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Posts posted by aoknkentucky

  1. Good morning ladies...


    Debbie...here are my thoughts. You haven't found a good place to take pictures in your house yet. I honestly can't tell much about the colors that are in those pictures. I'd be lying if I tried to tell you differently. I can kind of see that the middle light greens are more clear than the other greens...but this looks like a big muted mess to me online.


    Now this is not a helpful comment...and I strive to be helpful. I think Debbie's party has become a mess of confusion.


    In my party...I discovered why I always end up taking off the one jacket right after I put it on...why I still have never worn it...and I can happily put it in my donation pile...and that two other shirts of mine are off...and was able to nail a couple colors that really do look better on me than others.


    Mom really discovered that Earth makes her lose all coloring...so if she ever questions if something is muted...a quick photo is all she needs to determine clarity.


    Kim was able to gather some great greens...all her pictures came out sparkling and she can use them as a basis for determining if other colors blend...AND...she was able to see what she looks like when she is wearing her colors...I think the joyful look on her face as she was shopping proves that she is getting it more and more and is able to find her colors in the stores.


    Now your party feels like it isn't giving you any benefit and is really not helping, which is the exact opposite of what we want to have happen here.


    And I really think that it is tied into the quality of the pictures. I went back and grabbed the photo of you in the Caedmium Red from Chico's and I put it with the green hoodie that you say is an exact match to your color cards.




    You sparkle in that red. Eyes popping. Skin vibrant and very smooth looking. Looking especially at the left side of your face...I see rosy apples on your cheeks but you don't have a blotchy look. Mom's red is different in that cruise balcony shot, but the fact is that the effect of the red on your skin is the same and we are able to see that in this photo.


    It isn't the best still...because the light source isn't evenly across your features and the right side has shadow...BUT...it is a much better quality photo for looking at you than the green photo. There just isn't enough light on your skin to really be able to see the effect of the color you are wearing. So even though this may be a perfectly matched green...we are not getting to see that sparkling Debbie that is shining in her colors...SO...since a color that should be among the best has a photo that is rather mediocre in its display of the effect of the color...the greens that also are not the best are not showing up as being that bad.


    Whatever you did to take the photo of yourself in the red is what you need to do in order for us to see your gorgeous self. THEN we will be able to have a successful close to this party.


    The beauty of the photobucket accounts is that I can go in there and delete all these photos and they will all go away. I think you are tired of seeing yourself plastered all over...so as soon as you give the okay, I'm going to get rid of all these Debbie photos that I have created. And I hate to say this...


    But you need a do over...


    Whether you want to do it now...or later...here's your project...I'm going to pretend that I haven't seen ANY of these photos...except for this one:




    Based on this photo, I would want to see you in:











    Honestly, this is hard to pick because in their own way, I think every single color on here looks rather muted...BUT...trying to use the color cards as a guide...this would be my opinion.


    So, Debbie...as soon as you give the okay...I can make all these photos of you in my posts go away...unless you exclude any...


    And we can move on...and come back when you are feeling ready to tackle this project...whatever...these are supposed to be HAPPY color parties...and I'm not sensing the :D right now...


    Deep breath...it's all good.


    I'm doing laundry today and playing on the computer...


    I may feel like taking some pictures today...I'll have to see how my hair looks...I for one...would love to see Mom's new do...let's not lose enthusiasm for the project...don't be frustrated...Debbie, I'm with you...we are going to get there and figure this out...whenever you are ready...now or later. :)


    Yes, please, Anita! Make it go away! I hate the trouble everyone has gone to for me has all been for nothing. But I do want to give everyone the best products I can produce to work with. I tried three times, with flourescent and candescent lights in the room, at the campground (they were so dark that I never posted them) and the last batch that had the outside light source that hindered rather than helped. I have one other option I just realized this morning while waiting for the internet guy to get here. I have another place in the house that may work for pictures. I will post one picture and get an opinion before I send them all again. 125 year old houses with LOTS of shade don't make for great pictures. Everyone will agree that we've learned that!!


    Did I say the internet guy? Yippee!!!! I have access in my house once again. I've been without access to my laptop since July 2010. I know, as unbelievable as it sounds, DH and I both had phones with every capability known to man, so I didn't really need it until this recent turn of events.


