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Posts posted by aoknkentucky

  1. I know I'm behind on the discussion that's been taking place this weekend without me, so I feel like I'm interrupting instead of answering , but wanted to respond to everyone. Thanks for going the extra mile for the color Pollen. Wow! It sure started a whole new discussion though, didn't it? I just love this thread! As frustrated as I am at myself, I am learning. Thanks everybody.


    I will take new green pictures and post them after Linda's turn, I promise!! I think I'll take each picture with my control card draped over my shoulder. Would that help?


    My greens have been sweated in and I'll need to wash them when we've finished deciding what stays and what goes. I can't even give these away as many times as I've had them on and off and travelled to the campground and back.


    Remember when I posted my scarf choices? We didn't have trouble telling which scarves were good or off -- remember the brown scarf that I'm saving for Anita? It was sooo EARTH. My green pictures were taken in the same room with the same phone camera. The only difference must be how much sunlight was coming through the window and how many lights I had turned on in the room. I asked and DH says that the squirelly bulbs ARE flourscent so that's possibly the problem. Since the collage worked when we discussed my scarves and it doesn't look like my internet issues will be solved in time, I'm afraid I will need to post my greens like before. We will see if I can take better pics this time around (I hope)




    PS - just saw that Anita posted while I was typing. What is it with me and pictures? Is everyone else seeing all of both pictures Linda posted? Now isn't this just a dandy mess. I am sooo going to get this Internet thing fixed. One....way....or....the....other! --Deb

  2. Linda, maybe it's just my connection, but I'm only getting to see the top half of both your pictures. I've tried closing my browser and letting it bring up the cruise critic site back up fresh. No matter what I do, I still can only see the top half of your pictures. I know how anxious I was to get responses after I posted, so I wanted to respond.


    Is anyone else experiencing this? Sorry. --Debbie

  3. So, Anita, with your explanation of color and lighting, does that explain why my green pictures taken inside with incandescent lighting showed my tops so poorly?


    I took pictures outside on Sunday, hoping to post them when I figure out my Internet issues. I pulled them up Microsoft Paint, trying to see if I could use Pam's pictures S a guide and weed through some of them myself. I wanted to show you all a much edited version, but reLized that even though I'd taken the pictures outside and the sky was overcast, I must have been standing too much in the shade also. I am almost certain that several of my tops are FIRE, but all my pictures look bad or worse.


    I have tried several, several times to buy items in the store. The lighting is atrocious in nearly every store where I shop. I need to know what the lighting is at your Chicos, Pam. I want DH to install it all through our house. LOL. Glad to hear the arm is improving. --Deb

  4. Thanks, Ladies, for telling why you voted how you voted. Once it's explained, I can see it. I bargain with myself and either try to make every picture be a good choice or I imagine that every picture is a poor choice. I'm doing the same thing shopping these days. I did the same thing trying to decide if Pollen was a FIRE color. I honestly think it is an EARTH color, but was afraid it could be considered a light clear gold.


    Well, Anita, it's good that I can pick out something about Pam's pictures! Even if I didn't know what I was picking. LOL


    Kim, you thought you weren't very good at this, but you are making very astute observations and know why you choose one over another. Your choices in your green color party show that you're doing at good job too. Keep up the good work.


    Pam, will you give us your thoughts on what you see about your pictures and why? You said your favorites weren't picked as others had them listed.


    Linda, I'm still in the process of getting my internet connection at home to cooperate. Would you be comfortable posting your green color party next?


    How is everyone viewing the pictures to make their decision? I know Pam mentioned the Paint program and that Anita uses a different program. I've mentioned this so many times that I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing it, but I'm viewing the pictures on my phone and typing replies on my desktop. I've been looking at the pictures as they appear on the screen in the cruisecritic thread. Is there another way to view them so that I can see them in more detail? I'm grasping at straws here, Ladies, and sure that you are sick of hearing this too, but I....can't....figure....this....out. I'm not usually this dense about things, I promise ;-)



  5. Oooo, oooo, I need to interrupt for just a sec. Just discovered Chicos is having a special sale online today and I may need to make a purchase. Can somebody tell me if Pollen is a FIRE or EARTH color?


