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Everything posted by Steff79

  1. at the Hompage NCL have now 3.099 passengers at double occupancy for Prima and Viva, in the past it was 3.250.
  2. i don´t know the supermarket show, i don´t think we had that show in germany or i didn´t watched it. the price is right had we in germany too, they did a revival show some weeks ago in TV.
  3. if i will win a refrigerator i hope i don´t have to carry it home from the ship 🦾
  4. Pics. https://www.instagram.com/p/CgwwnkToefz/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  5. upcharge sounds more NCL like then included. but we will see if they sprise us
  6. some years ago they had premixed juices etc. in big plastic bottles and mixed it only with alcohol then. i thougt they stopped that. thanks for the link, watch it after our girls
  7. many pics https://thepointsguy.com/news/norwegian-prima-photos-first-look/ they write the food indulge hall is inclusice theater can hold 752 people
  8. When I booked the cruises in Germany the studio was cheaper. i used at my past cruises the lounge only to get something to drink or eat.
  9. sometimes studios are much cheaper, sometimes they cost more then a normal inside for 1 Person. It is not the same price. you have to cimpare them and then decide. i booked the first two cruises in a studio because it was cheaper then a inside.
  10. the bar is here at the right, seems the crew area will be the complete front area, at the left are stairs stairs Bar
  11. yes, seems the left side, we will see if the complete grey area at the renderings is for crew, good place for crew is great but i would miss a front view at the top deck, wonder if the Atrium will not have a video screen?
  12. you are good, the answer at this place where your red A is : NAMA sushi/sake
  13. Now at Cruisecritic article with pics https://www.cruisecritic.co.uk/news/7049/
  14. Solo Lounge looks different Style the renderings I think.
  15. What are these two places? the second one has a microwave there or?
  16. Thought about that too but couldn‘ believe they give some premium area to the Crew. But good for them. Would like more half/ half to have a front view at the top deck. Like to go there when to sail n ports. what is the best place to watch Sport at tv?
  17. Here is del rio and at the pic whenharry signs. https://www.instagram.com/p/CgmnPtVI7xE/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  18. Yes del rio is there. There are other pics. And del rio was watching when Harry signed.
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