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Posts posted by aoknkentucky

  1. I totally agree with SSally! Pam, you always look great! Sadly, I don't think I wear active wear. I have clothes for the office, but my casual wear is jeans and boots, or skorts and sandals. I have one pair of brown tennis shoes bought when fashion dictated that white was NOT the going trend. I've worn them...maybe, 4 or 5 times. I wear flats or boots or sandals. Isn't it great how everyone is different yet similar?


    Pam, I agree with what Anita is saying that your bag and sunglasses are a must. For me, certain accessories are coming but don't count. KWIM? My gold hoop earrings, my cellphone, and my iPad bag (looks like a envelope purse)


    I hadn't really thought about the accessory part of the puzzle for the the Style Sudoko, I would HAVE to change the Accessory square and label it Topper because I always have something I can throw on for warmth and take off as needed especially with fluctuating temperatures. I would take scarves and jewelry of choice in as many colors and styles as possible because they make a WORLD of difference in how I feel the outfit is changed by them and take up such a small amount of space and weight. I understand your issues about scarves and necklaces. Are you a hat person? A neutral hat that you can tie different scarves around could be very stylish and provide just as much variety as they would around your neck. If not, for me, it would enough variety to change the three main pieces: topper, top and bottom. For each 3-set combo you add, you gain multiple choices, especially if all coordinate.


    Laurie, what a great bargain! I love skorts.

  2. And, here I thought I had invented something new! LOL I have a little confession to make. The usual time for me to make the wonderful stir-fry is when we've been out to eat and brought home left-overs. Shocking, I know. Best of both worlds, in my mind, because I didn't cook the first meal and barely cooked for the second! Bwahahaha!


    Anita, I LOVE Beets. I will try this soon.


    Melody, I agree about the slowcooker wife thing and will try your recipe soon. We are having clean-out-the-frig night when I get home because we eat out a LOT on the weekend, so there's usually a thing or two that needs to leave by Monday night, plus it's my first day back to work and I don't feel like cooking.


    The red-headed side of the family in me is cooking corned beef and fixins in the crockpot for tomorrow night. No, I didn't eat enough to suit me last week, thank you very much. When I was still cooking for a family of four, I cooked 2 corned beefs at a time. Vegetables were left over, but never the meat. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.


    I've often wondered if my Irish heritage is part of the reason that I'm a dark-haired Spring since most Springs are blondish?

  3. These are the shoes I'm talking about: http://www.zappos.com/merrell-siren-...t-wtpf-brindle Opinions? I don't think they'd look good with palazzo pants!


    Whatchu talking bout, Willis? Just make sure your palazzo pants are the exact shade of that lovely trim on the Merrell's and you will be fine! Remember what I said about intentionally coordinating your accessories!?! LOL Now, I'm cracking myself up too!


    I see your point, Pam. I think it's always good to change shoes for the evening. My feet feel happier if I allow them to adjust to a different shape as often as possible. If you plan to remain in your day outfit, the Merrills should be ok no matter the time of day, right? If you change clothes for the evening, yes, I'd change my shoes for the evening also.


    I think the biggest take-away for me on the last cruise was just because I could take more and bigger luggage, doesn't mean I should. I agree with your mental image of luggage being a third person. When put in the position of being responsible for luggage, it makes a huge difference for me whether I'm responsible for my 3 year old grandson or my 6'4" 275lb. son as that third person. One I can pick up and pack if necessary. Not without effort, mind you, but it can be done. If forced to move my son, I'd just have to call in reinforcements. It just ain't happenin'! THAT'S the way I feel with more luggage than I can handle comfortably by myself.


    I totally understand that this isn't everyone's cup of tea. If it was, the porters at the cruise dock could all go home. I wore a completely different outfit each night (except shoes). By the middle of the cruise, I realized that I wouldn't be wearing everything I had dragged along and it was frustrating to me because if I had dressed for dinner like I have in the past, I could have taken the trip with the same amount of luggage, i.e., a roller carry-on and a large tote/diaper bag.


    As to seriously packing light, if there is room after you load that much, I'd add one top, then one bottom, one top, one bottom, one topper, repeat until you've reached your limit. As long as each added item still coordinates color-wise, you'll be even happier the many extra choices it provides. At this point, I'd consider adding prints if you haven't already. I tried creating a spreadsheet once with 3 toppers, 3 tops, 3 bottoms, 3 accessories. I'm not saying they would have all actually looked great, but the theory was great. I created 117 outfits. You were rewearing items, of course, but that is to be expected for the amount of time you will be gone. The question is how many tops and bottoms will you use between each laundry day. That's the amount you need.


