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Posts posted by aoknkentucky

  1. How super exciting, Anita! What an accomplishment for DS. I've not been to Winston-Salem, but what I do know of North Carolina is all good. I'm sure it will be wonderful to have your family back together again. Please definitely get pictures of you and Margaret and enjoy your time together.


    You said once that you saved all the boxes everything came in to help when it came moving time. It's time to get all those boxes out of storage and begin the process again, right? Last day of school here is May 24 and if I remember correctly, your DS started his school year early too? You will be a very smiling, happy lady but one very busy lady, right? Sure wish I could be there to help. I love putting appliances back in their boxes and assembling the cardboard/styrofoam packaging around them, taking books from shelving and seeing how much I can puzzle-piece in the storage boxes; anything organizational--LOVE it!

  2. Thanks, Anita. You hit the nail on the head--as always! On Laurie, it is perfect! Little 'ole me has had the flatter top with fuller bottom you described since childbirth. If it wasn't for metal underpinnings, I'd be flatter than a flitter. All the fashion experts say that the wrap-style dress should be one of the best for my body shape, so I naturally assumed that I was doing something wrong. Well, I guess it all depends on what best look you are trying to achieve. If I'm wanting a certain kind of attention, all I'd need is a short wrap-style dress a pair of fishnets and patent-leather go-go boots and I could blend in with the girls standing on the street corner. :D

  3. On a lighter note--


    Laurie, could you please tell me how you manage to keep wrap dresses under wraps? Every time I've tried that style, I look down and realize that more of me is on display than I had planned. I've tried pinning and a little of everything else. I've come to the conclusion that I must be doing something wrong, or I'm purchasing too cheap, or something? HELP!

  4. I get a little sad when I think of my mom and vacations even though she's still living. She's 81 and her health is declining, so I know she'll never try to travel at this point in her life. We took several trips when I was growing up, but I didn't realize until recently that she never considered those vacations. All excursions involved my father's love of horses and horse shows.


    They were in the same class in school and took a trip to the St. Louis Zoo their Senior year. A few years ago DH and I took them on a 3-day trip through Kentucky that included a bed and breakfast overnight in Bardstown, a dinner train, The Stephen Foster Story, My Old KY Home and Cumberland Falls State Park. What I considered a simple long weekend, she has talked about since as the second vacation she ever took. She would have loved to travel, but my father never saw the need.

  5. Wow! I am such a country bumpkin! I'm copying and pasting this info right now for future reference, Margaret. Thanks, ever so much!


    Laurie, you are such a kind soul.


    Jeans and cowboy boots or athleisure and sneakers or whatever comfort level we enjoy, I appreciate the friendships we have formed on our two threads. Thanks everyone for the thoughtfulness and kindness--not to mention the helpful tips!


    I'm going now to try to amp my travel guru quota.

  6. Debbie and Kim! I wonder if we're going on the same itinerary? The 9-day is Labadee, Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire out of Miami. Debbie, have you seen all those flamingo pictures posted by people doing Navigator reviews? I'm pretty sure that you're going to be able to see flamingoes on that island. I've seen some reviews where people have rented golf carts and taken tours of the island in both directions. It looks like fun. I'm going to see if anyone that we're sailing with is up for that so I'll be able to tell you of any "for sure" flamingo sightings.


    Thanks! Pam. I'll let Kim chime in, but I'm pretty all sure (Anita) that it's the same trip. 9 days, MIA, Labadee, Curacao, Bonaire, Aruba, yep. I haven't seen recent reviews. Thanks. I'll go look when I've finished here. I looked several months ago and decided golf carts sounded fun, but I'm not certain we can go north AND south all in the same time period. I'd like to know if you think we could manage both or need to pick just one direction. That's my quandry. I don't want to miss out. Shopaholics have FOMO (fear of missing out). I'm afraid that's me on a trip.


    I didn't think you sounded sad. Just stating facts as you perceived them. Miserable is miserable and there's not much way to sugar coat the situation.


    I feel your luggage woes. I had a similar luggage issue during our last cruise. I told Kim at the airport that I wouldn't "do THAT again!" I didn't weigh any of them, but had a (25"?) check-in suitcase, a (21") carry on and my (100 lb?) tote/purse. My tote would not work cross-body, so like you said--Too. Much. Weight.!!! Kim had two small rolling bags, both looked carry-on size, her cross-body baby purse and away she went. I felt like a pack-mule!!! If I can go to Alaska with a carry-on and a cross-body diaper-bag, I can go anywhere. I'm not taking that much stuff ever again. It was too stinking heave to lug, rollers or no rollers. By the time I got it all from one spot to another for porters, etc., my neck, shoulder and back were all screaming at me to put that junk down!!! Luckily, DH swapped out the heavier and packable and let me take lighter and roller-able, but then I felt guilty.


