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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. I also thought it would be fun to be on Survivor. Then the reality of the fact that I hate to camp, hate to be dirty, hate to be hungry and dislike idiots kept me from ever thinking about applying. I told my husband we could do Amazing Race if they had a version that had no physical challenges, no dancing or singing challenges and no memorization challenges. We are pretty good at navigation and puzzles. Lol
  2. Never mind my previous question. I am used to cats showing up and never leaving. We seem to be the homeless cat magnet of the neighborhood.
  3. Back from our cruise. Had the best time in Nassau and would go back again. Cocoa Day was a nice relaxing beach day. Grand Bahamas was just meh Key West was hot but enjoyed key lime pie at Blue Heaven and the butterfly house. The trolley was a great way to get around. We had a wonderful state room attendent. The MDR was super slow service but got better the last couple of days. We always found a table by the pool for sea days. The entertainment was okay. Didn't care for the bands much. I realize it is because none of them played any country music. Maybe we need to cruise out of Galveston for that.
  4. Our sunset. Home tomorrow. For a sea day we were busy. A tornado wrecked havoc 14 miles north of us and spent a lot of time on the phone walking the house sitters through powering up the generator etc. Thank goodness we only have branches down. How many we will find out tomorrow.
  5. We live in Florida now but when we lived in Texas we cruised out of Galveston many times. This thread reminds me of how I miss the Texas culture on board. Cruising out of Florida is fun but not as much fun as the Texas cruises.
  6. On St. John, I like Cinnamon but my favorite is Waterlemon followed by Honeymoon. Of course all the beaches there are great.
  7. Helen I am so sorry this happened. I hope your journey home is uneventful and your leg heals quickly
  8. It just has one little bruise. We are in Key West today and I will wear tennis shoes evn if it looks kind of funny.
  9. So far only a good bruise. No swelling. Just have to be careful which shoes I wear. The ice has done its job.
  10. FYI no good deed goes unpunished. My husband and I were helping 2 ladies on scooters exit the elevator. It was closing before they could back out. Darned if one of them didn't back right onto my foot. Ouch that is going to leave a bruise.
  11. How much water do you drink? For every alcohol drink I try to have a glass of water. It helps when I remember to do it. Lol
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