    I glanced through the last few entries, and I'll be back this afternoon to catch up, I promise. In the meantime, Pollen -- yes or no? Thanks, Debbie

  6. I don't really understand your request, Debbie. The season for each top? Do you mean if I'm trying to wear it in winter, summer, spring, fall? Remember that I live in AZ, so I really only have one "season." Typically, I wear a sleeveless top, by itself, most months of the year. Then, I just add an overshirt to it if I feel a bit cold. Is that what you're talking about? I just don't have the need for real "seasons" in dressing. Most of my overshirts, actually, were purchased because of going over to Europe in the fall.


    Now, if by "season" you mean... do I think that these tops are all FIRE? Well, I sure did before I took these pictures! I thought that I had weeded out all of the "misses" from my wardrobe. By the way, unlike you and Kim, I don't have any more greens in my wardrobe. What you see in my color party are all the greens in my closet. So, if you're asking about what I now think... well, it's pretty obvious in one of my pictures, IMO.


    But, like Anita and Kim did.... I'll reserve my thoughts until I hear more from you ladies. I don't want to "bend" anyone's opinions to my way of thinking......


    There I go again - thinking everybody knows what I'm thinking. Yes, I mean if the top isn't FIRE, please state if it ICE, AIR, or EARTH and your reason why. I've seen comments - red skin, dull hair, etc. but don't know what season it puts that top in - only that it is wrong. I'd like to train my eye to see where I'm going wrong and I guess I was just thinking ahead to when I post my pictures.


    I think I know the picture you're talking about, but I'm so uncertain about my choices that unless you say one picture or twenty, I don't know what I'm looking for. I really depise being this dense about this stuff, but....I....will.....persevere. I may lose my mind, but I will not quit.:)


    I will go out on a limb here and say that I think B-3 is washing you out, IMO, partially because you look so stunningly right in B-4 and I would pick B-4 as my favorite. --Debbie

  7. Wowsers!!! Get a little busy at work, go to lunch and looks what happens here.


    Linda, the more the merrier. I'm glad you are joining us. Ditto everything Pam said. I've been wondering about Honey Bee and Burnt Umber at CWC also. Anita and Pam are better than I am about this. What do you say, Ladies? Kim, what's your opinion?


    Pam, it is soooo nerve-wracking to post those pictures, isn't it? It's what surprised me the most. I have read somewhere that red is the absolute hardest haircolor to maintain. I had highlights in my hair several years ago before the highlight/lowlight phenomenon took our part of the country by storm. I HATED the way my roots showed about two or three weeks after, so I'd have my highlights retouched each month. Pretty soon, I'd look almost blond, so I'd buy a box at Walmart and color my hair myself at home. It didn't seem to matter what color I tried when matching my original color, I'd be a redhead in a couple of weeks. I swore that if I could just get my original color back that I'd never color it again. Now that the gray is shining through more and more every day, I constantly question my decision about that.


    I envy you, because I wish I could wear my hair to my shoulders like you do, but it is so baby fine and straight as a stick. You know how everyone is about their hair -- if it's curly, they want straight; if it's staight, they want curly. I've always said I'd settle for a bend or two or just a little body. It looks like I'm going to get my wish. Some of the gray hair is becoming curly. Isn't that just dandy!?! The gray will stick out and be that much more noticable. Joy. Joy. It is ALWAYS much more noticable to you than to anyone else, but you were very brave to post when you didn't think you look your best.


    I'm glad we are posting our pictures. If possible, would you and Anita comment the season for each top. I still feel so inadequate and I think this will teach me how and what to look for when deciding yes or no about a particular color. I understand to look for skintone first, then hair color, then eyes, but my eyes want to revert to just the color of the top itself. I know some of the pictures we've posted are darker, some look washed out, some show redder skintones. For example, I know if I wear fall/earth it makes me look gray and washes me out. If I see a picture of myself like that, I know it is EARTH. Am I trying to make this too simple?


