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Everything posted by debenson0723

  1. On my Joy cruise last week, both Taste and Savor were open for breakfast, lunch (on embarkation and sea days) and dinner. Haven't seen that in awhile. Depending on my mood, I do enjoy the Manhattan room but it does seem slower and louder (I think that might have to do with the music). We don't care for the dessert in Teppanyaki so about 2 hours after eating there, we stopped by Taste to ask if we could just have dessert. Was only a 5 minute wait for a window table.
  2. There were lots and lots of Orange cards on my Joy cruise and the CruiseNext people told me they had more first time cruisers on that ship than ever. My first card was Orange...has been the Greenish card ever since. My friend was in the Haven on Prima and his card was Purple.
  3. This worked for me on my Joy cruise last week. I have android and received/sent text messages via SMS to both Iphone and Android users with my settings at airplane mode on/ship's WiFi on. I have Verizon and an international plan (not sure if that has anything to do with it...just mentioning). No additional charges with Verizon.
  4. You can remove it or add it up to about 3 days prior to the cruise, not just prior to final payment. I have done it multiple times. Enjoy your cruise.
  5. I believe you can exchange them at Guest Services but the rate will not be favorable. Best to use a foreign transaction fee free card and an ATM at a local bank on land. There is another thread about this topic just a few below this one.
  6. Just off the Joy that was fully packed (4530 passengers). Never waited long for a drink, certainly not 30 minutes (probably not even 5). If you want quicker service I would avoid any of the pool deck bars, the bars between restaurants (Mixx and Prime Meridian) during meal times and the Atrium bar during game shows. There is a bar in the buffet that was not busy most of the time, even during meals. But as others have mentioned, the 'out of the way' bars are usually pretty quick (and you can stop by the casino bar even if you are not in the casino...they were never busy). Enjoy your cruise on Escape...it's a great ship!
  7. I would be a little concerned about a 10:40 flight. I was on a RCL ship that was delayed due to fog and we didn't dock until 7am. I think if you carry off your luggage and use a cab, you should be ok. I have waited over an hour for an Uber there so don't recommend them. Good luck and enjoy your cruise.
  8. Thursday - Ensenada Not much to report for today. This was a spring break town for me back in my past life so never get off the ship. It was also raining but cleared up enough for some to do their excursions. Lunch at the Local...both of us had the Cobb salad and Wrangler Burger. I really like that salad as it is not too large and makes me believe I am eating healthy. There was a cocktail on tap there, a passion fruit lemon limey thing with vodka that was refreshing. Already posted above about my wonderful experience at Le Bistro. Made my last donation to the casino (should have stopped while I was ahead) but TC did well at poker and did stop. Headed back to the cabin to pack and prepare for that jolt back to reality 5am alarm. Now sitting at LAX waiting for my flight home. Will post about disembarkation once there so I can use my laptop.
  9. We got off at 7, arrived at LAX just after 8 via NCL shuttle. Super easy and organized.
  10. I use those same 2 cards when traveling. The Cap1 360 card to get fee free cash from an ATM and Chase for my credit card purchases.
  11. I am sitting at LAX having just gotten off the Joy. The rain stopped just long enough to disembark and get on the bus. Great crew on board...wish I was still there. Will be following along. Have a wonderful cruise.
  12. Before I finish this review, probably tomorrow, I have to share the experience I just had. We had dinner tonight in Le Bistro. The food was top notch, as usual. Its a little too fancy for TCs taste but we both enjoyed the filet. He had the Strawberry diplomat dessert (fancy strawberry shortcake) but again I was too full and asked if I could take the Chocolate Marquise back to my room. I was told of course and to let them know when I was ready to leave. So a few minutes later I told the waiter I was ready to go. Next thing I know, this cutest little busboy comes with my dessert and says he will escort me back to my cabin with it! I told him I appreciated the gesture but it was totally unnecessary. They both insisted so off we went to deck 12, TC trailing behind (insert huge eye roll from him here). I really felt uncomfortable getting in the elevator with someone else carrying my dessert. The busboy is on his first contract, first time away from home. He is enjoying it but misses his family in Peru. I just couldn't get over this kind gesture. We got to my cabin and he set down my dessert. I gave him a tip and his face lit up with a big smile, his new braces gleaming. I just can't get over how thoughtful this was and so unnecessary. But a wonderful gesture that I will remember for a long time.
  13. Thanks for sharing your experience. I have sailed in and out of this port multiple times (including after a PC cruise on the Bliss) and its always a crap shoot. I usually get a porter and we head out on the very far left side of the terminal. They do have facial recognition there. Worth a few bucks just to get out of that mess quickly. I know with the transfer I won't be able to do that tomorrow. But there are hourly flights from LAX to Phoenix and I don't have to be at work until Monday so have some flexibility. And thanks for the Buffalo tip. Maybe it will be good to me tonight.
