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Everything posted by BamaVol

  1. We visited one of the Great Houses. It was beautiful and the ride takes you out into the hills where the weather folks live. I would go back for another visit, but it would have to involve another ships tour. And if there were such a thing as a HOHO bus, I would pass. There didn’t appear to be any place in Falmouth I would want to stop. I was there in the early 90’s on business. The general poverty and decrepitude hasn’t changed in 30 years.
  2. I had to call my wife for instructions on how to start the washer. In a home I had lived in for 6 years. Sometimes you just don’t know without a manual handy. Before anybody accuses me, I do all the cooking at home and have for most of the 47 years we’ve been married. And I know how to load and unload the dishwasher. I just don’t make it to the laundry room.
  3. We took a ships tour out of Falmouth. I never felt unsafe for a minute. Would I wander around the town? Maybe not, but I saw people doing it. Albeit at 11:00 AM as opposed to after dark. I don’t believe any ships call on Kingston, where the violence is worst. Other than there, is any port that much more dangerous than somewhere else a ship stops? Of course you can cite examples of crimes anywhere in Jamaica. I can do the same for the US. Statistically, are you at greater risk in Ocho Rios than parts of San Francisco or Miami? I dunno.
  4. Regarding a lower priced package: I have no idea how many alcoholic beverages the average package purchaser drinks. It’s surely below 15. But, any prospective package for light drinkers would have a limit well below the average and might not cost much less given the other benefits. It is possible, after all, to exceed break even with as few as two $15 drinks.
  5. I’ll have a Last Snow. Cheers.
  6. The one I encountered had a Microsoft message on the screen. That told me it was hopeless.
  7. I see the confusion. Apparently some high school team misappropriated the colors from my favorite Fort Lauderdale area brewery.
  8. You don’t need to understand why internet is important to anyone else. Just understand that it is.
  9. Which beats $3,000 for pay per drink. They don’t allow bottles into sports stadiums here, but I’m not amazed at the long lines to pay $17 for a beer.
  10. I had to go up 2 decks because the token dispenser on my deck was not operating. I figured, while I’m here, might as well do my wash. I never saw a line when I walked past a laundry room, only met one other passenger while doing the wash. She was a regular, since her luggage had failed to make an airline connection.
  11. On CB in March, there was a sign in the door asking passengers not to use them after 10 and before 8. I have no idea if they locked and unlocked the doors, but I doubt it.
  12. Our fourth and youngest moved out the year I turned 55. Definitely a new chapter in my life.
  13. I’m a little colorblind. Is this what you mean?
  14. We won’t start our first Alaskan cruise until September. Are the dining rooms sufficiently warm? Or the rest of the ships interior, for that matter. I will have a flannel shirt, but would I be comfortable in a polo shirt?
  15. Almost $70 back in 2017. My how times have changed.
  16. I don’t think it would be a direct result of the low price. But the low price reflects Wall Street’s pessimism about CCL’s future. And if that view is correct, they could end up being liquidated or purchased - most likely sell off lines or ships. CCL stock won’t me any good if they sell Princess to MSC, for example. So, my advice would be to cruise as much as you can, as soon as you can.
  17. Well, sure. I paid 10.92 a share. I expect to extract that value in OBC. Then I can dump it at any price and be ahead.
  18. I would still be ahead at that price. I think anything much more than that is the wrong side of break-even for us. My liver can’t keep up with @voljeep
  19. I thought maybe you had access to CCL value stream accounting data. It is dangerous for businesses to make profitability assumptions. To do so for your own amusement is harmless. On the surface, it would appear that CCL/Princess wasn’t satisfied with the package profitability at $40 or $50. It remains to be seen whether $60 holds for long. The comparison isn’t to what you would pay for a drink at home. It is to how many drinks would passengers buy without a package, if that option was taken off the table, and at what prices. There are two value streams here: Plus/Premier and pay per drink. I was hoping you had information that would help curious ccers predict whether the price of Plus is going up again soon. Strategic pricing theory says you raise the price until you meet resistance and then check whether profits are still increasing ( since you will sell fewer packages and those who purchase them may feel the need to drink more to get their money’s worth). If profits drop, you’ve gone too far.
  20. I’m curious how you have access to product line profitability on Princess. If it’s not giving up too much information, what is the gross margin on Plus and Premier package sales?
  21. If they had taken your $10 and invested it in their own stock. It would be worth $4 today. The truth is, they didn’t invest it in anything. They used it for expenses.
  22. Mrs BV has naturally curly hair. A hairdryer for her is for drying hair. It styles itself. On the other hand, I need a strong blow to straighten my beard. We got by with what was on the ship, but only for the sake of luggage weight.
  23. Free in the buffet too. Worth every penny.
  24. Not if they bought CCL stock.
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