    I'm looking at your pictures, Pam, but I'd like to make educated decisions, and not just pick them nilly-willy. --Debbie

  8. Oh, Pam. (insert HUGE long sigh) By the time I finished taking my pictures on Sunday, I felt like a dishrag. Put on top, grab camera, out the door, down the steps, position camera, smile pretty now, take two pictures, head back inside, check to see if either shot was focused, take off top, fold for color party, place on bed, grab new top and repeat. It took F o r e v e r ! ! ! I tried to remember to look in the mirror on my way out the door, but my pictures show a much different picture. And, it just kept getting more and more limp with each trip in and out. Shade or no shade, thick winter sweaters are still hot.


    We've seen pictures of you looking fine, Pam. Your cruise pictures were great. Come on. Hit us with your best shot. Or your worst shot. Take your time, Pam we will be here. Do whatever feels right.


    Kim, ditto the beer pocketbook. If could just convince myself that I have spent the same amount of money if it is for a single $30 piece of jewelry or two $15 t-shirts on sale. Why, o why, can't I resist store clearance tags? Work in progress here.

  9. It's the LOOK that I don't know how to achieve :eek:


    I feel your pain, Kim. I have lots of costume jewelry, but I don't buy the nice big pieces that make a statement. I have a friend that is in the same boat with us. She has recently begun to buy larger necklaces that really finish the look. When I remarked that I liked her choice of jewelry, she let me in on a little secret. She has spent the last few years in FL for our coldest months (Jan. & Feb.). One of her winter friends told her this secret. She shops mostly at Chicos and when she makes a purchase there, she buys the entire outfit - jacket, top, bottom and jewelry. That way she has help from the salesladies (bet they LOVE to see her coming in the door!) and knows that she has the entire LOOK.


    I'm just too cheap to do that, I guess. I have been playing this game in my head for a few weeks, ladies and I need your feedback on this. I'd love to look that put together but I play the "which is better" game in my mind. Is it better to buy several smaller, therefore cheaper, and maybe more generic items that I can use several ways OR is it better to buy the statement piece that will create the LOOK? If our wardrobe will eventually be items that could be mixed and matched, could our statement pieces of jewelry be multi-purposed also? If so, would it be wise use of our money to buy nice pieces that do make a statement? The Vivienne Files shows that a few accessories can make an outfit look very different and packing for our cruises would be greatly simplified.


    I agree with Kim. It's the LOOK I don't usually achieve. I'd really prefer jeans, t-shirt and nice jacket with accessories, but my work situation means that I'm dressed up during the day. However, March through November, we are campers at the lake. It isn't primitive, but we are in swimsuits/coverups or flannel shirts and jeans depending upon the time of the year. I have TONS of clothes but if it fits and is the right color (to my VERY untrained eye) then it doesn't work because I'm mixing casual and dressy. YUCK! The top is too casual/dressy for that bottom. The jewelry is too casual/dressy for that outfit. The shoes are too casual/dressy for that outfit. When we have weeded through my tops, maybe I can keep one area for dressy and one area for casual. I will know at a glance that I don't need three more green tops. :D


    If anyone else has a way to teach us about accessories, I'd like to learn this also.

  10. I'm in celebratory mood! I officially got a new Zumba class last night. It is a corporate sponsored class. I am going to go onsite at the company in their employee building where there is a huge room for working out. I have a contract to do an 11 week session for 2 days a weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays! It's a 45 minute class that is being offered...it is under the health and wellness program for the company so it is a free class for employees.


    So, YES...I will be teaching THREE classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays :eek:. I'm only slightly nervous about this. I think this is a good progression and that I can handle it...but I do feel a little apprehensive about keeping my energy high. It's exciting to me that after one class, this lady was talking to me about doing this...and now...it's a done deal! Congratulations, Anita. I'll be thinking of you during your marathon days. Do you begin tomorrow? I'll send the most energetic vibes I can your way.


    ALSO...I got an interesting email today...a weird email that may or may not be another open door to start another class. I'm wondering exactly HOW MANY classes can I realistically teach in a week? I'm feeling like 3 in one day is enough, KWIM?


    I signed up for a Jam session. These are special trainings for instructors to learn new choreography. I'm pretty excited for it! I'm feeling the need to really get some new material.


