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Everything posted by dunnster1965

  1. Good morning everyone from the Gold Coast 😉 21C and a slightly hazy start. Enjoy your day whatever the weather is doing.
  2. 15:12 Carnival shares at 660.00 down 9% on the day - eek!
  3. My first car was a bright yellow and rust coloured Ford Escort which brings back many good memories but if I think about it a bit harder it was also a PITA most of the time. The door locks were useless but the car had the ultimate security system in that the gear lever would just lift out when you parked up so you could hide it in the boot and replace it before driving off. Never stolen!
  4. What's the latest on Arcadia? Did she go to Southampton yesterday?
  5. I don't think you need to worry. Sure, some things ain't what they used to be and yet P&O are probably carrying around more people than ever before so it can't be too bad. If, at the end of your cruise you didn't enjoy it then be prepared to put it down to experience and take away the positives. Like anything in life if you go in with a positive mental attitude then the chances are that you'll come away wanting to book again - I hope so. Promise me one thing, that when you get back you let us know how you got on!
  6. Yes, it does sound familiar about the work being done in Belfast. Something must have changed.
  7. Whoah! Wires are getting crossed here! Aurora is having her dry dock visit so her previously advertised cruise was cancelled. I suspect Hamburg is where she is having her 'MOT'.
  8. Yep got our email for the 2nd July today too.
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