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Supper Club....Is it worth it?


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You guys are great. And you posted extremely quick! I have made the reservation for my b-day night(which I think is a formal night ...at sea that day) but was just double guessing myself about the extra cost. I guess I will have to talk it over with my mother & see what she thinks. $15 & $20 no questions asked but $30........all these choices to be made. I thought this is a vacation !!!! :)

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Hubby and I do not gamble.....and we don't drink too often....we paid our gratuities before boarding the ship and the excursions too.....

So we chose to spend our money on The Supper Club and it was exquisite! Last week we were at Ruth's Chris....where we pay almost $75 pp.....we consider The Supper Club to be a good price...



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We will try it again, but only order the meat dishes (e.g. steak). I thought the service was not as good as in the dining room (but then we had a terrific head waiter and staff in the dining room.) The appetizers are sensation.

But, if money is a concern, just skip it! I wouldn't waste one tear over not being able to go. The food on our cruise was really good, and although the supper club was really good it wasn't that much better!

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This is your mother speaking. $60 for a steak dinner for us on a cruise ship?? Your father and I go to Outback Steakhouse here in Florida for their $9.99 sirloin and think we're big spenders. We haven't gone to Ruth Crists Steakhouse because of the expense and you want to spend $60 on a ship??

That's 3 complete dinners here in town, or gambling money for a couple of night's. For $60 I could have one of our dog's partially groomed (but then I'd have to find a way to earn another $60 for the other half of the poor dog!)

Isn't $60 what they advertise as "sail for less than $60 per day?" So you are giving up a day of sailing for a steak dinner? Eat in the MDR and I'll bring along a sticker from a "prime" piece of meat I'll buy here and put it on your plate when your meal comes. Then you will think you have a good piece of meat and be happy. If I eat a $30 steak on board, I'd want them to shine my shoes, iron my blouse and brush my hair each day!


Have I made myself clear, dear daughter? I thoroughly enjoy our "Mother/Daughter" cruises while dad stays home with the animals. But if I considered paying for this $60 dinner, we would have to call it your birthday gift, and your Christmas gift, and your Easter gift, and should you become engaged, this will also go towards your wedding gift??


Thanks to all of you for your comments. We appreciated each one.

By the way, does anyone want to adopt my soon-to-be 32 yr. old daughter? I'll sell her for just $30. (Just enough for me to get a delicious prime steak on a Carnival ship!!!!) :)


Take care, friends.

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This is your mother speaking. $60 for a steak dinner for us on a cruise ship?? Your father and I go to Outback Steakhouse here in Florida for their $9.99 sirloin and think we're big spenders. We haven't gone to Ruth Crists Steakhouse because of the expense and you want to spend $60 on a ship??

That's 3 complete dinners here in town, or gambling money for a couple of night's. For $60 I could have one of our dog's partially groomed (but then I'd have to find a way to earn another $60 for the other half of the poor dog!)

Isn't $60 what they advertise as "sail for less than $60 per day?" So you are giving up a day of sailing for a steak dinner? Eat in the MDR and I'll bring along a sticker from a "prime" piece of meat I'll buy here and put it on your plate when your meal comes. Then you will think you have a good piece of meat and be happy. If I eat a $30 steak on board, I'd want them to shine my shoes, iron my blouse and brush my hair each day!


Have I made myself clear, dear daughter? I thoroughly enjoy our "Mother/Daughter" cruises while dad stays home with the animals. But if I considered paying for this $60 dinner, we would have to call it your birthday gift, and your Christmas gift, and your Easter gift, and should you become engaged, this will also go towards your wedding gift??


Thanks to all of you for your comments. We appreciated each one.

By the way, does anyone want to adopt my soon-to-be 32 yr. old daughter? I'll sell her for just $30. (Just enough for me to get a delicious prime steak on a Carnival ship!!!!) :)


Take care, friends.


... ok dokey ...