    Next time, I'll take Melody's and Sally's advice. What fits in the carry-on and a cross-body bag will make the trip and that will just have to be good enough.


    Enjoy your next trip, Pam, but I'd still like to hear about this one. Did your outfits "spark joy" or did wish for anything other than less to haul?

  7. Pam, I snorted when I read your version of what year it was. Literally snorted!


    But the travel? Oh. My. Goodness! I can't imagine being so miserable (and I would have been miserable if I were you) while trying to enjoy a trip. Was New Zealand/Australia a good trip?


    I don't think I'd be a bit of help in planning better/easier travel. If my flight is longer than 2 hours, I usually take one of my prescription muscle relaxer. I am guaranteed to go to sleep in 20 minutes no matter what is happening around me and I'll sleep at least 1-2 hours. Longer if conditions are good. If conditions aren't good, I can take up to three per day--and I would!

  8. This is how it goes....


    This was my version of the math...

    We camped last year and the year before in #60 and the year before that was the only year we were in #62 at the back of the cul-de-sac and when y'all came to visit, so, yep! 2014 is right. LOL


    Kim, I remember when I first started trying to post our FIRE greens and had that trouble. I'd never used Photobucket before. I haven't tried to upload any of my own pictures for a very long time. Does Photobucket still exist?

  9. So. What do ya'll think of Sarouel Skirts? Seems like a wind proof skirt to me... I was thinking about sewing one, not buying one.


    With your nice waist definition, it would look great on you, Anita. I like the idea of them and the look is extremely comfy and certainly wind-proof but a skirt I can admire from afar on another. Any bottom with a gathered full skirt just makes me feel my waist is wider than my hips and cutting me off between the knee and ankle makes my legs look stumpy. Not a good look for Debbie. At. All.


    I've always liked wrap-around skirts and what we called gauchos in the 60-70s--no gathers at the waistband--a full A-line split-skirt ending just below the knee and worn with knee-boots. Maybe that's why I like skorts so much now. It's a shorter version, but still has that clean look. Yep, I'm a Yang Classic with a Natural overlay.


    I hadn't thought about using Goodwill as a textile store. Good call, Anita! For almost no cash, you can craft something to suit your taste. I'd really like to see any project you complete.


    Please tell Pam hello for me. I miss her voice on our threads. I miss Linda too and wonder how they both are doing.


    How's your knee feeling these days? You mentioned fitness, so did it heal well?

  10. I think you look Mah-va-lous, Laurie, so I'll preface my comment by saying it first because I'm afraid I'm going to be Debbie Downer. I can confidently speak only about the last dress because I have trouble with a high band myself. When the girls are DoubleDang sized, the dress bust area can be extra full. It makes the dress band rise just a tiny bit north of the bra band and I become self-conscious that others think my dress is too small. When you mentioned that you thought is was too small, I studied it and realized this might be why your mind went there. Any time that I've talked myself into keeping a dress or top that I loved other than that one small flaw, it proved fatal. I might wear it once or twice, but ultimately felt I didn't get my money's worth because I hate feeling self-conscious and hate even more tugging on my clothing the entire time I'm wearing it. Your mileage may vary, of course, and you agree with everyone else, but i wanted to play devil's advocate today, I guess. I mean only to help give another point of view. Like I said to begin with--I think you look Mah-va-lous. In all three dresses.

  11. I'll be in Bonaire the first week of December (14 night Celebrity Eclipse). I'll report back on the flamingos & my new Tribord full face snorkel mask! Melody


    Thanks a million, Melody. BFF heard the best place to see flamingos was Aruba and plans to report back, so with any luck, I'll see them one place or the other when I have your information too. One couple had that type of mask on one of our recent excursions. They were very excited about them. I'd like to hear your report about the mask as well.


