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How Well Do They Clean the Rooms Before Each Embarkation?


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I just got off the Victory and we had a suite I only have 2 complaints first is there were 2 pieces of old cake in the fridge and a plastic bag with something green and gross in there made a call to the guest services and they came in and cleaned the fridge and oh yeah stocked what was missing. second complaint was they wanted to change my carpet in my room after we had gotten back from a port call I was hot and tired and wanted to shower and relax so I told them no but they could at our nect port because I would be gone all day and they had it done when we returned.

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I don't know how some folks define anal but, if it means wiping down surfaces to make sure I don't get sick either during or after a cruise that I paid good money for, than I guess I'm anal too.


Like some of you, I also work in healthcare and know the horrors microscopic organisms can cause. And while I may not go as far as spraying Lysol all over (I can't take the smell), I see no harm in using disposable wipes for a quick "reinforcement" of the job the room steward may (or may not) have done.

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I never use the glasses in a hotel room or a cruise ship room. Do I think the glasses in hotels and cruise ship rooms are clean?...in 95 % of cases I'd say yes, but I don't want to be drinking out of one of the 5% that the room steward quickly swished out and dried, probably with a dirty towel


I am with you. Thats the only thing I really think about alot. I home schooled my DDs, once we decided to do bacteria test everywhere we went for a month. Equal to toilet handles and restaurant tables were glass rims in hotel rooms gag. The things:eek: they grew! ( we stayed at a disney resort not a days in by the way)

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I am with you. Thats the only thing I really think about alot. I home schooled my DDs, once we decided to do bacteria test everywhere we went for a month. Equal to toilet handles and restaurant tables were glass rims in hotel rooms gag. The things:eek: they grew! ( we stayed at a disney resort not a days in by the way)


Did you make a 'control group' for things they touched at home? Their text books, library books, computer keyboard, their toilet handle, glasses in the house..and your own kitchen table?


Without that the results aren't valid....and don't do the massive chemical assult in your home before taking swabs. Do a normal. honest review.


Sounds like a recipe for creating OCD in kids to me, only doing that on 'vacation' and not doing it in your home. The keyboard you're typing on, probably has more 'germs' than most hotel toilets. Humm..try it...but Don't fudge the test by spraying down the keyboard/books/mouse/table right before you swab it....that's cheating and will only fool yourself. Take an average sample according to your avarge keyboard cleaning schedule...compare it to a hotel toilet sample.

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lol... the battle of the OCD's vs people that think it's ok to cough or sneeze into their hand and then grab the buffet utensil. :eek:



To each their own. Personally, I bring a small travel pack of wipes for the phone and the TV remote. Everything else, I let build my immune system. They say the remote is the dirtiest thing in a hotel room as it's never cleaned.


I use hand sanitizer before I eat at the buffet, because of the previously mentioned habits I've seen at buffets, and the percentage of people I've seen throughout life not washing after using the restroom.


I'm all set with being restricted to my room, praying to (or sitting on) the porcelain god, because someone thinks their poop has built-in disinfectant.


As far as a previous poster's remark about the dining room utensils and the 5 second rule cup stack still standing, another immune system builder for me. :)

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Wow simply amazing that a basic question from the Op has turned into a full blown discussion where arm chair psychiatrists and bio chemists have proclaimed others as anal and the cause for super germ bugs.


Op I hope you got the answer you were looking for. My advice is to do what you feel comfortable doing. If it means you bring Lysol or wipes with you then by all means do it.


To those that feel this isn't necessary then good for you I'm glad you can enjoy your cruise without having to worry. For those that feel more comfortable wiping down their cabins good for you I'm glad you too can enjoy your cruise. To each his/her own and I'm thankful we all have the choice to make for ourselves. :rolleyes:

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WOW, as the OP, all I wanted was a simple answer! But thanks, I enjoyed reading some of the responses--I found some quite humorous, actually. I'm also glad that my simple question allowed some of you all to debate...

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Wow simply amazing that a basic question from the Op has turned into a full blown discussion where arm chair psychiatrists and bio chemists have proclaimed others as anal and the cause for super germ bugs.


Op I hope you got the answer you were looking for. My advice is to do what you feel comfortable doing. If it means you bring Lysol or wipes with you then by all means do it.


To those that feel this isn't necessary then good for you I'm glad you can enjoy your cruise without having to worry. For those that feel more comfortable wiping down their cabins good for you I'm glad you too can enjoy your cruise. To each his/her own and I'm thankful we all have the choice to make for ourselves. :rolleyes:



You read my mind!!!! It's called freedom of choice. I don't understand the constant need to ridicule others over such a personal choice that doesn't have a negative impact on anyone else.

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We are happy to oblige.