    I found something that might be helpful. I saw this one time and saved it. They called it a Style Sudoko. Up and down, or across, it works. Fill in the options and make your own outfit. It wouldn't let me space properly to create columns, but you get the idea. This provides a starting point, but it could be combined in many different options than this provides. Create boxes--four rows and four columns. Put each word in the boxes in the following order.


    Top Bottom Accessory Shoes

    Bottom Accessory Shoes Top

    Accessory Shoes Top Bottom

    Shoes Top Bottom Accessory


    Yes, I'm a real nerd about some things. It is amazing how my brain works because I just love the idea of this.

  4. Brilliant, Anita! Thanks for that easy go-to.


    I was taught by my mother to always cook more than you need of items that hold over well or you can reinvent as something else. I cook the industrial-sized can of green beans because, if you are from the South, you cook green beans a LOT longer before serving than is customary in other parts of the country. Any dried bean can be cooked in large quantities for the same reason. If you get tired of them, label and freeze them to use another time or for soup.


    I'm not sure if bottled sauces are allowed in what you are doing, Anita, but you could always add spices of your choosing instead for this recipe. It's a 10 minute recipe and one of my favorites. Use bagged slaw mix to create a deconstructed spring roll. In a non-stick pan, with a little oil of choice and a kiss of sesame oil, cook onion and garlic. Add leftover thinly-sliced meat of choice and slaw mix. Add hoisin sauce, oyster sauce, or seasoning of choice. Stir, cover and cook until slaw wilts, stirring occasionally. Unless the slaw mix is extremely dry, the cabbage and onion have enough moisture without adding 1-2 T. water to prevent burning. Serve with pre-prepared rice of choice. This is so very easy and you can make a little or a lot according to how many you are serving for that meal.


    In my house, I always laughed and said my family just liked onions and garlic. All it took for them to say, "something smells GOOD. What's for supper?" was for me to put butter, onion and garlic in a skillet and turn on the heat. It didn't matter what else I added to the skillet.

  5. Melody, I'm glad I could be of help. Your color combination sounds like something I'd wear. I like to stage my work outfits a week at a time so I can be lazy until the last possible moment in the mornings. Sometimes I practice a capsule by giving myself a color scheme to create all five outfits. Yes, I'm easily amused and entertainment takes many forms. It is great practice for travel capsules.


    I'm just weird.


    Laurie, I think I was expecting Pam to do laundry at least once on the ship and once during each week during her land trip. With a week, or almost, each week, she should have time. Formal nights on he ship would definitely be one where a neutral dress with three options for accessories would be he easiest. I took a different dress for each night last cruise, but we flew Southwest and had two free bags each. I only took one medium checked bag, along with my carry-on and purse/tote. I swore I'd never do at again unless, well, unless nothing! It was just too stressful. I'll do carryon and purse/tote unless I have someone else do he toting and hauling.

  6. This will probably be a long post folks. You may want to get a cup or glass of something unless you just plan to skip this one.


    All righty, Pam. This may take a while. I'm talking with my thumbs here. (Phone). First, check to make sure you can text on wi-fi. I was on wi-fi on a street corner and realized that wi-fi is great if you are emailing, texting goes by data. I think. Someone with more tech experience can correct me, but at least I think that's why our phone was $10 higher the month of our cruise. It wasn't a big deal, but I could have emailed just as easily. Probably easier since I can never say anything briefly. Guess that's why the DD is wordy. What am I saying? We all fought for airtime at the supper table when the kids were younger. We all like to talk in my family. You have to go back to my maternal grandmother to find a quiet individual. So, check on that when you are taking care of that priority.


    Now on to the capsule wardrobe. Yes, Kim has the bestest FIRE colors. Me, I have enormous amounts of clothes. They aren't all my bestest Light Spring. Heck, I'm not even sure all of them ARE Fire at all. I had to buy a white shirt and black pant combo recently to serve as usher at our local performing arts theater. You KNOW what that looks like. ANYWAYS....


    Here's the skinny on wardrobe. I'm thinking that you will be more or less traveling like we did to Alaska. We traveled in July and visited icebergs. You could have all kinds of different weather too.


    Pick a color scheme. For me, it can be bright navy(royal)/lime/coral or khaki/red/lime or greige/ivory/peach/aqua. You get my drift.


    Start with shoes, no more than 3 pair, unless you throw in a cheap thin flip-flop for the pool. You need a good lined raincoat with hood. Wear it/carry it on the plane. Stuff it in the overhead if you don't sit on it/cover up in it on that freezing flight. Why ARE those planes like a refrigerator??? Stick a pair of thin cute cotton gloves inside one pocket and a pair of earmuffs in the other. You are officially covered for rain and cold. I used my raincoat this way in Alaska and was fine. If you are afraid you'll be too warm, you still may need the raincoat if you are gone more than a month. I just don't like the odds of no rain for the entire trip.