    Sally, I looked up Jungle Gardens. It looked like lots of fun for the grands. If we are ever in the area, I'd love to take them there. My little flamingo aficionado has seen flamingos at various zoos, but wants to see Pink flamingos. I wasn't aware that there were two different colors of flamingos, but I have been schooled in all things flamingo. She is so crazy about them that her room decor is--yep, pink flamingos. When her parents think she's old enough to go with us, I'd love for her first cruise to include seeing a large flock of pinks in a natural setting.


    Anita, we weren't picked in the 2014 campsite lottery but an older couple was diagnosed with what turned out to be a fatal illness for the wife and were refunded their site just before camping season. Because we had asked to be put on a waiting list, they called us and we moved our camper from our 21 day full hook-up E/W/S site to the site where you, Pam and Kim visited. That was 2014 wasn't it? That has been our only hiccup since we began seasonal camping in 2006. My pink flamingo aficionado spent the night with us for the first time when she was six-weeks old. In. The. Camper.


    I usher at our performing arts center and tonight is the Riverdance performance. Because I don't have time to go home and change after work, I'm wearing my monkey suit (minus the name-tag and maroon bow-tie). I enjoy the volunteer position, but not so much the uniform color choices because I know I look like death warmed over in my long-sleeved White button-down shirt and Black pants. I try to cover as much of the outfit as possible to tone down the icy cool colors. Today I'm wearing my blue jean jacket and a scarf that's turquoise with warm pink and yellow accents. The scarf covers the open area of the jacket quite nicely. Since the the cold steady rainfall snuck up on the weather forecasters today, I'm glad to have a jacket, even if it looks a little casual for the office. What?!!? Isn't it casual Friday? LOL The boss is out of town today. I know--I'm such a rebel!

  12. I do exactly what waterbug123 does! but I also put a copy of my master list in my purse/carry-on and one in my suitcase. Planning is a large part of my cruising fun, so planning what I'm going to wear and when--then listing it on a spreadsheet--helps me determine when I'm repeating items and when I'll need to do laundry. I don't worry about what I'm going to wear. I just consult my list. If weather changes, I can rearrange the dailies.


    Your signature shows you're a pro at cruising. I'd do as someone else suggested and take a one-week warm weather capsule and one-week cool weather capsule. If your core colors are complementary and your accent colors combine or complement the core colors, you can intertwine and/or combine the cool and warm capsules for even more options. The Vivienne Files have already been mentioned, but it is a wonderful wealth of information. Look for 33 = 208. Any of her 333 capsules can be combined to make 208 outfits. Even if you allow for evening clothes, the remainder will be enough and with different accessories that take up little suitcase space, I think it's possible.


    I'm envious of this amount of time away. Best of luck. Enjoy the trip! Please let us know how your packing turns out.

  13. Dang! Melody! At least they used a nice FIREy green rod. DH's oldest tried to fly his Mustang through a woods several years ago and had a 12" rod with lots of screws inserted in his femur. He said removing all that was much more painful recovery than the original surgery. I hope your recovery is quick and as pain free as possible. Enjoy grilled grouper as often as possible. You've earned it, girl! --Debbie

  14. Anita, does the quality justify the slightly pricey that Sally mentioned? I receive Soft Surroundings catalogs and have often wondered. By the way, have you been sewing lately? Soft Surroundings reminds me of the piece-y and lace-added layers that you like. I love the look but I'm not sure the look loves me so much.


    Laurie, I've been thinking of you and your girls since I read the news. Please give them my condolences too.


    Mousey, enjoy your time with DS. It does fly by. My baby boy is now 31, and an old married man.


    Sally, how soon will you begin packing?


    Margaret, sorry to hear that your spring break won't be spent relaxing. I'm afraid that time may be quickly approaching for me also.

  15. Melody, a b2b sounds wonderful right now. It's rained the last two afternoons and when fronts roll in, I ache from morning alarm until the atmosphere settles. The Caribbean cruises are heavenly. No fronts, just nice warm sunshine and gentle breezes. Who am I kidding? A cruise always sounds wonderful!!! How's the leg mending?


    Kim, I'm still reading up on flamingos. My BFF is leaving next week for an 11 day cruise with family that includes the ABCs. She's on a mission to see flamingos too and will fill me in when she returns. Otherwise, plan us up, girlfriend! February will be here before you know it.


    The icon shown for the bike is always a broken picture icon. Does that mean the link is broken? I went back to the earlier posts and it says that my access is denied. Do you need to make something public? I'm absolutely no help.


    My name is Debbie. I sit at a computer all day and I am computer illiterate. How's that for making a person feel good about themselves.

