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Arcade games inappropriate for kids - advocacy required!

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Actually statistically none of us should be alive, our crib rails were too far apart, we were put to sleep on our stomach, we didn't have car seats, never mind we didn't have seat belts when I was a baby. My mother had a basket thing that she would lay me down in while we were driving. :eek: I could sit here all day listing the "dangerous" items we managed to grow up with. Never mind playing cowboys and indians ( I know not politically correct now) but for the most part we lived, grew up and became good decent people.


So true, so true. I like showing people the picture of my dad holding me in one arm with a cigarette in the other.


I wish I saved those HORRIBLE "click-clacks" in the 70s. A plastic stick, two pieces of string, and big marble balls attached to the string. I used to give my arm bruises to the point of swelling. The pain was excrutiating. :) Nice toy.

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So true, so true. I like showing people the picture of my dad holding me in one arm with a cigarette in the other.


I wish I saved those HORRIBLE "click-clacks" in the 70s. A plastic stick, two pieces of string, and big marble balls attached to the string. I used to give my arm bruises to the point of swelling. The pain was excrutiating. :) Nice toy.



I have a box of my old toys and I have those in there. I showed my kids once and they thought they were really cool. They played with them for a while.

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I wish I saved those HORRIBLE "click-clacks" in the 70s. A plastic stick, two pieces of string, and big marble balls attached to the string. I used to give my arm bruises to the point of swelling. The pain was excrutiating. :) Nice toy.


Those. Were. AWESOME.

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What about Elmer Fudd shooting the heck out of Bugs Bunny? Sure made me turn out damaged.


What kind of arcade game would be fun? Bowling? Time to bring back lawn darts.


While we're at it, time to get rid of those dancers and ice skaters in those skimpy costumes.


And Dave & Busters, winning tickets for crappy prizes...kiddo gambling.

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In response to the OP: I don't want to be unkind or inconsiderate, but why would you ask RCCL to remove the machines that you consider to be a bad influence on your children? If you don't want your children playing on them, then don't permit them to play on them! Because you personally don't approve of these games doesn't give you the right to deny them to others - those that enjoy playing them - older teenagers, for example. It's their cruise too!

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Well I have to say this has been a great thread with over 1,000 views in a matter of hours. Lots of great humor added as well. I can understand and appreciate what everyone who doesn't agree with me has to say. Just a few of my own comments to your responses:


"Arcade needs to appeal to all ages and that's the kind of games kids play." - That's true. Kids do play these games today, however they are not the only games that kids play. Not all games that kids play involve dramatic violence that involves the hurting of other people.


"I don't know a kid who has not played these games and none of them have become pistol waving thugs." and "Playing shooting games does not encourage violent or inappropriate behavior" - Unfortunately, that not true. Many teens who were involved with serious crimes have testified that video games they watched provided them with ideas for their crimes and actually inspired them. You can Google for more than hundreds of stories like this. Fortunately those cases are the minority. Good to hear your kids are not "those" kids.


"Video games have always been more violent so what's the big deal" - If you don't feel there's a relationship between game violence and behavior then there's in fact no big deal.


"It is the responsibility of parents to educate their children as to what is acceptable" and "Consider it a teaching moment" - I couldn't agree more and that is exactly the way I handled it. However, I still don't feel they have place in a family arcade on a cruise ship. We can agree to disagree.


"where do you draw the line" / "slippery slope" - I agree with all of you who said that. The truth is, there is a line. Kids can't gamble on the ship right? Should they be able to and then leave it up to parents to decide how to guide their children?


"I don't need the cruiseline to censor for me" - This isn't about censorship. This is about what's appropriate for an arcade in a kids area. The cruise lines censor plenty for you.


"when the zombies attack I want a bunch of 18 year olds with their valuable video game zombie killing experience between me and them!" - That was pretty funny.



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I was on the Enchantment for 5 days on the 8/22 sailing. On the cruise there's an arcade that's situated within the Fuel kids area and right across from Adventure Ocean where kids of all ages are. The arcade had a variety of games. Two of them consisted of point and shoot gun games where you're literally "killing" dozens to hundreds of people. The volume on these machines is cranked way up.


These games have absolutely no place in a kid oriented arcade on a floor and space that's geared towards kids. My son shouldn't have to hear and see these kinds of games on a ship that caters to kids. You have to pass through the arcade to get to the AO facilities. Could I ban my child from the space? Yes, but that's not the point, this is a family oriented cruise ship with an arcade that's focused on kids not adults.


