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Posts posted by aoknkentucky

  1. Debbie, I think you should go ahead and post your color party and get started on some galley pictures. I really have so much on my to-do list: you can't believe... plus I think that you're farther along than I am in getting organized. So, why don't you post next...


    Kim, I don't mean to not respond to your pictures, but this is where it is best if Pam and Anita take over and I can chime in that I agree with absolutely everything they say! ;) Really, you know this is hard for me.


    Okay, I've worked on this off and on all day, and when I went to post my pictures, I realized that I've saved my pictures with a very large sized file. I'll redo it and post tomorrow if possible. --Debbie

  2. Lost my nice long post, AGAIN!!!


    I'm here, but leaving again. Gotta run. Chonda Pierce concert at our church (Christian lady comedian). I'll be back and will try to tell you all my impressions of my first ever Zumba class. Thanks, Debbie


    Okay, I'm back now and will try to post without losing my thoughts to the cyberspace gremlins! This isn't the first time this has happened to me and probably won't be the last. I think I'm going to copy everything I have worked so hard to say before I push the reply button, but sometimes I just don't. That is ALWAYS the very time I really N E E D E D to do so. I always think my previous version was a better read than my make-up post, too. You know? Like I forgot to say something I said the first time around? Anyway......


    My first Zumba class was FUN. Yes, I was lost as a goose, but I had a blast. The instructor was very helpful. My friend and I told her immediately upon entering the class that we'd never attempted to do ZUMBA, and I'm sure some of the voice commands and movements were done to help the two of us. I did some marching in place and she gave some alternate moves to do if we wanted. My friend said she liked it and said she was willing to try it next Monday if I would. She's not exactly a backward person, but isn't EVER willing to put herself "out there" or be front and center. So, since she initiated talk about a return visit, I'm sure she had fun too.


    Two or three things will change before my next Zumba attempt. My cross-trainers will be replaced with something that isn't as hot on my feet and I will wear different clothes. My Lands End performance capris are THICK. They feel great wearing them, but not so great to sweat in AND they hold in the heat. My t-shirt was thin enough, but anything with sleeves restricts the air circulation. I understand why our Zumba instructor had cut up her t-shirt and re-constructed it. Looks like a plan to me! If I must, I'll use one of my recent wrong color cast-offs and whittle away at it until I get it a little more air flow going. I don't mind sweating, but I was concerned that I might EXPLODE! LOL


    There were five participants and one instructor for our class. One girl (late 20s?) has been in the class since it began 4-6 weeks ago. One girl was about our age (50's) and acted as if she'd been there for a few weeks, but her movements were much smaller than the instructor or the other girl. Our group was rounded out by a girl (also late 20s) that had attended for her first time the week previous.


    The most frustrating thing about the class was that our instructor was on a raised platform and was easy to see, but she did the entire evening FACING us. The 50's lady and the second-time-attender were up front, my friend and I in the middle, and the one participant that seemed to know what she was doing was standing BEHIND us. It would have been so much more helpful if she had been in front of us, because we could have at least followed her movements on the floor. I was just so frustrated during the middle of the evening when movements were (to me) fast and furious and I was spending all my time trying to convert in my head left/right, turn which way? Oh yeah, that was THE WRONG WAY! It is soooo much easier for me to follow someone turned the same direction and I was looking forward to that being the way this would be done. When that didn't happen, I almost ruined it for myself by dwelling on that rather than the fun itself. I just need to have a mental make-over and I'll be ok by Monday.


    I heard lots of words that I've seen here. Cumbia, Zumba cargo pants (her's were a BRIGHT PINK with black tassels), grapevine. A funny here -- the instructor told us after the first song that we'd had a good warm-up and now we'd begin. My friend said, "Warm-up? Oh boy!" I thought it was hilarious!!!!! Not that I was in any better shape, but it was still WAY FUNNY!


    I tried to listen to the words of some of the songs, but other than the warm-up saying "Zumba - Zumba" over and over, I don't have a clue. The cool-down sounded like something that was inspirational to the instructor and not Zumba, but I don't know what it was. I have listened to many genres of music over the years, but what I'd consider "modern" music isn't something I've listened to recently. I've never heard a song that I consciously knew was sung by Pitbull. Heck, I don't even know if Pitbull is a him or a group or ...... My sum knowledge is that I've seen that name listed after a song on this thread ;) If I catch anything next week, I'll pass it along.