  16. Sorry, Kim, like Melody, I still can't see the bike, but LOVE those booties. I love the strap & buckle detail, the dual colors and the baby wedge. Everything!


    I have no cruises planned until February 2018, but camping season begins for us in two weeks. The storms that came through a couple of weeks ago destroyed our awnings, so the camper is going in the shop next week for repairs. Because we will probably pick the camper up from the shop and take it directly to the campground, I'm cleaning and stocking what I can this week. Bedding, extra blankets and throws have given my washer and dryer a workout this weekend, but it's much easier to take everything IN the camper than haul it there later.


    Extra outfits for the grands have been waded through for fit and function. They grow like weeds, but I like to keep a few clothes for them in case they are needed. Their mother always packs plenty of clothes when they visit, but I'd rather they grind mud into something I can wash, repair or replace. I love to see them have fun in the great outdoors.


    My camping wardrobe is very casual. I always take a cool-to-cold weather long weekend capsule (at least 3 days), a warm-to-hot long weekend capsule, and two complete wear-to-work outfits. We spend Sunday nights at the campground occasionally and drive directly to work on Monday mornings from the camper. If we decide on the spur of the moment to drive up after work during the week, I'd rather plan now and be prepared. Once I have my side of the wardrobe loaded, I wash, rinse and repeat and/or replace with different choices when we return. I have a few nice skorts from Talbots that work double duty at the campground and can be used as a skirt with a nicer top and shoes for work.


    I'm not sure if my cruise wardrobe planning has bled over into my everyday life or the other way around.

  17. I haven’t read or posted in such a very long time. It’s time we kicked the FIRE thread back into gear.


    Kim, I still haven’t seen your bike. I’m very much interested since it’s becoming a distinct possibility that I’ll need a bike for camping season this year. Both littles will be on wheels and I may need to have my own to be able to monitor them. Please try again.


    Margaret, I’d really like to know if you’ve seen flamingos in real life on Bonaire. I’ve read the links you sent along with others I’ve found but have conflicting results. Thanks for your help.


    As I mentioned on the EARTH thread, we recently took a couple of three-day weekend trips. Both were very casual jeans only weekends,but I thought I’d share my fashion-related news from the trips.


    I love “Wear a Pair, Take a Pair”weekends. I wore a pair of stretch boot-cut jeans, a new ¾-sleeved cotton T, a gray zip hoodie and zip-shortie boots. I packed a short-sleeved v-neck T and jean leggings for the hotel, a pair of stretch straight-cut jeans, a new ¾-sleeved cotton T, a hooded and lined trench, and my charcoal crocodile patent loafers.


    I’d never ordered from Joule, but would gladly order from them again. They will definitely be winter weight for me, but the nice thick cotton Ts that I used to buy from LandsEnd are what I received. I was very impressed and the colors were exactly as pictured on my monitor. I knew the gray-fading to hot pink was light summer rather than light spring, but I’m beginning to wear more gray because my hair is naturally getting grayer, so I’m working to that end in my tops. Here’s the link for the two ¾ sleevedcotton Ts:






    I’ve not been shopping much at all recently. I have a list (sort-of) in my mind and if I happen across something, I don’t deny my little wanty-self, but realize that I do not truly Need any clothes. I have plenty. I try to find end-of-the-season bargains, but when you are working with my size, my larger chest and apple shape, my colors,and my style energy, it keeps my purchases down simply because there isn’t much to choose from when I’m looking. Winner-winner for Debbie! That’s why this last trip was soooo much fun!

    We stopped at Bass-Pro Shop in Nashville, TN, because it’s the closest one to us and DH seems to always have a gift card/store credit to spend. It’s a good place to potty break and stretch,so I went in to try to hurry him along and walked through the ladies clearance. I scored! Came out with:

    This navy coat. Wow! It is the warmest and lightest weight coat I’ve ever owned. I debated because the color isn’t FIREy at all, but DH said he liked it and the cut is fabulously flattering on me, so I got it:



    and I bought my first piece of Under Armour. Quite a few years ago, I read what a really nice lady (Janice Riggs) wrote about wearing logo items. I agree whole-heartedly. If I’m wearing someone’s name on my clothes besides my own, and that’s happened rarely in my lifetime, I’d better begetting paid to advertise for them and not the other way around. However, with that said, I love the color of this long-sleeved T and the fit could Not be more flattering on me if I’d had it tailored to fit me. It is perfect.