We all value different things.... differently! (Though I would just SHAVE the dog one time and splurge for the meal! :D)



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Anyone that has savored a USDA Prime Graded Steak knows that it is delightfully tender and juicy with a buttery flavor that makes it distinctively superior to any other steak. Of all the beef produced in the US, less than 2% is certified as USDA Prime. Typically you will not find USDA Prime in the supermarkets since its limited supply is gobbled up by fine meat purveyors that retail it to upscale restaurants and affluent consumers.


How The USDA Grades Beef.


The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) meticulously grades beef at the request of a meat packer. Only beef that is USDA inspected may carry the USDA shield of authenticity. The grading system determines the quality rating of beef based upon a very complicated inspection system which essentially measures the amount of marbling (fat specs) in the ribeye muscle (lean) portion and combines the maturity (age) of the beef carcass to arrive at the inspected grade quality.


Basically the higher the ratio of marbling and the younger the beef, the higher the grade. It is the fat marbling that determines tenderness, juiciness and flavor. The age of the beef determines beef texture and also effects flavor. Younger beef produces a finer texture and a lighter red color.


Therefore USDA Prime Grade has the highest rating of a combined high ratio of marbling with the youngest maturity of beef. That's why prime is the most flavorful and most tender with the finest of texture.


USDA Prime, Choice and Select Grades.


Although there are eight levels of USGA graded beef there are generally only three USDA grades of beef that you would buy in a supermarket, a butcher shop or a restaurant. They are USDA Prime, Choice or Select which is the order of grade from the highest to lowest. Two lesser grades are Cutter and Canner which is what you would typically find in frozen pot pie dinners, microwave burritos, hamburgers and other processed food products. USDA Select is not very far above the bottom of the edible barrel, though some major chain stores will try and infer to a consumer that Select is a premium grade that is often marketed with a "catchy brand".


Prime RibBeware of marketing deceptions where some supermarkets may try to fool an unsuspecting consumer by using the words "prime" and "choice" without being attached with the official "USDA shield". Unless prime and choice carries the USDA label, what you are buying may not be the real thing. Some upscale restaurants employ clever wordsmiths to write menu copy that deceives you into thinking you are ordering a USDA Prime Steak when in reality you may be being served the less costly "Choice" version. In fairness to restaurants that serve USDA Choice Filets, it's degree of marbling could closely approach that of Prime when the measurement is very near the threshold that separates it from Prime.


When shopping for quality steaks, always look for the USDA shield. When ordering a steak at a restaurant always ask your server what the USDA grade actually is. Often you'll hear a bit of stuttering and a quick diversion from the subject. That's a signal to become more inquisitive.

USDA Prime Steaks.


USDA PrimeUSDA Prime is the superior grade with amazing tenderness, juiciness, flavor and fine texture. It has the highest degree of fat marbling and is derived from the younger beef. That's why Prime is generally featured at the most exclusive upscale steakhouse restaurants.


Used by permission of the USDA

USDA Choice Steaks.


USDA ChoiceUSDA Choice is the second highest graded beef. It has less fat marbling than Prime. Choice is a quality steak particularly if it is a cut that is derived from the loin and rib areas of the beef such as a tenderloin filet or rib steak. Generally USDA Choice will be less tender, juicy and flavorful with a slightly more coarse texture versus Prime.


Used by permission of the USDA

USDA Select Steaks.


USDA SelectUSDA Select is generally the lowest grade of steak you will find at a supermarket or restaurant. You will find it tougher, less juicy and less flavorful since it is leaner that Prime and Choice with very little marbling. The texture of Select is generally more coarse. Therefore, Select is not nearly as enjoyable or desirable.


Used by permission of the USDA


The Finer Details of the USDA Grading System.


The above description of how beef is graded by the USDA is basic overview. For more detail of exactly how a beef certifier measures marbling, maturity of the beef, the color of beef and its texture to determine an accurate USDA Grade, read the United States Standards for Grades of Carcass Beef established by the US Department of Agriculture.

