and it was an absolutely gorgeous, clear, warm evening, everyone on the ship was excited, we're up on the top deck taking in the scenery and a guy comes around with a tray full of "Welcome drinks to start your cruise off right. Help yourself!!! Have a great time!!!" Off he goes to the next group, then the guy with the little wireless charge thingy comes up to us about 15 seconds later and asks for our cabin cards to charge the drinks to our room.

Just felt cheap.

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Rally - It isn't always easy being erudite.


SWMBO stands for "She Who Must Be Obeyed." It was popularized by Leo McKern when referring to his wife in his role as Horace Rumpole in "Rumpole of the Bailey" (BBC TV series, 1975-92). It originally came from a line in the 19th century novel, "She," by H. Rider Haggard.


Ah yes, Rider, my great-great-grandmother spoke of him often. . . not sure how intimate they were, actually, but, never mind. The poster to my post who referred to the op (you?) mispoke and subtituted (no doubt a typographical error I am sure) the "S" for the "W" so that was the cause of my confusion you see; really quite simple when you examine it, as I have now and I am sure you will when opportunity arises and, I am sure, when that opportunity arises you will agree, don't you think, that "Rumpole of the Bailey" was a rather vulgar and, shall we say, populist appeasement sort of trifle the likes of which we see all to often these days? Don't you think? My mother never admitted to actually meeting Mr. McKern but did, occaisionally, mention people they "knew in common" and it was never in the highest regard. Since moving to the colonies, however, we have learned to be more tolerant of the artistic and merchantile classes. I am given to understand that many of them have never even taken vows.

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I did, actually, enjoy the first seasons of "Rumpole." He was (as one reviewer put it) "sublimely cantankerous" and possessed of a number of endearing eccentricities. Too much of a good thing, however, ensued and he became a caricature of his earlier self - eminently predictable and frayed around the edges.


Please pass my regards to Mother and G-G-Gram.

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What a shame really that you talk of Leo McKern creating Rumpole without mentioning his real creator John Mortimer, an eccentric real life barrister, who drew on his own experiences when writing. Such a brilliant man, who only died in January of this year.

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RachelG -- I'm not sure about the 9A bottle of wine. Last year on the Mariner in Alaska, my friend and I ordered room service and asked for bloody marys (little hair of the dog, so to speak) and we were told that we had to wait until the bars opened. So now we go prepared to make our own!


And, Cruisebugbit -- I agree with you about other non-inclusive lines. I was on Celebrity a couple of years ago, enjoying a nice chair in the sun before we sailed from Seattle, and the waiter came around with a tray of fruity drinks in fun Celebrity glasses. So, of course, I took one and then after taking a sip I had to sign for it. After taking lots of cruises on Regent, it was kind of a shock. Even tho I know Celebrity is not all inclusive.

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Our cruise a year ago on HAL to Alaska was the same. Sticker shock on the last morning when that big wad of paper is delivered to your cabin with all the "extras" . At least on Regent the sticker shock is upfront!


The biggest wake-up call for me was the evening we were sailing from Vancouver and it was an absolutely gorgeous, clear, warm evening, everyone on the ship was excited, we're up on the top deck taking in the scenery and a guy comes around with a tray full of "Welcome drinks to start your cruise off right. Help yourself!!! Have a great time!!!" Off he goes to the next group, then the guy with the little wireless charge thingy comes up to us about 15 seconds later and asks for our cabin cards to charge the drinks to our room.

Just felt cheap.


Same reason I thought I would never cruise again, plus my Royal Carribean experience was also so boring that I played more bingo than I believed possible just for something to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My only regret (and a minor one at that!) about our Navigator Monaco-Athens trip July 10-17 was that we couldn't use our onboard (nonrefunable ) credits for tipping. There was no suggestion to tip, but we did anyway, for our waiter and cabin steward. We asked at reception, but to no avail. Also, we saw/heard no reference to any general crew gratuity fund.


Alas, my wife and teen-aged daughters had to use those onboard credits for Spa and gift shop items...

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My only regret (and a minor one at that!) about our Navigator Monaco-Athens trip July 10-17 was that we couldn't use our onboard (nonrefunable ) credits for tipping. There was no suggestion to tip, but we did anyway, for our waiter and cabin steward. We asked at reception, but to no avail. Also, we saw/heard no reference to any general crew gratuity fund.


Alas, my wife and teen-aged daughters had to use those onboard credits for Spa and gift shop items...


Did you ask at the front desk? It isn't surprising that you could not use your OBC for tipping since Regent's policy is no tipping. Hopefully others will remember this and will donate to the crew fund.


This is an old thread -- hopefully the tipping issue won't start up again.

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My only regret (and a minor one at that!) about our Navigator Monaco-Athens trip July 10-17 was that we couldn't use our onboard (nonrefunable ) credits for tipping. There was no suggestion to tip, but we did anyway, for our waiter and cabin steward. We asked at reception, but to no avail. Also, we saw/heard no reference to any general crew gratuity fund.


Alas, my wife and teen-aged daughters had to use those onboard credits for Spa and gift shop items...


John, If I had leftover credits of any kind I would love to add them to the general crew fund. What a great idea you had. Too bad it couldn't (or wouldn't) be done for whatever reason.

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