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Everything posted by debenson0723

  1. Tuesday - Cabo Have been here many times so didn't really plan anything. Our arrival time was 11am. Had a nice breakfast in the MDR around 8:30 (yay for the little round hash browns being back!). No wait, Mixx bar not busy. While TC went to do a little work, I headed to the Waterfont to watch us sail in. It was a stunning morning, made even better by the playful whales. There were so many people on their port side balconies, clapping and laughing at the whales, that I am surprised we didn't list a little bit. We had priority disembarkation at noon so headed to the Social, where the wonderful Bruno escorted us to the tender. Now I have only gotten queasy on a ship once or twice but the worse was on a Cabo tender. So I took my Bonine prior to getting on and was so happy I did. That little boat was bouncing and bopping all over the waves...it was like Splash Mountain! Luckily it is a quick crossing and we were back on dry land in no time. TC has not done a lot of traveling and gets nervous in unfamiliar (and foreign) countries. OTOH, I have been all over the world by myself and am not easily intimidated. We walked around downtown looking for a place to eat lunch, past all the massage vendors and fish that want to eat the dead skin off your feet. I was looking for a particular taco food truck (afterall, it was Taco Tuesday) but couldn't find it. So we settled on the Giggling Marlin, which was in TCs comfort zone. I have to say the food and service were very good and the restroom very clean. They have a place in the back where they will hang you upside down, just like a freshly caught Marlin. If only I had seen it prior to a belly full of shrimp tacos! Not much else we wanted to do so headed back to the tender for the ride home. Much smoother this time. Once back onboard, I sat on my balcony and ate cookies I had gotten from the buffet the day before (no baggie needed...I used a plate). I also have yogurt, milk and a banana, just in case they run out of provisions. We had a reservation at 6 for Teppanyaki and got there at 5:45. We were whisked in and sat at a table where 6 other people were sitting, orders quickly taken, edemame, soup and salad brought out. It was like we were late or something. Soon our chef arrived and the 'show' began. We had 2 darling, well behaved boys at our table and they were really enjoying the chef. Fried rice is always my favorite but could have used a touch more soy sauce (unusual, I know). Shrimp and chicken were both great. TC had the chicken and NYStrip, which he said was tender. There was extra shrimp so he got a few and I took the extra veggies. Overall a pleasant meal but what's not to like? With our meal over by 6:50, we had time to get to the theater to see Beatles Revolution again. This time it was through the years, which I enjoy. Theater was fairly full and there was a section of women up front who seemed to believe they were seeing the original Beatles. No underwear thrown, but some flowers. Where did they get those? It was fun to watch. Stopped by the casino and watched a couple of highrollers play blackjack, who were beating the house pretty handely...that was fun! Threw some more money away myself and was done for the night. My objective for this cruise was to eat, drink and sleep and I have been accomplishing this in spades. That brings me up to today, which I will try and post later tonight. We managed to get a reservation this morning for La Cucina tonight at 6:30...probably my least favorite restaurant but we'll see how it goes. I always go in with an open mind and positive attitude. Hey, at least I am not cooking!
  2. Assistant GM is Trevor Swart. F&B is Ricardo Pinheiro Sr. I didn't see just beverage manager...I will look again when I go to dinner.
  3. Monday - sea day Before I forget, Captain Morgan is alive and well on the ship, as are mixed shots. After 12 hours of sleep (did I mention I was really tired?), I went downstairs to grab a Starbucks (using my app). Currently on this ship, they are doing an Officers Chat at 10am on sea days. The officers are mingling with guests in the atrium, just in front of Guest Services. Rohn flagged me down and we chatted for a few minutes. It's a great opportunity for passengers to have some face to face time with them. Not sure if this is fleet wide. After freshening up, I headed to the cruise next desk to get the number of passengers on board. I must say, this is the nicest group of CN employees I have seen in a long time. No hard sell of certificates or the credit card...just conversations about where I have sailed, what ships I have been on and suggestions of where to go next. I have been sailing about every 4 months since the restart and always looking for ideas. Up next was meeting TC in Food Republic for lunch. This is probably our favorite food venue on the ships that have them and we paid out of pocket for lunch. I had the chicken teriyaki skewers and gyoza while he had the pad Thai, with chicken substituted for shrimp, and the spicy chicken somethings (I don't do spicy so can't remember the exact name). All was hot and favorable. Next was a trip to the casino. TC likes to temp the fates much more than I do...I just play gamble. But I did very well (for me) on our Prima cruise in October so I still had those winnings as my seed money. Unfortunately I did not see any slot machines calling my name. I like pirates and buffalos...most of these are dancing drums and other relics from the Joy's past life in Asia. After losing half my money I was finished for the afternoon and went home. My cabin is a balcony on deck 12. I was going to book an inside but at 21 days out on a full ship, the only ones available were on deck 5, under the theater...no thanks. So I took a chance on a guaranteed balcony and am quite happy with my location. Just before 6 I headed to the Haven for the Captain's cocktail party. We have Captain Dan from Sweden and I asked him to just keep doing what he was doing because this has been one smooth sailing. Spoke to Rohn a bit and his fabulous assistant. Then I saw Bruno from the CN desk