    I have errands and DS birthday supper tonight, so I will be back when I can. Probably will be Monday before I can take pictures. If someone wants to move on to aqua and post, please do so and I will be ready to be next in line. --Debbie

  2. Mom...I think that's travertine! And you know how that can be...anywhere from beige through tan to taupe...


    I'm guessing the left is with the bathroom light on and the right is with the light off...


    Sorry that I didn't let you all in on the secret. The first picture (left?) is taken with lights on and the outside door closed. The second picture (right?) is taken with the same lights on but with the addition of the ouside light open. Makes an enormous difference, doesn't it? Let me k ow your thoughts. --Debbie

  3. We missed that step with Debbie. And I think that we could have done better had we really had a great color party photo to begin with...and then were able to chose from there. It would have helped Debbie establish what is a good cluster of greens to help her in the future.


    So I suggest that we do that. Especially if someone has quite a few of the color in question. KWIM? I don't want anyone getting confused...there are nuances to what happens when color hits our faces that can be hard to detect...but if we have good color party photos, and these are easier to take...then we should be able to request different groupings easily enough and make a good determination for someone as to which shirts we really want to see...and if someone has a shirt they question (I did)...then that can for sure be included for that person's benefit...especially if it will be taken in the midst of what we will all hope will be winners.


    Does this make sense to everyone?


    I don't want us to burn out when we have each only done ONE COLOR!! LOL!!


    I agree wholeheartedly. Color party first. I'd like to explore several colors and don't want everyone pooping out on me before I get this learned. When you see my aqua party, you'll understand. Now might not be the time to say it, but I have several aqua tops also.


    The good news is that the Internet should be fixed tomorrow afternoon. Hip-hip-hooray!!!


    Before we beat this green grass into the dirt and move on, Anita, would you mind telling me if you think any of my greens need to play at someone else's party? If it's too late where you are now, don't feel obligated to reply tonight.

    I'd just like to get my clothes up out of the bathroom floor and into the washing machine soon. ;)

  4. Girls, I'm going to have to be the odd woman out on this one. I just don't buy it :confused: The two colors don't clash, I just don't think they have enough in common to be at the same party. Thanks for all of the explanations though :)


    I'm not sure if this will help or muddy the waters further. I've sent a few pictures to Pam by email. If you don't mind, Pam, please post the best of what I send that illustrates this point I'm going to make, ok? This may only confuse the issue even further, but this exactly why I have had such a difficult time, Ladies.


    Okay. From the top of my picture to the bottom, I have shown what looks to me to be the progression through the year. Either I have no AIR or the second top is out of sync. After looking at my collage on the floor it could possibly be moved to #4 position and be my only borderline AIR. The texture of that top doesn't photograph well for some reason. It is definitely bright. The rest of Horizontal Line #1 is borderline ICE.


    I have placed everyone's favorites in a vertical line on the left side. The tops in Horizontal Line #2 are all true light FIRE. My color card doesn't even come close to being this light. My card's lightest green is the color of Left Vertical Line #2. The top that the majority picked as my best is directly below it.


    The vertical line on the right side of the collage is where FIRE fades to EARTH in my opinion. Again every top is bright. But one top is more muddier in color yet it works seamlessly, again IMO.


    I have added two tops that I didn't include in my no-makeup photos because I knew where they'd fit by your answers. They help show my point. I'm not sure what my point is. I thought last night that by categorizing, I would be closer to understanding. Now I think I've learned what someone said a while back--a green will look more yellow or blue, more muted or bright depending upon what is used as a control. For me, the one thing everyone agreed is that I look best in the darkest shades of green.


    I'll take it......and build from there.


    If anyone can explain what I mean, please feel free. I'm not sure if I conveyed what I was thinking or not. --Debbie

  5. Okay, my face has been plastered here long enough. Anyone ready with their aqua party or did someone want to post accessories for their green party? My turn is definitely over. Thanks everyone. --Debbie

    Wait a minute! In my eagerness to move on so my pictures didn't keep showing up, I realized that we gave Anita the opportunity to explain her favorites, butdidn't give Anita a chance to explain any misses. I'd still like to hear any other comments you'd like to make, Anita, and your reasoning behind them. --Debbie

  6. OMG...


    Tons and tons of writing and it all just went POOF...




