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The 8-Day WHILRWIND Mystery Tour on the 8/15 Freedom. A review. With pics!


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What to say about this day? It’s the day you love, and hate. Love a lazy day at sea. Hate that it’s the last day.







We try very hard not to think about the fact that it will be our last lunch and dinner. But fail.


DD points out that it’s the last time she will have the overwhelming choice of any one of “1000 milks” on the buffet.





After breakfast, DD is anxious to go on the “Hunt for FunShip Freddy.” For some reason, she really enjoys this specific activity, even though she KNOWS that despite wandering the ship for clues, they will predictably find him eventually back at Camp Carnival.





She also secretly covets having her face painted, which is a requirement for the FunShip Freddy hunt.


DD asks, “Mom, aren’t we lucky that FunShip is on our ship? You know, because there are so many Carnival ships but he’s on ours this week.”


I smile, and am happy that my dear, sweet, innocent DD still believes in Santa Claus, Mickey Mouse, and FunShip Freddy, despite being the wise old age of 6.


We drop DS off at Camp Carnival too. His age group (9-11) are meeting in the Disco that morning. Not sure what the other 9-11 year olds are up to, but I make sure that DS is aware of the warning posted outside the Disco. It must be a tough crowd.





I drag DH down to the Theater and force him to participate in Food Trivia. He is Foodie. An expert cook. Schooled in the Culinary Arts. Surely he will win!


He comes in 3rd, but still gets a cool medal. DD automatically claims it as hers.


While the kids are away, DH and I wander around the ship aimlessly. We make a stop in the casino, where we add an additional $3 to our $16 jackpot. Not to bad, considering that we once again do so using a $.02 machine. The casino is ghostly empty since it is morning. The poor Black Jack dealer is standing there, like a statue, with his hands behind his back. I wanted so badly to go up to him and talk to him and ask, “What exactly do you think about while you’re just standing there waiting for people? Are you secretly looking at all us silly passengers and judging us based on our clothing?”


But I don’t.


The kids from Camp Carnival walk by, in their pursuit for FunShip. DD looks like she is having fun. Love the cute hats!





We also stop by the Future Cruise desk where the hard-sell agents now know me by name. I had been there twice in the last two days to purchase those certificates. They work on trying to hard-sell DH and I on the Dream, but we pass. For now.


Before long, it is time to pick-up the kids from Camp. DS from the Disco, and DD from the actual Camp facility on Deck 12. In addition to hunting for Freddy, she has also learned how to make a towel animal. So, she emerges from Camp gingerly cradling this…bunny? Don’t tell her, but I wasn’t sure what it was.



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Do you have to book MSC by TA? We'd like to try them but they don't ever show prices online!


They are hard to find, aren't they? We used an online agency. There are very few agencies that actually book MSC, but if you google "MSC cruise bargains" , you will find the agencies that will assist you.


Which cruise are you looking at?



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I have no idea why I started reading this .. I'm not going on the liberty, have never been on the liberty, and don't think I will be sailing her anytime soon.. but I am so glad I found this review! It has been a such a pleasure to read about your families vacation. Your writing style is wonderful and very entertaining. Definitely giving me some chuckles.. :D

Thank you so much for sharing!

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They are hard to find, aren't they? We used an online agency. There are very few agencies that actually book MSC, but if you google "MSC cruise bargains" , you will find the agencies that will assist you.


Which cruise are you looking at?




None in particular. We can't really find much information about them at all! I'll have to check some online agencies.

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Our Last Lunch was spent at the aft buffet. Today’s theme was the infamous Chocolate Buffet. And we couldn’t wait! Among the lunch items on the non-chocolate line is a mashed potatoes (yum) with spicy pepper gravy, and spicy fried chicken (yum). I can’t resist, and have 2nds. Despite being full to the tippy top of my head (a DD term), I FORCE myself to go to the Chocolate Buffet.


I hate to say this, but it was disappointing. Just a bunch of square chocolate cakes with various flavorings (mocha, orange, etc) and a chocolate fountain. Even DS, who loves chocolate cake, was disappointed. Don’t’ get me wrong. The cake was good. It just wasn’t’ pretty to look at. Is that too much to ask for? Pretty food?


I didn’t even take any pictures. That’s how non-pretty it was.


