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Problem getting off the Emerald Princess in St. Pete.

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We just arrived home from our fabulous Baltic cruise with HAL. We cruised on the Eurodam (14 day departing June 22) and there were no difficulties getting through Russian immigration both mornings of our stop in St.Petersburg, even if you were needing to leave early on an independant tour (we toured with DenRus, and they were excellent). The only thing we noticed was there was no ship's announcement that the gangway was open...Many of the independant tour customers were lined up waiting midship at the A deck gangway. Everything was very orderly;there was no chaos. Oh, and the required immigration forms were left in our cabin a couple of nights ahead of our stop in St. Petersburg. All passengers received them.

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We had a similar experience July 9th. We were booked with Denrus and went to Deck 4 to disembark as we had at the other ports. It was not open (at least not yet) and we were told that we would be disembarking on Deck 5. (Keep in mind we did not have Princess Tour stickers on our clothing). We went to Deck 5 where they were setting up an exit area and began waiting. After it was set up, two Princess personnel stood there. We politely asked to disembark and they refused. We explained that we had tours waiting and they basically dared us to try and get through, saying that it was the Russian authorities who dictated who got off the ship and who didn't and that we could not disembark.


As we stood there, people became more vocal and then one of the tour directors (Rebecca who taught ballroom dancing on the ship) came over, became very flippant and was saying things such as "Sure, this is exactly what I want to do on my day off... hold you guys hostage." She also said that the people who had already left the line and had not come back were "probably in jail." She also reiterated that if you leave, you take your chances with the Russian authorities.


At that point, we left the line, went to Deck 4 where, by now, everyone is disembarking, got off the ship, went through immigration, met our Denrus tour director, who was very gracious and once again assured us that the Russian authorities have nothing to do with the disembarkation procedures.


By now it was 8:15am. One Denrus bus had already left. Those were the people who did not stand in any line and did not go and sit in a lounge. They observed what was going on and then mingled in with the Princess tour people, ignored comments from the Princess personnel at the Deck 4 exit and disembarked.


Our bus waited until 9:15 for the people who were very obedient and sat in the lounge. Then we left without them. However, Denrus was again very gracious and made sure that they had a complete tour.


The people who stayed on Deck 5 later told us that Princess never did open the exit area that they had set up.


I realize that what I am explaining sounds like a fabrication or exaggeration. It's hard to believe Princess would go to such extreme measures, but they did.


My adivce is to stand around, locate the floor that people are disembarking from and mingle in. Do not ask the Princess personnel any questions. They will make all efforts to detain and delay you. They will lie as they did, in fact, lie to us. Remember also that your fellow tour mates are on the other side..... waiting for you.


I highly recommend Denrus. We had a fabulous two day tour with them and also an evening at the Russian Folklore show, which was delightful.

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The thing I find astonishing, at least when it comes to the lines under the Carnival Corp umbrella, is why they don't seem to have the same (read sensible) policies. Princess should have the same policy as HAL when it comes to a SPB disembarkation (or vice-versa, but then hopefully not). End of story.

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We are currently on the Emerald Princess (July 19 & 20 in St. P); here’s what we experienced: Every Princess Patter and the shore excursion brochure had a warning that the Russian immigration authorities would not permit independent travelers or private tours to disembark before all Princess tours had done so. As the person who contacted Princess to arrange our Roll Call Meet & Greet, I was even shown what was purported to be an official letter from Russian authorities stating the same information.


Our group of 9 decided to ignore this warning and disembark at 7 am as we had previously planned and arranged with our private guide. We met in the Level 5 Piazza, where several Princess tours were also assembled. We politely joined the line at the back of a Princess group and waited for everyone in that group to go ahead of us. When the line started to move, a Princess staff member stepped between us and their group, and indicated with arms spread wide that we had to stop. He warned us that we could not go ashore, that the Russian authorities would send us back, causing bigger problems and delays. We told him that he was not correct and that we were allowed ashore. Without any pushing or shoving or threats, we simply stepped around him and went through security and off the ship. At immigration, we presented our passports, a copy of our passports, the immigration form provided by Princess and our tour ticket. Our immigration officer did not even look at the tour ticket, leaving it on the transaction counter. Our passports were stamped and we were cleared through immigration in time to meet our guide at 7:20 am. Russian immigration does not care what tour you are on, they only care that you have the proper paperwork.