    Debbie...what you are doing, spreading the word about Zumba is so great. If you populate the class with your friends, then you will be creating such a great support system for being active...the class will be that much more fun with more people and more energy...the instructor will feed off that...it will be this great cyclical thing...I'm so excited for you because if it happens...it is mirroring what has been happening in my Saturday class...and it is really a wonderful thing. The friend and her daughter met me at the church this afternoon. Our other friend came and said that HER daughter wanted to join us also but had to work this evening. The bad news was that there was a sign canceling the class on the door. Bummer!! I sure hope everyone comes next week. I'm excited just thinking we might have so many friends in our group. So so much fun.


    Oh. Debbie. TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS. I'm serious. Zumba awakens muscles that have been out of use...and you need as many different ways of detecting change as you can get...Took my measurements today. We'll see where this takes me. Sure could do with a little less jiggle.


    Someone started a thread on the zumba site...describe Zumba in 5 words or less...


    Well...what would YOU say...


    Here's mine:


    Momma got her groove back!


    How about this: Zumba - Friends, footwork and FUN!


    My weekday morning ladies were talking about how they walk around now with such better posture...and more ATTITUDE...since they started doing Zumba. I know that I certainly have.


    Since I worked in the church office prior to my current position, I have been designated as contact person for Zumba class. I will call next Monday to make sure it isn't cancelled. One of the girls has a 10-12 mile drive and I don't want her discouraged before she is able to attend her first class. If everyone show up the instructor should be ecstatic! In three sessions, her class went from two people to potentially 8! I can't wait to see her face :)

  11. Sorry we've been on pause. But I have good news, I hope. Seasonal campsite isnt so very far from home, it is just that while we are there we have nearly NO connection with the outside world. Text can usually get out if you go to one of the bathhouses and stand on one foot while pointing north. LOL. It isn't THAT bad, but phone coverage is very spotty and internet? Forget about it.


    The good news is that there was a quick trip back home, so I had most of my green shirts delivered to me and took outside pictures this afternoon with mostly overcast skies. I also took control shots on the bed with as much daylight as the skylight and windows and incandescent lights turned on in the room would allow. IF and that's the key word here, IF I can get my 'puter to allow me to post the pictures tomorrow, we can get this train rolling down the track again.


    Aqua would be a great second color for me, Pam. I am having trouble deciphering the different colors of aqua also. Pictodiary? What do we always say about pictures? Pictures are good. Pictures are great. I'd love to sneak a peek at your cruise. Probably will be the only way I get to cruise this year. Yes, please share. --Debbie


    Ok, girls. I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I can't get tinypic to work on my computer due to restrictions placed on the internet access. BUT I have two good news items to report. First, this means that I will definitely need to have my internet access at home repaired which will please DH and make my respond time to everyone here should be shorter. The other piece of good news is that we will scrap everything you have seen of my greens and I will work extra hard to be ready when Pam has had her turn and Kim has shown us her fabulous accessories. Will that work for everybody? I have taken the new pictures; I will just need a few days to get everything in order. Once I get this figured out, I shouldn't be a slacker about the other colors.


    Your turn, Pam.


    Thanks, Debbie

  12. Sorry we've been on pause. But I have good news, I hope. Seasonal campsite isnt so very far from home, it is just that while we are there we have nearly NO connection with the outside world. Text can usually get out if you go to one of the bathhouses and stand on one foot while pointing north. LOL. It isn't THAT bad, but phone coverage is very spotty and internet? Forget about it.


    The good news is that there was a quick trip back home, so I had most of my green shirts delivered to me and took outside pictures this afternoon with mostly overcast skies. I also took control shots on the bed with as much daylight as the skylight and windows and incandescent lights turned on in the room would allow. IF and that's the key word here, IF I can get my 'puter to allow me to post the pictures tomorrow, we can get this train rolling down the track again.


    Aqua would be a great second color for me, Pam. I am having trouble deciphering the different colors of aqua also. Pictodiary? What do we always say about pictures? Pictures are good. Pictures are great. I'd love to sneak a peek at your cruise. Probably will be the only way I get to cruise this year. Yes, please share. --Debbie

  13. I'm actually playing today and NOT in front of the computer screen! Camping this weekend and off the grid during most of the weekend, so if you get your pics together, Pam, fire away. Oh, my. LOL (that was soooo lame.)