    Oh, I’m not finished. My shopping continued. We were to eat a chuckwagon-style breakfast Sunday morning in the parking lot of Stages West, so I researched the store to know where to park, etc. and discovered that they sold boots. I’ve wanted to replace my Frye boots since my foot got bigger (along with the rest of me) after the kids were born. I Love. The. Smell. Of. Leather. Brings back memories of my father raising, training and showing Tennessee Walking Horses. Love the smell of leather. I was gusty enough to ask a family member the brand of her boots on our previous long-weekend trip and discovered Stages West sold that brand. When DH asked if I had anywhere I’d like to go and look around since the Chuckwagon Cookoff was obviously for him, I told him I’d like to look at boots. He was such a trooper, bless his heart. I’m not a quick shopper. I can be a heck-of-a-quick browser, but when I know I’m going to purchase, it takes an enormously long time especially if it involves my feet.

    I tried on ladies shoes for quite a while, then packed a very pretty pair of 7-1/2 wides to the back of the store to look at the kids sizes. I’ve discovered I can wear girls size 6 easier than ladies 7, 7-1/2 or 8s because they are wider. The nice, young lady in the kids department asked if she could help me and I told her I thought I wanted to try on a pair of boys boots to see if they’d work better. She asked what size I wore and I had to admit that I didn’t really buy for length but had always bought for width. She measured my feet and now I understand why! My foot measured as a 5 instead of a 6. Width? Knowing that B is considered medium and C is a wide, even I was amazed that I measured between a D and E. How crazy is that? I have an extremely wide foot with a narrow heel, a high arch and a tall/wide whatever that part is across the top of my foot. She told me if we could get the size right and she thought that was a 5, that they could stretch those boots until I could wear them. Bless her heart, she did too! It took more times back and forth than I can remember, but I came home with boots that fit my foot! DH kept saying that he thought I should get the ladies boots, but they were at least 2 inches too long. He told me that I shouldn’t settle for a plain pair of boy’s boots if that wasn’t what I wanted. (The ladies boots were really pretty with turquoise stitching.) So I didn’t. I bought a pair of Ariat boys boots to have a pair of boots AND a pair of dressy Corral girls boots. They offered ladies sizes of the Corral boots I bought. Well, except mine were $100 cheaper!





    This was a really good weekend. I’m amazed at my bounty. Payback for planning a good weekend trip especially for DH, I guess. Maybe I need to find somewhere else he’d like to go, hmmmm?

  18. I've been away from the boards again, and just caught up reading.


    Oh, my, Laurie! Please be safe. You too, Margaret!


    Melody, I hope you heal in record time. Happy trips to you and Sally.


    Mousey, it's always fun to hear your stories. Happy trip to visit with BFFs.


    Anita, please report back when you've laid eyeballs on the items at Soft Surroundings. Their catalogs always make me think they are skewed to EARTH colors and I can't decide if it's the lighting or actual garment colors. I usually only think ivory items look like FIRE colors in their catalogs. I always like the greens Melody chooses, but the skirt looks EARTHy on my monitor too.


    Like others mentioned, we've been taking a few weekend trips lately. It seems to help my winter doldrums. This is very telling of my husband and my personalities, but while others may spend weekends in wine country, we attended a recent Chuckwagon Cookoff in Pigeon Forge, TN. Don't let anyone tell you the Smokey Mountains are closed because of the recent horrendous fires. Tourism is alive and well and they are eager for visitors to come and spend money. LOL


  19. http://www.dillards.com/p/preston--york-elsy-notch-collar-stretch-suiting-jacket/506869540?di=04938156_zi_dark_sunbaked&categoryId=688131&facetCache=pageSize%3D96%26beginIndex%3D96%26orderBy%3D1%26emphasize%3D03488423


    IF I did that correctly, it is a color called Dark Sunbaked. Like Melody said, there are several jackets at Dillards online.


    Also, try looking at Talbots and Chicos. Talbots colors aren't very EARTHy right now, and Chicos has more natural lines rather than classic, but if you can push the envelope a little and use a zip jacket rather than buttoned-banker style, I've bought Chicos jackets and paired them with pants and skirts already in my closet for a more polished look. Skirts really pair well with the more modern silhouette in my world. I'd be willing to attend court, so maybe it would work for your job too? A pair of kitten heels or higher, and the jacket goes from weekend look to corporate very easily. Again, in my opinion.

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