    With very little commentary...here is my opinion.


    The best of the best:


    C2 and D3; by far, my favorites, no matter how I look at them.


    I did this:




    One is an adjusted picture. Keep in mind that adjustments can only be made to pixels as they are perceived by the camera. So if your skin tone is blended, then an adjusted picture will still be blended, even if the overall look is a little more pink than what you might normally be.


    My two favs are favs because Debbie has an overall evenness of skin tone that shows in both collages...and because there is a sparkle in both photos. She is a stand out in these two shirts in a very good way.


    I do like Debbie in the deeper colors best. Love how it sets off her eyes and the dark tone in her hair.


    I'm sorry ladies, but DS is home from school now...and as much as I would love to recapture the rest of my thoughts...I have things to do before I leave for class in an hour.


    I'll be back later!


    I soooo hate when that happens, Anita. So frustrating that you could scream! Thanks so much for the extra effort. I will go home this evening and compile everyone's favorites, look at them closely and probably try them all on with makeup, and then post again. Like I said before, some of them can't stay unless I can shrink them. They just hang off me. What a great problem to have, right? I still have a long way to go, but I have evidence that the journey has begun.


    Just noticed that I missed another Anita post. Yes, Anita, you matched the photos to the shirts correctly. I have looked at these shirts LOTS. They are still laying in my bathroom floor! I wanted to have them in case any one needed something further photo-wise. I will say that the shirt that matches most closely in my color cards is the A-4 hoodie. It is the exact shade of my lighter green on my CJW card. My darker brown looks nearly black on my cards. He made my cards so saturated with color for a good reason, huh? I'm beginning to see a pattern here with the darker colors, right?


    Okay, my face has been plastered here long enough. Anyone ready with their aqua party or did someone want to post accessories for their green party? My turn is definitely over. Thanks everyone. --Debbie

  7. OK..I know I'm a guy, but the only thing I can picture for Fire season clothing is those massive metal looking suits the firefighters wear when battling brush fires...!



    (Not a good look for a cruise BTW.....)


    Actually the bright, warm and clear yellow suits would look great on a FIRE person. UNLESS the suit is that neon yellow and then our ICE counterparts would be a better fit. Just as long as it isn't that light lemon ice color that suits our AIR friends.


    Brush fires don't need AIR, but could use a little ICE, right? LOL

  8. OK. Debbie, I stopped reading your post when you started discussing what tops you like best because I didn't want to be influenced by your thoughts. It will also be interesting to read Anita's post. Because of her schedule, she might be typing just about the same time that I am.


    Before I say anything, I do want to say that this selection was very, very difficult. I spent a lot of time looking at these pictures. And I made them 400% of the original, so I looked at a LOT of detail. There are differences in color monitors, etc., so I could be seeing colors with a whole different look than what others are viewing. Keep in mind that this is just all my subjective opinion.

    I think I'm more difficult to "read" possibily because of my dark coloring? With the great amount of gray hair that is beginning to join my party, I'd like to figure out this color thing before that throws another monkey wrench into the mix. Thanks for all the time you are all taking to help me. I really appreciate it.


    I put these pictures in the order of the collage, because I thought that was better for discussion. They aren't in my favorite priority order.


    A4, B2, B4, C2, C4, D3.


    Surprise! My very favorites are: B4 and D3.


    The reason that I'm going to give for this selection is: love the healthier skin glow that is achieved with these colors. On my monitor, and to my eye, your skin evens out when wearing these tops.


    Both B4 and D3 are borderline EARTH to my uneducated eye. I believe B4 is FIRE because it is very bright; it is also very saturated with color. D3 could be considered EARTH. IRL it almost appears muted. This is one of the colors that could be considered the darkest of the light FIRE greens or the lightest of the muted EARTH greens. Am I making sense? See why I've been so confused? --Debbie

  9. Ladies.




    In Debbie's collage: I shouldn't have posted the color party as a part of the collage, occupying what (to my mind) was position A-1. That was a confusing thing to do. Kim obviously likes the top in position A-2, which she identifies as A-1. Since A-1 is... in fact... the color party, then that was just a bad call on my part.


