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Posts posted by aoknkentucky

  1. Debbie, I think Kim was wondering more about having on the makeup than the picture sizes. I don't think that having makeup on throws off this attempt to find out whether we're better in Light, True, or Bright as much as it does when you're trying to find out the Main Season. Just MHO.


    As Roseanne Rosananadana used to say, "Neee-ver-mind." LOL


    I'm still taking baby steps with this, but believe it or not, Pam, I didn't even pay attention to your hair other than to notice the overall color looked lighter/brighter in True Spring and darker overall in Not True Spring and I noticed your changing lip color. I was just that intent in looking for changes in your skin. Isn't it funny what we notice about ourselves. My daughter notices things about me too though. Sometimes, before I notice.

  2. Kim, you know I can't answer about the picture size being ok for the study. We will need to wait for Anita for that, but I'm interested to hear what everyone thinks about these purples. I bought a few of the same colors a while back and have never been confident that they were good FIRE colors. I know they aren't LIGHT by any stretch of the imagination and maybe that's the reason I wasn't happy with the way they looked on me.


    I just wanted to say how envious I am of your gorgeous hair! What I would give for just a smidge of that curl. I know--the straight always want curly and the curly always want straight. But, you're looking GOOD, girlfriend.

  3. I could see Anita's difference so clearly, but I think I may have overextended myself by thinking I understand more than I actually understand. I just have observations and more questions. Maybe Anita or some of the other ladies will chime in with their thoughts...


    First, on my screen, I think the only Light Spring top MAY BE the Athleta swim dress in Light Coral Sunset and I'm not absolutely sure about it. It looks like is has white added but is still so dark. My wheel has colors that dark on it, but would probably be on the bottom end of dark for Light. On my screen, I think that your hair color looks lighter in True Spring than the other designations. I think your lip color changes to meet the color in every picture I see on my screen. Soooo, my questions are: (1) which is correct IRL - the lighter or darker version of your hair. It looks like your face looks more muted somehow in what you are calling Bright Spring? Is that what you see or am I way off base? I've looked very intently and still am not sure. (2) is it just me or does it look like your lip color changes in each picture to match your top color? I remember reading somewhere that one of the things they noted about a person being color analyzed was that her face was so highly reflective. I didn't understand then, but the lightbulb went off and I remembered when I saw your lips in each picture.


    Again, I've written a book and Anita will be able to explain in a couple of sentences the same thing I was attempting to say. Come on, Anita. Put dear ole Mom out of her misery and tell me about my faulty logic. This is so fun. I am learning so much finally.


    AHH, you posted at the same time as me again. Off to read what Anita had to say!


    Edited again to say: I was chicken to put it out there. No confidence, I guess, but I agree with Anita. You look best in True Spring, IMHO.

  4. Ok, Pam. Bear with me on this as I type on paper what I'm thinking. Always a dangerous thing for me to try to do two things at once! Here goes.


    It's been really difficult for me (how many times is she going to say that, for Pete's sake?!) to get even Light Spring in my head, but here's how I've done it. I don't, can't in fact, worry about individual colors being or not being on the next closest palette. It's more of a general feeling, if you will, of the colors. What I've been told is that there is no possible way to put each and every color that will be available to us in our lifetime on a handy-dandy take-it-with-you cheat sheet (my new color fan/the sheet you referenced/our CJW cards). The fashion world changes what our eyes become accustomed to seeing every so often that it's hopeless to expect that kind of simplicity. BUT if you take your cheat sheet or what you keep in your brain as reference and compare, it will work. I can spread out my color fan on an item and know for certain that it is good or bad for me. It's more the feeling, if you will. Is is light, warm and clear? OR, I can pick up several different shades of the same color in the store and compare. Which one is the most light, warm and clear? Take it home. Does it play well with my bestest peach scarf? If I pull out 3-4 tops that I know that I know are good, does it naturally blend right in? This I can do.


    Look at it this way. Take a look at all three color cards you posted. To begin with, just like we have witnessed time and time again, it is very difficult to get on paper what we see IRL. Very difficult. On paper, the cards look like there's more blues to blacks in Bright Spring overall, maybe? My Light Spring looks like just a lighter version of True Spring in some ways, and yet there are more grayish browns. See that?