    I'm not certain my pictures gave a good representation of my greens, so I will probably request a do over. I will post as soon as I have my little green duckies in a row. --Debbie

  14. Wow, Anita. You know what I'm going to say, right? Time for another new avatar. LOVE the new cut. Doesn't it make you happy to have a swingy new "do"? You pass a mirror and look and think, "oh yeah". I don't mean in a prissy way--you just FEEL better. KWIM?


    Just learned I may have two more friends join us for Zumba on Monday. Don't want to confuse the threads, just making wise use of my typing fingers. Will post details after Monday's session.

  15. Debbie, that helps tremendously...we can use that photo for a control. It helps to have you say this because now that you do, I can look at the way your skin tone is and the overall look of the photo, and compare it to each other photo.


    Oh good, Anita. I think I've included all four seasons, maybe. The last picture on the third page is definitely your baby poop green. DD is losing weight and we are journeying together. The lucky thing for me is that I'm going into the sizes she's shrinking out of. That last shirt is one of hers and still had the tags on it. Too bad I can't get her to buy FIRE. Those are her colors too.


    I don't know what I did--I was trying to cut and paste. It looks like I may have accidentally put the color party pics below. Ill post now and see what shows up.....No, it said it was invalid. Sorry.



  16. I've managed to download my Happy Color Party pics into tinypics, but I can't get my phone to copy the URL to download into cruise critic as an attachment. Since I won't be in the office, I'm more sorry than you can imagine that I will need to wait until Monday to send more pics. It almost makes me want to sneak in tomorrow and "work" after hours. LOL


    I can tell you that the hoodie in the very first picture is ABSOLUTELY the exact color of the darker green on my color card. I'll go ahead and let the cat out of the bag and say the very first picture is my favorite. I have no trouble whatsoever telling that this will be my best green. I knew it the moment I saw it--even before I took some of the others. So whatever the background shows on that picture should be the best representation of the walls. To be honest, on my screen the beige wall has a green cast. Go figure.


    Does this help? I hate to make everyone wait for answers. Sorry everyone. --Deb

  17. Awww Debbie...I THINK I already know my fav...LOL...


    Did you take any color party pics? I'd like to see that...and if you haven't already...I would like to see you try to blend the shirts...that is, put all the ones that are more blue-green together, yellow-green together, etc. Do you have the color cards? It would be interesting to have a known control in the photos.


    I pounding away at the questions because I have to get ready for class tonight! I leave in about 30 minutes or so...if you were able to get on and read this in the mean time, I thought you could answer. I know you might answer with your phone, so don't worry about lots of typing. We all understand, but answers would be helpful.


    I've taken pictures of my color party corresponding to each page posted. I have also photoed one additional page of extras. Let me know if you need additional pics. I wont be back at my desk until Monday, so it will be then before I can get them posted. I'll let you know if I get tinypics up and running on my phone. --Deb

  18. @Debbie. Please tell us about the setting for these photos. Obviously you are inside. Did the flash go off? Is it a red eye flash? Is there any natural light in these photos? Lightbulbs? Normal lightbulbs? Overhead?


    I know you put a lot of work into this. I totally understand. I'm trying to see if I can make sense of what I am seeing in relation to where you are in the photo.


    @Joby Have fun at Pilates! I do miss my Pilates class. :( Is it a mat work class? How long have you been doing Pilates?


    I was afraid that my choice of how I attached the pictures would cause problems. I can try later to use my iPhone and use tinypics if that would help.


    To answer the questions -- I've taken the pictures with my iPhone in the bathroom so no red-eye or flash. Off-white walls are the best indoor option I have and I can look in the mirror to make sure the camera on the phone is taking my picture and not the shower! The squirrely kind of light bulbs (5) in the ceiling fan slightly NE from my position. Window just to the north of the ceiling fan and 3 bulbs (again the squirrely eco-friendly bulbs that last 10 years). My house is WHITE-WHITE and I don't think an outdoor shot would help, but if you want I'll do that.


    If it's too grainy, I'll do a redo. Should I?