    So, A-1, color party followed by A-2, A-3, A-4

    Bs 1 thru 4, Cs 1 thru 4, D-1, D-2, D-3, D4 is occupied by a duplicate color party.


    Debbie: what is the color in A-2? Where did you buy it? Chico's? Are we all walking advertisements for Chico's? LOL.


    A-2 is the cotton boat-neck top I talked about in my last post and called it A-1. It is from Old Navy and is atleast one size too large. I'm trying to overdry it to shrink it some. Old Navy usually shrinks terribly UNLESS you need it to, of course. It was cheap, on clearance and wouldn't be a loss if it wasn't for the great color. I can't remember what the color name was called, but it was probably last year's spring color, not this past spring season.


    I think the only Chico's top I have in the mix is B-3. But, I seem to be adding Chico's tops to my wardrobe more and more these days. Wonder why??????

  10. Debbie,

    I haven't read any one else's opinions. I will post mine, and then go back and read the posts in detail to see if we are, at all, similar.


    I have a busy morning. So I may be posting more at the noon-ish time frame. I just want you to know that I am looking at your pictures and I will give my opinion. I know that this time after posting can seem like the longest stretch... and I apologize. But it can't be too bad, right? You have a couple of opinions being expressed. Don't know how similar they are... but are you agreeing with some?


    Will talk with you soon. I don't know how to answer the situation about your light source(s) and picture taking. It's just darn hard, isn't it? Too much light = too much shadow; too little light = not enough definition. What's a girl to do? Not very helpful, right? I think your pictures are fine; I just made the comment that I did because of our discussions about our skin going gray in warm, less bright colors.


    I can tell you ladies one thing. I think you (Linda and Debbie, especially) are gravitating toward more muted than clear colors! I thought of something interesting to ask. What did you think you were before CJW told you that you were FIRE? I think that both of you thought you were EARTH, right? Am I remembering right?


    My siuation is that I was told that I was an AIR. Being in those clothes did absolutely nothing for me and I gradually learned to put together "outfits" rather than to observe how a color affected my skin tone. So I just bought lovely pieces of clothing, which is why I ended up with the black Joseph Ribkoff item! Anyway, when DH and I retired and began to travel, then I just got myself into a black/white wardrobe because it was easier to put together travel outfits that coordinated. Well, black/white doesn't really coordinate: it just IS. Anyway, I found myself buying pretty tops to go with black bottoms... which, of course, had to be a black/white theme. So my wardrobe was absolutely full of nothing much except black/white.


    My poiint with this is that I hadn't really gravitated toward any specific colors... like ChollaC saying she loves olive green, rust, burgundy... I didn't form any attachments to specific colors or color "types." Maybe then it's become easier for me to transition to FIRE colors: because, literally, I have to stay away from the only colors that I was consistently buying.


    So, I wonder if it's more difficult for you to wear BRIGHT, CLEAR colors?


    Debbie, in your collage, what do you consider to be your brightest, clearest color top picture?


    Pam, I don't know that I was ever told what SEASON I belonged to and if you could have seen my closet before CJW diagnosed FIRE, you could sure tell it. I owned colors of every season. Oh, so many clothes.


    I have gravitated toward fall colors since the 70s. DH and I both love the fall of the year -- trips to the mountains to see the leaves, camping, etc. and our house is decorated in mostly fall colors. The most definite fall greens didn't even make it to my pictodiary. I posted one or two simply to show you that I think I do look very gray in EARTH.


    I'm not sure which is my favorite green. I over-think all color decisions, but here's the way my mind works, and I L-O-V-E to talk:


    I HATE looking at myself without makeup! (Well, it was my first thought.) A-1 is very good. Even outs the under eye dark circles. It was the first green I purchased because someone posted here or on the SEASONS thread that it was FIRE, so I know the color is right, period.


    I like the green hoodie-A-2 because it is bright but also because it is cashmere and is very warm. It is very bright but almost a true green, so after looking closely at it, I think it is borderline ICE, but it does have the tiniest tint of yellow IRL. It matches my color card perfectly, so what's up with that?


    I also like B-3. The color is good, but do I like it because it is right or because it is a recent cotton/silk purchase that feels good on? DD asked me to pose for 3 generation pictures which coincided with DGD's 3 yr. old pictures. I wore B-3 and the resulting photos flatter me greatly.


