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Everything posted by MrToblerone

  1. Hi all It sounds very chilly over there ,its summer here and it has been a slow start but nice and warm today. My husband and I have just returned from the lake to prepare for Christmas as it is Christmas Eve here. I hope you all have a lovely Christmas Day . Today I am wearing my old navy shorts that I got in Santa Barbara while we were there on our cruise in May as it was hot and I had not packed for the warm weather.There were not as many shops there as I remembered from years ago. Love the cruise pictures Melody,looks very relaxing.A great time to get away from the pre Christmas craziness
  2. Sadly there is no trader joes herein New Zealand , my husband travels alot and is in LA , I even get him to bring corn chips home !
  3. Wow Sherri that sounds exciting ,enjoy your cruise .Last minute holidays are great. I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday . I asked my husband to bring some tinned pumpkin pie mix from Trader Joes and we made a pie which we all enjoyed. Today he tried to get some of the rosemary nuts I read about here ,but they are sold out 😞 I have been buy planning my trip to Europe next year,its great as it keeps my mind off the chemo. You are correct Sherri two more to go .Next one is Dec 12 and Im still doing well with few symptoms although I was more tired this time. I've just got home from working at the shop for four hours and its getting a little crazy now ,maybe as its December .
  4. Hi everyone Just caught up on all the posts. it sounds like cruises were great , winter is on the way , new kitchens and lots of health check ups and sorry to read a few colds etc . Im just having chemo so have time to catch up on things as forced to be in a seat all day . My Mum and I finally got a verandah cabin next July and are doing a ten day cruise from Barcelona to Rome and then meeting my husband and doing a road trip north which Im trying to plan .Its good to stay busy . Anyway take care everyone melissa
  5. we managed to get a verandah cabin ,I kept checking and one came up so I booked it . No one contacted me re the waitlist so luckily I saw it or else we would have missed out.I suppose travel agents can't work 7 days a week and it was late on a Saturday night, bonus it was Black Friday sale time!
  6. I did phone them this morning thanks ,helpful but no answer. My mother loves the heat ,she is in her early 80s but very fit and active, pilates and walks a lot
  7. I am trying to book a cruise for next July and the verandah cabins are sold out . Has anyone had this experience ? Have you waited for the cabin to become available or booked another cruise ? It is sailing July 2023 . My mothers first time to the med
  8. Safe trip home Sherri and I look forward to reading about your cruise. We are still waitlisted for a verandah cabin next July. Im off to work this morning to help with all the Christmas stock arriving ,nice to be back at work for a few hours Have a great week.Summer is on the way here and today Im wearing a new dress with pineapples on it ,will be good to take on a cruise eventually
  9. Hi everyone, Number three done and dusted ,half way there ,aches in my bones but ok apart from that. We cruised into Kotor a few years ago and the sail in is worth getting up for ,stunning ! Lois Im glad you enjoyed your cruise although the weather was cool . Hopefully we will get to the Med next year to cruise,Ive looked at a few and some are already wait listed ,busy for travel next year Im guessing.I want to try and stay somewhere for a week after the cruise in Italy near Positano without the Positano price with my mother and husband so Im spending time researching . Take Care
  10. Hello everyone! Welcome back Cynthia ,like everyone else has said ,so sorry to read you picked up something while you were travelling . Continue to enjoy your travels Lois and Sherri,love hearing about Italy. I just booked a cruise for next July ,it seems they are already getting full, Im guessing lots of people are using up credits from Covid cancelations. I am going with my Mum from Barcelona to Rome,very exciting. Im at hospital at the moment having my third chemo ,half way there,yippee!
  11. Thank you for your post ,we are trying to choose a cruise for next July and this was very helpful
  12. Hi Sherri and Lois , I hope you both have wonderful cruises . Kat I had a quick look at Our Place yesterday as it made me realise we need an update on our 30 plus year old dinnerware , time flies ! Their large size plates look lovely but I wonder if I got 6 whether they would stack ok and not break , my arzberg has lasted so long but some bits have chips . My latest purchases have been wigs ! never thought I would need a wig , the racqeul welch ones are popular .They look so real nowadays .