    Curt used pictures from my childhood mostly, I think. So, sadly, none of these were any that he remarked on. I tried to sort the pictures, so most of the pictures on the first page are very similar. The second and third page show differences, hopefully. Let me know what I need to do to help everyone see me in the best possible light. LOL

  19. Sure, it makes sense. Thanks. I can see the screen, but the computer that I am on during the day will not allow me to work in tinypics for some reason. I couldn't even join and create an account, so I'll need to work this from another angle, I guess. Since we've been having issues with our internet access at home, I guess it's time I call our provider and have someone take a look at it. I don't mind not having access usually, and DH has been STRONGLY HINTING that I contact them for months but it hasn't seemed very important until now.


    Pam, I'll keep working on posting my pictures, but maybe you should move to the head of the line if you have time. I may be a while getting this sorted out. --Debbie



    Okay...Here we go....after saying I couldn't get it sorted out....


    I remembered what I had to do to make it work. I needed to save it as a pdf instead of a Word document. I sure hope everyone can see what they need to see. It's the only way I can think of that I can work around the limitation placed on our internet access.


    Just remember that I said I had a LOT of green. I didn't take pictures of everything I had and that's embarassing to admit. I really need help in working my way through this, girls. Lots of my wardrobe needs to go live with other people. I never wear all that I have and I want to change that part of my life. You will all be doing me a HUGE favor in helping me decide what goes away. Thanks, Debbie


  20. Debbie...


    Make sense? Helpful info? Questions? Let me know.


    Sure, it makes sense. Thanks. I can see the screen, but the computer that I am on during the day will not allow me to work in tinypics for some reason. I couldn't even join and create an account, so I'll need to work this from another angle, I guess. Since we've been having issues with our internet access at home, I guess it's time I call our provider and have someone take a look at it. I don't mind not having access usually, and DH has been STRONGLY HINTING that I contact them for months but it hasn't seemed very important until now.


    Pam, I'll keep working on posting my pictures, but maybe you should move to the head of the line if you have time. I may be a while getting this sorted out. --Debbie

  21. Anita, thanks for all the info. I'm sure I have a pair of nylon cargos/capris/convertibles. They may not be wild FIRE colors or have the pretty tassels like our instructor has. They are probably a nice khaki color, but they are definitely the right material.


    Glad to have the confirmation about the Zumba moves too. I understand about the jumping jacks. It's nice to know that I can just figure out my modifications and then just keep doing them and not worry about trying to work my way into those uncomfortable moves later. Bouncing on the balls of my feet with energy is one thing, but jumping around is uncomfortable on the joints and any menopausal woman that I know understands that jumping is a recipe for DISASTER! I quit jumping on the trampoline with the kids SEVERAL years ago. It just got to be too embarassing.


    Enjoy class today! --Debbie

  22. Now see, that wasn't so hard was it?


    Can't wait to see your pictures.


    As it turns out, giving my opinion isn't nearly as hard as posting my pictures is turning out to be today. In the past, I've taken pics with my phone, emailed them to myself and opened them in a Word document. Yesterday while working on my collage, my computer suddenly stopped allowing me to open the jpeg files and copy/paste it to the Word document. I don't know what's up with that! I managed to finagle my way through and when I went to post, realized that my document was over 12,000 KB and too large to load here.


    It may not have been the BEST way to post, but it was the easiest way for me to do it and I didn't have to worry about my BIG self being plastered on the screen. Anyone that wasn't logged in as a member couldn't see it and it didn't make me feel so conspicuous. Because my way worked, I haven't paid a lot of attention, and so, I guess I will need one of you to tell me how you load pictures, and what program you use and where I go to get it. --Debbie

  23. Thanks for the tips. I have several pairs of cargos. Surely one pair will be suitable for Zumba purposes. What type material is best? I totally understand the wetness factor. TMI maybe, but I don't think they make industrial strength pantiliners do they?


    I will need to do modifications to some of the moves for a while, maybe forever. I have a little permanent nerve damage in my neck and shoulder area. I am a disability-retired rural mail carrier. I tell people that I throwed my arm away like a baseball pitcher. I have two overlapping butterfly plates and six screws in my neck. My x-rays are soooo pretty! My doctor explained my three neck fusions as a bowling bowl balanced on a pencil. Raising one arm cross-body or putting my arm between my legs while doing side lunges and then looking up to see what the instructors next move will be is NOT a good move for me. I will do a lot of marching in place if necessary, but I WILL MOVE! That's the most important thing. --Debbie

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