and we chatted and laughed for a while. If you are on the Joy soon, stop by and see him...he is charming! We had managed to snag a 7pm reservation at Cagneys (keep trying...there are always cancellations). I never realized the Cagneys menu is almost the same as the Ocean Blue menu. I had the crab cake (good but could have been hotter in the middle), wedge salad, 5 oz filet which was cooked to a perfect medium rare, truffled mashed potatoes and zucchini (I received 4 slices instead of 3 because I am special like that...IYKYN). TC had almost the same but the Caesar salad, 8 oz filet, broccoli and onion rings...so I guess not the same at all! Service was good, not great, and took only about a hour. I was stuffed again and ordered the 7 layer chocolate cake...to go! Yes, they plated it up for me and I carried it back to my room. Just before dinner we heard that Footloose was canceled for that evening due to a cast member injury. Should have gone last night! But that was ok, because it meant we could now go see the Beatles in the Cavern Club at 9:30! TC got in line at 8:40 (maybe 20 people ahead of him) while I went to the cabin to change. He sent me a text at 8:50 that he was inside and had a table. So that was perfect! This incarnation is Beatles Revolution and they were pretty good. They did the early years, which is TCs favorite, so he was thrilled. It was definitely SRO but the crowd really got into it so a lot of fun. There is lots of music and entertainment on board. There are 2 comedians and at least 1 magician (neither are my thing) and the following music: djs all day at the pool, The Wanted 3 times a night in Q, various piano players in the Observation Lounge starting late afternoon, even a piano player in Mixx bar outside the MDRs (never seen that). Then Arvin and Emily several times in the Atrium, Ryan North in the DBH, plus Latin fusion in the Sugarcane bar and rock music in the Cavern Club. And lastly a theme party every night in the Socal. So I am not seeing any entertainment cut backs.
  4. I will go check for you. I did not go to the M&G, which is a first for me. GM is Rohn, who I have sailed with 2 prior times.
  5. This ship is packed. 4500 on board, way more than any sailing I have been on since the restart. It is a school holiday week in California but I knew that going in. I was told there are more 1st time NCL cruisers than ever before on this ship. Tons of teens. TC says I dislike kids and that is not true...they just annoy me when they run down the halls, scream or cry uncontrollably. But as long as they don't knock me down or eat all the desserts, I am fine with them. There was a letter in the cabin with information about drinking and gambling ages plus a curfew for teens...I had never seen that before. Muster drill - I posted in another thread about our drill. It was really a non-issue for me. Arrived to the theater 10 minutes prior for a seat. Started promptly at 3:30, over at 3:41. They have tried to streamline it as much as possible. If passengers show up on time, are quiet and respectful to the crew, then it can go very fast. Internet - I have the unlimited internet package without streaming. TC has it with streaming because he owns his own business and has to work a few hours everyday. I have had zero issues connecting and posting every day. I use a Samsung Galaxy 22 Ultra. TC streamed a live hockey game on Sunday on his IPhone 14 with just a little buffering. He actually had a more difficult time connecting to a cell tower in Cabo, while I had cell service while on the ship. We have the same carrier so can't explain that one. Dinner at Ocean Blue - this is only the 2nd time I have eaten here and it was outstanding. I had the Jumbo Shrimp Trio, clam chowder, grilled salmon with white wine lemon sauce (this was amazing) and the raspberry cheesecake in a jar. TC had the crab cake, gumbo, filet and same dessert. I don't understand how people can complain about the 1/1/1/1 limit on the coupons because this was way more food than I could comfortably eat. Our servers were fantastic and we really had a lovely time there. After dinner I was running out of steam after a 4am start to my day. We walked around the Waterfront a few times and I knew I would never make it to Footloose. So we checked the app and were able to book it for Monday night. There are 4 things I only consume on a cruise ship...bacon, bread, red meat and coffee. I managed to have them all within 12 hours of boarding. For me, that's the way to start my vacation!
  6. Better late than never. I wasn't sure if I would have time to devote to this but it's a quiet sea day so giving it a shot. No dailies, maybe photos, but mostly my experience so far and happy to answer questions. Background - sailed most of the big lines but come back to NCL because they are the most solo friendly. I sometimes have a Travel Companion (TC) and he is on this voyage. Just for reference, he is extremely laid back (sometimes I have to check to see if he has a pulse) and if he says something is "fine" that means he really liked it and if it is "OK" that means it is ok. I am much more social and, according to him, more opinionated. So you will get 2 perspectives. I booked this cruise 3 weeks out so did check in immediately after booking with an 11am ship check in time. Was able to book Ocean Blue at 6pm for embarkation day, Teppanyaki at 6pm on day 3 and Le Bistro on day 5. Also booked Elements for 9pm on day 4. Would figure out the rest on board. Embarkation - it could not have gone smoother. My flight landed in Long Beach at 9:40 and TC landed 10 minutes later. His bag was first off the plane so we hopped in a cab ($47 flat rate) and were at the port 20 minutes later at 10:30. Breezed thru security, into the port check in where no one was in line and were on the ship by 11am! So not sure what time boarding started but it was early. The MDR didn't open until 11:30 so I grabbed my typical first cocktail, a Rebellious Fish, while TC went to book Footloose. He came back about 20 minutes later with a 9pm reservation for that night. We headed into Taste for lunch. Food was hot and tasty so no complaints there. More to come...