    More info than you needed or wanted? I'm partially in the same boat as Anita talking about Pam's pictures because I have history with these greens. Some of the items I think will utimately be good choices no longer fit me, but when we have compiled the results, I will have my green color guide established. I think I have previously grouped my greens where one season flowed into another so that I was able to say that I liked #1-green shirt and #2-green shirt looked so similar in color, therefore, it must be ok too. I have now grouped Blue-green, True-green, Yellow-green and Muted-green. The group I'm having the most trouble weeding out is ICE or True-green. Those shirts are REALLY bright. But, they may be more Bright and Clear rather than Warm and Clear. KWIM? I'm not sure I know what I mean!! --Debbie

  11. OK, here goes nothin' girls---






    C2--favorite-I love your eyes and the overall look









    B4--too muted

    C1--too olive


    D1--all the D's seem too bluish and muted




    I "think" I like you in the lighter greens overall. They seem to brighten you. It seems hard to me with your darker hair. I'm used to the reddish haired gals :)


    What do the rest of you think? What do you think, Debbie?

    Thank you for your opinion, Kim. I'll look at your choices while we wait for the other opinions to come rolling in.


    What do I think? One of my many problems is that I can look at my color card, even take pictures of tops with the card laying on it and "see" that it matches. Yet, there is a distinct difference when I put the top on and take a picture. That's one of the main reasons I am soooo glad we are doing this. I will be able to learn this way, that's what I think By the time we finish another color or two, my education won't be complete, but it will have progressed tremendously. --Debbie

  12. In looking at Debbie's green color party collage, there is something that we all need to ignore in the pictures... in order to evaluate and form an educated opinion. I have been distracted, in looking at the pictures, with "something" that is going on around Debbie's chin/neck area. In talking it over with my DH, who is a better photographer than I am, he tells me that he would make an educated guess that Debbie has a light source that is hitting the left side of her face. So, she is standing in a location where one side (it appears to be the left side) of her face has this light source which is causing a shadowing to occur in that area of her face.


    So, that shadowing has nothing to do with the effect of the color that she is wearing on her skin. It's a function of the photography and the light source... and we need to ignore it and just look at the chest area and the face to get our opinions finalized. I was trying to figure out if the tops were more muted and so Debbie was experiencing some of the gray skin tone that happens with me; but I don't think that's the case, at all.


    Now, I hope that I haven't brought this to everyone's attention and now you are all RIVETED on what I'm seeing. My intention is to say to NOT be influenced by that! So....I'll be back.


    You and DH are exactly correct. I have an exterior door that I opened in an attempt to get as much natural light in the room as possible. It is the only room in the house that has any light at all but it is on the north side of the house. I wish I had a better option but any other room would have fluorescent lighting or all windows are so shaded that the rooms are too dark.


    Should I plan to let less light in when I take my Aqua color party pics?



  13. Thanks! I am excited to find out what colors I really should be wearing as it's pretty obvious (to me, anyways) that I am not picking the right ones now. CJW just contacted me and gave me some homework -- finding some pictures from when I was a kid and some recent outdoor pictures now. I think I'll have to take some outdoor pictures this weekend since I'm not sure I have many to choose from. Think I should send pictures with or without makeup? Then he wants a closeup picture of my eye... so I guess I'll take a stab at that too... maybe I can get my husband to do that one for me as I'm not sure I can take a decent closeup of that on my own.


    We are leaving on a transatlantic cruise out of Barcelona on October 30th. I can't wait. It's been more than three years since our last cruise and even that one was spent with a lot of family. This one is just my husband and I and I'm really looking forward to some down time. I've changed jobs recently and taken on a lot more responsibility and Sean graduated recently with his MBA so we need to take some time to celebrate and unwind. We are sailing on RCCL Voyager of the Seas for 13 days and end up in New Orleans at the end. Simply cannot wait. Must start packing... or at least thinking of packing. :)