    Second full row down where the green dots start in the middle of the page for all three Springs. Can you see that True Spring is medium contrast even though the last five dots go from lighter to darker green? Now look at the Bright Spring card. Those same five dots are deeper saturation so more contrast until it looks almost green-black on my screen. Look at the Light Spring card. Those same five green dots are still warm and clear. Not muted at all on my screen, but they look like just a drop of white has been added to each of the True Spring green dots. Lighter saturation.


    I'm not good enough at this yet to advise anyone else. I can only speak what works for me. Most of the time, I can't use my entire fan to compare. If I'm working on deciding about a grayish brown color, for instance, I pull out the three or four strips that have those grayish brown, brown and whipped cream color neutrals and see if they play well. If I'm looking at something with a pattern or an item I know I plan to wear with a different color as topper or bottom, I use the colors closest to representing what I'm working with. Does that make sense?


    So whether one color is represented in one, two or all three of our Spring variation, the key is to find what is TMIT, the most important thing. I researched so specifically about Light Spring that I'm not exactly sure what the buzz words would be for the other two. My TMIT is Light. Warm and Clear, for sure, but it must be Light. If I'm going to cheat or lean even a tiny bit toward the cooler side of warm colors, it must be light.


    Edited to add: Was interrupted before I could get the above posted and noticed Anita chimed in first. Soooo, helpful Anita. To both me and Pam. Thanks. I agree 100% and am AMAZED that I actually understood and agreed with what you said. Soooo very amazed. By jove, I think she's got it. Smiling here to beat the sunshine today!!!!!

  5. I'm giggling hysterically over here. No, I only know about Kibbe from what I've read on other sites. I'll dig and try to find something for you though. It is my understanding that Kibbe's book was done in the late 70's-maybe 80s. Anyway, it's very dated for today's fashion styles. Think shoulder pads. Remember those!?! Oh my didn't they make my broad shoulders look even more like a football player. But everyone did back then. Never occurred to me to just take the blamed things out of those blazers.


    Not surprised by the question. Not one little bit.

  6. Oh, Lauri! Congratulations and I'm so sorry for your stress all at the same time.


    We were posting at the same time, and I don't know a single thing about anything you are talking about, but just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you. Oh my! Yes, I'm thinking about you for sure.

  7. I. Don't. Believe. This.


    I can see it, Anita. I really can. I may still not be able to see it on myself. I don't know. I haven't checked in a while to see, but I definitely see it on your face. I definitely agree that you are a soft autumn. I didn't think you struck me as a dark person, but, heck I didn't think I'd ever see it.


    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so very much!

  8. Debbie.

    Just wanted to take a quick moment and tell you how much I appreciate this conversation and advice. Fascinating.


    But…. a LOT to read and to consider. So, I'll be back with more thoughts after I absorb some of this information and maybe have a few pictures to share.


    I look forward to the conversation. I have opened my own can of worms and considering whether to make a salad or soup of them. Just wait, Pam. Color analysis is only the beginning. LOL


    Now I'm trying to determine if I'm Yang Natural, Yin Natural or Yang Classic that leans Natural. This refers to the type/style of clothes are best for me. So much to learn. Fascinating stuff. It will involve trying on and taking pictures to see what proportions looks best. I know what I'm not. I'm not girly-girly and I have no waist to speak of, so I know I'm NOT predominately Yin! Don't want to confuse the issues here. This will save for a much later day. Just saying, don't 'ya know. If you read that part during your journey, file it back for later and maybe we can discuss it at some point too.


    Someone earlier, Granny maybe, said what I thought for years and years. Jeans and a Tshirt of some kind was good enough for me and I wore whatever inexpensive clothes appropriate for church that I could find at the time. No matter what the colors, as long as they clothed my body and weren't skin tight, I was a happy camper. Literally! LOL I was sooo very late to the fashion scene. I still wear jeans and Ts, but now the color, shape, length, neckline and quality are more important than they used to be. It pays, or rather saves, my purse and my closet to be able to be much pickier now. It will save my arms, shoulders and back too when it's time to lug those suitcases around because I really, really want that curated wardrobe where everything works together and plays nicely with each other.

  9. Wanted to edit to add but I timed out again: Please don't think for a minute that I don't want to discuss this here. I was afraid maybe it sounded that way because I keep pushing Pinterest to you. NOT at ALL do I want anyone to think I don't want to discuss this. I love talking about it. It's just that the Pinterest pictures helped me so much to train my eye to see what I couldn't see by putting clothes on myself. I just can't see it on myself, but I can see the colors for themselves and can tell the difference once I know what I'm looking for.