    Kasi, I hope you find the perfect spot on the ship to curl up with those good books and relax away all the stress your workload is having on you. Enjoy!!


    Thanks for the encouragement everyone. Yes, Chonda Pierce was AWESOME! We were her guinea pigs for new material. All 1,600 of us. She told us that her bus leaves at midnight tonight to do the first three nights of the new tour. She gives you a dose of reality and makes you think while bringing such joy and happiness into your life.


    It's been a great week so far. Hugs to you all. --Debbie

  3. Ok. I am soooo indecisive when it comes to this stuff!


    I KNOW B-3 and C-4 are out, because... well, a little birdy told me.


    A-1 and C-2 are AIR, maybe?


    I LOVE A-1, A-2, B-1. Maybe C-1. I'm too indecisive.


    So if B-1 is good, B-2 should be also, because I even questioned if these were the same top, remember? But I can't figure out why the tops are so similar in color and yet one shows Anita in the dark, unless it is sun out and sun behind a cloud, maybe? OR, is there something I'm not seeing? See there's that indecisiveness again!


    Same issue with C-1 and C-3. I like C-1 and C-3 is similar in color, yet Anita is "dark" again. What's up with that?


    Like I said earlier, I have more questions than answers, so I've been checking back over and over today to see what others think. Looking at the Happy Color Party, I would think everything but B-3 and C-4 would work. Is it just different degrees of good, better, best, then?


    If so, I vote A-1 as #1 and B-1 as #2 or maybe A-2 as #2. See????? --Debbie

  4. Hi Everybody!


    As everyone knows, I'm color dyslexic, which is first cousin to color blind. I have read with great interest Anita choices and Pam's picks and agree these make the most sense to me. Let 'er rip, Kim.


    I went to my first Zumba class EVER last night and was so charged up that I stayed up until after midnight taking pictures and laying clothes out on the bed. Man, do I have a PILE of green tops and jackets!!! I won't start posting until we have Kim's decided and Pam has had her turn, but it will take me some time to get my items organized. I kept several from last fall that are obviously EARTH, even to me, so I won't include them. LOL I have weeded through LOTS and LOTS of green tops, but I still have too many to post. Should I try my hand at the greatest hits and then let everyone help me decide among my questionable items? OR, should I show you what I consider to be my #1 and put the questionable items all around it in a collage along with my color cards?

  5. Oh, WOW! OH WOW!! OH WOW!!!


    I am sooooo excited. I took the time to look closely at all the pictures and realized that I didn't like B-3 and C-4 and now I know why!!! I looked really closely this time around and WHAM!!! Ton of bricks.....DUH!!


    I couldn't believe I figured it out. I feel so much better. Thanks, Anita.


    I'm waiting for more opinions again and now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. --Debbie

  6. So. I have a lot of GREEN. I think the two I took out of the color party are AIR. I will hold off on any other opinions. UM...if this is TOO MUCH all at once...please offer suggestions on how to do this differently. Green is my biggest color, so this would be the biggest collage. I think.


    Maybe the hair is distracting? Since it isn't the same in all the pictures? Speak freely!




    Thanks for posting, Anita. I like the way you've given us the pictures with the initial color party and the improved color party and then posted the pictures of yourself. This makes sense to me. DEFINITELY not too many pictures. The hair isn't distracting, but the newly installed filters on my system causes my big computer screen to show a nice red X box instead of the pics. So, I'm looking at the much small version on my iPhone and it's not the best for making such grave decisions. ;)


    There are definitely a few standouts both WOW and "ok, I guess" and I guess what I'm most surprised about is that you look good, better and best in the photos knowing that they ARE all in your Happy Color Party. I didn't realize this would happen. See I'm learning already.


