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Banjo an

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Everything posted by Banjo an

  1. We have just been notified by the captain that the ship is now heading directly back to Portsmouth for our safety and missing out Madeira because of a worsening weather situation in the Atlantic. Looking online at the North Atlantic weather forecast it looks dreadful. here we go again!
  2. We’ve booked 2 each week so far together with group bookings and could have booked more had we wanted to.
  3. Having no problem booking speciality restaurants on this 30day cruise. Even able to book group tables of 6.
  4. We have just joined the SOD for our Caribbean cruise. All through the previous cruise I watched the ships progress before and during the storm. I tracked the route that the ship took and noticed that the Master rode out the worst part well away from the worst weather in the Bay doing only 3 kph to minimise damage and injury to passengers. I am convinced that had he taken an earlier route through the Bay then the casualties would have been much higher. As a ex merchant seaman, Lifeboat crew member for many years and a boat owner I feel qualified to express that opinion.
  5. Being an ex seaman myself and having watched cruise mapper for the last few days I think it’s possible that the officers took the best option other than not sailing. The route they took the ship on was much further out into the Atlantic and probably put the bow into the waves to lessen the worst impact. They didn’t bring the ship into the Bay until the weather had moderated somewhat. It’s a case of damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
  6. Yes I agree, but I would be more concerned if there was a queue of cruise ships at Southampton waiting for the weather to improve in the Bay before sailing. But there isn’t.
  7. Is it possible that those two ships were the only two ships due to cross the Bay at this time?
  8. Thank you Glad Bailey for keeping us informed. Hope you manage to get some sleep.
  9. Finish your packing as planned FannyLiz and then chill over the weekend. I imagine if we’re not being picked up on Tuesday then we will get a phone call on Monday. We will have a great holiday.
  10. I wonder how full the ship will be when we sail next Tuesday?
  11. Norbert’s Niece. You’ve done a Stirling job. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed your blog which for us Saga virgins has been really helpful. You never told us if the ship if full or not. Just over a week now till we leave for the Caribbean.
  12. Don’t worry Fannyliz. The North Atlantic tends to be worse. We’ll be fine. Only a week to go now.
  13. Great photos Norbert’s Niece. What was the Beatles Experience like?
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