    I love the pictodiaries. You guys are so organized with your colors I'm totally jealous. I have certain colors that it seems that I have a lot of stuff in, but they are almost all the exact same shade. And are likely wrong for me. I tend to buy a lot of olive green, dark maroons and this shade of blue that is somewhere between bright and royal. I actually seem to buy that one blue a lot for dresses and in fact just took one dress back because it was EXACTLY the same color as another similar (but not exactly the same) dress I already owned. The maroon/burgundy is my favorite color but I'm not sure it's a color I should wear. I do know that I used to wear this rust colored dress a LOT because I loved the cut and feel of it, however it always made me look like I was ill and I would have to wear a lot of makeup to try to look even halfway healthy. I can pretty much guarantee that color was wrong for me but I don't really know what it was about it that was so bad. Hopefully this will help me to get some answers to all of these questions. :)


    Hi, ChollaChick. I had forgotten about trying to take a close-up picture of my eyeball. That was a hoot! I had always thought my eyes were blue-green/gray depending upon what I was wearing. After taking a REALLY close look, I have the tiniest yellow ring on the inside of my iris near my pupil. Until CJW asked for that picture, I never knew it. It will amaze you what you will learn about yourself once you begin this journey. Hang on to your hat. It's a fun and wonderful ride.


    I'm jealous of your cruise. It's been three years since I've cruised. Hmmm, might coincide with the fact that we have a three year old granddaughter. LOL Enjoy planning your cruise wardrobe and PLEASE post questions and pictures. We love pictures.


    Burgundy? Maroon? Hearing you say you like that color made me smile. I'll let everyone in on the secret and you all can smile. The colors of my wedding? Yep. Maroon and PINK. Just what this FIRE girl should have ordered, right? NOT! Both my attendants were blonde and I let them pick what they wanted. I'm not sure if they were AIR, but know they were both natural blondes (eye color is not a detail that I normally notice), but I feel pretty safe thinking they probably were both AIR. :D Soooo, back in the day of colored tuxes and ruffled shirts, I actually asked my daddy and my husband to be to dress in pink ruffled shirts. Mother told me years later that was the first and only time my daddy ever put on a pink shirt. Yep, you are smiling, aren't you? Every single one of you!!! Told 'ya.


    ChollaChick, We'll hang out here together and hopefully soon you will get your answers from CJW and I will get replies from the ladies here. --Debbie

  14. Please, Debbie, if anything needs to be changed on the collage of your green color party... let me know. I hope the pictures are a good size. If anyone needs to have the collage enlarged... maybe I should do a 3 side-by-side instead of a 4 side-by-side?... again... just let me know.


    Thank you!

    Thanks, Pam. The collage looks great to me. Now I wait...



  15. I'm laughing about your clothing dilemma...Mom and I both call ourselves "wet rags" at the end of class...I've tried shorts for class but that didn't work for me, the legs would rub together with some of the moves (cumbia especially) and if the hem was in the wrong spot, the legs would creep up in the middle...I hated that...my preferred capri length is right below the knee.


    I'm getting new clothes today!! My shipment should come today...I'm very excited.


    I CAN tell you are excited too! It's wonderful!


    I hadn't thought about the rubbing situation. I'll take the shorts next time, but I may be back to capris too.


    I know yesterday was your busy day, but have you had time to look over the clothes shipment? Any keepers? Share your thoughts?;)



  16. Debbie, I posted the first photos that are going to make up your color party collage in that particular size because I wanted to use them to also answer your previous question.


    I don't really know how you could possibly view the tiny pictures that are posted here on the thread using only your phone and get enough detail that you could see skin tone and subtle differences. I think you could probably see very glaring wardrobe malfunctions, but I don't think you could evaluate in a priority order of best to good. Well, let's put it this way... I couldn't.


    Maybe it's a function of vision. Seeing in a very literal sense. For me to be able to see, I simply have to have the pictures bigger. So what I do is download them to my computer and then open them in the Paint program and just resize them so I can see more detail. By the time that they are the size that I posted, I can usually see enough that I feel like I can make an educated decision about what is going on with the picture.


    Anita has the knowledge to do a bit more manipulating of pictures. So that is why she is capable of posting some of those "enlightening" pictures where she changes the contrast, or changes the white balance, and alters the picture in such a way that she gets more information. I'm not that sophisticated.