I called Corp Guest Relations and was told RCL tries to "satisfy all types of people". I told the rep that there are literally dozens of video games that could have been selected. I can't imagine these games are consistent with the environment CEO Goldstein envisions. I doubt he even knows and turns the other way on because they make money. I'm all for gun rights by responsible individuals, but these games have no place in family oriented cruise ship in a kid oriented location.


Can I enlist you to help me advocate for the removal of these games from the arcade by emailing royalguestrelations@rccl.com with your comments?





Maybe you should accompany and supervise your children as to what games they shpuld play until they are old enough to understand that these are just games. Arcades are not drop off places for children so adults can have fun elsewhere. Considering that arcades are also geared to ages up to 20 (and over), these games should stay.

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Tell me what arcade you have been in that doesn't have these video games?


What do you do when your children are around people that are drinking?


Have you turned on a TV in the past 10 years? Every show on network television either involves murder, sex, or drugs.... usually all 3 of them.


To think these video games were the MAIN factor in violent teens is naive... a video game may give them ideas, but they would find them somewhere else... might as well remove TV and internet


Most video games involve some type of violence... can't fault the shooting games for being more technologically advanced....Super Mario Brothers involves the senseless killing of animals throughout the entire game... you should write a letter to PITA

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I was on the Enchantment for 5 days on the 8/22 sailing. On the cruise there's an arcade that's situated within the Fuel kids area and right across from Adventure Ocean where kids of all ages are. The arcade had a variety of games. Two of them consisted of point and shoot gun games where you're literally "killing" dozens to hundreds of people. The volume on these machines is cranked way up.


These games have absolutely no place in a kid oriented arcade on a floor and space that's geared towards kids. My son shouldn't have to hear and see these kinds of games on a ship that caters to kids. You have to pass through the arcade to get to the AO facilities. Could I ban my child from the space? Yes, but that's not the point, this is a family oriented cruise ship with an arcade that's focused on kids not adults.


I called Corp Guest Relations and was told RCL tries to "satisfy all types of people". I told the rep that there are literally dozens of video games that could have been selected. I can't imagine these games are consistent with the environment CEO Goldstein envisions. I doubt he even knows and turns the other way on because they make money. I'm all for gun rights by responsible individuals, but these games have no place in family oriented cruise ship in a kid oriented location.


Can I enlist you to help me advocate for the removal of these games from the arcade by emailing royalguestrelations@rccl.com with your comments?




Can't help you there...and don't agree with the arcade being a sole designated kid area. I'm 27 and still like to go play the shoot'em up games when I sail. Seen pleanty of older people playing all the types of games in there as well.

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"I don't know a kid who has not played these games and none of them have become pistol waving thugs." and "Playing shooting games does not encourage violent or inappropriate behavior" - Unfortunately, that not true. Many teens who were involved with serious crimes have testified that video games they watched provided them with ideas for their crimes and actually inspired them. You can Google for more than hundreds of stories like this. Fortunately those cases are the minority. Good to hear your kids are not "those" kids.


The internet is an easy place to find articles that will agree with any point of view. The trick is to find information that is non-biased.


I found this point-of-view from PBS.... you know... the TV channel that shows Sesame Street.



I would quote the entire article, but there's really no changing one's point of view.


From my perspective... growing up in the 80s, watching RAMBO make mince meat of bad guys on the big screen with his 24" survival knife in 3 different movies. Seeing Freddy, Jason, and Michael murder promiscuous teens in horrible ways through countless sequels. Watching GI Joe cartoons that promoted gun violence against the evil Cobra, and seeing Elmer Fudd and the Coyote always trying to murder Bugs Bunny and the Road Runner... I don't know why more people aren't sociopaths.


Could it be that most children and adults are able to discern what is reality and what is fiction? That most of the sociopaths that ARE out there would have been sociopaths regardless of their exposure to violent video games?



We don't have to agree, I understand that it may be something you wish to avoid, and you have the right to ask for help in avoiding it... but I think what you are asking is unreasonable.

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I'm not being snarky but maybe the OP should sail on Disney.....




Have you watched a Disney movie lately? There is plenty of violence and jokes with sexual connotations, etc. for the adults. I hate how when ever a family issue arrises everyone always says "sail Disney" like it's the only family option.

BTW, I agree with most of the other posters, it's up to the parents to discuss these issues with their children, I don't think the games should be banned.