    I'll try to get back to you as soon as I have more time to devote to this, but for now: I think A-1 and/or B-1 may be my favorites for you. Is one of them your favorite? I'm trying to see what you and Pam see when looking for skin tone and hair. The ones that jump out to me as being "just ok, I guess" might be B-3 and C-4 and maybe B-4? Is B-1 and B-2 the same top? What is it about A-4, B-2 and C-2 and maybe C-3 that cause them to look darker? See I have more questions than opinions. :)


    I'll stop now and let someone with a better eye than I have continue. It's perfectly ok with me if you wait until receiving other opinions before answering my questions. I don't want to sway anyone's opinion because of the answers you'll have for me. After you've gotten feedback, please let us know how you scored each picture and why. Ok? Thanks --Debbie

  7. Thanks to the both of you. I got it. I didn't want to give my buddy the wrong info and I remembered reading about Pam's knee issues. I sure don't want to sabotage us before we we even get started.


    Tennis shoes to start and no sliding. Feet and knees in the same direction during movement. I'll keep the rest of the recommendations handy WHEN I've taken enough classes that I feel the need to ante-up and splurge for the real deal shoes.


    Thanks y'all, Debbie

  8. Kasi-Time's a ticking! Down to almost one week! Yea! Enjoy this last push to get things ready to go on such a fabulous adventure. For me, it's as much fun planning as the actual trip, so this would be "giddy with excitement" for me. Enjoy! Enjoy!! Enjoy!!!


    Anita, I need your help. I've read the comments about shoes, floors and Zumba. The floor I will be on Monday night will not be carpet. Think school classroom floors. You know the kind of squares that need to stripped and re-waxed once or twice a year? I don't want my friend to become discouraged befor she gives this a good try, and she has feet "issues" anyway, so slick-bottomed shoes, try it in our socks, leather soled shoes. I sensed by what I read in early pages of the thread that regular tennis shoes we normally would think of to exercise in might not be the best idea? Thanks, Teach.

  9. I will be in and out this weekend. I understand frustration about typing on an iPad. I'm on my iPhone. The screen I see to type on is about 3/4" and if I don't catch my typos as I type, it is nearly impossible to go back, correct, then get back to where I am typing. Forget it!!!


    I'm in! I'm all for Anita posting here. I'm sure that her EARTH color pictures will be welcome additions. (Unless you'd rather post on the EARTH thread, Anita.)


    Anita -- LOVE the new avatar!


    Greens first? --Debbie

  10. I've finally read through the entire thread and learned several interesting ideas. Thanks for the recipes, too. I've copied several to my computer recipe file.


    Anita, if I remember what I read correctly, my weight and clothes size starting out were the same as yours! I've dropped 20-24 lbs and I'm one size smaller in my waist and two sizes smaller in my hips. I was "growing' out of my 16's when I started this journey. I've done everything so far with diet alone. It is now time to move some.


    I HATE exercise and I've used every excuse under the sun to avoid it. I'm not a dancer, but music is life. there are only a select few music genres that leave me cold. With everything the nice folks here have said about Zumba, I'm ready to step--literally!




    I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions later.

  11. I haven't really posted any definitive opinions...what I was trying to say is that I prefer B3 to A1...Kim looks a little more flushed in A1 than in B3...but maybe that's just because she was feeling funny about taking all the pictures and A1 is closer to the beginning of the picture taking session? The fact is that it would be great to see a photo of A1, B3, and the shirt in the color card pic all in one picture to see how those greens all compare to each other.


    I just KNOW this is blowing Debbie's mind...


    How can a blue green be warm!!??


    Well...I don't know. But Kim's really looks good in that color! LOL.


    Yep. Mind is in a million tiny pieces. ;) This is so much fun!


    I think I focus on one thing and one thing only. The color of the item in question, I think.....maybe....well, I guess I'm not even sure about THAT anymore, KWIM? I have such low capabilities concerning colors that it does blow my mind to think someone can focus on hair, complexion, eyes, and then you go and say something like...camera focusing competing with the glasses, and WOW -- I didn't even notice the picture was out of focus until you mentioned it and I looked REALLY REALLY closely at it!


