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Everything posted by debenson0723

  1. Yes, this is what you will see. The deck 8 area is much wider on Prima than the other ships in certain spots. I was originally on deck 9 and was more concerned about people looking into my cabin from deck 8 than what I was seeing. So I moved up to 10 in an area that was not as wide on deck 8 (but due to the weather, there were only a few days when anyone was on deck 8 so for me, it didn't really matter).
  2. I was on Prima in September/October and there were people with masks on, especially in elevators. You do what makes you comfortable.
  3. BUT...if you look at @SeaSharkscreenshot, there are 4 options showing. Oceanview, balcony, club balcony suite and spa balcony. If you have a regular balcony booked, you can bid for a Club and Spa. I was in a studio on Escape...bid and won a Spa Balcony for the minimum bid (yes, times 2 but still way worth it). OP sorry to get off topic about bidding. As a previous poster mentioned, it might be a good idea to get a TA to help you with this, though I have sailed solo many times and did it all myself. Do what makes you feel comfortable. Enjoy your cruise!
  4. Have you tried using the chat feature or calling NCL directly to change your dinner reservations? I have had success doing both, even for the Prima. If you can get the times you want for dinner before boarding, then I would either head for the kiosks as soon as I board to see if they are working and if so, book the production shows there...it just takes a few minutes. If it's the comedy shows you are looking for, then I would do that first, since the venue is so small in comparison to the theatre. Then go to guest services to check on the Vibe, since that could be the place without success, and book entertainment while in line there if the kiosks were not working I don't really stress about any of this stuff because once you are on board, things can be fluid. People don't show up for dinner or the production shows, so you can check back during the day for dinner and do the stand by line for the shows. Unless you have a large group, then this strategy won't work so well. But for 2-4 people, you should be fine. Enjoy your cruise!
  5. We enjoyed Onda on the Encore, both pre and post Covid. Had a white pizza that was amazing. Ate on the Waterfront so didn't have the noise issue. But on the Prima, it was not so good. As someone mentioned, the decor seemed very cheap to me and the 4 of us didn't seem to have as much room at the table as on the Encore (4 people also). Loved the butterscotch budino on both ships.
  6. The Joy does not have studio cabins or a thermal spa. There is an additional Starbucks in the Observation Lounge. Going on the Joy next month for the first time but have been on the Bliss 3 times. It is my favorite NCL ship.
  7. NCL is now at the new Horizon port. Very close to several hotels but I personally would not walk it, especially in the rain with luggage.
  8. They can visit you in your room but cannot sit in the lounge. They can also eat in the Haven restaurant for a price of approximately $55 per person (this is what I paid on my recent Prima cruise...I tipped an additional amount).
  9. Thank you for the wonderful review of the Joy. I am hoping to sail on her next month for the first time, as I really enjoy the Bliss and Encore. I like seeing the subtle differences in the Breakaway+ ships, Port of Los Angeles has always been a mess, 2nd only to New Orleans. Doesn't matter which line you sail from there...NCL, RCL or Princess...it has been a struggle. But the gift of the ship is waiting at the end. You are correct...no chocolates on the pillows for years and towel animals were starting to disappear just prior to the pandemic (but you can request one if you really want it...I have no need for them). After reading your review, I might have to add a Christmas cruise to my list,
  10. You're going to get as many different responses as people on this board, LOL. Onda was my favorite both times I had it on Encore but it wasn't quite as good on Prima. Food Republic is always my favorite but I usually pay out of pocket for it. Los Lobos ended up being my favorite on Prima and I didn't really care for it on Encore. So you just never know what it going to work, depending on the chef on each ship. I never heard a bad word from anyone that ate at Palomar so you might want to try that one. Enjoy your cruise!
  11. You will be on the Escape which has a 'real' Starbucks so will be able to use a GC or the app. The OBC is a good idea but if they use it for anything else, then it will lessen what they can spend in Starbucks. Enjoy your cruise!
  12. Not too many things are the same now as they were 6 years ago... You have to know how to play the game. I am a solo traveler and looking at a cruise next month. I wait until the solo supplement is in place and typically book 3-4 weeks out. The sailaway inside is about $75 less than the sailaway balcony. The ocean view I prefer (forward facing) is $200 more than the balcony. Its not that important to me to pick my cabin so that option is out. I buy my own airfare (which I did a few months ago and will get a credit if I change my mind) for just under $200 r/t. $100 obc for being a shareholder will pay for my cocktails and the bottle of wine with my LeBistro platinum dinner will last me 2 nights. The $50 excursion credit will usually cover me if I decided to go ashore. While I am happy with this arrangement, I am going to wait a few more weeks to see if the rate drops more and I can get the FAS added for about the same price. If not, I will book the cruise and consider purchasing an internet package outright. Going to put my vacation days in the schedule when I go back to work on Tuesday and start looking for another cruise for the spring and fall.
  13. This thread should answer most of your questions:
  14. That is exactly what we did in February. We got to Disney Springs at 10:45.
  15. This is what I do. I have a whole file with screenshots/photos of my passport, edocs, vaccines card, etc. I haven't printed out the edocs since the restart on 6 cruises. As long as my phone is on, I don't need data, wi-fi or anything else. Enjoy your cruise.
  16. If you post your question on the West Coast departures board, there is probably someone there with recent experience: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/315-west-coast-departures/
  17. I would bid what I can afford and what I thought was reasonable. But the advice to see what the difference is in price to outright upgrade is the best.
  18. Sorry this happened to you. A word of caution...if the ATM you are using is not physically connected to a bank branch (not a drive thru or free standing machine) there is typically no one to service that machine if there are problems (cash not dispensing, card not returned, etc.). They are maintained by an independent company, normally Brinks, Loomis or another armored company. It is very possible that a ship has someone on board to minimally service the machine but it wouldn't be in relation to transactions.
  19. Just give NCL a call. I have only done this with someone who is another Latitudes member (so have cruised on NCL before) so not sure if there is additional information needed for the buyer. Otherwise, the transfer was very easy.
  20. There are no reservations in Indulge. It is a food court and it is first come, first served. Get there about 15 minutes before they open and you should be able to find a table. We went to the Price is Right and, in fact, my travel companion won the Showcase Showdown. He won a 55" tv but took the cash value instead.
  21. Other than sparkling water to purchase, I have not had anything in my mini-fridge since the restart. I usually just move those bottles to the desk top and they are either removed or sit there for the remainder of the cruise.
  22. Are you asking about eating in the MDR? If so, you can order cocktails from your waiter but sometimes it is faster to bring one in with you from the bar just outside Taste and Savor.
  23. Post #8 states that she scanned in at the muster station so they are still doing the post covid procedure on this ship at this time.
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