    Does that make sense?

  10. OK, Debbie. Talk me off the ledge!

    The point that I want to discuss is the green top. As it turns out, that green top is NOT Fire; it's Air. It even has a silver lining at the neckline. It had way more blue in the green… than yellow. Do you think this is a Light Summer top? It didn't survive Kon Mari.


    I don't think I should base my opinion on just one top, right? Or, is that OK, do you think? The point is… I know that I look better in more of a True Fire top, way more of a yellow-green than this blue-green one. I just don't think that I look bad?!? Just not optimal. Is that what leaning forward or backward does? You still look OK? just not your Optimal Best?


    Wowsers, Pam. This top looks a lot like a green top that I used way-back-when we were grouping and posting all our color tops (is that the Color Party you mentioned?). I loved that blue-green top. Got many compliments about that top, but everyone decided that it didn't fit my FIRE colors. I lost weight (which I have since found again) and it went away. It would work more or less kinda now.


    Sooo, I see your point. If that top looks that good for your skin, could you be Light Spring? I found that I really like my colors in nature. Some of the roses I have seen, sunrises and sunsets, palamino ponies...all wonderful Light Spring colors. Try looking for pictures in nature for all three Spring divisions and see if you are naturally drawn there. I knew I loved purple, but didn't really care for our FIRE purple. I really like Light Spring's purple. I had a lavender bedroom as a teenager and three different dresses with lavender/purple combinations. One dress was purple with white dotted swiss, one had a lavender background with small white and purple flower combo bouquet pattern, and the third dress was what I see as my light spring purple. More confirmation.


    I love the look, sounds and feelings I get from seeing a waterfall. The sun playing on the rocks, wet and dry and the water cascading down is very special to me. All those gray-brown and brown-gray colors are in my special colors. Go figure. Look around at what speaks to you. Once I knew where to look, it felt just right. I hope it does for you too.

  11. Yes, Pam, continuing our coffee break (I just got back from lunch!)--


    No black in True Spring. Black is small doses in BRIGHT Spring. I'll try to find a picture or two I remember seeing. If I can, I will post them for reference. OR, again with the Pinterest reference. I'm a stuck record about that I'm afraid. If you search each of the Spring divisions, you'll get many, many pictures. Some aren't always exactly right, at least the Light Spring pins could sometimes look more Light Summer to me, but it will train your eye to learn the difference. If you look at everything you can find in one division and then later look at everything in another division, I think you will soon determine the difference between the two divisions which should make looking objectively at your own closet a whole lot easier.


    http://12blueprints.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/CE-BSp-forweb.jpg Here's one of the pictures I was thinking about. Think about this as top, bottom and smallest color as shoes & bag, jewelry, or scarf accessories or simply a belt. If you want, think of each long rectangle as the proportions of color in the outfit too.






    If you can see yourself wearing the combos above, you may look further at Bright Spring. The second set looks more like FIRE/Spring to me but the first one has too much black near my face for me to ever consider it.



    I don't think looking at the second next best division (Bright Winter or Light Summer) would do a thing to help. We already know what black does to us! Maybe not the first drapes (if I remember correctly) but the second set of drapes (maybe) my analyst used was silver and gold. Neither really did a thing for me that I could see, but then again, I can't see this stuff anyway. Maybe part of the reason that neither gold nor silver was good or bad for me was because I can wear both gold and silver jewelry supposedly. Of course, I gave away all my silver jewelry when I was told I should wear gold only. I still prefer gold and always have, but real silver is cheaper than real gold, so that made it easy to purchase back in the day. I will admit if I am going to wear silver, it needs to be with the cooler end of my Light Spring spectrum. KWIM?



    I'm afraid that I don't know how to tell you about figuring this out for yourself. That's why I had to see an expert. I knew I couldn't. I read for literally MONTHS, and I had decided that I must be Bright Spring. Boy-howdy! I couldn't have been more wrong.


    I think it is very appropriate to look at the 12 color wheel to figure out where you land. I'm going out on a limb and will say that I think True Spring will be a good fit for you. I think you are medium contrast and I trust that CJW knew what he was talking about and was/is very good at what he does. I am still grateful for his help starting me on this journey. Since he said FIRE, I'd stay within that parameter and focus on the three FIRE/Springs.