  7. On the Joy now. MDRs still have the rotating menus.
  8. The muster drill on the Joy today was organized and quick. Mine was held in the theater...started promptly at 3:30 and was completed at 3:41. The passengers were quiet and respectful to the crew and everything could be seen and heard. Such a non issue for all this drama and bickering.
  9. You can get off the ship the first day and not return. On our Pacific Coastal on Bliss in 2019, there were many people onboard that lived in Vancouver. They got off as soon as we arrived. The ship was very quiet on the overnight. We were out quite late and off to the airport the 2nd morning.
  10. Thanks...I have taken the transfer before. I am rolling off my luggage because I only have a carryon. In PC we did the same thing...even though our flights didn't leave until evening, we wanted to be on the first bus because we were renting a car at MCO (none were available in PC) and going to Disney for the day. It was no problem to request an earlier time and it was granted. But I know every situation is different so plan to just go with the flow. Happy to hear the busses will be at the berth we get off on and will not have to take a shuttle anywhere else before leaving.
  11. No we haven't, LOL. Guess we will find out on Friday (or I will ask once onboard and post to this thread if I find out).
  12. You are correct. I have a friend using BOGO air to fly to Italy this summer and he said it was 2/1. But he's incorrect and it's 2/2. I have never used the air because I like to be in control and I typically fly somewhere either before or after my cruise...not from home to port and back. Thanks for the clarification.
  13. Its not the worse port I have ever sailed to/from (that would be NOLA) but it has had it's challenges a few times. Other times it has been a breeze. My biggest issue is using Uber and their surge pricing, when they know you don't have a lot of options. And once I was literally the last person standing on the curb waiting for my Uber to show up (no fault of the cruise line or port). That's why I decided to take the NCL transportation, even though it may cost a little more. At least I know I can get on the bus and get to LAX fairly easily (and hopefully from berth 50 and not have to be shuttled back to 92).
  14. It sounds to me like the OP used NCL air, which only allows 2 days prior deviation and 1 day post, as they were told.
  15. Everyone??? I think a few people may decorate their doors but it is a very small number from what I have seen. To the OP: I place a small magnet on my door and have never had a problem. I used the same one for years until I took an RCL trip and someone stole it. I may see one or 2 doors decorated in a very long hallway but I don't think it is a 'thing' anymore.
  16. I booked a cruise for this weekend at 21 days out (so booked and did my check in the same day). I received my guaranteed cabin number within a week and am quite happy with the location (mid ship, deck 12). I also got an offer to upgrade the day after that. I did bid on a Haven cabin, even though I know the Haven is sold out (you just never know). I did not bid on a Club Balcony Suite as there was only one showing available and it was on deck 9. Enjoy your cruise.
  17. I have sailed in and out of this port multiple times and really can't wrap my head around how this is going to work. Guess we will find out in a week! My flight isn't until after noon but am really hoping the NCL transportation is at berth 50 and we don't have to go anywhere else. I will ask at Guest Services once we board but not too confident that they will know much. Enjoy your cruise!
  18. On the Port of Los Angeles website. And we actually arrive at berth 50, not 46...my error.
  19. A little off topic but our cruise on the Joy this Sunday embarks at Pier 92 but we disembark at 46. How does that work with luggage pick up and transportation to the airport. We are hoping to carry off our bags (not early) and take NCL bus to LAX...does it pick you up at 46 or do they have a shuttle to 92? We typically use private transportation but with all these port changes, thought the NCL bus might be easier this time.
  20. Yes in 2019 until the shutdown in March 2020. He has been on Prima since the beginning and must be one of the last ones to leave. Some on the ship have had their vacations and are already back on board with a new contract.
  21. It won't be an issue. A screenshot is all I ever use. I don't print anything out.
  22. That's what my friends and I do that are on FB but one of them isn't so we used What's App with him.
  23. Yes but it works best if you have the unlimited wi-fi. I would find it hard with the minutes included plan because you would have to constantly be logging in and out.
  24. Log into your account and in the top right corner you should see a link that says Download E-docs. Or if you use the app, it will be at the bottom of your summary page. I open them and just use the screenshot on my phone. But if you need luggage tags, you can print them from there.
  25. Lots of excursion and other information on the Alaska Port of Call forum on this site, https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/33-alaska/ Choosing between Sitka and Skagway would be hard for me but as others have mentioned, you should try and do Glacier Bay for your first time. With the Bliss (and Encore) you have a wonderful Observation Lounge for great front views, plus the Waterfront to walk around and see everything (and the bars have hot chocolate and Baileys), As far as port or starboard, what you don't see in one direction you will see on the return....more important is to make sure you have cabins above and below. Enjoy your cruise!
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