Do not be intimidated by the Princess mis-information campaign. I have it from a knowledgeable person on the ship that this is not the work of the Russian authorities. These actions are intended to protect Princess’s monopoly on the St. Petersburg shore excursions. Please be firm and polite, don’t push or threaten. Just state your certain knowledge that no Russian restrictions exist. Please also be aware that Princess monitors the Cruise Critic forum.

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Please also be aware that Princess monitors the Cruise Critic forum.



What is Princess? CIA or KGB? they must care about their ships who have big problems with swine flu and let the people (who have pay them) walking free... we are not sheep in pen...

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Has anyone sent their experiences & complaints to Princess? We are going on the Sept 3rd Baltic Cruise and after reading all the complaints about the treatment of people going on private tours I e-mailed a complaint letter to customer relations. I would think it would be better for the complaint to come from those who actually experienced this treatment. I hope Princess will get back to me.

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We are currently on the Emerald Princess (July 19 & 20 in St. P); here’s what we experienced: Every Princess Patter and the shore excursion brochure had a warning that the Russian immigration authorities would not permit independent travelers or private tours to disembark before all Princess tours had done so. As the person who contacted Princess to arrange our Roll Call Meet & Greet, I was even shown what was purported to be an official letter from Russian authorities stating the same information.


Our group of 9 decided to ignore this warning and disembark at 7 am as we had previously planned and arranged with our private guide. We met in the Level 5 Piazza, where several Princess tours were also assembled. We politely joined the line at the back of a Princess group and waited for everyone in that group to go ahead of us. When the line started to move, a Princess staff member stepped between us and their group, and indicated with arms spread wide that we had to stop. He warned us that we could not go ashore, that the Russian authorities would send us back, causing bigger problems and delays. We told him that he was not correct and that we were allowed ashore. Without any pushing or shoving or threats, we simply stepped around him and went through security and off the ship. At immigration, we presented our passports, a copy of our passports, the immigration form provided by Princess and our tour ticket. Our immigration officer did not even look at the tour ticket, leaving it on the transaction counter. Our passports were stamped and we were cleared through immigration in time to meet our guide at 7:20 am. Russian immigration does not care what tour you are on, they only care that you have the proper paperwork.


Do not be intimidated by the Princess mis-information campaign. I have it from a knowledgeable person on the ship that this is not the work of the Russian authorities. These actions are intended to protect Princess’s monopoly on the St. Petersburg shore excursions. Please be firm and polite, don’t push or threaten. Just state your certain knowledge that no Russian restrictions exist. Please also be aware that Princess monitors the Cruise Critic forum.


Having gone on this cruise a couple of years ago, I must say that it sounds much worse this year for those going with independent tour companies.

Sorry you guys are going through this. I certainly hope Princess reps. are reading these forums.

Glad I went when I did and followed cc members suggestions of blending in with the Princess tour people when getting off the first morning at 7:30am.

This kind of treatment you guys have been getting this year would keep me from considering this cruise again.

Wondering if it is the same for those going to Egypt?

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Has anyone sent their experiences & complaints to Princess? We are going on the Sept 3rd Baltic Cruise and after reading all the complaints about the treatment of people going on private tours I e-mailed a complaint letter to customer relations. I would think it would be better for the complaint to come from those who actually experienced this treatment. I hope Princess will get back to me.


Yes, we have written a letter. I hope things improve soon.

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I have a question? If you are traveling with Cruise Lines Insurance, will they cover you if you are on an independant tour?


Unless your ship is explicit in saying you are covered while off the ship, you are not covered by the ship when ashore, either on private tours or ship sold tours. They require their shore contractor to have liability insurance however, that takes over when on a ship sold excursion.

Apparently only the larger shore excursion companies have liability insurance for private tours, be sure to check before booking. Tour operators who are also Shore agents for ships will certainly have it; in St Petersburg that would be Baltic Travel, Arctur, and DenRus.

Even if a tour operator says they have insurance it might not pay claims from outside their country. Russia is not a country where insurance is considered essential for business or daily life. Auto insurance is now required but usually it only pays for damage or injury to the other vehicle.

