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Everything posted by Georgia_Peaches

  1. The formal night is referred to as Gala Night and really isn't so formal. On our cruise it was held on the first sea day. There was a whole array of dress from tuxedos and formal wear to cocktail dress and more resort casual. It may depend on your port of embarkation and also your itinerary. I was sailing the Caribbean. Perhaps a Spanish or Italian embarkation port/itinerary would sport a more formal Gala night as they tend to out dress the Americans, who lean more casual in their attire.
  2. I think it's easier with girls. My girls loved the whole package when it came to cruising...shopping for the dinner outfits, packing a ton of shoes and accessories to accompany the dinner outfits, and then finally donning the dinner outfits...hopefully after finding a nice piece of jewelry from whatever port we visited that day. Dang, they cost us a lot of money! But they are grown up now. What I wouldn't give for just one more cruise with my teenage daughters....NOT! LoL. Truth is, we still cruise together but they buy their own clothes now. Whew!
  3. Docker pants and collared shirt. Shorts….no. Buy a pair of kahki and a pair of black dockers. A few shirts. Mix and match. It will be good for your teen to step outside his comfort zone and dress the part due for a nice dinner in the YC. Breakfast and lunch are more casual as long as they avoid bathing attire. Enjoy your cruise!
  4. Nope, you are not the only one who is curious. If we took 12 suitcases I'm certain I'd have nothing left in my closet. LOL
  5. We are also in 1116 (your suite) in March. Will be interested in your feedback on the state of the suite when you travel. Hopefully the suite issues with 1118 are contained...although I hate it for @postnobills The last time we sailed in suite 1116 on Silhouette I found the room to be quite hot at night. They brought in a fan for me which helped some. I'm hoping that was an isolated incident as well.
  6. My goodness your week FLEW by...just like ours! Enjoyed your observations from the poop deck. Safe travels.
  7. I think you must be right regarding the separate a/c unit. Your cabin was just around the corner from ours last week with only one cabin in between. It was the one in between who had their door open all the time. I must say that the ONE night we slept comfortably (the neighbors must have forgotten to open their door) I actually needed covers. This tells me the A/C has the ability to work. We were in 16030.
  8. You beat me too it. We are in a RS in March and was wondering the same thing. At those rates, everything should be in top working order. Frankly, at any rate, the offerings of the room category should work...it's what we pay for.
  9. Yikes! Do you mind sharing your suite number? and how was the A/C? Or maybe you didn't need it being in Alaska. I just returned from a MSC cruise and it was wonderful except for the A/C in the room at night. BTW...we are in a RS in March.
  10. Totally agree. Could have even been a test market sort of thing. I also caught a 3 PM mini opera, which was quite an experience. Not sure I have enough culture to sit through a whole thing but the 3 pm performance was nice.
  11. Awe this is great news! So glad you enjoyed your vacation. Wondering about the window covering. I'm picturing a tarp 😊 but I'm guessing it's the part that would have been behind the drapery?...not pretty, but I guess functional?
  12. Great! We are on the same page. Looking forward to your impressions. Thank you!
  13. I recommend you hit them all! My favorite is the World Class bar and the martini bar…
  14. We will be on Solstice in March 2023 for a Mexican Riviera cruise. I’m really excited that Celebrity has finally added this itinerary but have read some negative reviews lately regarding general appearance (public spaces looking tired), declining standard of service, food not up to par…you know, the usual gripes. I generally take those things with a grain of salt knowing that satisfied customers don’t leave reviews as often as those who are dissatisfied. Just looking for opinions and feedback from current or recent Solstice travelers.
  15. There were none last Thursday either. However, they did have crab legs cracked lengthwise which was a nice treat because I never bother with them. Too much work for too little reward IMO. But it was nice to have them already cracked and ready to eat. I will be interested to hear if they offer lobster rolls on the private island day...
  16. Our cruise on seashore last week had a comedian. He was in the theater at 3pm. We were involved in a wine tasting at that time so didn’t catch his act. I was surprised to see one in the line up. Perhaps they were trying to cater to the Americans by putting him in the 3 pm time slot.
  17. Couldn’t agree more about Ana Lisa. We were blessed to have her last week. A true gem!
  18. Oh Goodness! You're right, us newbies don't know the difference. So sorry to learn things are not up to per usual standard.
  19. Shucks! I'm sorry you had to upgrade. We were able to get youtube music with no problem at all on the regular package. Maybe we were using during off peak hours.
  20. CC won't let me mention the name of the TA I use but if you send me a personal message, I'd be happy to share. pipercatandjane at g mail dot com . This amount is pretty typical of the one I use.
  21. Yes, I do recall a small sign that stated the A/C would turn off when the balcony door was open but I don't think that sign explained how the prolonged open door impacts other rooms. I could be wrong on that...wish I had taken a picture. Additionally, if the sign wasn't in multiple languages, it could go unnoticed or misunderstood. DH and I discussed the point you make regarding steps management should have taken under the circumstances and we agree, they should have spoken to the guests. That said, the warm room did not ruin our vacation or taint my overall favor of the cruise or MSC...
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