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You guys are great. And you posted extremely quick! I have made the reservation for my b-day night(which I think is a formal night ...at sea that day) but was just double guessing myself about the extra cost. I guess I will have to talk it over with my mother & see what she thinks. $15 & $20 no questions asked but $30........all these choices to be made. I thought this is a vacation !!!! :)



This is your mother speaking. $60 for a steak dinner for us on a cruise ship?? Your father and I go to Outback Steakhouse here in Florida for their $9.99 sirloin and think we're big spenders. We haven't gone to Ruth Crists Steakhouse because of the expense and you want to spend $60 on a ship??

That's 3 complete dinners here in town, or gambling money for a couple of night's. For $60 I could have one of our dog's partially groomed (but then I'd have to find a way to earn another $60 for the other half of the poor dog!)

Isn't $60 what they advertise as "sail for less than $60 per day?" So you are giving up a day of sailing for a steak dinner? Eat in the MDR and I'll bring along a sticker from a "prime" piece of meat I'll buy here and put it on your plate when your meal comes. Then you will think you have a good piece of meat and be happy. If I eat a $30 steak on board, I'd want them to shine my shoes, iron my blouse and brush my hair each day!


Have I made myself clear, dear daughter? I thoroughly enjoy our "Mother/Daughter" cruises while dad stays home with the animals. But if I considered paying for this $60 dinner, we would have to call it your birthday gift, and your Christmas gift, and your Easter gift, and should you become engaged, this will also go towards your wedding gift??


Thanks to all of you for your comments. We appreciated each one.

By the way, does anyone want to adopt my soon-to-be 32 yr. old daughter? I'll sell her for just $30. (Just enough for me to get a delicious prime steak on a Carnival ship!!!!) :)



Take care, friends.



here is my .02

Tina, it is wonderful that you are treating your Mom to this nice dinner and I think you will be happy you did (Happy Birthday btw ;))



Being a practical woman/Mom myself I can understand your post (to a point...LOL)

but if your DD is taking you to the restaurant, you neeed to do a couple things. The FIRST thing is to forget that you are an 'Outback' type woman and think of yourself as deserving a really 'fancy' dinner. This is a vacation after all, allow yourself to splurge and be pampered just a bit.

SECOND...again, relax and feel entitled to this. If Tina spends that money and all you do is think about how much it is, you will surely ruin it...THAT would be wasting the $60 for sure.


It's $60.

A week after the cruise you aren't going to be saying, "I wish I had that $60."

You wil be reminiscing over the wonderful time you had in the 'fancy' restaurant, being waited on like a queen and so thankful to your DD for doing this for you.


In other words (and now I speak as a daughter and not a mother :))

Don't screw this up for your kid FTLOG!


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here is my .02

Tina, it is wonderful that you are treating your Mom to this nice dinner and I think you will be happy you did (Happy Birthday btw ;))



Being a practical woman/Mom myself I can understand your post (to a point...LOL)

but if your DD is taking you to the restaurant, you neeed to do a couple things. The FIRST thing is to forget that you are an 'Outback' type woman and think of yourself as deserving a really 'fancy' dinner. This is a vacation after all, allow yourself to splurge and be pampered just a bit.

SECOND...again, relax and feel entitled to this. If Tina spends that money and all you do is think about how much it is, you will surely ruin it...THAT would be wasting the $60 for sure.


It's $60.

A week after the cruise you aren't going to be saying, "I wish I had that $60."

You wil be reminiscing over the wonderful time you had in the 'fancy' restaurant, being waited on like a queen and so thankful to you DD for doing this for you.


In other words (and now I speak as a daughter and not a mother :))

Don't screw this up for your kid FTLOG!



Much better wording than what I had contemplated --- and better coming from you (a daughter/woman/mother yourself)!!!