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Hi All,


Just back from a wonderful Baltic cruise. We had booked and independant tour for 4 of us with Denrus. Just a day before getting to St. Petersburg a stern - more sternly than previously reported - letter was given to all passengers saying that effective 7/5 there had been a change in policy with immigration and we would not be allowed off the ship until after ship's tours (this was on Jewel of the Seas). I sent an email to Denrus who informed me that this letter came from the company that the ship's tours are run by, and only ships who contracted with that company had gotten this letter. Other ships had not, and that they (Denrus) had contacted Russian immigration and there was NOT any policy change with the exception of the new immigration form which started somewhat before 7/5. We went to guest relations who basically said all we can tell you is what we are told, we won't KEEP you from leaving, but basically it was our problem if we had issues once we got off. We said OK, and lined up at 7 am with our clearly NOT ship's tour tickets and got off no problem. However we did talk to another passenger who was prevented from getting off. Our experience was walk out like you are supposed to be leaving and nobody challenges you (we did send out the biggest guy first though....;))

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Over on the Rotterdam we had a mixed experience- a couple days before during a presentation on St Petersburg we were told that there would be a window to get off early before the ships tours but then that night it was announced ships tours first. Our organizer contacted our guide with SPB and she said just get off early- the russians don't care. We met early- and left with no problems except our guide got held up at the main gate but as soon as she arrived they processed us right thru.


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Unless your ship is explicit in saying you are covered while off the ship, you are not covered by the ship when ashore, either on private tours or ship sold tours. They require their shore contractor to have liability insurance however, that takes over when on a ship sold excursion.

Apparently only the larger shore excursion companies have liability insurance for private tours, be sure to check before booking. Tour operators who are also Shore agents for ships will certainly have it; in St Petersburg that would be Baltic Travel, Arctur, and DenRus.

Even if a tour operator says they have insurance it might not pay claims from outside their country. Russia is not a country where insurance is considered essential for business or daily life. Auto insurance is now required but usually it only pays for damage or injury to the other vehicle.

Thanks for the response. I have insurance through travelex for next may. I am going to give them a call, but I think I am insured from the time I leave home until I return.



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It has been most interesting reading this thread about disembarkation in St. Petersburg. We sailed with Celebrity on May 19 and were also warned by Celebrity we had to wait until all passengers booked on Celebrity tours had disembarked. Indeed, the tone of the daily newsletters regarding this issue up to St. Petersburg was intimidating. Anastasia travel had counselled us on what to expect and what to do: ignore the ship's personnel, who by law, have no legal right to detain you, and politely go around them. The Russian Immigration officers could not have cared less who was with a ship's tour and who was with an independent tour. Strangely, the second day there was no issue at all, no waiting, no one from the ship present to detain anyone.

Although I was disappointed in Celebrity regarding this single issue, (first time in 9 cruises), having read this forum has led me to rethink our planned trip to Greece with Princess next year. I may be willing to sacrifice the itinerary that suits us to avoid any unpleasantness from Princess. I also simply don't wish to choose a cruise line that treats passengers this way. Too bad for Princess, there are always over 20 of us who sail together. Yes, I expect this forum is read by administrators from the cruise lines, and I feel some communication is needed to regain passenger faith in the companies involved.

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Quote from Beppy: Although I was disappointed in Celebrity regarding this single issue, (first time in 9 cruises), having read this forum has led me to rethink our planned trip to Greece with Princess next year. I may be willing to sacrifice the itinerary that suits us to avoid any unpleasantness from Princess. I also simply don't wish to choose a cruise line that treats passengers this way. Too bad for Princess, there are always over 20 of us who sail together. Yes, I expect this forum is read by administrators from the cruise lines, and I feel some communication is needed to regain passenger faith in the companies involved.


We have been on Princess many times and have always had wonderful experiences. The Baltic cruise and St. Petersburg disembarkation difficulties were the exception. We don't know what stresses were put on employees or the line to act the way they did. My hope is the problem will be corrected and the great service will be there for future travelers to St. Petersburg.


It would be a shame to cancel plans for taking Princess to Greece. It was one of our all time best experiences in cruising. We intend to continue sailing with Princess and expect to be pleased with our cruise experience.

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Although I was disappointed in Celebrity regarding this single issue, (first time in 9 cruises), having read this forum has led me to rethink our planned trip to Greece with Princess next year. I may be willing to sacrifice the itinerary that suits us to avoid any unpleasantness from Princess. I also simply don't wish to choose a cruise line that treats passengers this way.