  13. Hi Sherri We did a Uniworld River cruise in France a few years ago and was casual during the day but a bit dressier at night.it was great and they had bikes on board to use ashore ,we also did a few bike tours which is a great way to see a lot. Im sure you will have a great time. 🙂
  14. Hi Kat ,Love the Halloween decorations we don't really have them here ,a few houses make an effort but not many.it looks fun and your photos are amazing. Hi Melody and Sherri Ive also started to look on amazon for Christmas ideas ,it is endless and can be overwhelming ,I suppose its best to have an idea of what you want. I do hope the weather forecast improves for your cruise Lois ,you still have awhile to go so anything could happen. My second treatment went well ,four to go ! Melissa
  15. Thanks for all the positive thoughts from the USA . Many of you are turning into budding photographers , we don't have apple shops over here but I do love my iphone etc. Its a gorgeous day here at the lake and we are going for a walk today , I am going to wear my new leggings and top from Lorna Jane an Australian active wear brand . First time I have got them and they are so comfortable. Sherri I hope if you do have covid the symptoms are mild. Nice clothes Lois and the itinerary looks great. Melissa 🙂
  16. Thanks Lois I am lucky ,well in a way.I got given the choice to have chemo as in insurance but decided to go for it as I want to do everything I can for no return as unpleasant as it is going to be. Im loosing my hair at the moment and have purchased a wig. Still have Whistler in my sights for February 🙂
  17. Hi Im glad you had a great cruise Sherri and sorry to hear covid struck the cruise and your husband. When we cruised in May ,we were one of the few who wore masks most of the time as we have not had covid yet and we were lucky.I dont know if there were any cases on board but I am guessing there probably were.I am like you, I so wanted to go but it wasn't nearly as social ,next year hopefully will be better . The hurricane over on you Eastern Coast looked terrible and so much damage ,so sad for everyone. Sharron enjoy your granddaughters visit .It sure is a busy age I can vouch for that as ours lives with us at the moment with his parents but so much fun. We are off to the lake today for three nights tonight.I am supposed to have my next chemo on Monday but if my white blood count stays low I have to delay a week ,so blood test time this morning after my walk. Take care everyone
  18. Thanks for the posts . Your last post brings back memories of Portoferraio , we also loved it there. As we sailed out ,about fifty boats with families were by our side and waving.
  19. Thanks for congratulations on expected grandchild number two ,they sure are fun. My daughter, husband and 18 month grandson live with us at present ,its fun and keeps my mind off things.The treatment is going well but my legs are very sore for some reason. Fiona was on our news last night ,scary stuff! Kat you sound like me, always planning a future holiday . Off for my morning walk soon. Happy healthy days to everyone and I hope the scan goes well Melody
  20. Happy cruising Sherri ! Spring is in the air over here and daylight saving starts this weekend . We have just also found out number 2 grandchild is to be expected early next year . My treatment is going well ,although have felt a bit rough the last few days. Off for a walk in my Lululemon and a new Adidas cap. Happy days everyone !
  21. Sorry to see you leave again Jeff.I was enjoying your food knowledge and am intending to try to source the ingredients for your pizza dough. I don't post very often but do enjoy all the posts here from far and wide. PS In New Zealand as many think we don't just drink instant coffee ,I never do. We love a good flat white ,haha
  22. Hi Everyone The red dress is lovely ,I usually wear black but think I should wear more colour. I managed to spend my $250 amazon voucher yesterday. I got a toy for our grandson for Christmas ,some Dame lash and eyebrow serum and some Clinique moisture surge spray . I have started following a lovely lady from USA with the same illness on Instagram and she recommended the dame serums so hopefully the will work.She is very inspirational ,exactly the same age as me ,57 and an ex Miss USA . Better go put my Lululemon on and go for a big walk after a blood test, then eyebrow tint and then a facial which is a gift from my Mum ,luxury! Have a good weekend all 🙂 Good to see you are all getting boosted and shingles vaccinated ,I will next year after this is over.
  23. Hi We have returned to the lake for a few days before my next treatment , last of the radiation 🙂 I was also thinking of getting the shingles vaccine but am unable to at the moment. Went for a lovely walk this morning and got a bag of tangelos , so juiced them when we got back . I heard on the radio this morning that Disney Cruise line are coming to New Zealand this Summer , thats a first for them here .
  24. Hi Frantic, I hope you arrived back to Perth safely and are planning your next holiday . Hoping to start planning a Med cries for next October soon 🙂
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