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I was on the Enchantment for 5 days on the 8/22 sailing. On the cruise there's an arcade that's situated within the Fuel kids area and right across from Adventure Ocean where kids of all ages are. The arcade had a variety of games. Two of them consisted of point and shoot gun games where you're literally "killing" dozens to hundreds of people. The volume on these machines is cranked way up.


These games have absolutely no place in a kid oriented arcade on a floor and space that's geared towards kids. My son shouldn't have to hear and see these kinds of games on a ship that caters to kids. You have to pass through the arcade to get to the AO facilities. Could I ban my child from the space? Yes, but that's not the point, this is a family oriented cruise ship with an arcade that's focused on kids not adults.


I called Corp Guest Relations and was told RCL tries to "satisfy all types of people". I told the rep that there are literally dozens of video games that could have been selected. I can't imagine these games are consistent with the environment CEO Goldstein envisions. I doubt he even knows and turns the other way on because they make money. I'm all for gun rights by responsible individuals, but these games have no place in family oriented cruise ship in a kid oriented location.


Can I enlist you to help me advocate for the removal of these games from the arcade by emailing royalguestrelations@rccl.com with your comments?




Sorry, but I disagree. Well adjusted kids will not be anymore affected by an arcade game than they will by watching Johnny Lightening on TV. If the parents have raised the kid well, taught him right from wrong, been diligent in their education, exposed him to all sorts of people and experiences, an arcade game isn't going to harm his mind or warp his brain.


If the parent doesn't like something, then it's up to the parent to keep the child in tow and away from it.....


Remember, the world doesn't revolve around US and our kids......we go around with everyone else. Our particular opinion doesn't always matter....

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I haven't read ALL the replies, but I may be the only one who agrees with the OP.


Although the violent video games should not be banned per se, I think RCI could certainly CHOOSE to use more family friendly entertainment in the kids/teen area.


I would only wish that there were much less violence to be seen by our young people. It doesn't mean prohibition, just common sense. They don't ban adult comedians, but they DO warn about the content and put them on late at night.

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I haven't read ALL the replies, but I may be the only one who agrees with the OP.

Honestly, if you agree with the OP then do as he requests and write to Royal Caribbean.


I personally don't agree with him, but I'm just one voice among many.

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I haven't read ALL the replies, but I may be the only one who agrees with the OP.

Although the violent video games should not be banned per se, I think RCI could certainly CHOOSE to use more family friendly entertainment in the kids/teen area.


The arcade is for everyone on the ship, not just kids. I've used it myself occasionally and I'm over 60. All a kid needs to do is turn on the TV to see a lot more graphic violence than can be seen walking through a video arcade. If you don't want your kids playing those games, don't let them - it's as simple as that.


Believe me, if a kid is "warped" enough, he/she will take inspiration from anything - move, TV show, book, newspaper report, not just a video game.

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In a larger context I agree, but for future readers of this thread I'm not advocating for the ban of these games. Only suggesting that RCL should avoid the selection of these games when there are plenty of other games appropriate for all ages to play or watch.


A better solution would be for the parents to accompany the potentially affected child to the arcade and steer him/her away from what is considered objectionable.


What is inappropriate for one is entertainment for another.


Again, that old "center of the universe" thingie applies. Each of us as individuals have the responsiblility of protecting our children from what we think my not be good for them...be it arcade games or food.

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I get so tired of people who decide since it's inappropriate for their children then it should be barred from all . I remember the call to action because of all the violence in cartoons like Wiley Coyote. I watched them & by golly I turned out normal. ( or semi any way.)

Find something more relative to complain to RCCL about , like no lobsters on Europe cruises.

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Correct. The reply to my post that I was responded to suggested the ban of these games in the larger context of "all shooting games".


I'm finding very interesting that people feel so strongly about keeping these games especially when there are games that are not "killing" games that are equally as fun for all age groups.


Well, YOUR standards are not necessarily THE standards.


When I was growing up, my brothers and I played "cowboys and indians" and "cops and robbers" with cap guns, holsters, cowboy hats and candy cigarettes.


None of us turned out to be thugs, mass murders and none of us smoke....go figure.

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To the OP I agree with you. I never let my kidds play violent video games. I just don't think it is fun to kill, maim or blow peolpe up. I think these games send a message to our cildren that violence is just a way of life. So I would be more than happy to email them and let them know that the games should be removed.


How about this instead: Keep your kids out of the arcade or go with them to steer them away from what is objectionable to you......


As Mr. Spock says: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one"...... whadda philosopher, eh?


Now, about those speedos..... wherz the petition.....

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