The only port where we experienced any unpleasantness with Princess was St. Petersburg. Other Baltic ports were fine and there were no problems with any Med. ports when we did the Grand Med in 2006. If you like cruising with Princess, I wouldn't change your Med plans because of ST. P issues.


ps - regarding complaints, we did write this up in our comment forms.

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We are in the planning stage of booking a Baltic cruise for next year with Princess. We have a large group and we are frequent Princess cruisers. After reading the posts on this board we are rethinking booking with Princess for this cruise. I plan on carefully looking at the boards for a cruise line that does not participate in this nonsense and lying.

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Here is a interesting post on Trip Advisor dot com that explains what is occurring in St. Petersburg. It also lists the cruise lines that are not attempting to hold back independent tours.


"Ships with HAL, NCL P&O, Cunard, and a number of others are not delaying passengers and are complying with the actual rules. Princess, RCCL, Celebrity, Costa, MSC, Azamara, Regatta and others will be causing artificial delays."


This jives with our recent experience on HAL (last month). There was no attempt or even a hint that independent tours couldn't exit the ship before the ship's tours.




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Here is a interesting post on Trip Advisor dot com that explains what is occurring in St. Petersburg. It also lists the cruise lines that are not attempting to hold back independent tours.


"Ships with HAL, NCL P&O, Cunard, and a number of others are not delaying passengers and are complying with the actual rules. Princess, RCCL, Celebrity, Costa, MSC, Azamara, Regatta and others will be causing artificial delays."


This jives with our recent experience on HAL (last month). There was no attempt or even a hint that independent tours couldn't exit the ship before the ship's tours.





Thanks for the link. We are not sailing until May of 2010 and I am so glad this whole issue has come to life so that we will be prepared for this.

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We were on the July 9th Baltic cruise on the NCL Jewel. Had a wonderful time. Getting off in St. Petersburg was not a problem. We had a private (independant tour) booked and they met with all those on private tours a few days earlier to inform us of this new policy. It was not from the ship but from the Russian govt. They did not hold anyone back from departing early. That was not their intention at all. We were able to disembark at the same time as the ships tours. We used a different gangway and the ship preprepared our landing cards that we needed to disembark. Our tour tickets were in place of visas from our tour company, traveltospb@gmail.com and we waited about 35 minutes to get through the passport control. We were in the companies van at 7:45 without any hassle. A lot of it depends on how many processing agents the govt. sends. The ship has no way of knowing in advance. We were fortunate as their were 5 to process our gangway. It went off without any problems, so don't worry about it. Just enjoy St. Petersburg. It's a beautiful city.

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We were on the July 9th Baltic cruise on the NCL Jewel. Had a wonderful time. Getting off in St. Petersburg was not a problem. We had a private (independant tour) booked and they met with all those on private tours a few days earlier to inform us of this new policy. It was not from the ship but from the Russian govt. They did not hold anyone back from departing early. That was not their intention at all. We were able to disembark at the same time as the ships tours. We used a different gangway and the ship preprepared our landing cards that we needed to disembark. Our tour tickets were in place of visas from our tour company, traveltospb@gmail.com and we waited about 35 minutes to get through the passport control. We were in the companies van at 7:45 without any hassle. A lot of it depends on how many processing agents the govt. sends. The ship has no way of knowing in advance. We were fortunate as their were 5 to process our gangway. It went off without any problems, so don't worry about it. Just enjoy St. Petersburg. It's a beautiful city.


Thanks. We're on the Jewel next week and hopefully we'll have the same experience.


We also booked with SPB. Who was your guide?

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Luckily, on the Eurodam, there were no restrictions.

There was not much mention of non-ship options, but no restrictions either. (During the port info talks, Ian - the excellent Excursions Director - when appropriate would add something like "and for those few passengers who have made their own arrangements...")


There were no restrictions on leaving the ship, and the only differentiation was that certain gates were for "others" - not on ships tours. When we left at 8:30, there were no crowds so it made no difference in processing time.


This was one more instance of the professionally warm service that made me so enjoy our cruise.