I've enjoyed the responses, too. I guess I just don't think about disinfectants while on vacation. I'm a big handwasher. Worked in an office building for years & years - no, some people don't wash after potty breaks. I do my best not to touch bathroom door handles. In reality, though, the sink handle would be filthy as well. We all know where everyone was before touching that. Worked in daycare, sanitizing toys, walls, counters, beds, washing hands after each of the 10 hourly diaper changes even though I wore gloves during the change. That's really rough on your hands. Wash after any nose-wiping as well. Now I work for a vet. Lots of washing there due to cleaning up pee, poop, puke & blood. Don't forget fleas, ticks & other parasites. And yes, there are the zoonotic diseases that we can actually catch from our pets. We use a variety of sanitizers there as well as a steamer. However, at home I use the regular cleaning items - windex, scrubfree, lysol, etc. When I travel, I am skittish of glassware & prefer the wrapped plastic cups in the room. But then I get to thinking - what about dishes in a restaurant? I think we will encounter germs everywhere we go. So, if you choose to wipe down things in your room, that will take care of that area, but what about the public areas we frequent? We will still get our quota of germs no matter what. I think the average person will be fine with frequent handwashing, but no harm is done by using the wipes either.

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I've never been one to worry about disinfecting things in our cabin or bringing Clorox wipes on vacation with me, but as it turns out, I contracted staph infections on both of our last cruises, and have had one after the other since returning home. As a result, my doctor has advised me to disinfect all surfaces in my home daily, as well as on vacation, and to not only wash hands constantly, but to use antibacterial products on my hands immediately after using the buffet, casino, etc, on the cruise. I've also had to begin using public restroom protocol that makes me look like Monk. It goes against my nature, but I am doing what I need to do to try to get healthy again. I'll be bringing Lysol, Clorox Wipes, and several antibacterial products with us on our September cruise out of necessity, and per my doctor's orders, not because I'm "anal" or paranoid.

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While I seem to have a good immune system and do not usually become sick while or after traveling, DW is a different story. She aquired bronchitis on our last cruise and was not feeling well for the last few days of the trip. Several others on the Legend also had the same affliction. Therefore, we have started to wipe more and more items down when we travel.


I think I am going to add this reason to a list that another posters started a few months back:

These boards have caused me to cancell my cruise

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I've never been one to worry about disinfecting things in our cabin or bringing Clorox wipes on vacation with me, but as it turns out, I contracted staph infections on both of our last cruises, and have had one after the other since returning home. As a result, my doctor has advised me to disinfect all surfaces in my home daily, as well as on vacation, and to not only wash hands constantly, but to use antibacterial products on my hands immediately after using the buffet, casino, etc, on the cruise. I've also had to begin using public restroom protocol that makes me look like Monk. It goes against my nature, but I am doing what I need to do to try to get healthy again. I'll be bringing Lysol, Clorox Wipes, and several antibacterial products with us on our September cruise out of necessity, and per my doctor's orders, not because I'm "anal" or paranoid.


I am so sorry to hear about your health problem. Must be a little scary when in a crowd or stange enviroment. You're brave to risk a staph infection again with another cruise! It just concerns me that you mention bringing lysol. If you insist on spray this stuff, pls. buy yourself some masks. Not the kind we've all seen pictures of Michael Jackson wearing- ask your local medical supplier or janitorial supply company for a dust mask with double shell construction and adjustable nose seal. Lysol in your lungs is a bad thing! I wish you a speedy recovery.

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You 'clucking-hen' housewives are such a riot :D

..but we still love ya! ;)



Here's another scary one for ya, girls...

read recently that the average person somehow manages to ingest (i.e. swallow)

around 125 insects over the course of a normal life. :eek:


I know I've done a few...tasted good too.

Put hair on my chest!

Just think of it as good protein without bones :D



How did the planet's human population

reach such astronomical numbers?


By being tender feeble things, prone to easy deaths?



Hey, there are 6,600,000,000 of us...tough as nails

We don't die too easy.


In fact, that's the problem! :cool:



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You 'clucking-hen' housewives are such a riot :D

..but we still love ya! ;)



Here's another scary one for ya, girls...

read recently that the average person somehow manages to ingest (i.e. swallow)

around 125 insects over the course of a normal life. :eek:


I know I've done a few...tasted good too.

Put hair on my chest!

Just think of it as good protein without bones :D



The new Insectarium here in NOLA has insect cookies you can eat - yummy! I also had cricket rice krispie treats once. Awesome.

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I am so sorry to hear about your health problem. Must be a little scary when in a crowd or stange enviroment. You're brave to risk a staph infection again with another cruise! It just concerns me that you mention bringing lysol. If you insist on spray this stuff, pls. buy yourself some masks. Not the kind we've all seen pictures of Michael Jackson wearing- ask your local medical supplier or janitorial supply company for a dust mask with double shell construction and adjustable nose seal. Lysol in your lungs is a bad thing! I wish you a speedy recovery.