    I have friends and a daughter that can look at an item and say "oh, I have a top at home that will match that." I can have the top in my hands and take it to the store with the express purpose of matching it with something and second guess myself about my choice sometimes. I don't mean this as a rant or a complaint. I just want others with my lack of color identifying skills to realize that we could form a club. It may be a very small elite group, but we do exist. :)


    I understand why Kim started this thread and asked for store colors that are definite FIRE colors. If I know I can go into a store and look for a particular color and it be the right color for me, I can purchase it and use it as a control until I get a better handle on that particular red, green, or purple, etc. For me, this whole concept may well be right up there with rocket science! LOL


    I'll be able to view comments but won't be able to post again until Monday. Ya'll carry on, PLEASE!!! It may soak in one day. --Debbie

  12. Pam, thanks for the explanation about holding the colors to our face. I understand every word you are saying, but for some reason, it doesn't compute in my brain. When I have different shades together, I can see the colors as being more yellow-based or blue-based (sometimes!), but I have as much trouble seeing Kim's hair and complexion as bad-good-better-best as I do in seeing my own. I AM able to see how TERRIBLE I look in those EARTH colors that look so good on Anita. In fact, I have a top that is very similar to the comparison picture of you and Anita. Go figure!


    I will try looking in the mirror with my Know-For-Sure Items and then using something questionable. I will do it over and over again and I WILL persevere!!!!! --Debbie

  13. Texaswinediva - I'm not sure what's going on either, but I can't access the pictures using my computer. Is your computer set so that certain items are filtered out? My access won't allow me to use facebook or youtube. I'm not computer saavy enough to know all the correct terminology, but I wanted to let you know you are not alone. I CAN see the photos if I use my Iphone, however, so I'm just using both this morning. I'm looking at the pics on my phone and using my computer AND keyboard to type my response. There's more than one way to skin this cat!


    Kim - Great Big A T T A G I R L to you!!! You know that you and I share this inadequacy of color, but I know how nerve-wracking it is to be waiting for responses, so I'll chime in. I saw your post late last night and looked at the pictures, but I chickened out and decided I'd let our more color saavy people post first. Since Anita has hinted 50/50, I'll give you my first thoughts.


    A-1 is a lovely green color and I am drawn to it too, but I don't think it is a FIRE color. Too much blue in this green.

    A-2 is an AIR green, maybe?

    A-3 is sooooo not the green that I like, but I think it is a color that we can wear. (Caveat - only if it is hurt your eyes bright - any duller than that and I say we let Anita wear it!)

    B-1 is my favorite for you. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what it does to/for you. I see YOU.

    B-2 is so similar to B-1 that I assume it is FIRE, but for some reason I like B-1 better. Is it because B-1 has the blue trim or is the photo a tiny bit out of focus?

    B-3 is that lovely color of green with blue undertones, so this is a no for me.


    Anita, while you are explaining the green-ness of it all, could you help Kim and I out on how we determine Emerald Turquoise (a CJW color name)? Aquas seem to be in everyone's color palette and I can distinguish an ICY aqua and sometimes an EARTHY aqua, but..... well, you know this is more of a challenge for some of us.....ME. Thanks.

  14. If I may add another item to Anita's list, Kasi, please remember to drink lots and lots of water. Everytime I'm tense, my muscles scream at me, and my nerve endings are frayed, water is the very best medicine for my body. Maybe it's just that I get all that exercise running back and forth to the bathroom ;) Hope all is better soon. --Debbie

  15. Debbie?


    Are you here?


    Worlds are colliding! Worlds are colliding!


    Seriously, stop thinking about exercising and go to a Zumba class in your area. You can find one by going online to the zumba.com website and putting in your area in the search to find an instructor and where they teach a class. The search isn't very "friendly" and doesn't work some of the time. So give it the most general, rather than specific, information. For example, if I want to find someone in my area, I can't really put in my city... I go for the state and I can locate the person I'm trying to find.


    So, here's the brain tease. Don't think that you're going to start exercising. Think that you're going to start dancing... or start taking Zumba. Just give it another definition.


    I promise you that you'll have fun. If you like music. If you enjoy moving your body to a beat... aka cruise line dancing... or just swaying or tapping your foot when a favorite song is playing... then... I promise you that you'll enjoy Zumba.


    And the benefits will just happen... sort of like magic. Sort of like wearing your color palette!... I'm not kidding!


    I struggled for years with an underactive thyroid. I seriously thought that I was just going to have to live with the extra 15 to 20 lbs that had "appeared" on my body.. that I couldn't get rid of with lower food intake. I read all sorts of opinions that said "underactive thryoid decreases your metabolism by at least 10% and so, therefore, you can't get enough nutrients into your diet if you decrease your calorie intake to the level of requirement to lose the additional fat that an underactive thryoid will deposit on your body." This is NOT true.


