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Posts posted by sugcarol

  1. Was checking the CDC Stats on the virus numbers as a whole for US today, yes MANY have died but amounts to .01.5%, but recovery rate. was 98.5%. Factor in all the people that had it and were not diagnosed and were asymptomatic, plus vaccinated people and we are well on the way to herd immunity. It makes no sense to continue with CDC not approving at least the test cruising.

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  2. 7 hours ago, farmersfight said:


    Just got back from taking my 84 yr old mother for her 2nd Moderna shot. While I was there, the staff asked me if I wanted to be put on a list to be vaccinated, if they had any extra doses. I said yes and was signed up. Then, about 15 min later, a staff member came up to me and asked if I wanted to get my 1st vaccine shot right then! I said definitely yes and wa-la, I already have my 1st Moderna shot done. 2nd shot will be in 4 weeks. I think things are looking brighter...

    I am so happy for you. We had a similar experience and both my son and i got our second shot 3 weeks ago. My local CVS were taking walk ins. We have a lot of vaccine here.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, RocketMan275 said:

    When you insist others wear a mask to protect you, then you are the me, me, me. Take personal responsibility and wear a mask, two if you think wearing one yourself isn't enough.  How is it that one can believe that a mask someone else wears protects you but the one you wear won't? 


    When someone has completed the vaccination protocol, two shots, then that person has fulfilled their responsibilities to others.


    Amen! I actually sheltered in place for 8 weeks after my first dose, I didn't want to take a chance to get it or spread it while waiting for maximum immunity. I will wear a mask where a business requires it. That is all I can personally do to help  keep the virus from spreading. If you are waiting to get the vaccine, and are at high risk then shelter in place until you get it. I went to an inside restaurant in more than a year this past Wednesday.

  4. There has been a massive 66% drop in contracting Covid in the past week in Dallas. Texas is also scheduled to receive one million doses of Phizer, Moderna and JandJ next week. Hopefully other states will have similar numbers going forward. Fire depts, Meals on Wheels and FEMA are putting vaccine into arms as quickly as possible. This is far better than I ever expected.


    Data Shows 66% Drop In Risk Of Contracting COVID-19 In Dallas County (yahoo.com)

  5. 5 hours ago, macandlucy said:



    I expect it to become endemic, because that's often how these respiratory viruses go. Epidemiologists think remnants of the Spanish Flu are still with us. But because viruses mutate so much, and because of how natural selection works in populations, they tend to become less deadly over time.


    Nature finds a balance. If a virus kills too many people, it soon runs out of bodies to host it, and it needs a body to host it because it can't reproduce on its own.  If it's not contagious enough, it dies out from lack of reproduction.  Best "strategy" for a respiratory virus: make people sick enough to be coughing and sneezing, but not so sick that they will become incapacitated. Basically cold and flu levels. Sadly, weaker people will always be hurt by that, and some will die, and that's why we do vaccination as a public health measure.


    I think covid will eventually find its golden mean (through evolution by mean of natural selection) and stay with us, as a contagious, but much less deadly virus. Unless, of course, it was heavily tinkered with in a lab and genetically engineered to behave differently...but that's another post 😉


    Once we get to a place where it's endemic, all those people who were arguing with me in February and March 2020, that it's "Just like the flu!" will finally be right.  😉

    Isnt that what the Chinese scientist that defected from China said? That this was a virus created in the lab and not in nature (like Ebola) to be used as a bio weapon, and either escaped by accident (or God forbid on purpose.) She remains under heavy security in the US.

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  6. Found out yesterday from my doctor that we are half way there for vaccination passport. Every person vaccinated is put into the CDC data base. Your name, birthdate, name of vaccine and lot number, for each injection. This is to prevent anyone trying to game the system. Also dont laminate your card, they have left room on it for additional boosters.

  7. Part of the inability to make appointments is that many people are on more than one list, some I know are registered on 5 different lists. They dont go back to take their name off if they manage to get an appointment that they actually will take. Each of the providers assume you will actually get an appointment with them so they keep you in the system, and tell new people that they cant put them on the list. People that do this are actually biting off their own foot, and it certainly doesnt help the others. Federal sends the vaccine and supplies and is up to the Governors in each state how to distribute the vaccine not the Federal.

  8. 3 hours ago, AF-1 said:

    Let's hope Hawaii's Gov approves waivers for those who vaccinated.    I was on Hawaii's covid19 site and saw Walgreens drive thru testing sites are on the approved list.  Walgreens does not charge for the test.  

    I checked with our local Walgreens in Texas that are doing the test for Hawaii and the PCR test is 129.00 and the Rapid test is also 129.00. If you have been exposed to Covid then Walgreens will do  the PCR for free, but not for travel to Hawaii. Carenow in the nearby city to us also does the test but they charge 250.00

  9. 2 minutes ago, not-enough-cruising said:

    Aren’t they confirming the appointments? A simple phone call confirmation would eliminate many of these “no shows” and allow the appointment to be given to the next person on the list. 