Thanks for the heads up on this - with the lack of ventilation in the cabins, I will ask my doctor if he can recommend anything else. I bring my own pillow, so I guess I can just sanitize the hard surfaces and not worry too much about the bedding.

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The new Insectarium here in NOLA has insect cookies you can eat - yummy!

I also had cricket rice krispie treats once. Awesome.

You're just telling me all this to make me jealous.

I'd eat em alright

but not before I wipe them down with Lysol first :D-:D-:D



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You 'clucking-hen' housewives are such a riot :D

..but we still love ya! ;)



Here's another scary one for ya, girls...

read recently that the average person somehow manages to ingest (i.e. swallow)

around 125 insects over the course of a normal life. :eek:


I know I've done a few...tasted good too.

Put hair on my chest!

Just think of it as good protein without bones :D




How did the planet's human population

reach such astronomical numbers?


By being tender feeble things, prone to easy deaths?



Hey, there are 6,600,000,000 of us...tough as nails

We don't die too easy.


In fact, that's the problem! :cool:




I work in the facilities business. Recently our OHSA department made us stop issuing Lysol spray. The person who posted earlier obviously has health issues. I know you are probably only kidding around, and if I didn't work in this field I would be just as uninformed as you seem to be about spraying chemicals into the air and then breathing them. I have to go for hours of training and retraining on this stuff every year. I just wanted to make sure the lysol sprayers knew what they were breathing. I've seen films of throat linings with chemical burns that eventually scar and it become harder and harder to swallow. I've also attended more then my share of funerals for coworkers in the facilities field who blissfully watched those films and ignored the warnings. They ended up with lung cancer or other fatal breathing disorders. I'm really strict with my staff about how they spray any type of chemicals. BTW, I am not a house wife. I am a professional with a business degree who has no doubt you're right about the 125 insects, but I haven't lost any friends to consumption of flies or ants....I just want us all to be able to trudge down those long ship hallways without dragging an oxygen tank behind us....cluck, cluck, cluck icon7.gif



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Curious question-- I understand about the room being cleaned could put peoples hair on ends...


but do you eat at the buffet-- realizing that 1,000 people just touched that spoon that you are using to ladle up something to eat???


do you venture into the dining room before dinner and notice the tables are set--- realizing that anyone can come in there and do only knows what to those utensils just sitting there?


Lets not even discus the plastic cups sitting out by the beverage station wondering how many people knocked them onto the floor and jsut picked them up and replaced them.?


Sorry- just figured ya'll need to worry about something-- (LOL)


Words cannot even describe how awesome this post is, serene. You are officially my rebuttal hero :D [bows down] I'm not worthy......

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Being diabetic, with a depressed immune system, I've always wipe down surfaces that my hands will touch. (I also wipe down grocery carts!)

I did walk into a CCl cabin once that apparently slobs had inhabited on the previous cruise. There was a sticky substance on the table, tv top, and floor. I hope it was soda, or juice. The mirror also had traces of whatever. I did inform the cabin steward, and he did clean it up......but I shouldn't have had to point it out to him, if he had done his job! :confused:

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I respectfully have to disagree with those of you who maintain that the overcleaning does not harm or isn't hurting anyone else.


Having seen a friend's son almost die from MRSA - one of those "superbugs" everyone makes fun of - I am very cautious about overuse of antibacterial agents as well as antibiotics. The general consensus in the scientific community is that these germs that nothing will kill have developed due to overuse of antibiotics and over-sanitizing everything constantly. :(


Those very strong bugs that develop due to someone else's obsessive cleaning habits can very well harm me.

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I respectfully have to disagree with those of you who maintain that the overcleaning does not harm or isn't hurting anyone else.


Having seen a friend's son almost die from MRSA - one of those "superbugs" everyone makes fun of - I am very cautious about overuse of antibacterial agents as well as antibiotics. The general consensus in the scientific community is that these germs that nothing will kill have developed due to overuse of antibiotics and over-sanitizing everything constantly. :(


Those very strong bugs that develop due to someone else's obsessive cleaning habits can very well harm me.


The really sad thing about this vacruizer, is that unless one is in the medical field it is damn near impossible to convince them of same.

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The really sad thing about this vacruizer, is that unless one is in the medical field it is damn near impossible to convince them of same.


I agree with her 100%, and even though I personally now have to use antibacterial products and antibiotics due to having MSRA, I do NOT give them to my children to use, and my husband also doesn't use them. I have always been against antibacterial soap, hand sanitizers, etc - and it really irritates me that I now have to act like a "germophobe" in order to stay even remotely healthy.

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