    I did some exercise. Mostly strength training. I didn't love it; but I did it.


    Then Anita took me to a Zumba class. I didn't go because I wanted to go to a Zumba class. I went because I wanted Anita to go to the Zumba class. Who knew that I would end up finding something that I love to do?


    Anita shared her stats with everyone. I can't really share because, believe it or not, I didn't take measurements before starting Zumba! I didn't know that I would be embarking on something that would change my body so drastically..


    I can tell you this:


    first Zumba class was in December, 2010. Was difficult for me to do and I had a struggle to keep my max heart rate low because I was operating with more erroneous information. Since then, I've learned that your max heart rate does NOT change with AGE and so I've been just allowing my heart to do its thing... and I usually go to Zumba between 3 and 5 times a week...


    So, since December, 2010...


    12 to 13 lbs weight loss

    4 inches loss on my ribcage (bra size decreased from 38 to 34 band size)

    2 inches loss on my waist

    2-1/2 inchess loss on my hips


    I've lost the muffin top from my bra. My back is smooth. I don't know what I"ve lost on my thighs.. but my pants size has gone from a Chico's 1.5 to a Chico's 0.5. My tops have gone from a Chico's 1 to a Chico's 0.


    And, seriously, it was just done by going to Zumba. I didn't exercise or diet! Just ate my normal, healthy eating choices and Zumba. :D


    What recipes are you looking for? Chime in here. We talk about a lot of things... you'll enjoy talking with Kasi and Donna as well as Anita.


    Ladies, Debbie may join us..... we'll see....


    Wow, Pam. What great results! You go, girlfriend!


    We have both said it, but we DO sound so much alike. I didn't measure or weigh before I started my new lifestyle either! I have a general idea and have lost 20-24 pounds. I took my measurements for the first time yesterday. LOL Well, I have that as a base now. I am a US size 16 top, size 14 waist, and size 12 hips. Yes, that's right. I look like a triangle!


    I was told yesterday that our church is offering Zumba classes. I researched and found that there are 122 classes offered within 25 miles of me. I know that my home church would be the easiest for me and plan to enlist a buddy to go with me. I'll see if Mondays will work with her schedule.


    Thanks for the encouragement. I'll report back. --Debbie

  16. Wowsers, Anita! I second everything Kim said.


    You do look F I N E in your new formal. I've been reading your ZUMBA thread and stealing recipes. Your great results make me A L M O S T want to begin exercising...no, not really. But I do admire your results.


    Now, you need a new avatar. The old picture is definitely dated and soooo not you anymore. I'll say it again -- WOWSERS!!! --Debbie

  17. Debbie,


    I wish I could get a real handle on the perfect FIRE colors. I just can't see on myself whether it makes my complexion look good or not. I think I can tell more my how it goes (or not) with my hair. And, I rely on the color cards like a crutch--I'm scared to veer off and use my own judgement.


    A big atta girl for posting the pictures--it's hard to do, isn't it? I always feel so self absorbed when I post any pictures for color analysis, does anyone else?


    Yes, Kim, I feel self-absorbed and so very exposed when posting my own pictures. I didn't realize that would happen, did you?


    I agree with you that it's hard to see our best colors. I can see everything Anita explains AFTER she says it, but I don't usually see it for myself first. I only know for certain the muted warm colors that are VERY BAD for me. One picture with the phone, no matter what the lighting situation, and it is SOOOO obvious. But, sometimes I don't comprehend when the EARTH color isn't extremely muted. For example, the coral shirt that Anita showed on the EARTH thread was something I might have picked IRL I think.


    I have read and re-read Anita's explanation from the SEASONS thread about hue and tint and saturation. It just doesn't compute in my brain somehow. My problem is where the colors begin to change from one season to the other, maybe? Where warm and bright is just beginning to fade to warm and muted? Where does warm and bright change to cool and bright? Warm and very muted, and cool and very muted don't knock at my door saying "take me - take me" but some colors that I think are perfect--well, they just aren't.


    I still have lots and lots of "oops" in my closet and am trying very hard not to buy anything that doesn't jump out at me in the store and say "WOW, I'm warm and bright". I may still buy a few wrong items, but I've got a few items that I'm positive are right (my A-1 scarf, for instance) and can make a happy party, so I'll focus on that positive piece of inspiration. Thanks, ladies.