  14. Wednesday - sea day (part 2) First off, let me say these reviews are a lot more work than I thought (and I am not even adding attachments). I love reading them and have an even greater appreciation going forward. After dinner we had reservations for the Elements show at 9:30. The theater was full but we had gotten there about 25 minutes early so had good seats. I don't mind sitting and people watching. I have seen many of the Cirque shows and enjoy this type of entertainment but for some reason, this just didn't do it for me. I think I was expecting more singing and more of a plot. But I appreciate the time and effort the entertainers put into the performance. Some of them were amazing. TC really enjoyed it and couldn't understand why I didn't but to each their own. I love Choir of Man and know some people don't. It is what makes us all unique. Just prior to the show I noticed that the barf bags had been put out around the ship. It was definitely rocky but I didn't think that bad. I went to my cabin around 11:30 and the wind was really howling and the ship creaking. It was more of a front to back, than side to side rolling. The most motion I have felt in a long time...but I still slept like a log all night. Rewind back (I really should have kept notes): on Monday evening we went to Guest Services and bought transfers to LAX for Friday. We departed from Port 92 (usual port) but are disembarking at Pier 50 (no idea where this is). Though we usually take private transportation, to alleviate any stress we decided to go this route. $25 each, meet on deck 7 tomorrow at 8:15...gonna be a rude awakening back to reality. Weather prediction is rain and for the first time ever, I did not pack a umbrella. Let's see...Friday morning, LA traffic, rain...what could possibly go wrong?
  15. Good to know. Haven't seen him yet but hope to catch him tonight.
  16. Possibly if you are getting a regular manicure. But in my case I get a dip manicure, which is higher. Sorry I didn't make that clear.
  17. Wow...where do you live? I get both mani-pedi for $90 where I am. $25-30 if just getting a pedicure.
  18. Wednesday - sea day Another lazy sea day. TC went to Boot Camp at the gym while I got my workout going to the MDR. This was by far the most people I have seen on any sailing waiting to eat breakfast. I cannot even imagine what the buffet must have looked like! I received a pager (first time ever) and proceeded to Mixx for a mimosa. There were 4 bartenders making cocktails plus an Officer and two waiters delivering them to the 2 MDRs. Even with all that going on, I waited less than a minute to get my drink. Soon after that my pager went off and I was seated so about a 7 minute wait all together. Breakfast was a disappointment. All I wanted was an open face bagel with salmon and cream cheese and that's what I received but the cream cheese was non existent. I was picturing what you see in the commercials, with an inch of fluffy whiteness on the bottom layer. Instead it looked like a schmear of what is left over on my knife after I apply it at home. But that didn't stop me from eating it...I know not to order that again. I did get my requisite bacon and hash browns and they were both delish. Next up was my required Frappuccino from Starbucks. Just an FYI, on the Joy you can only get Frapps at the deck 6 Atrium location...the Observation Lounge location does not make them Stopped by to make a quick donation to the casino. I have to say this casino has never been busy, no matter what time of day I have been there. Not sure if it's the demographics of this sailing or what but I find this very unusual. And just for reference, this ship has a separate enclosed smoking section, which is much appreciated. Came back to my cabin to start this review. Switching gears a moment, I know that the once a day service is a hot topic but for me personally it is not an issue. Maybe if I were messy or had kids with me I would feel differently. My steward, Jordan, is great. I met him on embarkation day after dinner. He knocked on my door to introduce himself and said he was worried I had missed the ship because he never saw any luggage outside my door and I didn't show up until after sailaway (so he was told by another steward). I assured him everything was fine but my mini fridge was locked for some reason. He apologized, unlocked it and we had a brief conversation about the changes. He wanted to make sure I knew it was only once a day. I told him that might be even too much for me and not to worry about it. I typically use my towels more than once, just like at home. I consider myself pretty low maintenance, though some would disagree. Ok, back to the sea day. TC went to grab a "snack" at Food Republic then we met up at The Local for lunch. The wait was 45 minutes and he would starve before then (enter an eye roll from me here) so we went to the Buffet. He grabbed an assortment of food but I have hit that 'nothing looks good and I don't need to eat just to eat' mode. Does anyone else get that way after a few days? But I did need a cocktail so got one from the bar to enjoy. He then went back to work and I wandered a bit. But it was SO crowded. Dinner was at 6:30 in La Cucina. If anyone is wondering, we each had 1 FAS specialty voucher and are both Platinum so 2 vouchers each to share. So that is 5 specialty restaurants on a 5 day cruise. I mentioned before that La Cucina is not my favorite but always willing to give it a try. With our voucher we could get one item from the left side of the menu (apps/pasta) and one item from the right side (pizza/entree). We also received a basket of bread, which was hot and crusty. I chose both from the left...burrata appetizer and an entree size lasagna. TC got the Carbanara from the left and Chicken Caccatori from the right. My burrata was huge and I could not finish it. The tomatoes in the dish were very fresh and seasoned just as I like them. TCs carbanara was good sized and he ate it all (he is always a member of the clean plate club...I eat until I am full and have no issue leaving a few bites on my plate). My lasagna was also hot and flavorful...no complaints and again, I could not eat it all. TC received his chicken and stated he was having Deja Vu. Apparently on our Escape cruise last year he ordered the same 2 items and thought both were different things. He thought the pasta was supposed to have a red sauce (nope) and the chicken was more like chicken parm (nope again). But he declared it good and ate it all. Side note: I had some leftover free bottle of wine from my Monday night dinner at Cagneys (TC doesn't drink). They held the bottle for me and brought it to La Cucina. I still couldn't finish it and asked if I wanted to take the rest to my room...so I did. We topped off the meal with dessert...he had Tiramesu, which was huge, and I had the cannolis. One pistachio, one chocolate and one gummy bear. Ok maybe the weren't chopped up gummies but tasted like it. That one stayed on the plate to feed to the fishes. The end of the night to come...
  19. Probably 2 to 3 times what you would pay on land.
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