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Posts posted by sfaaa

  1. I evaded Covid for two full years then promptly hit the jackpot twice from cruising. Mild symptoms both times. First time I sat next to a woman in the theater who was clearly sick with all the Covid symptoms. I was vaccinated, had my N95 mask on and thought I was safe. Big mistake. Should have gotten up and left. Second time I likely caught it from an unsanitized karaoke mike after countless people sprayed droplets all over it singing. DW didn't go karaoke and was totally fine. Needless to say, I no longer go karaoke on cruises any more.

  2. 16 hours ago, tvo7 said:


    They were wanting to do a big ship so it will be a little more expensive. I asked them about ships like mariner and they did not want it, just new ship.



    You should reconsider. This is a wonderful opportunity to educate your kids that one should always live within his/her means. So if this means an older ship at a more affordable price, so be it.  They will thank you later in life for this valuable lesson.

    • Like 6
  3. 5 hours ago, smokeybandit said:

    So basically the same as Haiti has been for the last 20 years.

    Haiti is a failed state and basket case. President was assassinated. National police is on the run from armed gangs. Law and order don't exist. Central government exists mostly in name only. Many basic services are barely functioning if at all. These are all facts. And yet you and a few others keep insisting the country is safe to visit. Why? Because Labadee is untouchable?

    • Like 1
  4. 14 hours ago, cruisegus said:

    Fear Mongering

    Never has been a problem at Labadee.

    Perfectly safe to return.

    Is it? Did you miss a thread posted by RCCL staff who was recently there? Poster stated gangsters were positioning themselves on the high ground and issuing verbal threats to Labadee compound below. As is, the Kenya cop deal is fasting running out of money and may not be able to continue much longer without further funding from donor countries.

    • Like 1
  5. Sorry this happened to you OP. Pick pocketing is something I always worry about when I travel to Europe.  On a RCCL cruise years ago, they had a former professional pick pocketing thief turned security consultant to host a show one night. He invited a male guest on stage and used all kind of distraction techniques to clean the guy out of his wallet, wrist watch and even pant suspenders in front of the audience. The guest had no clue what he lost until he was shown what was taken from him. It was entertaining but also demonstrated how easy it can be done by a professional pick pocketing thief.

  6. 4 hours ago, lennythenose said:


    Is there any other source for discounted cards?  I know NewEgg and a few other places have Carnival cards sometimes but I’ve never seen Princess cards anywhere else. 

    You just missed it. Newegg had a Princess gift card sale 2 days ago. 8% off + another 2% if you paid with Amex.

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    • Thanks 1
  7. Didn't a few posters kept emphasizing the point that Labadee is perfectly safe and immune from all the chaos because it is too far away and difficult to reach due to bad road? Apparently no more. Gangsters are now positioning on the high ground with a perfect view of the compound and its flimsy perimeter fence.

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