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    CT, USA
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    kayacking, art
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    Princess, NCL, Royal
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  1. Slice of pizza, gelato, handheld items…yum…we rarely spend hours of precious port time in anything fancy. I also always pack granola bars, they have saved us many times on delayed flights, long closed restaurants or just frankly Hangry and need a little something familiar!
  2. I have a British Isle trip in Sept after the change and just got an email that reservations were not yet available due to system issues.
  3. Thank you for the updates! We are the last of the season in September and I have been deep in planning mode and the many changes to ports is always a concern to the point I have been doing what if for some of the other ports. Why was Belfast replaced? I had not heard that one being an issue.
  4. Read this last year with great pleasure and now just spent an enjoyable evening re reading your trip! I am in deep planning for our 12 day Regal trip. We have not ever taken a cruise this long and my planning is in overdrive! I have added the Package to our last two trips since it is paid and done and I can get whatever no worries just easier for my head not to be calculating and tallying the whole trip! I think when I do the break even it is hard to not get it at this point! Thank you again for a terrific review!
  5. I admit I had one last trip and it wasn’t awful….but it was a one and done!
  6. Hello, hoping someone knows this answer I can’t quite figure out the timing and availability on the sites. It appears that the green line hop on hop off has a combo ticket to include Guinness. Has anyone purchased ahead of time the bus, Dart transfer to get from Dun laoghaire and the Guiness experience with a set time? Is it safe to say 12 for a timed Guiness entry with tender, dart time and onto the hop on off bus. Would it be better to just buy Dart and the Guiness tickets and skip hop on hop off? If smokehouse takes a couple of hours, with tender back and forth and Dart time not certain that hop on hop off is worthwhile. We did a driving Ireland vacation a couple of years ago and went to Kilomann goal and saw a very small portion of the city so this cruise is opportunity to see something new. Open to thoughts if anyone has other suggestions. We are in town Friday 9/27 approx 7-6 Princess has been adjusting the time so want to be flexible and of course tender port….
  7. We have waited a very long time for the shared service, would have been better off in a cab…multiple phone calls and messages just kept telling me they were almost there. Buyer beware in FLL of both the taxis who even when meter is running like to loop the airport until you call them out.
  8. We loved our Lido balcony room (L104) on Enchanted this fall. I was concerned about the motion sickness (since I am prone) but was excited about the location and thankfully the Mediterranean was mainly calm and flat. The one day the ship was rolling in a storm I think regardless of location we would have felt it. I had my Dramamine with me and take it mainly as security daily while cruising for tenders, winding roads and the occasional rough waters. Room was quiet, very few people walking near due to location and really no staff noise that far forward. Quick walk for a swim in Retreat pool, or to the action of lido deck, bar service CLOSE for drinkes in the room ( faster than trying to order on app!), I would certainly book the location again!
  9. Delightful way to start your trip ! Plus nothing like a yummy soufflé to start the trip off right! Be certain to check both sides of the dining since there is usually only one entrance open. Enjoy!
  10. We have been above and it was not an experience I would consider again. The price was amazing, it was a last minute trip and overall we made the best of it but it was not just during showtimes it had impact, tender days they used it to gather, rehearsal time pretty much daily and far more events than we expected. It was indeed price effective but not really relaxing.
  11. Hello, it was a private tour. I used our roll call and met a like minded couple to share the cost. Depending on your activity on the roll call it should be pretty easy to find others to share. Vikki was super responsive and does these very cool photo shots of flying dresses that are beautiful. If I was younger and cuter I would have considered! Photos are amazing on their site!
  12. We love Grand Turk, perfect beach day! You stay right at the shops/beach or walk in either direction for more beach beauty. I personally love to go grab some of the giant conch shells, walk right from the pier as opposed to left for Jacks. We have spent lovely days walking in San Juan, shops, food and drinks and over to the forts, never felt concerned for safety. Tours being booked would not worry me, lots of options, relax and enjoy!
  13. I will be curious if anyone successfully bypasses the dreaded cable car on a private tour. I searched and searched with no success. We had no priority tender but planned accordingly and were very early off the ship. Delightful day with Skyline Tours. We did wait in a scary long line for the cable car down but it moved along Ok. Our plan b had always been to hoof it up, understand it is not always an option. We spoke with several people who had delayed or missed tours because the cable car stopped running due to electrical issues. A boat would solve part of the issue but suspect the cable car drama saves even more extensive tourists coming from the cruise ships so maybe the island is fine with the limits it puts on daily attendance.
  14. Funny when we were on Enchanted in October everything seemed a drama to the person assigned to the Gelato shop…she had too much work, she was seasick and putting cake away as it was close to closing, suspect same person! I am going to guess it was her first and last contract. We did enjoy a couple slices of cake and a couple sundaes…enjoyable would I pay extra, maybe but with the package nice to have something different.
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