    Personally, I'd take a skort, two pair of capris, one neutral ponte slacks (dress up/dress down) and wear bottoms of your choice on the plane. For me it would be a second pair of ponte slacks.


    I know you struggle with the around the neck thing. If you don't plan to wear necklaces or scarves, grab earrings and bracelets that have different combinations of your color scheme. Intentionally showing the combo in accessories will make the outfits look intentional.


    Here's where the fun begins.


    Take three toppers. For me it might be a button-up classic cardigan, a zip-front cashmere sweater and a open merino blend cardigan. The first two can be buttoned or zipped to the top as a sweater look by themselves or open over another top as a combo. For tops, if you like button-up long-sleeved shirts, they can be very versatile. They are nice as a shirt, combined with one of the sweaters, or open over a cami as a topper. Roll the sleeves if you want a 3/4 sleeve look. I don't wear them myself, but think they look nice on others. One other long-sleeve (knit maybe). Again, I'd push those sleeves up if necessary. Three short-sleeve shirts and 3-4 camis should round out your daily wear. If any of those tops could be wash and dry, you could hand wash if needed. I washed something every night of the cruise when we returned to the room for bed and it was dry by morning. Put it in the closet for the next rotation. The amount of top and topper combinations are nearly endless and you can wear a cami/shirt/topper combo if necessary for warmth. I've seen pictures of you in cami-type tops and they look great on you. Four of them insures they have enough time to have time to dry before they need to reworn, they take up next to no room in the luggage and that takes care of hot and/or fluctuating temps.


    I feel like you have the formal of it all covered already, but I know I wish I hadn't taken as much on my last cruise. I had certain stand alone dresses that I wanted to wear, but I doubt I ever do that again. I despise dragging luggage.


    On our Fly/Drive trip out west, I took 3 zip-up cotton hoodies and 3 cotton Ts. Scarves changed the look, but other than pre-planning the different combinations, I think it was one of the easiest I've ever done. Of course, it was much more casual than a cruise and we didn't dress nice a single time, but the idea is still the same. I still have my spreadsheet somewhere. Would it be helpful if I emailed it to you?


    Even if you take all solid color items. If your jewelry and accessories tie them together intentionally, you have it licked, stamped and mailed. You got this, Pam. I just know it.


    Hilarious! I spent such a long time yaking along and post my post, only to find that Sailor Sally has said the same thing in less than 3 lines. That's solo funny.

  7. Wow! I'd be excited too. I hope you have a lovely adventure and take lots of FIREY pictures!!!


    It sounds like you've got the wardrobe thing figured out completely. I had this nice long post ready to send and lost it so I'm taking it as a sign that you didn't want or need tips on packing light but were sharing information.


    We will, of course, expect at least a few pictures, Pam. If I've figured it correctly, you will be gone for more than a MONTH!!! I'll need to tell my daughter. We were only gone 10 days and we both felt strange to be apart that long. I can't imagine you and Anita not talking for a month. We will try to keep her busy here and on the EARTH thread.


    Anita, let us know if you hear from her while she is gone and report, ok?

  8. I've caught up again on my backlog of the EARTH thread. This is such good conversation and great pictures!


    I'm preparing a Meet and Greet Cruise update email to send later. So, Ladies, this is last call to be included in our plans. If you would like to be included, please contact me at aoknkentucky at gmail dot com.


    Specifically, Sailor Sally, you mentioned here on this thread that you'd like to included, but I didn't get an email from you.


    Laurie, I need you to send me a quick email. Somehow, I lost your previous email and can't find your email address. Maybe I DREAMED that you wanted to be included in our plans.


    Happy Spring, Everybody! It's freezing in KY too!

  9. Laurie + snakeskin dress = gorgeous!


    Totally agree with Margaret. Laurie, you look gorgeous in that snakeskin dress!


    Laurie, is the bottom with the rust top a skirt or a skort? I have a khaki skort that looks very similar and it was my favorite casual bottom of my cruise. Mine looks like a skirt from the front and the back, but has attached shorts. I'm not sure if it's because of the A-line shape or because I feel spiffier in a skirt, but think it's a better look than shorts for me. I'm much larger than you since you've become so fit, but I think our shapes are similar. I'm getting such good advice from your posted pictures about shapes I should consider. Thank you!

  10. Me and my big mouth! I'm not sure my last comment came across as I intended. I've re-read it, and it appears I made the comment all about me when what I meant to do was compliment Laurie on how gorgeous her lace dress looked on HER! What I should have said and meant to say was:


    Laurie, love your cruise pictures. You look fabulous in your lace dress!