    Aw-oh! Hold up a minute, Pam. I posted and noticed you had posted again and gone off to eat worms before I could get the above posted. Since that is your natural color and the top has silver accents, I think I may need to retract my True Spring prediction. Look at True Spring and Light Spring AND Bright Spring. True Spring is considered total warm colors. Light Spring and Bright Spring are both considered warm neutrals. They both have cooler tones added to some degree. Either a drop of white (so lighter contrast) or ??? (I didn't research this part) for more contrast. VERY INTERESTING can of worms.

  12. Since Debbie is a Light Spring and doesn't feel that she looks good in darker colors and she, specifically, mentioned that she didn't feel fabulous in Chico's chocolate… and I do! I think that Chico's Chocolate Chip (which is even darker saturation than the color they called "chocolate") makes me feel wonderful… it's the color I was wearing in Paris at my champagne brunch at Dimanche… I immediately think that I must be either a True Spring or a Bright Spring. Don't know. Makes my head spin, just slightly.


    I almost can't believe I'm saying this? Do you think we'd benefit from another attempt at Color Parties?



    I brought this quote over from the EARTH thread since I wanted to talk more about Bright Spring/True Spring/Light Spring.



    Oh, wow. I guess I'm game if everyone else is. Since I feel comfortable that I have a few good items, I'd be willing to post some of what I know are best for me together with some of my not-so-good-but-I'm keeping-them-for-a-while items, but my photo skills may skew the control.


    Pam, Bright Spring can wear black (in small amounts and not near the face) with a Hot almost True Pink color. Think a predominantly Hot Pink patterned top. I'm thinking you should shoot for seeing if you have any True Spring colors to post and compare. When it came to my final few drapes, we knew it wasn't True Spring (not sure why, but there was a reason. It may have been the red drapes test), so the final step was to see if it was Bright Spring or Light Spring. Light Spring won the day and is supposedly rare. My analyst was excited because she hasn't tested many Light Springs and dark-haired LSp at that. My consolation that day was knowing that since I had a rare coloring, it was no wonder I kept getting it wrong. I'd never even realized you could have LIGHT and clear and bright together. It sounded like opposite world in a way. My colors might even lean a little into Lightest Summer but the most important thing (TMIT) for me is Light. Like just a drop of white has been added but a healthy dose of yellow has been added.


    I think of True Spring as the CJW color card colors.


    With the knowledge that just like you can lean from any of the four seasons into another: FIRE/Spring forward into AIR/Summer or backward into ICE/Winter, EARTH/Autumn can fall forward into ICE/Winter or backward into AIR/Summer, and so forth, if you want to get even more narrow within your search, there must be an even more narrow area that leans one direction or the other between the 12 colors.


    ICE/Winter cannot combine with AIR/Summer and FIRE/Spring cannot combine with EARTH/Autumn. It isn't that way in nature and it just won't work here. Here's the wheel in the 12 color order:


    Deep Winter -- True Winter -- Bright Winter -- Bright Spring -- True Spring-- Light Spring -- Light Summer -- True Summer -- Soft Summer -- Soft Autumn -- True Autumn -- Deep Autumn and back to Deep Winter for the full circle.


    This has been fascinating to me and I am so glad to talk with you all about it.

  13. Anita.


    I spent hours and hours on Debbie's 12-season site and also found a 16-season site. I don't know what you read that makes you think Soft Autumn for you. I love you in the more saturated, deeper colors (and I'm thinking that deep moss green vs the lighter olives). Also, thinking how wonderful those deep (almost black) saturated nail polishes look on you. I don't think the deeper nail colors look as wonderful with lighter dress colors as they just look so fabulous with the deeper, saturation. Should that be discounted in your thinking?


    I think this idea of what are our best colors within the broad stroke of our season was what Kim was trying to accomplish with us when she suggested our Color Parties! I think our Color Parties were sending us into this knowledge; it's just that they were SO.much.WORK that we ended up only doing a handful, as I recall. And, I think we got ourselves a bit confused as to what we were seeing, because we didn't have this idea of a 12+-season palette.