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For me the PRIME reason to dine at the Steakhouse is the USDA PRIME GRADE meat. If you do not eat beef, skip the Steakhouse. If you know and appreciate USDA PRIME GRADE meat, do not miss it.

RCL, X, NCL DO NOT serve PRIME meat. Most likely USDA CHOICE, but usually say "Black Angus" which only means it came from that breed. It could even be SELECT grade, but I'm sure it better than that. CCL is the only line that serves PRIME.


What is the price of a dinner in the MDR? Who cares?


Sorry, there is no such grade as USDA PRIME GRADE.




...and sorry, but NCL does serve Prime in Cagney's. I don't know about X or RCI. I'll take your word for Carnival serving Prime.

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This is your mother speaking. $60 for a steak dinner for us on a cruise ship?? Your father and I go to Outback Steakhouse here in Florida for their $9.99 sirloin and think we're big spenders. We haven't gone to Ruth Crists Steakhouse because of the expense and you want to spend $60 on a ship??

That's 3 complete dinners here in town, or gambling money for a couple of night's. For $60 I could have one of our dog's partially groomed (but then I'd have to find a way to earn another $60 for the other half of the poor dog!)

Isn't $60 what they advertise as "sail for less than $60 per day?" So you are giving up a day of sailing for a steak dinner? Eat in the MDR and I'll bring along a sticker from a "prime" piece of meat I'll buy here and put it on your plate when your meal comes. Then you will think you have a good piece of meat and be happy. If I eat a $30 steak on board, I'd want them to shine my shoes, iron my blouse and brush my hair each day!


Have I made myself clear, dear daughter? I thoroughly enjoy our "Mother/Daughter" cruises while dad stays home with the animals. But if I considered paying for this $60 dinner, we would have to call it your birthday gift, and your Christmas gift, and your Easter gift, and should you become engaged, this will also go towards your wedding gift??


Thanks to all of you for your comments. We appreciated each one.

By the way, does anyone want to adopt my soon-to-be 32 yr. old daughter? I'll sell her for just $30. (Just enough for me to get a delicious prime steak on a Carnival ship!!!!) :)


Take care, friends.


I agree completely, 25 cruises and no supper clubs. I am not a beef eater, simply feel the cruise price includes your meals, why pay extra. Until the dining room is broken, I will continue to use it and love it!!



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Sorry' date=' there is no such grade as [b']USDA PRIME GRADE[/b].




...and sorry, but NCL does serve Prime in Cagney's. I don't know about X or RCI. I'll take your word for Carnival serving Prime.



Don't know what you are trying to say but there IS a USDA PRIME GRADE of beef. And a CHOICE grade [comes BEFORE SELECT], then Select grade, followed by the remainder of the USDA GRADES.

"Grading" is a main activity of the USDA.


A search of NCL's website for Prime beef yields NO results and their blurb for Cagney's says, "Enjoy a nice juicy steak!" Hardly a guarantee of prime GRADE meat. And it is EXTREMELY usual for any restaurant that does serve USDA prime meat to clearly advertise that fact.

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We just got back from the western carib this past Sat. We cruised on the Glory and ate in the supper club.

There were 9 of us and it was the best money I ever spent on a cruise ship! I have been fortunate to eat in some of the best steak houses in the U.S.. and this rates right up there!

The food was excellant , the table ordered many differnt entre's from steak ( porterhouse), lobster, surf and turf and the giant ribeye.. not one complaint.

The lobster bisque was the best I ever tasted..

the whole presentation was great it took about 3hrs to finish and will always do it again on CC.. the only regret i had was not doing the supper club on my previous trips

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You all raise great points. I gusess it is going to boiling down to have the extra $$ for casino or for a nice dinner. And also, even though I made the reservations....I am sure mom would not let me pay for it since it is my b-day. It would be her money that she is spending. So in reality it will be up to her to decide!! :) Thanks for all the posts, you guys are great.



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