  11. Sorry, for the double post, so I'll edit and talk some more!


    Because it's raining here today, we won't be taking our camper to the campground until Friday when the weather is nicer. We've cleaned and restocked the cabinets and frig with food. Linens are on board and I've made sure I have my camping clothes on board. I'm still using colors that are darker than my FIREy best, but as they are replaced with lighter colors, I'll be happier with what I wear. (T-shirts usually have a very short shelf-life at the campground.) I realized that I have a pretty good capsule wardrobe for camping. I didn't count the pieces and know that I'm jacket heavy because you never know if you'll need a winter jacket or sleeveless top from early morning to evening campfire time on any given day.


    I'm excited to begin another year of camping and I'm excited to talk to everyone about our MnG! If you haven't contacted me yet, please send me a quick note at aoknkentucky at gmail dot com and let me know you are interested in helping plan a Meet-n-Greet cruise.

  12. You can take the people out of Kentucky, but evidently you can’t take the KFC away from us wherever we go. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!478&authkey=!ANOWsJxN7XIBMqk&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG


    Gorgeous day on St. Kitts https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!485&authkey=!ANyHobZfLsv3C0c&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG


    St. Kitts Brimstone Hill Fortress https://onedrive.live.com/redir?



    Our guide, Royston in his FIRE green, Kim’s DH and Kim https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!482&authkey=!AM7ZjmqbMmvswlM&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG


    Picture of Kim taking a picture. Do you see a pattern developing? LOL (Actually I’m proud she took pictures that I can swipe and keep.) https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!483&authkey=!AMc7LHQOAMmBwgA&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG

  13. Picture of Kim taking a picture. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!471&authkey=!ABs3w1MC1Zw4OJM&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG


    Tortola was our first excursion day with 20 of our newest friends on a catamaran. Thanks to Kim and DH, I overcame my fear and snorkeled. Marvelous day! https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!474&authkey=!AOo4BtS1YP61KdY&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG


    Wind in our my hair on the catamaran in Tortola. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!468&authkey=!AIcm0PfmzgHpp7w&v=3&ithint=photo%2cPNG


    Tortola Pier with Serenade of the Seas in the background. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!476&authkey=!AJtA07rwECHBTr0&v=3&ithint=photo%2cPNG


    The only picture I took of my 70s outfit in the mirror is a sheath dress with a scarf tied in my hair. I remember doing this in the 70s. Do you? https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!477&authkey=!AARA_B30x0a7NWc&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG

  14. Since Laurie's started posting her marvelous cruise on the EARTH thread, I thought I should get my rear in gear and post my pictures so that Pam can show us her cruise. I hope my pictures post.




    Here’s my commentary and pictures of my FIREy self on our Serenade of the Seas cruise. The first picture is my greige outfit. Kim and I had a conversation about whether it is pronounced grey-zh or gree-zh. I don’t remember which side I was for or against at the time, but think grey-zh makes more sense since it sounds like beige. What do ya’ll think? https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!489&authkey=!ALreTXyS-sBRL8E&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg


    Champagne toast on first formal night. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!466&authkey=!ANC7FzwYr-W0yIo&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG


    Our window table with Kim and DH. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A81C62D5EDB2AC64!473&authkey=!ANC1S8ARug_1cvM&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG

  15. Melody, my husband had to have reconstructive surgery on his ear. They removed skin from his neck to make his ear look better. So, I know a bit about what you are talking about. He now wears large brimmed hats when in the sun instead of ballcaps. I hope all goes well.


    Large leap here to another topic, but I'm super excited and need/want input from any of our EARTH/FIRE ladies wanting to join us for a MeetnGreet Cruise! If you'd be interested in joining us for a talk-giggle-talk-some-more cruise, send me a quick email at aoknkentucky at gmail dot com. I will send you a reply and we will begin compiling data. I'll respond to emails on Monday, February 29 since my weekends are pretty hectic. Thanks ya'll.

  16. 'm super excited and need/want input from any of our EARTH/FIRE ladies wanting to join us for a MeetnGreet Cruise! If you'd be interested in joining us for a talk-giggle-talk some more cruise, send me a quick email at aoknkentucky at gmail dot com. I will send you a reply and we will begin compiling data. I'll respond to emails on Monday, February 29.

  17. NO ONE could have hair much worse than mine in hot, humid climates. Just look at how it grows in photos. If you saw me in person on an ordinary day at home, you might not even recognize me.


    We sat behind you in Royston's van and I kept thinking, "Look at those gorgeous ringlets in her hair!" while my hair was plastered to my head and hanging in my eyes. C'est la vie, I guess.

  18. Pam, we made new friends with a couple from Saskatchewan that took several of the Latin dance classes and were a part of a Thriller dance that took 3-4 practice sessions to learn. I'm pretty all sure, as Anita says, that she was the same lady that did Zumba. If so, she is great! I watched the Thriller practices and she was very positive and upbeat. She said she danced in New York in her earlier years but her position on the ship is Bingo Girl. I say YES, try the Zumba classes if it works for your schedule.

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