(By the way, I managed BOTH a smile and an apology from a Russian passport agent when she insisted I didn't have a visa and I insisted that it WAS there)



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Just back from our Baltic Cruise on the Journey that departed 07/12/09. We also had independent tour.s through Denrus and had the same experience with the letter, etc. A staff member of the cruise actually barred our exit by standing directly in the doorway of the public area we were in and refused to allow us to leave until an announcement was made that we could leave the ship.

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I'm so saddened to read all of the reports in this thread of the horrific and unethical behavior of Princess. I recently returned from our Baltics cruise on Crystal Symphony, and while Crystal did provide false and misleading information in our pre-cruise documents about the Russian visa issue (stating that you MUST obtain a private visa if you are not with a Crystal tour, or you will not be let off the ship), at least they behaved ethically in port. We had a tour with Anastasia, and saw others who had private tours, and no one was treated any differently regardless of who you were touring with - we all exited when we wanted. Kudos to Crystal for that.


But I had a discussion with our guide Irina about the exiting-the-ship issue, and she told me that this year Princess has been the worst of them all. She knew about this intimidating letter and the bogus "law" it mentions, and said that all of the private guides in St. P (whom, by they way, don't work for any specific company - they will work for any of the private tour ops) have all been notified that they may have long waits if their clients don't have the assertiveness to thwart the intimidation tactics used by the ship. She told me she'd already had one tour delayed by almost two hours from a Princess ship...missing their early entry into the Hermitage that she'd arranged.


This is a big topic of conversation among the guides...it often results in them having longer days than they'd planned on (or are getting paid for), as they will of course give their clients their full day's tour, while they end up getting home hours later than planned. But there's nothing they can do about it. She told me that many clients do get information in advance from the tour ops about what to do, but when faced with crew telling them they are going to be arrested or detained by Russian immigration, they capitulate. By the time the guides get a chance to talk to them and tell them the truth, it doesn't matter - they've already started their day late, and the second day is NEVER a problem because everyone knows the truth by then!


Some in this thread have suggested that passengers should just "go with the flow" and wait until later in the morning to disembark, so as to avoid any unpleasantness. I couldn't disagree with this more. You have so little time in St. P as it is...why should a single passenger miss out on a single minute of this exquisite city, for no reason other than the ship's unethical business practices? Further, oftentimes the private guides have made arrangements for early entry to the Hermitage - we had early entry, and it made an incredible difference to be able to walk through that amazing place with NO crowds, no lines, no waits. When we left later that morning, the lines were literally blocks long just to get in, and the crowds were starting to bunch up in front of the most famous works. We missed all of that. But had we been detained by our cruise ship, we would have had an entirely different experience.


For those who can't understand why Princess is doing this, I think it's pretty clear: money money money. It's been pointed out in this thread that private tours in St. P are becoming more and more popular, and this is what the cruise lines are doing to try to stem that flood. It's unethical, sleazy, and illegal. But the only thing we as passengers can do is vote with our wallets: don't cruise with cruise lines that display unethical business practices.


I was upset with Crystal for lying to me about the visa issue (not just in their pre-cruise documents, but in a phone call to headquarters as well). But in the grand scheme of things, that was a trivial wrong compared to what Princess is doing.


I have lots of friends who cruise, and many are enjoying my tales of my Baltics cruise and contemplating their own. I will advise all of them to avoid Princess at all costs, and be sure to go with one of the cruise lines that is NOT practicing intimidation and false imprisonment tactics.


Princess is shooting itself in the foot.


I do hope that future Princess Baltics cruisers read this thread, and do not allow the ship to detain them. It sounds like all it really takes is some polite but firm assertiveness, and you will be off the ship. Ignore the bullies trying to keep you on. They have NO right to do this.

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Cheesi, what time were you finally allowed off? How long were you detained? That is horrible, and I'm saddened to see that Azamara has joined in with the other cruise lines that are practicing these unethical and unlawful intimidation tactics.


While I can possibly see why the mega-ships may want to ensure their pax get off first (although I still don't feel they have a right to insist on that), Azamara is a much smaller ship and there is NO justification for denying your exit - it's not like they have thousands of people lined up. We just returned from our Baltics cruise on Crystal Symphony, which has a similar passenger load, and they didn't do any of this. No one paid attention to whom you were touring with - we presented ourselves for exit, and we left. Immigration barely glanced at our Anastasia tour tickets, and we were through in 5 minutes.

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