    We were on tge list at Grayson County health, my doctor called me and said they would vax both my son and myself that Saturday. The next day Grayson County called me to say that it could be 8 weeks or  more to get it. Told them we had appt with doctor for it and remove us from the list, I would have called to cancel but they beat me to it. Dont know if you know this. But the providers administering the vaccine are paid 28.39 for every injection by Medicare. If you have orher insurance they will bill for the injecting. If you dont have insurance or insurance wont pay the feds will pay the providers 63.00 per injection. That was part of the Operation Warp Speed under President Trump. He wanted to make sure that the providers were gung ho to vax as many people as possible and it sure worked, in fact too well. Pfizer is in the process to double the amount of production to keep up with the demand.

  10. 3 hours ago, billf0401 said:

    We are getting our 2nd dose of Moderna tomorrow....we are done with masks.  If required on a cruise we will not be going....

    That is a dangerous path to go down. Both me and my son who is disabled multiple organ transplant. We were urged to get vaccinated as soon as possible which we both have had 2 doses of Moderna. We were warned to be VERY careful for the 6 weeks after the first dose of Moderna and 8 weeks after first dose of Pfizer. The danger of getting Covid is very real until fully vaccinated. People think they get the first shot, take off the mask and throw it to the wind. That is how people are getting Covid after the vaccine. People do what they want with no regard of the consequences of their actions. They might as well wait for a year to get it with that kind of thinking. Im more disgusted with people than I am with the  government and that is saying alot.

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  11. I live in Texas. On 2/3 we were averaging 20,000+ cases per week. Today we are averaging 4,900 cases per week. Was it just the masks? No. Was it just social distancing? No, was it just the vaccine? Maybe, but when you put them altogether, bingo. Go to Google and type Coronavirus and your state's name, then click on statistics and will give you a graph so you can compare the stats for your particular state to see how you are shaping up. The vaccine was the missing piece needed to control the spread, and now we have it. 

  12. We can do the rapid test at AA Dfw to Honolulu in the airport but cost is 249.00 per person you wait for results then upload to safe sail app. My hope is with vaccine and negative test we wont have to retest every inter island flight, or ports on POA. Hawaii is inches away from going to the higher tier.  There are cheaper tests we can do but getting a PCR with just 72 hours seems too stressful.


  13. There is one sure fire way to know if vaccine is actually working is how many new cases appear. I think it will surprise many people at the anticipated drop of cases. Masks, social distance and vaccine are now all in play, then count the people who had it and survived and the asymptomatic who never knew they had it. Add all components together will pave the way for herd immunity.

  14. 17 minutes ago, CruiserBruce said:

    Actually, you can fly to Hawaii without a Covid test. You just have to go into 10 day quarantine.


    There are several of us on this board who have traveled many, many times to Hawaii, both pre, and post Covid. Yes, Hawaii has released a very tentative timeline on how to deal with vaccinated people. But the key word there is "tentative". There are reasons to be optimistic, certainly, but none of this is committed to, as yet. Some of the stuff I saw had "as soon as" written all over it. Many of the things Hawaii has done (they actually opened up with the test/quarantine procedure Oct 15, so its not a really recent development, and we have visited there since they opened) were actually proposed to start in early September. It, like a lot of other things, has been a slow process, with stops, starts and lurches. Fortunately, since opening, Hawaii's numbers have been pretty good, and not greatly affected by restricted tourism.


    Agree with @princeton123211that I seriously doubt they will ever require vaccination to visit Hawaii. Even more likely, airlines will not require vaccination to fly.

    What was your experience in flying and staying in Hawaii post Covid? Did you have trouble getting tested and having results to give to Hawaii security before your flight? Did you just go to one island or more? Did you have to be tested before flying to other islands?

  15. 37 minutes ago, princeton123211 said:

    However nice to think about, I don't think you will ever see a vaccine requirement to fly domestically in the US. Flying is essential-- cruises are not. 

    This is the Hawaii board and as of right now you cant fly to Hawaii without a Negative Covid test. Hawaii is watching closely and they feel that the Vaccine is a game changer. I have no idea what flights going to other places are requiring.

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  16. We had our second Moderna vax 2/6 in our city north of Dallas. providers here have so much vaccine. they are sending to other providers. Here, if a senior or in essential job they were vaccinating entire families, as long as they lived at the same address and over 18. CVS had a table at front of store. You had to make appt online but they had a laptop and if a senior came in not able to use a computer they were doing it for them which I thought was wonderful.  My son and I are high risk and unless vaccine is mandatory for all we will not cruise. Our cruise is in Hawaii November and they are using a health app on your phone. In the last week they have really ramped up to get tourists back, and seriously considering requiring visitors be vaccinated. I will be happy if I know all on the plane or ship are vaccinated. I know there will be a lot of people who dont want or cant get the vaccine but it is necessary for the good of all.

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