    When I only have a few pictures to post (kind of like Kim did with her recent shopping trip), I just gulp hard and post them in a big enough format that detail can be seen. For a larger grouping of pictures, like your green color party collage that is coming soon, then the pictures will necessarily be smaller in order to get them onto the screen. Everyone has to be on their own, after that, in order to make any decisions. As an aside, that is why sometimes people ask for a retake of a picture. Sometimes it's because the picture lighting is problematic and sometimes it's because the posted picture is just too small and can't be manipulated to see enough to make a decision.


    OK. I have a busy day ahead of me. Several appointments. But I promise to get Debbie's green color party collage posted today so we can start giving her some valuable input. By the time that we finish with these pictures, I'm sure that Linda will have her Chico's order. Then, we can see her in Honeydew! And then we can move on to.... what, Kim?... are we doing accessories for green or are we moving on to another color? Anita is the only one that has finished her green color party and done accessories! I'm having some issues with accessories.... DH bought me some beauitful emerald earrings and a bracelet... and I have an emerald necklace. But, you know, those jewels aren't the same as really having FUN with accessories. They are beautiful and I love wearing them on formal nights on the cruise... but I don't think that I could feel comfortable wearing them casually. So, I don't really have any green accessories... some gold... but since gold goes with everything, I don't see the point of accessorizing with gold, do you? Or would you think that wearing jewels more often is something that we should consider as a lifestyle change?... maybe. Although I don't even go out to dinner/lunch as much as I used to! That was a ramble, so off I go.... the question is: do I need MORE or LESS coffee before I begin to post?!? LOL.


    Pam, I feel so much better after your explanation. You are so right, I looked and looked at everyone's pictures and could talk myself into or out of believing anything was possible about every single shot. It was hard to see anything to make a decision about. So, there may be hope for me yet. LOL At least that's my story for now. We'll see how well this turns out as we move along.


    The best thing that has happened to me (other than Pam bailing me out of the internet jam) is that really scrutinizing my greens has caused me to divide them up in what I think are the four different seasons. I really don't think I have any AIR greens. Nearly all my tops are either light vivid colors or dark vivid colors. They may not show that way in the pictures, but some of them are nearly neon.


    Of course, I want to know my FIRE options, but my next biggest question will be: if they aren't FIRE why are they EARTH or ICE? I have posted a few that I think are exactly right, my questionable items and repesentations of multiples. In other words, if one of the tops I posted isn't right, I know which ones to delete out of my wardrobe that I didn't post. That will be progress and I'm tickled to death to be making any kind of progress.


    This is also showing me that I have....way....too....many....clothes. If I have three or four that are keepers, I'll be ecstastic! I keep saying that I'm going to pare down my closet, and although some of them are too large for me to wear any more, it's embarrassing to think I have this many green tops whether they fit or not. :o


    Pam, emeralds? Really? I mean, really? I'd wear those every chance I could manufacture a reason to wear them. Well, it depends upon how fancy the settings are, I guess. I see what you mean. But I bet they look GORGEOUS with your hair and coloring. Hmmmm, I see a Christmas hint for DH. He always says he never knows what to get me for Christmas so maybe I'll take pity on him and give him a hint this year. LOL


    The costume jewelry I have to wear with green is mostly EARTH colors, so I'll need to take a trip to Kohl's after we've picked my #1 green. I can see the back corner of the building from my office, so I'll spend my lunch hour wandering the store with my possible purchases around my neck and holding the earrings up to my face. I'll be thinking of you, Anita!




    Just the beginning. Debbie let me know how many pictures you have to send to me so I'll know how big the collage should be. This is just a test, but I think this method will be much, much better... until you get your internet connection established at home!

    I've sent the green color party collage and 11 more in addition to the four already posted. I've told Pam that she doesnt need to post them....all.

    I think these are pictures that can be viewed and have opinions expressed. Ladies, let's hold off until Debbie sends me everything that she wants us to view.Wow. They really look big when it's my mugshot.



    Yeah! We're getting this color party started! :D

    Again, thanks for taking one for the team, Pam. Did I mention there's really no need to post all 15 heads shots if you don't think it's necessary? Really. --Debbie
  18. Debbie....


    This is so hard in a pdf format. Can't pull the colors in and do any kind of looking that helps me with decisions. Would you be willing to send the pictures (.jpg) file formats to me... and then I could post them for you? I don't mind... until you get your internet up and running.


