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Posts posted by sugcarol

  1. Looking back on March 2020, we did not know what the disease was, how to treat it, people dying like flies. Cruise ships sailing around in circles not able to port. We now know what it is, how to treat, vaccine being administered. It is a very different world now than a year ago. I don't agree with CDC and  my doctors don't either. They say that the ships will not be full capacity with rules in place. They will know how to treat should someone be stricken. This is just nuts, enough is enough. I am very high risk and got my two doses two months ago. I am ready. At the very least have strict rules at first and then loosen to see how it goes.

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  2. 1 hour ago, RocketMan275 said:

    We weren't told of any physical limitations but they did tell us that if we did experience reactions to avoid NSAID and take tylenol.  I didn't bother to tell her that I'm taking tylenol twice a day to deal with the surgery I had about a month ago.  (I hate opioids and transition to tylenol as quickly as I can.) My surgeon OK'd the vaccine as long as we waited until at least ten days after the surgery.  I'm still on 'injured reserve' for another week or so.  Can't wait to get back to full exercising in the gym.  The surgeon told me I could lift up to ten pounds for six weeks.  I had been doing 135 pounds on the bench and over 300 on the leg presses. 

    And i thought my husband was a non-compliant patient, you beat him by a mile.

  3. 3 hours ago, AKR2011 said:

    I'm wondering if this is true, where do news sources get their info from? NPR has higher percentage stats listed: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/01/28/960901166/how-is-the-covid-19-vaccination-campaign-going-in-your-state?t=1612192437280


    Meanwhile here in NY, NPR says we've administered 75% while the state press releases always have us above 90%. I just want the truth.

    Comparing that data to the CDC data and is pretty much the same. NPR has North Dakota at 89% and Alabama at 66%. My doctor who is a vaccine provider in North Texas says that all vaccine administered info is going directly to the CDC to their data base. It does not go to state health dept, because it is a federal program not a state program. States get the vaccine and decide where it is to be distributed. It is up to the providers to show them who got it, the date, SS number, type of vaccine, and lot number. I cant see why a vaccine passport couldnt work because a person's vax record could be downloaded from the CDC's data base as a legal record. Then again it is the government and they dont always do things the way they should., 

  4. 2 minutes ago, GonzoWCS said:

    Have a hard time believing the number of vaccines wasted is in the "MILLIONS" although the premise is true that there is waste.  Hey it is the good ole USA, would we expect anything less?

    Very easy to research. They list by state the amount that was received vs amount that was administered.

  5. 12 minutes ago, RocketMan275 said:

    Here in Huntsville Al, there is another way to bypass the central appointment process.  Just show up.  If they have no shows, they can't hold the vaccine.  It's use or lose due to storage issues.  About 30 minutes prior to closing they call for anyone waiting without an appointment to come forward until they use all the opened vaccine.  This process isn't publicized as far as I know but I've talked to two people who were vaccinated this way.  One I talked too said he and his wife went to the site without appointments.   There wasn't enough vaccine, only the wife could be vaccinated.  The man went back the next day and was vaccinated too.


    We're scheduled for our second dose tomorrow.  We used the central appointment process for our appointment which worked very well.   There is one website where they ask questions to verify your eligibility, age, etc.  You cannot make an appointment there.  They call you back.  They called about three days later and this process worked very well as we were able to schedule both our appointments at the same convenient time.  We missed that appointment due yo weather but they called us back a few days later and rescheduled.  We were given times for both shots at the same time.  It's Pfizer in this area so our appointments were three weeks apart.

    My doctor who also my trusted friend told me how things are working with his scheduling. He is one of the providers of vaccine administration in North Texas. People are signing up on many different providers and they dont call back if they get it and dont need to get it from him. He allocates the supply he is due to receive based on the people scheduled. The people dont show and the vaccine expiresd and thrown away. That is why the vaccine received vs vaccine administered is out of whack. MILLIONS of vaccines have been thrown out since this began. When we got our second dose 2/6 he had a lot of vaccine left and asked me if i knew people that wanted the vaccine and were waiting. I did a group text to my Womens bible study and they passed the word and several came to get it. 