    YES! I am no expert at this, by any means of measurement, but the reading I did talked about the undertone and overtone of skin. Greek to me, but I know that as a Light Spring, I am a low-contrast color person. So, I don't need those darker, saturated colors. Because I don't want to confuse FIRE/Spring with EARTH/Autumn colors, I won't give examples here, but the idea is the same no matter the season. If the best colors for your skin tone are low, medium or high contrast within your broad color base, I think it matters more for what's near your face. Sometimes I can cheat those darker FIRE tops with a lighter jacket/sweater/topper and/or scarf. If the overall color near the face is perceived as correct, it works. I'll wear my darker and higher contrast bottoms until they are worn out or I get tired of them. They will still work as long as my best colors are near my face.

  14. I purchased a shorter pea coat style, which fits best with my more casual lifestyle. Mine is a fab green...which again...fits in nicely with the majority of my clothes.


    Mom said once that she read an article in a magazine (or somewhere), I thought on one of her trips to Europe that talked about where European women will INVEST in their wardrobe. Where they spend more money.


    One was definitely a great coat. Get a good one because everyone will see it all the time.


    I think another was a handbag...also because everyone sees your handbag.


    My boss is a history buff and has several photos of 1950-1960s presidential inaugurations. Helping him catalog these pictures gave me a large Ah-Ha! moment about coats. The wives in those pictures may have been wearing gorgeous dresses, but all you saw in those January pictures were their coats. It is still true today and it showed me the importance of style and color in everything I wear. I bought a bright blue coat last year and wore it often. I have a nice dark brown wool shorter coat, but will be looking for a lighter camel coat this year. I LOVE the classic camel coat Margaret posted. That would work nicely. Those fingerless gloves are my favorite part about that shot. DH would die (he's a bit traditional), but I think they are sooo nice. I like a little spice.


    Margaret, I really enjoy the fashion shots you post. I don't subscribe to anything like this and when you post, it gives me a small window into that world. Lovely!!!

  15. I love Chico's pants . They have just the right amount of stretch . I also love their jewelry . Most of my clothes are either JJill or Chico's .I just finished packing for my trip to visit my Mom . I have gone to carry on for these trips and I am shocked at how much they hold .I doubt that I could do it for my trans atlantic cruise with four days in London though .


    Some of Talbots pants also have good stretch and rebound. I agree about the jewelry. How can their jewelry look trendy and yet classic at the same time? Maybe that's not the correct words, but the jewelry I have seems to fit nearly every occasion.


    Not sure I could do a cruise since I would need more formal clothes and I don't know about your time of year/weather changes, but I did a 14 day casual bus tour/trip with a carry-on and a diaper bag for my purse. I think I'd be willing to try it by taking my FIRE version of a LBD for the more formal occasions and doing a little laundry and sending out a little laundry rather than schlepping extra bags. But, I'm a little nerdy and a lot stubborn. I look at such ideas as a challenge I must complete. It's sad, really.


    Will you please come back and let us know about your trip?

  16. Heads up: The Vivienne Files post for today is a summer capsule wardrobe in beautiful warm ivories and soft browns. I can easily envision how different accent colors for accessories could create some dramatically different looks:




    Am I correct in thinking that with the right pieces, this could easily work for FIRE or AIR as well?


    The previous post about the Pantone colors for fall is also fun.


    I cross-posted on the FIRE board.


    So glad you mentioned you cross-posted on the FIRE thread, Margaret. I thought I had posted on the wrong thread again. LOL Now I wonder what her accent colors will be in the upcoming posts to go with this theme. Hmmm. We will see if she uses FIRE or AIR.


    Anita, I wanted to ask you where you got the idea to post Per's red colors together? The reason behind my question is that the only time I have ever heard this mentioned is in connection with my February draping in the 12 color system. They use what they call "the red drapes" to cross-check at one point during the procedure. Which started me thinking, what do you plan to do with yourself once DS is in college and you have more free time? I think you would make an excellent color analyst. Just a thought that kept tickling at my brain saying I should mention it to you.

  17. Heads up: The Vivienne Files post for today is a summer capsule wardrobe in beautiful warm ivories and soft browns. I can easily envision how different accent colors for accessories could create some dramatically different looks:




    Am I correct in thinking that with the right pieces, this could easily work for FIRE or AIR as well?



    The previous post about the Pantone colors for fall is also fun.


    I hadn't had time yet to check in at TVF, Margaret. Thanks! This is great!


    This my friends, is Light Spring perfection!!! I'm working toward having my version of core pieces in these colors. Then I will keep my best color items for that occasional pop of color that I crave. I read somewhere that light warm neutrals could be my best look. When I looked through my closets (two side by sides) and arranged them by color, I put all my cream, khaki, brown through gray in one closet and then started my colors in ROYBGP order in the other closet. Yes, indeedy, one whole closet necessary for the neutrals.