    I set up an email account, which is PamMember123 at gmail.com


    Whatever you want to do....:D .... I think several of those tops are on a borderline for me. It might be a situation where we HAVE to see YOU in them in order to tell....

    How sweet can you possibly be???? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so very much. I have emailed you. --Debbie

  19. Okay, Ladies. We will try this yet again. I am attaching a picture of part of my green collection. I've studied and studied, and think I will be able to diagnose additional tops that I have by what tops are picked or weeded out of this collage. I took my head shots this morning, so I would be ready to post them. Let's get started. If you don't mind, please let me know whether you think my mistakes are EARTH or ICE.


    Thanks, Debbie


  20. Anita, our group for tonight's Zumba class was 7 plus the instructor. My friends and I made 5 of the 7. Yea! I sure don't feel self conscious around all my buddies. There is a possibility that we can add another class and would be able to do Zumba twice a week. I'm getting stoked! By the time they have the second class up and running, I should be ready for more than just my once weekly class. I couldn't be happier.


    I will change my outfit again for next week. I need a THINNER sleeveless top and a pair of shorts. The nylon capris looked cute, but I need less cloth.


    I did modify my movements and my joints haven't locked up on me yet. Thanks for the tip last time, Anita, about doing what your body tells you. I learned that my body doesn't want my hands at shoulder level or over my head. We do shoulder shimmy movements and I can do them with my arms and hands at elbow level without pain. When everyone raises their arms, I just do things a little differently.


    I don't jump either. I thought at first that I should try to do everything like the instructor. Back in the day, I could do all those moves, but pain is pain and soooo not worth knowing I'm keeping up with Zumba instructor Nicki. You let me realize that's it's ok as long as I'm moving. I'm sweating plenty without all the jumping and flailing of hands.


    It was the first Zumba class for three of my friends. They all plan to come back next week. Wow! Can you tell I'm excited!?! --Debbie

  21. Not a disappointment, Linda, just a steeper learning curve :) Keep on pluggin', we will all get there in time.


    AMEN! Don't be so hard on yourself, Linda. I've been at this since June/July 2010. Heck, I can't even post my pictures right! LOL. As the others have been telling me, we are all learning. I am also frustrated at times, but I am also having soooo much fun. --Debbie

  22. Okay, so I have no idea if I am Fire or Earth or... no... I really think I'm one of these but at this point who knows? But today I paid my donation for CJW to do my analysis!!!! Looking forward to finding out what I should be wearing as I have no real idea anymore. I'll let you all know what I find out. :)


    GREAT! It's super exciting, isn't it? Let us know what is decided so we'll know which camp needs to welcome you aboard. --Debbie:)

  23. Absolutely.


    You need the warmth, but you're like me.... you need the bright/clear! Bright/clear makes you come alive. I think that we've seen you in EARTH and AIR. It's interesting to me that the EARTH color didn't gray you out like it does me. I've been wanting a FIRE lady to put on some EARTH to see if the skin tone turns all gray, ashy like it does on me....


    Remember how I looked in the brown scarf, Pam? You couldn't get more confirmation that atleast one other FIRE looks gray in EARTH.

    Here I am in all my scarf glory--



    Anyway... sorry... that you had a truly, literally, "stinky" day! From what I know, skunk smell is horrible because it is sulfurous. I don't know of any remedies to help you. What a "skunky" boss!:( That was just mean.
    As gross as this sounds, we once had three baby skunks under our house! Every time we walked across the floor, they sprayed. We went through SEVERAL cans of Lysol. It didnt fix the problem, but it gave us something different to smell for a few minutes and it made me feel better. I was atleast doing....something.


    All that to say, I feel your pain. You deserve the triple! --Debbie


    PS If the sun will shine tomorrow morning, I will try again to take pictures of my greens. I will post them as soon as I can unless Linda has more to post. :)

  24. Ok, good news. I turned my phone completely off, let it rest a minute and made it link back up with the tower. Presto chango! I have complete pictures, Linda. The bad news is that I agree with Anita and Pam. I thought at first that the bluish green of B-1 might be a possibility, but if the blue below that green is a dress as Pam has suggested, I can't see how a FiRE green and the blue I'm seeing on my monitor would go together. I vote to see you in A-2, A-4 and the print to the right of the color card. Sorry, but I see lots of AIR also. --Debbie

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