    It seems that if I can find the right color, the fit isn't right, they don't have my size, it doesn't flatter my body type....you get the idea. I'm not a perfectionist, but I'm beginning to think clothing doesn't exist for me! Until I get a better "eye" for seeing the nuances, I'll just need to purchase, take home and return what doesn't work.


    I'm attempting to make a capsule wardrobe, so hopefully I can make a few good choices and create my 15 pieces that will work together in harmony.

    At the rate I'm going, 15 pieces will be easy. It will be the only things that I own hanging in my closet! LOL --Debbie

  18. Thanks, Anita. You DO rock! Thanks for taking the time to explain what you see in the photos in depth so that I can go over and over it until it soaks in. The lesson is there bi will just study until I can apply it.


    Pam, thanks for your views as well (and the compliments). My mother's favorite color is blue and I've never considered it a favorite, but I seem to be collecting quite a lot of it lately. My eyes are what I've been told is a true hazel which means that my eyes are chameleon. They have a little gold around the iris, but are usually a pretty green color.

    When I wear gray, they actually become gray. I guess when I wear the right color of blue, they appear blue, right?


    Actually, my favorite color has always been purple, but I'm having some trouble finding our color of that too. (Go figure!). My house has just a little red in every room and red is my second favorite color. I do agree that the blue in question looks mah-valous though, and I receive lots of "atta girl"s when I wear it. Maybe that has something to do with why I'm drawn to it. (If it ain't broke, don't fix it.)


    I definitely know warm and muted now and can distinguish it in an instant, I think. Air is my next easiest to recognize, I think. So, by elimination, my biggest challenge must be determining ICE and FIRE.


    I have made a happy Color party on my bed with my known FIRE colors and can tell if a new item in question fits or not. Sometimes. I think. I appreciate what you both have said and if I study what Anita has said about my hair and the focus issues in the pictures along with what Pam has said, I may figure this out. I'm not there yet, and I'm not sure why I don't see it, I just miss some of the nuances you both see. But, I'm not giving up.

  19. Pam, I'm away from my real computer and back on my phone with this reply. Would you mind giving me your thoughts before my input? I'm the most curious cat and it will be tomorrow some time before I can compose my longer reply again. I guess my short answer it that it seems like I can see what Anita is saying some of the time, but sometimes my cards are a dead-ringer for the wrong colors. I also seem to have trouble telling if something has confusing color combinations or if it is "reading FIRE" even if it's not an exact match. If you can shed any itty-bit of light, I'd be ever so grateful. I don't think I can get any more confused than I am at this point. --Deb

  20. Debbie,

    Do you agree with what Anita posted as the hit and misses?


    Before I tell you what I think I see, please let me know what you think of Anita's thoughts. Because I really think that I'm onto something about why you might be feeling confused. Then, I thought... well, maybe Debbie isn't feeling all that confused... and if I post these thoughts... I might confuse her! KWIM? So before I get into that discussion, I feel like it would be better to hear your take on the pictures.


    I've got my thoughts all sorted out... so we'll see if Anita thinks I'm onto something... LOL... Anita rocks...


    Pam, I could cry!


    I've spent quite a bit of time this afternoon replying to your post and it has disappeared. I'll get my thoughts back together and be back with you in a few. YUCK!!!

  21. Thanks for the offer of the cocktail; I'll wait until you're able to send it. I've been trying to limit my carbs lately any way ;-))


    Kim, I have a color report--JCPenney has a color called Meridian Blue and I bought a top today on sale AND with a $10 off $25 purchase. It is almost a dead-ringer for the top in some of my pictures that Anita says is definitely FIRE. Woo-hoo-hoo!!! --Debbie

  22. Thanks so much for the quick reply, Anita. This is exactly the type of comments I need to understand better. I composed the attachment at work today, so I'll need to wait until tomorrow to read your comments while I have the pictures in front of me. I just KNEW the first scarf was a winner. I look constantly for my colors. Why, oh why can't I find Fire? Like I said - I will be able to apply for minimalist status soon.


    Anita, I'll take good care of your scarves until our "meet & greet"


    Anyone else want to offer any opinion or call "dibs" on my other misses? --Debbie

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