As per the requirements of a Day at Sea, we spend the afternoon at the pool. More swimming. More sliding. Add in a few funny photos. You’ve got a good afternoon.





More ships are now becoming visible off in the distance, which means that we are now back closer to the “real world.” The ships are all cargo ships, so we must be traveling in a US/Caribbean shipping channel.


DS asks to go to Camp at one point, when he learns there is an afternoon session of towel animal folding for his age group. He can’t let DD be the only one who has the towel-folding skills. (Now, if we could only teach him how to fold his towel over the bar in the bathroom…that would be great.)


When we pick up DS, he too has some sort of towel creature. Not sure what.







No matter. He drops shortly after leaving Camp, and the only thing left is the legs. DD laughs hysterically.





Time flies, because we are having fun. And before we know it, the “witching hour” has come, and we must head downstairs to get ready for dinner. Darn! The Last Supper. So depressing.


But even more depressing is this sight, seem when we opened the door to our cabin.





The dreaded luggage tags and customs forms. That cemented the fact that we would be leaving soon. Permanently.

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Before dinner, we step out on the Deck 3 outdoor area to enjoy the view. We are not alone, as there are quite a few other guests out there as well, savoring the “last” daylight ocean view as well. Pictures are a must, and they turn out great.














They really capture the essence of the fleeting moment...which is melancholy.





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Before we know it, it’s 6pm, and time for the LAST SUPPER. DH and I both have the Prime Rib, while DS has one last gourmet PBJ with fries.





DD enjoys one last hotdog. It tastes especially good, silhouetted in the evening glow of the setting sun.





Throughout the week, the “older” people at our table had been enjoying the various chilled soups. Tonight, it was Chilled Mango. The unique and surprising things about these soups is that they arrive without any liquid, and at first glance, you think you’ve been served a piece of strange looking sushi.





The server then returns with a carafe of the soup, which is poured over the sushi to create complete dish. “Mango soupppp….thankkkkk youuuuuu.” Oh how we will miss that.





For the first time in the week, I order the Warm Chocolate melting Cake, but with Butter Pecan ice cream. I kick myself for not having done so earlier. On our previous Carnival Legend cruise, I had tried the world-famous WCM Cake, and didn’t really like it that much. I didn’t enjoy the fact that the cake was so warm. (I know, silly.) So, on this cruise I wasn’t salivating like crazy to try it again.


But, that Butter Pecan ice cream was just the thing that it needed. Just the right flavor, and temperature, to “cut” the cake. It’s a keeper for next time.


Predictably, the Carnival server team sings “We’re Leaving on a Fun Ship”, which is cute, heartwarming, and slightly out-of-key.

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I have no idea why I started reading this .. I'm not going on the liberty, have never been on the liberty, and don't think I will be sailing her anytime soon.. but I am so glad I found this review! ....

That's all well and good, but this is a review of a cruise on the Carnival Freedom. ;):D

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After dinner, DD rushes off to Camp, so she can be a part of the Going-Away party. “FunShip might be there!” she exclaims, as if she’s his best pal. We decide to take the outdoor poolside route to Camp Carnival, so we can watch the sunset.






Here it is seen through my eyes:








And as a reflection on the nearby glass partition.





And here is how DD sees it thought the lens of the camera. Slightly askew...or the ship is sinking.






Here is the sunset as viewed through the closed-down pool area. Kind of sad, isn’t it?



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Oh...I am feeling that last day cruise sadness as your wonderful review comes to a close


love the picture of your DD with the statue LOL...what a cutie


You have quite a fan club here Celebrat....we hope you will have a blog and can't wait till you cruise again


I will try to write a review of my cruise that leaves thursday but I surely lack your talent


*hey, JK Rowling and Stephanie Meyer probably started with a few fans too right?? LOL

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DS and DH retire to their nightly poolside spot to watch “Quantam of Solace.” DS actually has the entire hot tub complex to himself.





With everyone spoken for, I am free to wander the ship by myself. First stop, “Game Show Mania” in the theater. I am a sucker for any and all cruise ship contests. I don’t get chosen to participate, but have a laugh anyway at the silly, and not-so-smart people that are chosen as contestants. No one on the panel recognizes “Hail to the Chief” or is aware of the fact that is played for the President. Unreal!