    I have a problem. Hello, everyone. My name is Debbie and I am a person with too many clothes.


    I'm not ready to Marie Kondo my wardrobe, but I will be taking a hard look at what has and hasn't been worn this summer and decide whether to keep or release into the wild my unworn summer items. It is time.


    I don't want to add confusion to ladies trying to make sense of newly discovered color information, but this link was a real eye-opener for me when I first read it, so I'm including it here. As always, your mileage may vary, and not everything written applies to every single person, but it is positive, direct (which I appreciate very much) and I hope it helps someone else here. Even if you glance over the different break-downs of each season and just read it as the four main seasons, there is a world of useful uplifting info here.



  18. Ok. So this is sooo funny. The link I sent was a lighter brighter than my color wheel/swatch fan. The pictures I took were a little darker than my swatch fan.


    Pam, can you take all of the above, put them in a pot, stir or shake well and then, just take your best shot! Oh, this is so funny! DH has been cleaning up supper dishes and is nearly finished and I'm still not being helpful here. I love it!


    Why don't you just find my Pinterest page and look there? It would be easiest. Not sure it would have been this much fun though. LOL

  19. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/A9J3DAAQwPEDcWr4J2sAAAA/


    Obviously my edit button timed out. This is my new fan of colors. The picture is close but not quite right. The pinks seem a little off so I know it didn't transfer exactly right, but is very close. If you search Pinterest for light spring you will find many, many pins. Some I agree are light spring and some just get kinda close. I pick and chose what I think fits best.

  20. Try looking at this picture, Pam. This is my new Light Spring fan. It looked like the pictures you linked was a compilation of many different color analysis websites. One I had heard of but had never seen the swatches until now.


    I think if a person is more like you and Kim, probably Linda too, and can SEE your best colors, this may not be necessary, but for me, I did need the extra help of honing in on my bestest colors. I still have every color of the rainbow nearly, and lots more brown/gray tones, think sea lion (is it a grayish brown or a brownish gray) for my neutrals. I have an attachment that I'll try to find.


    Let's see if this will post correctly--


    L-Sp Color Definitions (light, bright, and clear. All spring colors have yellow CORE COLOR added to them. Not gold.

    Milkshake colors are LSp.

    Key Words: blossom, candy, peachy, milky, raw salad colors,


    (NOT TSp-Candy, Popsicle, Lollipops)


    LSp is yellower and a touch clearer (less gray) than LSu.


    TMIT - Lightness!

    (Light could mean not dark, and also not heavy, not complicated, not aggressive, and good-humored.)

    Saturation is medium.

    Neutral warm heat level.

    Overall value is Light.

    No dark + dark. Always a light.

    Colored coats & jackets. Darker colors for suits: blues, greens, gray, tan and bright navy.


    No tortoiseshell.


    YES to Shiny fabrics-silk.


    Too dark color on Light Spring and oldness happens. Yuck!


    Neutrals - grays, brown, taupes no darker than hair color


    All colors look like they were photographed in the sun.


    3 great colors: all LSp aqua/turquoise

    very light yellow green

    clear blue, not purple enough to be periwinkle

    purple, transforming


    Beige - Rice Krispies


    Blue - has a trace of violet


    Brown - colors of beer with no orange

    (NOT darker than a hazelnut)


    Camel - yellow undertone (not gold)

    Light Caramel


    Gray - sunlight on pebbles (yellowy)

    (NOT steel or B&W)

    (Sometimes) Taupe


    Green - green onion (NOT avocado)

    Light grasshopper green

    Wear green. Excellent!


    TSp v. TA: Orange creamsicle & citrus (NOT Pumpkin)


    Peach - cooked cold shrimp ring


    Pink - Flamingo


    Purple - Iris purple (NOT royal purple)



    White - cauliflower / whipping cream


    Yellow - daffodils, jellybeans


    Sorry this is so long, but posting from my phone is a POS and I had to correct the link.

  21. Aww, bummer, Pam. To be honest, I'm beginning to think the color we think of as a good FIRE color isn't a color that I like. Not all sure, as Anita says, but pretty all sure.


    I like Light Summer's purples. This may just be where I cheat a little. My amethyst ring is the color I shoot for and lighter variations of amethyst the stone.

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