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, koolZip said:

    GOOD! I'm very glad that anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers are self-selecting themselves off cruise ships. By definition they are not the kind of people I want to sail with anyway so thanks to them for not being on board.

    I cant help wondering why sky616 is even posting on the cruise boards

  7. 12 minutes ago, farmersfight said:


    Wow, my cruise just "squeezed in" under the wire to get the 60 day final payment due date. I was really happy when it changed for this cruise. I thought (and still think), 120 days out for final payment is a bit much. CCL & RCL both are at 90 days out for final payment.

    Yes, thankfully you made it. I hold out hope they may keep the final payment date of 60 days to include my date. Cruise planning has been tough enough but 120 days is out of my comfort zone in these crazy times,

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, farmersfight said:


    You might want to check your final payment due date again. I believe NCL cut the final payment due dates in half, from 120 days (4 months) down to 60 days (2 months). Your final payment due date should be late September. Should buy you some more time to see if ships are sailing again.

    Checked with them again just yesterday and no dice, still 120 days

  9. 10 hours ago, farmersfight said:


    Leave my Oct PoA cruise alone NCL!

    I feel the same way about my POA in late November. Final payment is due 7/29. If they arent sailing by then, i will not pay final payment. I have a plan B and will do Hawaii by land instead. I would much prefer to do by cruise but if it is doubtful, i cant afford to pay final, they cancel and my money is tied up and not able to pay for land trip. This sucks but what can I do?

    • Like 3
  10. 2 hours ago, not-enough-cruising said:

    Well over 101 million doses administered 

    I meant 100 million. It is like Dr Fauci yesterday on a news show saying Trump pregnancy instead of Trump presidency. The anchor didnt blink at the gaffe and neither did Fauci, lol

  11. There is a BIG problem with the public and vaccine. Dont people realize that after the first shot they can NOT do anything they want. I would hear people coming out of the doctors office saying they were going to restaurant right then because they were vaccinated. I think that may be why some people get tested positive after the vax. They have to allow time for immunity to build.

  12. There is no way i will cruise unless all passengers are vaccinated. While i feel for the unvaccinated passengers, i wont risk the chance of Covid affecting my cruise ship. They need to be excluded from being allowed on a ship until they determine there is little risk at least in the short term. I love dogs but am allergic, so i cant visit some of my friends in their homes. That is my reality and i accept that. Covid is much worse than an animal allergy, unvaccinated people should not even expect to be allowed to cruise, that is the height of selfishness. 

    • Like 17
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  13. 5 hours ago, BermudaBound2014 said:


    I think a big obstacle is local resistance. Best I can tell based on organized protests, there is a significant population of residents that do not want tourists at all, let alone cruisers. Of course, the economy could use the boost so no telling what the Governor will decide. We should also note that so far Ige has given each island the ability to opt in (or out) of his decisions regarding tourists returning so whatever he decides may not be applied to each island. This is what Govenor Ing said about a vaccine passport: "During a livestreamed interview Monday, Ige said the state might institute a “vaccine passport” program, although he emphasized that the state is still “a while away” from such a policy."


    It's not bad news by any means, but I do suspect things will move slowly here.

    Didnt the Governor also say that the population of Hawaii is overwhelmingly in favor of personally getting the vaccine?

  14. 39 minutes ago, JamieLogical said:


    If someone gave you a bowl of 100 skittles and told you one was poisonous, would you eat any of those skittles?

    What a ridiculous comment. 1% of anything is small in the scheme of things. Use the same reasoning with car accidents, will you stop driving when the chances of NOT having an accident is 99%

  15. They have " lost" my 500.00 deposit that was L&S from a cancelled sept 2020 cruise and rebooked on a May 2021 cruise. I have my bank statement showing the deposit being made but not being credited and RCCL has no record of the Sept 2020 cruise, they only show the May 2021 cruise that was cancelled for not paying the deposit. I have tried for 8 months and they keep telling me they have put us in the investigation team to try to locate.

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