There are 2 games of BINGO being offered that evening, back-to-back. One is advertised is “Cheap Bingo”, while the other is “Win a Cruise or $1000”. There are ridiculous amounts of people that decide to play, so I opt to only play the 2nd “Win a Cruise” round. Plus, I didn’t want to have to pay for 2 sets of cards, as you had to buy a card for each round.


And yes, I didn’t wait in line to purchase that card until the very-last minute. No line waiting for me!


The “Win a Cruise” round involved the players needing to make an “X” on their card, by completing both diagonals. Not too hard to understand. A few short calls into the game, and an older gentleman yells out “BINGO!!” Predictably, he misunderstood the rules, and had only completed one diagonal. BONGO!


Unbelievably, that older gentleman actually called out “BINGO” again, 5 minutes later, and had legitimately won the game. I am sorry to have misjudged him. But, good for him!


Before finally calling it quits, and heading to the cabin to pack, DD and I head up to Camp Carnival one last time to participate in Build-A-Bear. Much like the land-based BAB, you have the opportunity to purchase one of a dozen different animals for a base price, then add-on clothing. DD chooses a cute piggy, whom she names “Oinky.” Because it is past closing time at Camp (10pm) and kids can only be at camp for the $6/hr fee, we decide to take the piggy down to our cabin to assemble it. We have a difficult time explaining this to the counselor, who doesn’t understand WHY she wouldn’t want to stay at Camp to put it together.


“She can put it together here. But you must sign her in, and it’s $6. But, you can’t come in.”


This confuses me, because BAB is advertised as an activity where the parent MUST be present.


“Just sign her in, and we will help her pick out the animal. Then you can pay for it later.”


I respond, “Ummm….no. She’s 6. She will choose every single option you have, and the BAB will cost me a million dollars. Plus, I don't want to pay the babysitting fee as this should only take a few minutes.”


Finally, after much conversation, which seems to be going in circles, she agrees to let DD to get the Pig from the back area and leave with it unassembled. Not their normal procedure, but whatever.


Since DD is an experienced BAB pro, she knows exactly what to do with Oinky once we get back to the cabin. Stuff her, put her heart in, close up the Velcro opening. Wallah! A new friend!





At the cabin, we discover our nightly towel animal. Although, he is not alone, as the kids towel animal creations are there as well, sitting sentry in the windowseat. And of course, a new stuffed piggy.





We realize that the time has come for the cruise to end. Not just because the days have gone by. But because we are now tired of normal cruise things, as evidenced by this pyramid of chocolates on the night table.







Since we aren’t even eating them anymore….it must be a sign. We are done.

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I just love, love your review. It is like we were all on the cruise with you and your family!! And like a cruise ... I don't want it to end!!


I have two children aged 10 and 6 and can so relate to so many of your stories, the planning and special moments.


We have never sailed Carnival before, but hope to sail on the Dream in the fall of 2010. After reading your review, I can't wait to book and start planning.


Thanks for entertaining us.



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You will have to find an image hosting site.....photobucket, webshots, even walmart or such. Download your photos and link that way. There is no way for a public board to attach a photo from a private computer. Does that make sense?


Actually there is a way to attach pictures from your computer. First click on the paper clip ( to the right of the smiley face) . Then click browse your computer. Find the picture and double click on it. Then click upload. Viola! Hopefully you will see a pic of me, my sister, my daughter and my niece uploaded from my computer.


I do think it is easier to do so from photobucket, etc. There is a limit to pics, size and type when uploading from home computer.


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Celebrat, thanks for the fantastic journey you recorded. I felt like I was there on the ship and excursions with you. You're a great writer. I loved your "tell it like it really is" casual style.


One question I have - early in the review you mentioned buying a DOD card for $23 I think. Can you tell me more about that? Is it a new deal and different from the drink coupons?


Again, thanks for one of the best reviews I've ever read. I'll be on the Freedom in Jaunuary and you've heightened the anticipation considerably!

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Actually there is a way to attach pictures from your computer. First click on the paper clip ( to the right of the smiley face) . Then click browse your computer. Find the picture and double click on it. Then click upload. Viola! Hopefully you will see a pic of me, my sister, my daughter and my niece uploaded from my computer.


I do think it is easier to do so from photobucket, etc. There is a limit to pics, size and type when uploading from home computer.


Well, I learn something new from this site every day!:p


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